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Basic Information:

Name: Fire Emblem Dawn of Shadows. (FEDotS/FE-DOTS)

Base: Fire Emblem 7.

Creator: -sigma-.






Graphics Team;

(List includes all whom have contributed graphically.)










The Blind Archer





Kai Shiden


(List includes all whom have contributed story-wise.)




Around 003

- The Five Heroes, led by the Hero Grado, defeat the Demon King and seal his soul using five Sacred Stones


- Garcia retires as a general of Renais

- Joshua leaves Jehanna


-Gerik challenges General Malach to a duel


-Melissa, a Knight of Jehanna, is kidnapped by bandits whilst scouting

-Melissa's father seeks help from Ismaire, but her hands are tied for political reasons


- Joshua and Caellach work as mercenaries

- Eirika and Ephraim become friends with Grado's Prince Lyon


- Lyon uses Grado's Sacred Stone to peer into the future and discovers an earthquake will soon devastate Grado


- Death of Grado's Emperor Vigarde

- The Fire Emblem is split into two halves- The Sacred Stone of Grado and the "Dark Stone"

- Lyon uses the Dark Stone to reanimate Vigarde


- The Grado Empire invades its ally, the Kingdom of Renais

- Princess Eirika flees Renais, while Prince Ephraim goes missing

- Eirika and Ephraim reunite at Renvall

- Ephraim's forces conquer Grado Keep

- Eirika and Ephraim defeat the Demon King at the Black Temple

- Joshua takes control of Jehanna

- Grado is consumed by a major earthquake

- A Grand Being is realeased from under Grado

- Amelia returns home to Silva

- Duessel weds Melina


- Glen is born to Cormag and Tana

- Sabrina and Dante are born to Saleh and Myrrh

- Cormag, Knoll and Duessel start rebuilding Grado

- Forde's knighthood is revoked

- Seth and Eirika leave Renais in the hands of Ephraim

- Ephraim promotes Kyle to take Seth's place

- Franz is promoted to take Kyle's place

- Princess Elice is born to Eirika and Seth

- L'arachel and Ephraim wed

- Lauren is born to Ephraim and L'arachel

- Knoll leaves Grado and goes MIA

- Duessel becomes King of Grado

- Gabrielle was born to Joshua and Natasha


- Cormag leaves Grado

- Mansel of Rausten passes away

- L'arachel leaves Ephraim and returns to Rausten with Lauren

- Garcia weds Phoebe, Ross disapproves

- Ross challenges his father and loses

- Twins Derek and Friga are born to Forde and Vanessa

- Ross leaves Ide


- Prince Felix is born to Seth and Eirika

- Garrik is born to Amelia and Ross

- Garrik is left with Garcia and Phoebe

- Forde goes MIA


- Saleh and his family are attacked, his son and wife killed, his daughter lost to sea


- A girl washes up on the shore of Royal Alnara

- General Valora travels to Magvel


- Ephraim, Joshua and Duessel join with Frelia

- Hayden becomes King of Magvel

- Rennac, now a spy for Hayden, becomes MIA

- General Valora becomes MIA

- Rennac returns to Frelia, suffering scars and broken bones

- Mattie is born to Gilliam and Syrene


- Hayden revokes the right for lord's to hold armies

- Renais and Grado fall into chaos

- Colm leaves Renais and goes to Frelia

- Tana leaves Frelia

- Joshua leaves Johanna and disappears


- Riots begin in Renais

- Ephraim, Neimi and Franz organize an armed force, "Cold Rain"

- Groups of bandits attack religious temples in Renais

- Artur is killed

- Lute returns to her hideout in the forest


- Elice joins "Cold Rain"

- Rausten joins with Carcino and forms a Senate


- Apollo joins the Carcino Senate

- Maya starts a bandit gang and takes over Jehanna Hall

- Maya kills Natasha

- Maya kills Marisa

- Maya imprisons Gabrielle and her mercs


- Elice takes soldiers of "Cold Rain" and defeats the Muddy Cult

- Marco joins "Cold Rain"


- Rumors of Joshua and Gerik's mercanaries begin

- A group of trained soldiers(The Wolfpack) lay seige to Grado

- A group of bandits start terrorizing citizens near Renais Castle

- Mattie becomes Prince Glen's personal guard


- General Weiss Helden travels to Magvel on King Trajan's orders


Hopefully we (The team and myself) will be able to keep you all much more updated on this game.

<incomplete, still in planning process>

Edited by ∑-sigma-
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1st - Epic win for the sprite! Way the go! :awesome:

2nd - Interesting story, too bad that it still hasn't named yet. I think you should name something stone related.

3rd - Ephraim is a boss. No way! *cries* My idol... T^T

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Are all the old FE8 characters playable as well as the new characters?

