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Ace Attorney Mafia - Game Over (Won the Lawsuit!)


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I'm really behind and need to read her iso. I forgot she hadn't voted anyone and I'm thinking that might be a scum!eury thing but I just feel really sure on Proto right now I guess

if thjs is what you guys want to do I'll switch for consolidation but I'm gonna skim her iso now

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Can you explain why you're so sure about Proto (if you can't well uh just say so, I guess)? FMPOV I'm more bothered by Proto but most of the reasons I'm bothered by him are centered around his reactions to one thing that happened way back in RVS and I feel like my Eury issues are more relevant because they're based on her most recent content even though I don't have as many (it's literally just her not voting).

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I feel like Proto is just a player that needs more reads based on association. I'm having a hard time pinning an alignment to his posts.

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I don't have any issues with your Kirsche case and I can get that you're annoyed at people constantly berating you for it but do you have any other thoughts on the game? Thanks in advance.

Nah, no worries. I come from a very... different Mafia culture, I'm affraid. I can't expect people to just not react to it, haha :P Not annoyed at all.

The game is what I expected.

People just seem to fear the idea of keeping a clear stance regarding players (that is, backing words with a vote, and keeping it there for a while).

INCOMING SUBJECTIVENESS: I am not a fan of Green Poet. I think that he saw the momentum shift after my initial attacks on Kirsche were retorted and the tides turned, and planted a vote with little to no argument behind it and with a rather confusing way of putting his point across.

However, he voted. That's taking a stance, and I love that.

Euk is a different story. He also participated on the monetum shift, but the condemning part is that I actually warned him to not try to manipulate my sayings. The post in question twisted my words (I believe intentionally) to make my lynch sound more like a blind policy lynch. THAT IS NOT TRUE.

Policy Lynches are almost never a good idea in small games, and my case on Kirsche, regardless of how "tunneled" people say I am, is solid AND I BELIEVE HE'S SCUM.

Euk's votehopping was also sorta ridiculous and I do not agree with it.

I also feel mr Quote should actually stop backseating gaming and place a vote where his mouth is. Throwing shade on every general direction without actually carrying the flag is weird and fishy.

Elieson I can't tell. To be completely honest I'm biased, and I'll need time, probably after tomorrow's flip, before I'll have a real opinion.

To the rest, know that being "productive for town" is a very relative term. Like it or not, the reactions I spawned are going to be useful, and we'll be looking back at Day 1 to see stuff, thanks to this whole ordeal. So I'll greatly appreciate if you would stop saying "bad Townie" because, for a lack of a better word, that's entitled af.

As of now, YES I will keep my vote on Kirsche regarding of any other outcome. If anyone has a problem with that, call me scum and lynch me.

Reasons behind are 1) Kirsche apparent erratic and over the top behaviour, recurring to diminishing and often berating when the spotlight was held upon him (which can be deducted as a valid strategy to intimidate Townies), 2) his focus on self preservation over all other deals, instead of actively trying to seek the scum out (for example, even though I've have the lead on votes, I haven't wasted much time defending myself as of trying to keep the bite on Kirsche) 3) his Miller claim for reasons stated multiple times (unprovable by common roles, easily modifiable lie, police-deflector, etc, etc)

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Great deflection mate 10/10 except the only reason I keep having to explain this all is because you fail to read posts :^ ) Answer my questions please. Heck it may help stop people misrepping your arguments by saying the miller claim is the only reason you're voting me.

Would also sheep Elie's Eury vote for not voting anyone.

See? I learnt from the best at deflection, so thanks, Master :^_^:

I feel there's no need to adress that point, given that once the Mod situation was cleared, I trashed that argument and did not held it into account in my personal case against you.

So that entire hypothethical situation you are now asking me to give an explanation to, becomes, essentially, worthless, since every possible solution would be imaginary given the context.

If you want to believe it's a policy lynch, then what's the point of arguing against it?

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Overall, I'm cool with your post (honestly, you kind of remind me of Eclipse lol) and there's really just one thing that I don't understand. You said Eurykins was votehopping but Eurykins hasn't even made a serious vote. Uh, please explain.

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also as a rule I don't like talking about my townreads unless they're being wagoned which is why it probably seems like I'm throwing shade everywhere

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Can you explain why you're so sure about Proto (if you can't well uh just say so, I guess)?

tl;Dr I feel like his reactions wrt Riptor are scummy and I'm more sure of this than any of my other shit reads I have right now

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tl;Dr I feel like his reactions wrt Riptor are scummy and I'm more sure of this than any of my other shit reads I have right now

Also I didn't really pay attention to this I'll go do that when I get back home.

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I have my vote where my mouth is and that's on Proto thanks

What I meant is, you spread your suspicions on everyone without actually leading the couse of it.

True, you voted on Proto. But you never really kept pushing for it at a constant level.

Not a bad thing! I really just feel it's strange. I do think you're Town, though.


Overall, I'm cool with your post (honestly, you kind of remind me of Eclipse lol) and there's really just one thing that I don't understand. You said Eurykins was votehopping but Eurykins hasn't even made a serious vote. Uh, please explain.

AAAAAAnnnnd that's a brain fart. That whole line ws supposed to go with Elie being read as null, and I must have forgot to delete it when i decided to just not be biased about it.

Euk-Elie were similar I guess, and I might just have overlooked it.

However it's there now, so take it as you will

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sorry my motivation is general shit bc I've been sick with with a sinus infection for two days and I'm stuck on mobile phone with slow data so I'm spamposting just to have some sort of content in until I'm in a better position to post d2

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idk what you mean by this but I was responding to Ken's post?

it's just me being dumb i found the wording really funny

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Okay, I'm back. I'll read what I said I was going to read about Proto.

What I meant is, you spread your suspicions on everyone without actually leading the couse of it.

True, you voted on Proto. But you never really kept pushing for it at a constant level.

Not a bad thing! I really just feel it's strange. I do think you're Town, though.

I'm too lazy to quote it but fair enough @what you said above.

What I quoted confuses me, though. Earlier, you said that Quote was weird and fishy but now you're reading them as town. Why's that*?

*Honestly wouldn't care about this on its own but it's more that you said "hey this is why I'm bothered by you" but then "but I think you're town" in the same sentence that gets me.

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What I quoted confuses me, though. Earlier, you said that Quote was weird and fishy but now you're reading them as town. Why's that*?

*Honestly wouldn't care about this on its own but it's more that you said "hey this is why I'm bothered by you" but then "but I think you're town" in the same sentence that gets me.

I noticed this too but I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to come off like I'm being overdefensive or whatever
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