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Fire Emblem and its real-life inspirations.


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And I also wonder why 8-4 thought it was a brilliant idea to translate it as "Raquesis". So much for being a translation group known for their localization work and culture... :/ It's like calling Minerva Minerbah, or Mars Marth---- oh wait.

...Were they really?

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The paragraph on George's speech shows how much work they put into localizing his lines and filled it with salad dressing.
This is hard work, this implies they do read up things on cultures and such. Awakening goes as far as using rare words such as "Halidom" (I never heard it before Awaening), Miriel' speech, etc...

It's all very studied, but for being a group that works so much on their localized text, they canned Lachesis' name and gave us one that has no mythological connections and doesn't even exist.

I understand changing Boom Shakalaka and Lakche, but Lachesis was unneccessary and shows they canned it.

Other changes I felt were stupid were Ylisse and Plegia: Iris and Perezia are flowers, and are cool, pretty names for a kingdom. Yilisse and Plegia just sound funky.

Overall even if they know their stuff and do their research most of the time, I dislike how much 8-4 can change text in their translations.

They usually don't do this if a game' spirit isn't over-the-top, but I guess that with Awakening, they found the text really flavor-less or something.

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Honestly, a lot of the name translations from older games in FE13 are questionable at best.

Eh, there are some that are pretty good (Ares instead of Aless, Seliph instead of Celice/Serlis, Legion instead of Roro), but then there are some where I just scratch my head (Ced instead of Sety)

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