Also, that Joshua mug is awesomely kick-ass.

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1st - Epic win for the sprite! Way the go! :awesome:

Thank you, we have Arcfalchion and VAMPelf for the best of the sprites, not to mention myself, Nayr, Shinycharmander and Dalsin on most of the others. It's a pity that our project(FE8older) didn't get as much attention as the FE4A did, I would have loved to have a lot more diversity in the spriters, and would have enjoyed having not so talented spriters try their hand at some too. :/

2nd - Interesting story, too bad that it still hasn't named yet. I think you should name something stone related.

I want to move away from the stones, the game will delve into a story beyond the stones and the demon king, so I don't think it's required we have something linked to the sacred stones.

The story is mostly written by myself and Nayr, we haven't any set writers for the staff. When the hack was first thought of, an ideas topic was created on the board of FEU, and members who were interested basically threw around ideas for the storyline and what characters get in and what not. Nayr and myself eventually surmised what we thought was good and put it together, and used that as a basis for this.

3rd - Ephraim is a boss. No way! *cries* My idol... T^T

Perish the thought child.

Are all the old FE8 characters playable as well as the new characters?

Sadly, not all will be playable, it's sad due to the wow!factor of some mugs, but most of the characters would be too old, or otherwise. Some characters will be playable, notably ones that effect the storyline, ones that I felt we could get a lot of storyline from, and also the characters that look really epic. So... vvv

Also, that Joshua mug is awesomely kick-ass.

We have VAMP and Kai Shiden to thank for that Joshua, and just to clarify, Joshua will be a playable character.

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......All I can say is....holy crap, for one the sprites look amazing, The Young(Now old) Characters definitely can still be recognized while looking older. The only one I didn't recognize was Natasha XD I'll definitely play this when it's finished.

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Hopefully it won't take years to complete like some other major projects. :D

And I'm surprised you didn't recognize Natasha, considering that is was actually her as a base and just edited to be older. :/

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Many of the mugs are amazing. I remember that I submitted a crappy Isolde mug. D:

I don't care for Erika's son's MUG, he looks to Royal(? is this the right word?) to me.

Otherwise, I cannot wait! :D

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Gotta jump on the portraits bandwagon here, except the color choices hurt my eyes. o_o

Otherwise well done.

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Hopefully it won't take years to complete like some other major projects. :D

And I'm surprised you didn't recognize Natasha, considering that is was actually her as a base and just edited to be older. :/

That L'arachel ("Young") base(As in the clothes) was probably the thing that tipped me off, and wondered who it was, then I looked at the name tag. Part of the hair, was the same as well. First I was thinking "L'arachel with blond hair? wait what"

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Eirika's son is a prince, so he's supposed to look pretty royal.

Overall I think the Mugs are great. A few of them look a little too young (Artur/L'Arachel, Kyle sort of but he looked older in the first place so it's not as noticable), probably due to having mostly costume changes and not facial changes. The only character I would say is unrecognizable is Forde.

On second look, L'Arachel doesn't boher me so much, it's mainly just Artur.

I'm a little confused on Riev. The first one looks like a zombie version of the FE8 one, the one next to Ephraim looks like a totally different guy.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Eirika's son is a prince, so he's supposed to look pretty royal.

Overall I think the Mugs are great. A few of them look a little too young (Artur/L'Arachel, Kyle sort of but he looked older in the first place so it's not as noticable), probably due to having mostly costume changes and not facial changes. The only character I would say is unrecognizable is Forde.

On second look, L'Arachel doesn't boher me so much, it's mainly just Artur.

I'm a little confused on Riev. The first one looks like a zombie version of the FE8 one, the one next to Ephraim looks like a totally different guy.

@bold, he is just... overboard.

@italicized, you'll have to play to find out. :)

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Honestly, Eirika's son is so overboard on the gold and jewels that, IMO, he looks sorta feminine.

I'm surprised you're taking character requests, given the huge number of characters there already are.

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Updated, edited Natasha, removed L'Arachel, replaced Gabrielle with original palette.

Any further comments and criticism on the mugs will be greatly appreciated.

Edited by NicktMayCry™
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a)Sadly, not all will be playable, it's sad due to the wow!factor of some mugs, but most of the characters would be too old, or otherwise. Some characters will be playable, notably ones that effect the storyline, ones that I felt we could get a lot of storyline from, and also the characters that look really epic. So... vvv

b)We have VAMP and Kai Shiden to thank for that Joshua, and just to clarify, Joshua will be a playable character.

a) That's true, I suppose. i don't think there would even be enough character slots in the game anyways (I think there's a maximum, right?)

