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Persona 3 Mafia - Game Cancelled - Mass Destronktion


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I think the worst play I made in the game was claiming doc. I realized basically right after that I would not get lynched unless scum wanted me dead

Claiming doc saved your life, imo. Your gameplay was confusing the majority of us, and had you refused to claim, we would've probably mislynched you easily.

Kopf's fucking role PM apparently contradicted Poly's mod spreadsheet. He was supposed to be only a 1-shot dayvig from what I heard.

Okay. That'd be a little more realistic.

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Claiming doc saved your life, imo. Your gameplay was confusing the majority of us, and had you refused to claim, we would've probably mislynched you easily.

Okay. That'd be a little more realistic.

I made way to many misplays though. I was paying attention to the game but my lack of posting in D2 was to avoid saying something stupid lol. Paranoia got the best of me in the end :(

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Well, to be honest, if I were only a 1-shot dayvig the game might have ended up being even more lopsided for the maf.

Since I'll likely just shoot FFM on day one anyway. I think my play on EO should clue you in that even if I only have ONE shot, I will likely use it up rather quickly.

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I made way to many misplays though. I was paying attention to the game but my lack of posting in D2 was to avoid saying something stupid lol. Paranoia got the best of me in the end :(

Misplays are part of learning the game, which is why I didn't mind posting back and forth with you throughout D1 and part of D2 (me being scum = I was also using it to blend in as being sorta townie, but would've still done so had I actually been town). You were also good in assuming/wanting to keep Shinori alive in N1 (considered shooting him, but role-copped him in the end in favor of killing Mitsuki), so that was a good play by you.

[And remember, even if Shinori DID get shot, that was due to our rather-trigger happy DAY VIG. Your goal, which was to keep him alive during N1, was all in all a SUCCESS. So there's no need to beat yourself up over it in-game for him being mis-vigged by another townie. You did YOUR job; another townie just messed it up in D2. Lol]

Just take games one step at a time, and instead of bombarding the thread with questions and quick-posting; take the time to read into people's posts before responding/asking away in a whirlwind/series of small posts. You learn more as you go along, but realize that you can also learn a lot just by watching and seeing what people say/do in games. You don't always need to be posting in the thread 24/7 (clogging up the thread with a lot of meaningless posts actually has the opposite effect for the most part) whenever you're online/watching the thread, but you did well in responding to questions/comments that other people threw at you during the game.

All in all, not a bad game for you, imo. Unfortunately, the game was a bit chaotic and ended up flopping, but you should feel free to look into more and/or researching a bit more to pick up more terminology, gameplay, and tactics as well. (And possibly join into more games in the near future. I'd say to start off with smaller games though and work up to larger ones [it's what I did/still sorta do]- Fewer people to keep track of, fewer claims/roles, etc. so it makes it easier to brush up on in-thread posting habits, posting styles, etc.)

*EDIT2: Apparently missed this message:


...I'm not sure what you thought in the setup, but I was honest-to-God playing third-party-aligned-Town all game long.

Set-up was broken. Was clear since D1; D2 (basically knowing everyone's role near the end) = confirmed.

Lol, I could tell. I knew you were playing townie (which is why I attempted to buddy with you- AND HEY, KEPT ME FROM GETTING SHOT. 8D), but you felt more ITP to me; gut reads OP yo. :)

*Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer, amirite? You, GP, and Junko were the main ones I was focusing on getting along with for a while; figured I'd nail someone decent to watch my back for at least a short bit. =P

Edited by Eurykins
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Mafia MVP: Eurykins (HM to Terrador for trying hard and getting lucky)

Town MVP: Bluedoom (HM to Euklyd for being the towniest looking player all game, until death of course)

Okay I am genuinely curious....how was I townie? Also I would say I was probably definitely the towniest player after my death, due to the whole flipping thing.

I told Poly as much in my role PM when I saw that I was an infinite Dayvig. I'm very trigger-happy as is.

Heck, my first question to him was (since the wording didn't specify it) "Can I kill everyone else right now and thus win the game by default?"

You'd be fucked if one of the scum was completely bulletproof. Like,

"haha! I shot everyone :smug:

...oh fuck it's now 1/1 with me + someone with a nightkill. shit."

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Well if Kopf had infinite shots per day (as was assumed for such a scenario) he'd just shoot Breezy twice.

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Sad part is that I was about to send Breezy to knock out Wen next night phase on gut read + the fact that you were lumping on the Day vig claim really hard, GP. Was banking on you either lying about being the day vig (protecting Wen), or the neighbor/OC aspect was hoping would be lovers/siblings sort of thing (kill 2 townies with 1 shot. Ezpz). Damn.

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Oh... I thought I'd been pretty convincing about it :/

I actually got the feeling you weren't taking the claim very seriously because I'd crumbed bomb earlier in saying that "masonry isn't lethal." Poorly executed gambit looking back on it, I guess.

Well if Kopf had infinite shots per day (as was assumed for such a scenario) he'd just shoot Breezy twice.

Hmm, that's true.

Edited by Green Poet
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Oh... I thought I'd been pretty convincing about it :/

I actually got the feeling you weren't taking the claim very seriously because I'd crumbed bomb earlier in saying that "masonry isn't lethal." Poorly executed gambit looking back on it, I guess.

Hmm, that's true.

Yeah, if you weren't PGO (which I figured, since that triggers upon ANYTHING targeting you), then a bomb was more likely.

Convincing... you were alright, but the fact that Kop was keeping so quiet, imo. Made it plausible to me that you were being too open with the claim.

