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Pokemon Tactical Postgame

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I wanted Pokemon Tactical Game to be a different sort of game in which certainty would be able to replace uncertainty, and where temporary alliances and backstabbing would play a large role (though the village never did make temporary alliances with either mafia). Information consolidation would be necessary for the village because if they didn't figure out what the heck was going on, they were going to be badly mauled by the mafias. I probably gave the mafias too many safeclaims, which made it harder for the village than it should have.

Master Spreadsheet

Innocent Bystanders

The Innocent Bystanders had some good leaders, and were able to make good lynches throughout the game until their final leader, who wasn't so good. They would have easily won if their last leader had payed more attention to the game though. They were pretty well moled by Life Admiral going to them individually and getting their role PMs, though it didn't really matter that much later in the game when people were leaking information in public everywhere.

[spoiler=Anouleth : Killed Night 1]You are Bill.

You are the inventor of the Pokemon Storage System. You intended to go to the Sevii Islands to help a friend with his project, but you got lost and ended up at Realgam Tower instead.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Checking information on SPECIES OF POKEMON” By the end of the night you will have determined whether or not SPECIES OF POKEMON is a character in this game. An example of what is meant by character is “Bill”.

You have an Ether. The Ether is an item. The Ether can restore 1 lost PP to a move. Using the Ether takes one night. Perhaps somebody else can make better use of it? It has a star sticker on it, but it doesn't mean anything.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: This role is just about worthless without any information, since you may as well be shooting in the dark what with 649 Pokemon. However if a village leader were to supply information about which Pokemon players were claiming, this role could easily bust fakes. An Ether was given to it because I wasn't sure where else to put it. The stickers on the Ethers were only there to tell them apart.

Player: Anouleth did a good job in his first game. He claimed to Tables (though I believe he didn't tell him about his Ether), and was trusted by him. He was set up to be fed information concerning what Pokemon players were claiming, which was exactly what I was hoping to happen. His only real mistake was trusting Life Admiral enough to give him his role PM, which led to his being killed as Life didn't want this role around, and he also stole the Ether from Anouleth.

[spoiler=SlayerX : Lynched Day 2]You are Mewtwo.

You were developed by a team of scientists in a lab, and are one of the most powerful Pokemon in the world. You are also incredibly intelligent, and have arrived at Realgam Tower because you knew this conflict was coming, and planned to get caught up in it.

Using your great intelligence and physic powers, you have determined the numerical qualities of the factions. You know that at the start of this conflict there are 17 Innocent Bystanders, 5 members of Cipher, 6 members of Team Rocket, and 2 lovers who are rooting for the Innocent Bystanders and wish for their own survival.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Numbers role.

Player: SlayerX tried to get himself cleared on night 0 so he could lead, but then Tables came in and was all “lol no.” He claimed to Tables (and practically in public as well). Tables always felt that he, Lux and Cocyts could be mafia together, prompting his lynch.

[spoiler=Hemlock : Killed Night 2]You are Blaine.

You are the gym leader of the Cinnabar Island gym, which is a Fire type gym, and have a love of riddles. You came to Realgam Tower because you realized what Cipher's true intentions were, but are now in the middle of this war.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Remove shades and look at USER” You will remove your trademark shades and stare at USER throughout the night. You will learn USER's Role PM by morning. As a reminder, your results are guaranteed to be correct.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Standard inspector.

Player: Hemlock eventually decided against inspecting Tables on night 0, as he was sure he would come up innocent, so he investigated MLS instead, which later paved the way for MLS being in the village leadership with Lux. He was killed because Tables let it leak out to Life Admiral that Hemlock was inspector.

[spoiler=I Eat Tables : Killed Night 2]You are Magnezone.

You float around using electromagnetic waves, and can discharge electricity. You've used your electromagnetic waves to float to Realgam Tower, and are now stuck in this conflict.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Arrange iron filings“ In the body of the PM you are to tell me what message you want to be displayed. During the night you will arrange iron filings using your magnets, and the message you write in them will be seen by everybody in the game during the morning, and everybody will know that the message is written in iron filings.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Village announcer. Easily provable, but for all intents and purposes, worthless beyond that.

