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Mafia Round 4 Postgame Discussion

General Spoon

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The TOWN wins!


Lux Aeterna (Godfather)

Pride (Hooker)

cheezperson (Goon)

Core (Goon)

Town Special Roles

Isaac55 (Miller)

Bizz (Vigilante)

messy mike (Doctor)

Mordecai (Cop)

Ninji (Watcher)

Something of Note

Ninji did watch cheezperson kill Admiral Lifey Crunch, but he lied at the end about watching Core kill Balcerzak.

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I'd like to give a special thanks to Crysta for getting me killed on the first day. Screw you.

Anyway, it was an interesting game, though I suspected Core for a while when I read the topic (wwwaaayyy too many suspicious posts).

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I have to say, I was absolutely stumped by some of the logical thinking done here.

To Mordecai: It doesn't matter if you kept pulling townies. Once the Godfather was dead, the first thing you should have done was claim Cop and say who was for sure innocent. That cuts down the number of possible suspects and ensures a bunch of mafia kills.

To Ninji: You got lucky with that last lynch, matey. Not going to lie.


Edited by Admiral Lifey Crunch
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To Mordecai: It doesn't matter if you kept pulling townies. Once the Godfather was dead, the first thing you should have done was claim Cop and say who was for sure innocent. That cuts down the number of possible suspects and ensures a bunch of mafia kills.

I followed some suggestions however, i did create the group. Dracohon, Crysta, and CATS.

The reason i didn't claim was because having only 2 innocents as I investigated you (don't ask why as i can't remember) I really didn't feel like doing that since it wouldn't really lower the chance by that much. Plus i wanted to get atleast one guilty before claiming. And i also wanted to survive till the end.

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Why was I killed so earlyyyy

I'm never killed early ;-;

Anyhow, I'm trying reaaally hard to get everything sorted up and started today; give me another few hours or less;;;

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I killed Bal because he was a proven townie, and a good thinker. Mordecai, you were really lucky. There were several days where we were very close to killing you, and if I would have survived the last day I would've killed either you or CATS. The downfall of the mafia started with Lux, then Cheez's dumb move. I tried to separate myself from them by trying to defend Ninji, and vote out Cheezperson. Anyways, here are the Mafia's plans

Night 1:

Core Killed I eat tables, Mordecai was hooked.

Makes sense that Spoon said the cop couldn't be hooked on night 1. Bizz was also suspected and almost hooked.

Night 2:

Core killed Bizz, Admiral Lifery Crunch was hooked

Mordecai was almost killed, but we took out Bizz because she was quick to get to the mafia board, so we suspected she had a role, and we were correct.

Night 3:

Cheez killed Crunch, Messy Mike was hooked

CATS was another target, but we didn't kill him

Night 4:

Core killed Balcerzak, Crysta was hooked

Bal was saved

Night 5:

Core killed Messy Mike, Mordecai was hooked

Night 6:

Core killed Balcerzak

TBH I completely forgot about the watcher...not that I could have done anything to help myself at the end.

Also, I love how I volunteered to make the kill every night except night 3.

Edited by Core
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To Ninji: You got lucky with that last lynch, matey. Not going to lie.

It certainly was a gamble, but I was pretty sure Core was mafia before I tried it.

To anyone who cares, here's my watchlist -

First night - Watched Admiral Lifey Crunch. Nobody visited him.

Second night - Watched Messy Mike. Nobody visited him.

Third night - Watched Lifey again. Cheezperson and Mordecai visited him.

Fourth night - Watched Furetchen. Nobody visited him.

Fifth night - Watched Balcerzak. Messy mike visited him.

Sixth night - Watched Mordecai (who I knew was the cop at this point). Nobody visited him.

I was pretty bad at guessing who would be the mafia target at what time, but I nailed Cheez and Core, so am I credit to team?

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Eh why not

First Night-Crysta

Second Night-Cats

Third Night-Lifey

Fourth Night-Drac after Crysta recommended it.

Fifth Night-I try Balc but get hooked

Sixth night-Balc again although he dies.

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Thank god I started that bandwagon rofl. And Lifey didn't decide to lynch me instead. It simultaneously saved me and incriminated cheez lol. >>;

Gogo townies.

EDIT: You did a good job with what you did find out, Mordie.

Edited by Crysta
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Looks like I really did die because of a limb someone decided to go out on. -.-;

Well, it was fun being the godfather while it lasted. Fun game, everyone.

I unfortunately can't say the same, because I wasn't alive round 3 long enough to enjoy it.

Also, I'm interested- who was the werewolf in round 3 who said "Perhaps by killing Rein, we made the Mafia more intelligent"? I need someone to be angry at for that.

Edited by Reinfleche
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