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JB25's Mafia game thread


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This game will play the same as a normal mafia game, with a few exceptions:

-You are allowed ONE post after dying, It could be something like "Fuck you guys" or "Good luck". Any revealing of information after you die will result in me killing 2 townies (if you are a townie) or 1 mafia (if you are mafia), or 1 from each side (if you are the Serial Killer). Do it again, and I double the punishment. For example, if you are the detective and say "XXX is guilty, kill him", you know what happens.

-You check the thread yourself for night/day phases, I'm not gonna PM you when it is.

-PMing each other and roleclaiming is allowed. Just invite me to all convos you have about this game. Even if you're dead, and you want to chat with another dead person, invite me.

-Everything will be posted in this thread. No seperate thread for who got killed, etc.

-It's like a story.

-No post editing whatsoever.

-Roleclaiming and nameclaiming is 100% legal.

-When voting, and you wan to change your vote, do NOT unbold your previous vote. Instead, say unvote like this and then bold your next choice to be lynched,


1 Final Boss (aka Godfather)

1 Avenger

1 Stalker

1 Boss

1 Detective

1 Healer

1 Vigilante

1 Carriage Driver

1 Paranoid

1 Miller

1 Serial Killer

5 Townies

Final Boss, Avenger, Stalker and Bosses are Mafia, Healer, Detective, Carriage Driver, Vigilante, Paranoid, and Miller are Town, and the Serial Killer is a third-party role.

Final Boss: Mafia member, innocent, chooses who to kill at night.

Avenger: Mafia member, kills someone during the day if a mafia member is lynched.

Stalker: Mafia member, stalks someone at night, finds out if they are innocent/guilty when day starts.

Boss: Vanilla Mafia Member.

Detective: Townie, investigates someone at night, finds out if they are guilty/innocent when day starts.

Healer: Townie, heals someone at night if they are targeted to be killed. Can heal him/herself.

Vigilante: Townie, shoots someone at night. Gets 3 shots at kills.

Carriage Driver: Townie, swaps two people at night. Any actions done to one person will be swapped to the other person.

Paranoid: Townie, kills whoever visits him/her at night. Mafia/Serial Killer kills still go through.

Miller: Townie, looks guilty on detective/stalker reports.

Serial Killer: Independent, wants to kill everyone else. Can withstand one kill attempt, except from Avenger during the day and Paranoid

Townies: Normal people.


I eat tables (Mint Adenade) - Town Healer, Died Night 5

General Spoon (Chester Burklight) - Mafia Final Boss, Died Night 4

Lightning (Estelle) - Mafia Avenger, Died Day 1


Fayt Zelpher (Jade Curtiss) - Mafia Stalker, Died Night 4

Ulki (Colette Brunel) - Townie, Died Day 4

Trompe Le Monde (Yuri Lowell) - Townie, Died Night 1



Ninji (Genis Sage) - Townie, Died Day 2

The Dragonslayer

Bizz (Lloyd Irving) - Mafia Boss, Died Night 4

WoMC (Asch the Bloody) - Serial Killer, Died Day 5

Raymond (Sheena Fujibayashi) - Townie, Died Night 3


Rhythm (Cless Albane) - Detective, Died Night 4


"Impossible! Lord Kratos is... dead?!" shouted Jade.

"It seems so. Apparently someone was able to make their way to the World Tree, and somehow best him in combat..." replied Zelos.

Everyone in the room started shouting. Some in anger, some in fear.

"In any case, we can't ignore this threat. Some people might come here and start killing us as well..."

And with that, everyone in the hall left, fearing death... or new opportunities.


(Pardon me and my horrible text, I suck at writing)

Edited by JB25
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Night Phase 1

The game has begun.

BTW, I'll do day/night phases starting from 11am GMT. Maybe earlier/later on weekends. This phase will end on Monday, 11am GMT.

Edited by JB25
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I'm the Paranoid. I dare the Mafia to waste a kill on me since it'll whittle down your numbers.

As for the rest of the town, don't night visit me with anyone. You will die.

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Oh yeah. Name is Karol Capel from Tales of Vesperia. If you've ever played ToV, you'd have a slight reason why he's the Paranoid, especially since he gets a title called "Insomniac".

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Hey JB, you really fucked this one up for balance. Avenger is a Hunter for the Mafia who knows what he's aiming at (not Mafia)? Overpowered mean anything to you?

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Hey JB, you really fucked this one up for balance. Avenger is a Hunter for the Mafia who knows what he's aiming at (not Mafia)? Overpowered mean anything to you?

There are 3 mafia members (not including himself). Maximum he gets 3 shots off (ad that's if the town gets lucky). 12 non-mafia, at best he lowers it to 9. ZOMG.

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There are 3 mafia members (not including himself). Maximum he gets 3 shots off (ad that's if the town gets lucky). 12 non-mafia, at best he lowers it to 9. ZOMG.

Not to mention that the Mafia lowers that number by 1 every night, not to mention other fuck-ups (Vigi hitting townie, idiot who tries to investigate me, wrong lynches) and this game is over in 5 days. Max.

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And I still haven't been Mafia (or even third-party) since waaaay back in Cold Blood in Jugdral. Where I was randomlynched on Day Two.

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The Detective should investigate Life to see if he's telling the truth. And just in case he's not, the Vigilante should shoot him tonight. But just in case he is, the Doctor should protect him. And in case all else fails, the Carriage Driver should switch him with someone.

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