After all, ED2, you were closed as all hell with your information/vague as can be. And then SUDDENLY, with like, one or two votes on you, you vomit out your claim? Kinda hard not to be skeptical/doubtful of it. xD

Besides. You had OC with Wen. If you don't want to endanger the stronger person between you two, AND you claimed earlier that you shouldn't be shot, what better to paint a bulls-eye on YOU (the one with the reactionary role) and keep him out of the spotlight? [And given the roles, I doubt you'd have/be INSOMNIAC BOMB UNLIMITED DAY VIG. That's like... I don't even know. XD]

**Granted, I only FULLY pieced it together during the time I was handling Terra's Anti-town ITP claim wall post, but I was pretty sure I was on the right track for the most part. You made yourself out to be a HUGE target, when NO vig in their right mind should do so, even if/when there's a doc around.

Edited by Eurykins
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Besides. You had OC with Wen. If you don't want to endanger the stronger person between you two, AND you claimed earlier that you shouldn't be shot, what better to paint a bulls-eye on YOU (the one with the reactionary role) and keep him out of the spotlight?

I hadn't even considered this... looks like we should've WIFOMed it and had Wen fullclaim as the "proof" he kept talking about, then.

After all, ED2, you were closed as all hell with your information/vague as can be. And then SUDDENLY, with like, one or two votes on you, you vomit out your claim? Kinda hard not to be skeptical/doubtful of it. xD

Oh, lol.

I was actually thinking about being all "well, you (Eury) were one of my biggest townreads D1, so you suddenly vote switching to me made it feel more significant to me than votes from anyone else would be."

Then I read that to myself and realized it would probably be better just never to answer you on that point >.>

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Ahahahaha. Yeah, probably. =P

But man. Lynching me over Terrador? You wound me- I was saving town from one night kill source! Why nail me?! Q_Q

*But all in all, it was pretty fun, for what it was worth. Lol. I put my best foot forth when I first made my posts in D1, given the fall of FFM and Refa soon after (was trying to salvage something of this game). But theeeeeeeeen D2 claims happened... and shit hit the fan. XD

[Though I do have you/Wen to thank for removing Shinori for me, even if it was a terribad choice for town, lol.]

Edited by Eurykins
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I've roughly skimmed through what happened, I think I deserve Honorary Town MVP because I was going to save town so hard that I needed to be nerfed in the middle of the game to keep it from happening. SB too, of course.

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Wait, I meant honorable mentions, fuck English. Because I didn't actually help town AT ALL. SB was actually pretty good though, surprised he didn't get a mention (I may have missed it). Like he caught 1 out of 2 scum?

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Wait, I meant honorable mentions, fuck English. Because I didn't actually help town AT ALL. SB was actually pretty good though, surprised he didn't get a mention (I may have missed it). Like he caught 1 out of 2 scum?

Technically he nailed me as well and inadvertently found himself a second scum. Not that he lived to tell the tale, but you know~ :3 (Dat Mason ability OP)

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[Though I do have you/Wen to thank for removing Shinori for me, even if it was a terribad choice for town, lol.]

Ugghhhhhhh. Don't remind me >.<

But man. Lynching me over Terrador? You wound me- I was saving town from one night kill source! Why nail me?! Q_Q

I honestly felt as though it'd be worth it because I was thinking you were maf and he was just as he'd claimed... bleh. Hopefully my judgment improves with experience.

I've roughly skimmed through what happened, I think I deserve Honorary Town MVP because I was going to save town so hard that I needed to be nerfed in the middle of the game to keep it from happening. SB too, of course.

Was it that you were aiming to pre-emptively betray mafia?

And that whole stream of votes you were posting towards the end of the day was seriously scary. I must've spent an hour or so trying to see if you were speaking in some sort of code...

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Eurykins kills SB by being so fucking townie that SB couldn't believe it, and had a heart attack.

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unfortunately this game basically caused me to have a crappy sig but I think I will keep it forever now. Meh I could see how I played like scum though. I also made a lot of silly misunderstandings like thinking you had justify joke votes. If this game was going I was going to protect Green Poet for sure especially after Terraodr made that claim. I wouldn't want to keep Terraodr around knowing there is a change he might have betrayed town. I guess I feel better though knowing that my 2 biggest lynches were scum now.

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Ugghhhhhhh. Don't remind me >.<

I honestly felt as though it'd be worth it because I was thinking you were maf and he was just as he'd claimed... bleh. Hopefully my judgment improves with experience.

Was it that you were aiming to pre-emptively betray mafia?

And that whole stream of votes you were posting towards the end of the day was seriously scary. I must've spent an hour or so trying to see if you were speaking in some sort of code...

Yeah, I was actually playing as a...well, townie that knew who the Mafia was but couldn't mention it till Day 2? If that makes any sense. That's why I specifically went out of my way to call "scummy" townies townie and then place my vote on my scumbuddy (Eury was actually efforting, so I'd have to effort to place a vote onto her lol).

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That was until the edit. Then I started playing as well, called out scum. WIFOM ahoy!

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Ugghhhhhhh. Don't remind me >.<

*pats* xD

I honestly felt as though it'd be worth it because I was thinking you were maf and he was just as he'd claimed... bleh. Hopefully my judgment improves with experience.

Fair enough. Just keep in mind: Even if I was scum, he was ITP Night killer. Kill him, you KNOW one of the night kills will STOP. Kill me, and if there are any other Mafia scum left, they can still nightkill FOR me. (So removing SK benefits town overall moreso than removing one Mafia member, unless you KNOW it's the last Mafia member floating around.) [AND there's no real guarantee that he would've helped town (which he wasn't going to). Keeping him around just meant that he was alive for another round of killing.]

Was it that you were aiming to pre-emptively betray mafia?

That was pretty much his thought process when he started hunting for SB's flavor/character, lol.

And that whole stream of votes you were posting towards the end of the day was seriously scary. I must've spent an hour or so trying to see if you were speaking in some sort of code...

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