B] That's mostly what i wanted to know. Awesome.

Edited by Lightning
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Yeah, a lot of these characters only look about 10-15 years older IMO, w/e.

Lute was pretty young in FE8...only 15 maybe? And she does look significantly older IMO. Artur doesn't though.

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I would LOVE a sequel, and looking just at the general ideas and what your mugsheet says, this is going to be epic. You made a small tiny dream come true.

Also, EPIC mugs my friend! It is so awesome that I'm rendered speechless. I'm hyped, I'm psyched!

Keep it up, it looks great so far, and there is still more to be seen! Like...the rest of the game.

Also, I notice the slots for Writing, such as script, is empty. Is that the job of the person listed above all that, or do you actually lack a writer? I only ask out of curiosity of course....

Edited by Master Tang
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I think Gabrielle (old one) looks better, the color was very nice.

Lol, Natasha, love the clothes but I don't think Natasha gonna tie her hair up like that.

Garcia somehow reminds me of Mudkip. (Pokemon)

And if you look closely, Ephraim's eyes look weird, especially the right eye... :mellow:

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The sequel is set roughly 20 years after the events of FE8.

Artur doesn't though.

Lol, Natasha, love the clothes but I don't think Natasha gonna tie her hair up like that.

And with this, I respond;

Rules of Submission.

-All sprites must of decent quality, and must be (slightly)recognizable as the actual character.

-Upon submission, you grant permission for another spriter to fix any mistakes that he or she may see. (Note: Only major changes will be credited along with the original spriter, minor fixes won't be recognized for credit purposes.)

-All sprites must be of decent quality, and if another spriter produces a better looking sprite then yours, then it is only natural that the better one will be used.

^=The rules of the FE8 Pixel Project, of which the rules I do believe would have been carried over to the hack.

I encourage peoples contribution to the better of these mugs, perfection is only seen if it's believed to be perfect by those who look at it. So if it's perfect to me, and not to you, then it really isn't perfect.

Of course I'm going to not allow edits to some things(Things by Arc and the Lords. etc) mainly because if any errors are found those sprites will be handled by the official graphics team.

Also, I notice the slots for Writing, such as script, is empty. Is that the job of the person listed above all that, or do you actually lack a writer? I only ask out of curiosity of course....

Until this point, it's only been me and Nayr writing, we've written chapter summaries for up to chapter 16 I believe. I've written the first three prologue chapters in detail, but we lack scripts for each, and we lack supports, character histories and things like that.

The plot is mostly figured out though, at least, partly figured out, but we'll manage.

We could always use an extra hand for the things I've mentioned above, if anyone is willing to lend a hand.

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One idea is that you could make Eirika and Seth like Pent and Louise - if one is defeated, they don't actually die, and they return to the palace to rest or something.

Aside from that, though, looks pretty damn good.

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Can I use that Lute mug in my personal photo? I'll credit/advertise/etc. :>

I love FE8's story, always have. You did a great job on everything, so far as I can see. Try to make it harder than FE8 itself. =P

EDIT: I also might want to help write the script, if you'll have me. I love writing--devising a game's script is no different. Just tossing that out there in case you wanted help there.

EDIT2: Or plot. I'm much better at an actual story, rather than dialogue.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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One idea is that you could make Eirika and Seth like Pent and Louise - if one is defeated, they don't actually die, and they return to the palace to rest or something.

Will take this idea into account, thank you. :)

Can I use that Lute mug in my personal photo? I'll credit/advertise/etc. :>

I'm guessing you're going to have to ask ShinyCharmander for that, I can't allow third party use without the spriters permission. >:


I love FE8's story, always have. You did a great job on everything, so far as I can see. Try to make it harder than FE8 itself. =P

I hope to make it harder at the middle section, with it leading into that at the start. I've made you gain a few units, and since the length to any large amount of unit battles aren't until about chapter 10ish, I've decided to make it difficult, that way, if a character dies, you'll gain a new one in a chapter or two.

It'll make it fair, cause one thing I noticed in FE7, which is the game we're hacking, is that you get all the units, and you barely use any of them. ;/

EDIT: I also might want to help write the script, if you'll have me. I love writing--devising a game's script is no different. Just tossing that out there in case you wanted help there.

Script is basically just conversations, and that would be one of the easiest tasks available, if you want to take that up.

We only need the 3 prologue scripts at the start, and we have basic details of the dialogue in the chapter descriptions, so if you want to help, just sign up over at the production board. :)

EDIT2: Or plot. I'm much better at an actual story, rather than dialogue.

My apologies, but Nayr and myself are handling most of the plot, and it's pretty much all decided on thin wire what's going to happen. We'll keep you in mind if we ever need a third party helping hand. :3

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