Player: I Eat Tables got the village organized, and had a nice spreadsheet made which he later passed on to Lux before he died. I think he was a bit overwhelmed by all that was happening at times. He also leaked various things to Life. He was killed by Team Rocket's unblockable kill, though funnily enough, he wasn't protecting himself that night.

[spoiler=emeraldfox_09/Silent Mercenary : Killed Day 3]You are the Magikarp Salesman.

You are a traveling salesman who specializes in selling Magikarp. You have come to Realgam Tower to peddle your wares, but have become caught up in the conflict.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Selling wares to USER” During the night you will encounter USER and sell him a fine Magikarp. He will not have any money on him, and will be forced to give you all of his items as collateral, effectively causing you to steal all of USER's items.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Town thief. Used to give the town some control over items.

Player: trollfox did nothing like usual, and so Silent Mercenary got subbed in. He seemed quite confused with the game, and typed like a paragraph every time he PM'd somebody. Neither of them stole anything, and MLS had SlayerX day kill him because Balcerzak was also claiming thief.

[spoiler=MeteorLunarSolar : Killed Night 4]You are Winona.

You are the leader of the Fortree City gym, which uses Flying type Pokemon. You came to Realgam Tower because you caught wind of Cipher's plans, and wished to stop them.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Altaria, use Aerial Ace on USER!” During the night your Altaria will use Aerial Ace on USER, killing USER. Unfortunately your Altaria only has 1 PP left for Aerial Ace, so you can only do this once before you will be unable to perform this action unless you find a way to restore lost PP.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: The village's main vigilante. It had one kill before it needed to use an item (Ether) that would allow it to kill again.

Player: MLS was inspected by Hemlock on night 0, and after Tables died, he went on to lead the village. Like his predecessor, he was too trusting of Life Admiral. He had things set up so that he and Lux would each be killing a member of Cipher on night 4, but because Life knew about it, he was able to arrange things so that both of their targets would be protected, and that both MLS and Lux would die. He had been doing an alright job of leading the village, though I don't have any clue why he had Proto and Obviam idle on the night he died. I'm not sure why he felt he should lead the village (read: become a target) when he had such an important role.

[spoiler=Obviam : Killed Night 5]You are Flareon.

You are one of the many evolutions of Eevee, and specialize in the use of fire. You were chasing a Spearow and weren't watching where you were going. When you looked up you were at Realgam Tower.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Use Fire Spin on USER” During the night you will use Fire Spin on USER, causing USER to be enveloped in flames for the rest of the night. These flames will scare away anybody who tries to do any actions to USER that night. However, a killer will not be deterred, and will finish his job. You cannot use Fire Spin on yourself.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Safeguard. Does what it says, it stops non-killing roles from working on its target. Of course, this also includes bodyguards.

Player: Obviam followed orders from whoever was village leader at the time, which mostly resulted in him idling for some reason. His ability could have been used defensively to prevent inspections of his team's important roles, or it could have been used offensively against a mafia member who was being vig'd that night, to prevent a mafia bodyguard from preventing the kill. I'm not sure why he idled so much, but I think it had something to do with Obviam thinking he was a hooker for a while, and MLS not reading his role PM enough to know he was mistaken. He figured out what Life was doing when he stepped up to be village leader, which scared Life so much that he killed him.

[spoiler=Jean-Marc : Lynched Day 7]You are Jasmine.

You are the gym leader of the Olivine City gym, and use steel type Pokemon in battle. You went to get some more medicine for Amphy, but somehow wound up at Realgam Tower instead.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Protect USER with Steelix” Your Steelix guard USER using its body as a shield, ensuring that USER lives through the night. You may not protect yourself with Steelix, because that would be selfish.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Bodyguard.

Player: Jean-Marc laid low most of the game, which worked pretty well until to told Life Admiral he was bodyguard. Life Admiral then had Cipher use the Spinner Tiles to protect somebody who was being killed by a vigilante that night. He was again made to protect somebody else after that, and he told Furetchen that Ether had stopped him from completing his action, when in reality the night result he got said that he had performed his night action on Ether. Furetchen lynched him for this (apparently he thought Jean-Marc had claimed thief, so Furetchen wasn't doing a very good job of organizing his information there), and lynched him. Communication errors are pretty dangerous things.

