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53 members have voted

  1. 1. Good?

    • yes
    • no
  2. 2. If yes^, how so?

    • Wall
    • Unit Slayer
    • Utility
    • All of the above
    • I picked no.
    • Bait

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I think that, with training, she can be both an excellent wall and a fearsome unit slayer. I've only tried once, and she didn't really help my team. (Too many other good units stealing all the fun!)

Edited by Camtech075
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Say that to Lyle. He says that Meg is good... At least, his review does.

He also says that Sothe sucks. I think it's clear that Lyle needs to figure out who the hell is good and who isn't

I picked no. Would've picked "Yes" if a "Bait" option existed in the 2nd poll >_>

LMFAO!!! You sir, have moar respect from me

Edited by CGV
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I say Meg is good despite having bad Skill in the beginning, and a good forged sword can fix that for you. When ever I have used to Meg before she usually caps all of her important stats by level 9 Marshall. This is just my opinion about her. The only mode I can see her not doing well in is hard mode, because of lack of bonus experience.

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Hell, why she even exist in this game if shes going to fail hard. I bet the designers just put her there just for the hell of it.

She reminds me of Wendy. Both are young girls who are armored units and suck A LOT

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Bait's there now. And, Sothe does suck, at least as a combatant. Meg can be better than Gatrie sometimes.

How did I know that a lot of people would give Meg the boot a first glance

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Bait's there now. And, Sothe does suck, at least as a combatant. Meg can be better than Gatrie sometimes.

How did I know that a lot of people would give Meg the boot a first glance

Endgame is less than half his playtime.

Only with extreme favoritism, Luck, and BEXP abuse

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Endgame is less than half his playtime.

Only with extreme favoritism, Luck, or BEXP abuse


And, Sothe is only good for Part one as a combatant. And I didn't say anything about Endgame.

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And, Sothe is only good for Part one as a combatant. And I didn't say anything about Endgame.

not even in part 3?

Also, Beast Killer says hi

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Meg......it was rough Battle Save abusing her to have good stats. Not as tough as Fiona, but that's only because of Fiona's high level being added to her low stats. Otherwise, she just makes good comic relief.

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Actually not Nolan because he has more evasion + a potential candidate for beastfoe. Aran has defense but the tigers have massive attack.

Avoid maybe (lead depends on affinity and support level), but Nolan pales in the damage department unless he uses Beastfoe and a crossbow.

They're probably closer to being even. Sothe still beats all the rest, though.

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I don't use Meg.

She has terrible durability. Speed and luck are the only things good that she excells in.

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"with training", even Nino is good. given the same opportunities, BEXP, etc as everyone else, she fails.

Nino has a low level and high(-ish) growths in a late chapter. Unlike Meg, who has a low-ish level and inadequate growts in an early chapter. If you ask me, they're different kinds of suck.

My opinion is that Meg is in the game just to taunt the player. "You're in need of durability, aren't you? Here, have an armor knight... except that she's underleveled and has no durability at all, gg."

Edited by TheEnd
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