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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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- Eury: I went through her posts (... again) and I still see her as town. I see where her logic comes from, and it doesn't feel forced. Her tone just seems townie to me. The way she responds to Blitz (here) is particulary townie as well; he's her main scumread and yet her reply doesn't feel like she's trying to throw dirt to him, she's just angry/frustrated at him.

- Elie: I found his D1 play super townie, details here. His D2 play has actually been terrible, but I think he was trying to be the cool dude who's saving the town intsead of the dude who tunnels someone else really hard (his play on Doomsday Clock mafia and Quickhammer mafia).

- Radiant Dragon: I'm hoping for a sub on his slot or ultimately a modkill, I think lynching him would be a waste. Either way I'd say he's probably town, I just don't see what's scummy from what he's done. I don't think he would be cool with not having a vote as scum, considering that he didn't want to unvote on Quickhammer mafia on D1 just because that'd mean not having a vote on any slot (here). Not a strong read though.

- Proto: I agree with some of Green Poet's points on him here: Proto's self centered question (that I see as an attempt to discredit Eury as well), and how he decided to consider Boron/Eclipse and her differently for no reason.

As for my own case on him, this post is still a thing. His reply to Eury felt too agressive, and he seems too concerned about his inactivity.

His Marth case seems good, but it's just a sheep from what Green Poet brought up and I don't like how he just cased people when he was asked to make a vote.

- Marth: As I said, I think he's been trying to shoot down townreads on Elie and Poly, as I explained here (in case something's not clear, I further explained it on these posts).

Also, I agree with Green Poet's case on Marth here; Marth's Eury vote looks more like voting for the popular target, and he justifies it afterwards but he does nothing to further pressure Eury. He doesn't change his vote either, in spite of brining up a point against Junko. Which in turn is terribly justified and seems more like spreading paranoia on Junko than as genuinely thinking he's scum. If he wanted to push for scum he'd have placed a vote instead of saying "hey, this is quite suspicious!" and doing nothing with it.

Someone said that as scum he'd just tunnel someone, but I don't see how he'd do that when he almost doesn't have scumreads.

Marth > Proto, to be honest. I hate how my two main scumreads are so inactive.

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If Proto flips scum, though, I wanna turbo RD tomorrow. I'll make my reasons for that (and by extension my ACTUAL reason for going Proto aside from consolidation) known.

So you have a role related reason to vote Proto? That'd make things a lot easier.

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My eyes hurt... having trouble getting any sort of decent sleep = op as fuck. :/ (That, along with IRL issues + slightly under the weather, ugh) I need to look back over some things- how much time do I have to do so? (Gonna go find whenever the last posted votal shizz was. @_@;; ) so I know what I got to work with, time-wise, to post n' whatnot.

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- Her reads lack conviction

- Her listposts are mostly filler reads

- Doesn't look at context

- Tries to discredit people without directly attacking them

(I'm not seeing the first and third points, and the second one seems like something she'd do as either alignment)

Where did Eury try to discredit someone?



- Odd defensive reaction to Junk ED2

Please explain.

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Eurykins- Still don't like most of her reads, but some of her responses (mainly her defenses) didn't make sense to me coming from scum. Would like that Paperblade jerk to come in and explain what he meant when he got Kelpie vibes though.

Elieson- Probably not scum since he continued to pursue his case on me. I worded my response in such a way that it'd make it seem like I was less sure of my scumread on him, and if he was scum he'd have noticed that and stopped trying to pursue his case on me because when you're scum, the

last thing you need is a mayor tunneling on you. Still going to reply to his post though.

Radiant Dragon- His first post was so townie ugh but ever since then, he's been basically playing similar to all of his scum games. I should probably check one of his town games or something but you know how I am with checking old games near deadline, not very good.

Proto- I've already said my issues with him, but whatever. His D1 was fine but he's like basically been lurking for D2 with no explainable reason (wouldn't be bothered if he was like say, Boron or Blitz). Also when he has been here, he's just outed a few townreads without like, trying to advance the game at all. Apparently Poly has a role related reason to vote him, so I'd probably vote here unless RD bothers me significantly more on my ISO's which I will DEFINITELY DO but I seriously fucking hate ISO's.

Bluedoom- Don't even want to bother reexplaining my townread on him since I wasted way too much on it. Basically while his earlier reads were weaker and I could totally get the scumreads on them, his explanations of his reads were legit and he definitely wouldn't go into as much detail as scum. Also don't agree with Mitsuki's case, even though I can get where she's coming from.

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Marth- inactive due to phone posting, but just not behaving scummily, playing more like demotivated than struggling to fish for reads

I don't doubt he's demotivated, but how can you tell if he's demotivated town or demativated scum from his reads if he doesn't have any scumreads? (unless you count what he said about Junko but... then it's even worse)

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So you have a role related reason to vote Proto? That'd make things a lot easier.

I may.

I may well be wrong in my pushing this, though. If Proto is scum, though, turbo RD tomorrow for reasons I'll explain then.

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Eurykins (3): Baldrick/Paperblade, Bluedoom, Blitz
Bluedoom (3): Green Poet/Mitsuki, Boron/eclipse, Proto
Blitz (1): Eurykins, Junko
Proto (2): Elie, Poly

Not Voting: Radiant Dragon, Kay, Refa

you're welcome

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Votals 2.4

Eurykins (3): Baldrick/Paperblade, Bluedoom, Blitz
Bluedoom (3): Green Poet/Mitsuki, Boron/eclipse, Proto
Proto (2): Elieson, Polydeuces
Blitz (2): Eurykins, Junko

Not Voting (3): Radiant Dragon, Kay, Refa

With 13 alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer and 4 to lynch at deadline. There are 6 hours and 58 minutes left in the phase.

Kay sent me something that might've been a sub request but I'm not really sure? If I don't get confirmation on what she's doing I'll probably modkill the slot at the start of Day 3 or 24 hours after a sub request if I can't find one and it's later than that.

Edited by SB.
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I kind of wish I was scum now so that I could vote someone, ask them for their claim, and then unvote them and vote the next person and continue down the line. It'd be really funny. Also then I wouldn't be wasting so much energy on these ISO's.

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@Refa: That's the kind of thing you say as scum to be honest

I'm ISOing Marth on Mystery Mafia 2 to check what you commented on your read, I think this disproves what you said about Marth not going into much detail on explaining his reads as scum. But if you meant something different say so.

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Also me and Weapons were scum, so of course it'd be easy for him to go into detail lol. Unless you're suggesting Eurykins is his scumbuddy?

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I don't doubt he's demotivated, but how can you tell if he's demotivated town or demativated scum from his reads if he doesn't have any scumreads? (unless you count what he said about Junko but... then it's even worse)

demativated lol

imo demotivated town throws out "gutreads" and "tunnels" because one; town's supposed to share anything that they think/feel/believe, especially if there's a role-related reason that post-flip, you could double back on for confirmation of detail, or at the very least putting their vote out there to make it useful since their case just isn't good enough to attempt to build. tunnels are basically lazy/demotivated townhunting because scum tries very hard to look where they can and suffer hugely from a tunnel readcase, where town does it because there really isn't anything else that they can do, or are obligated to do for their alliance since there's way more town to pick up the slack than there are scum to do the same.

imo demotivated scum throws out "inactivity" and "poorly founded/bad cases" because even though they're trying to look town, they're still trying to look like they're contributing when they really aren't. they'll quote stuff here and there and spend more time, and get on the defensive about their cases, rather than simultaneously keeping their eye on the prize while defending themselves, if that makes sense

marth falls under the former IMO

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Oh Elie, quick question. Why did you vote Proto instead of me? I kind of skimmed your reads post, but Proto had even less votes than me at the time (and I don't THINK your scumread on me lessened), so it seems like a poor move to make for consolidation.

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  1. my scumread on you has lessened to a point where i'm more comfortable lynching proto since you're avidly responding to my piles and piles of interrogation

i'm 99% sure that i was the only one voting when i switched to proto, who had what, 1 vote on him?

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@Refa: I know he was scum that game, that's why I was ISOing him there.

I need to find another game to ISO him since the only other reply about his reads I find is this one, and from what I gathered it happened close to deadline so...

@Elie: my point is that Marth is not doing anything with regards to scumreads. He's not pushing for gutreads/tunneling nor pushing for bad cases.

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The world was literally conspiring against me making this post. My internet being awful for the better part of this morning, Super Smash Bros. being so much fun, accidentally closing out of my posts, my attention span failing, etc. etc. Elieson, not ignoring your post, but I'm going to have to hold off on replying to it until after I get these ISO's done. Pressing concerns here.

[spoiler=Radiant Dragon]

Still not sure if he'd say "Anyway, this is the first time I've been Town in... years I think? I don't even remember the last time I was Town. Or how to play as Town." as scum. Like I know most people won't get why this is such a sticking point for me, but as someone who rolls scum all of the time, this is exactly what I'd say after finally rolling town (although I don't think I've rolled scum on SF for quite a while haha).

His first post was fine, actually. His Eury vote is lazy, but honest. What really bothers me is that he said that he'd taken a closer look at Eury's wallpost, but nothing in his post seems to indicate as such? His defense of his Eury read is kind of sloppy, but other than that, there's not really much to go off of.

Why the fuck was I even scumreading him again (I think some people made some good points, but I couldn't think of them on my own when I ISO'd him so they probably weren't that good), lynching him would be like only marginally better than lynching Kay at this point.


His reaction to Eurykins is still pretty townie. Still don't really get GP's issues with it, but whatever. His second post has a lot of setupspec, which isn't good but yeah Proto sigh. His Boron vote is pretty bad though since it contradicts itself, and he actually never bothered to explain himself on that one (I know he disappeared for the rest of D1, but there's no reason he couldn't answer those questions on D2).

He has a lot more posts on D2, so he can't excuse that by being busy, but most of them are still setupspec? Like, I can get doing that on D1 when there's very little information to go off of, but come on. His first actual reads complains about Bluedoom's easy vote (which is fine, honestly, but in his next post he doesn't even talk about Marthipan's followup), and that Elie's reaction test was weird. OK honestly, despite me complaining at GP for not acknowledging his last post...I really couldn't get much out of it either besides the lack of scumreads. So uh, sorry GP.

I feel kind of dumb for townreading him now...his early content was fine, but it's much less telling compared to well, everything else. I know I haven't really talked much about why I'm sure he's scum, but it's more like...a lot of the things he's done don't make sense as town. Why didn't he reply to earlier comments, especially if he was having trouble getting scumreads? Why are a lot of his reads unexplained? Why didn't he ever elaborate on his scumreads of me...and I think Elie when he made a brief mention of them in his last post?

Blitz, regarding what you said about Junk, you're kind of right? I noticed that he replied more to you early on but kind of stopped later. That could be just because you posted less later on, though.

I'll reread GP/Mitsuki later, it's not like they're going to be lynched today or anything anyways so who cares not me; my read on them kind of depends on if Proto flips scum anyways.

##Vote: Proto

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Hey Marthipan, how does it feel to be white knighted? Aren't you happy?

2) i'm 99% sure that i was the only one voting when i switched to proto, who had what, 1 vote on him?

Uh, that was my point. That Proto had less votes than I did. Anyways, get hype.

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