[spoiler=Psych : Killed Night 7]You are Professor Oak.

You have dedicated your life to the study of Pokemon, and are the inventor of the Pokedex. You came to Realgam Tower to observe Pokemon, but are now in the middle of this war.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Ask USER to fetch a parcel” You will ask USER to go over to the next town and get a package for you, causing USER to be so infuriated with all the wild Pokemon he encounters on the way that he will instead target you will all action he was performing that night instead of his intended target.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Martyr. It redirects the target's actions to the martyr.

Player: I don't know what the fuck I was thinking when I allowed Psych to have one of the village's most powerful roles. He pretty much claimed in the game thread early on, and I'm not certain why neither mafia wanted to kill him when he had such a powerful role. He spent most of the game randomly targeting players just to see how much he could fuck up the game. He died later in the game because he targeted Amelia and redirected the kill to himself, and if he and Furetchen were actually communicating then Furetchen could have known that Amelia was mafia and lynched her.

[spoiler=WoMC : Killed Night 8]You are Roxanne.

You are the gym leader in Rustboro City, and you run a Rock type Pokemon gym. You came to Realgam Tower because you intended to apply what you've learned by battling here, except all that happened is that you lost your Nosepass and got caught in this war instead.

You also know that there is a Boulder in the game with hidden abilities which only you can access. If you were to get your hands on it you would gain a respectable power.

You have the Boulder. The Boulder is an item. Your lost Nosepass is currently using it as a home, and it will only come out for you. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Point Nosepass at USER” From the way your Nosepass spins as it goes back to pointing North, you will determine what USER's ability name is. If USER has more than one ability listed in his PM, you will learn only the one closest to the top. As an example, your ability name would be “Night x- Point Nosepass at USER” if your ability wasn't item dependant. You will not learn about the abilities of held items with this action. This ability will be lost if you lose control of the Boulder.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: This role had no powers at the start of the game, but if the player with this role could get The Boulder he would effectively act as a second inspector by seeing if his results match up with what they claimed to be. To balance it The Boulder started with a mafia member who knew it would better to not let the owner get it.

Player: WoMC never got The Boulder, which was a shame, though Life Admiral had considered giving it to him at one point to abuse whatever power WoMC would get.

[spoiler=Uhai : Lynched Day 9]You are Team Aqua Grunt.

You are a grunt in Team Aqua, a criminal organization that aims to improve the world by raising sea levels. You came to the barren Orre region to make it less of a desert, but due to a mix-up you are the only Team Aqua member that arrived at Realgam Tower.

You have Submarine Explorer 1. Submarine Explorer 1 is an item. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Ram USER” You will ram USER with Submarine Explorer 1, breaching his hull and killing him. In the process Submarine Explorer 1's hull will also be breached, causing you to die and Submarine Explorer 1 to be destroyed. This kill is unblockable, and the death of the neither the victim or the holder can be stopped.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: This role just started with a suicide kill item.

Player: Uhai claimed, and seemed to be ready to use his item if asked to, though Life Admiral stole it from him for his own use. Later lynched by Furetchen for, um...he was later lynched by Furetchen.

[spoiler=Proto : Killed Night 9]You are Kangaskhan.

You are a mother who has one child, and went to Realgam Tower because you heard that your kid could enjoy himself there. This information turned out to be unreliable, and there is a war going on here, putting your lives in danger.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Roaring at USER” During the night you will jump out and roar at USER. USER will be so frightened that he will hide under his bed for the rest of the night, and will not complete any actions that night. Because USER will bring ear plugs with him the following night, you may not roar at the same person two nights in a row.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Village hooker.

Player: Proto used his role pretty well, or at least as long as the village leadership was doing good. He started off the game by hooking I Eat Tables preventing his announcement, but after that he did a good job of hooking members of Cipher and stopping their kills. This was all well and good until Furetchen became village leader and had him hook random people who were the bodyguard and started with Ethers and stuff, and he was later killed by Team Rocket for having the only good role left in the village, his role being arguably the best role in the whole village.

[spoiler=BK-201 : Lynched Day 10]You are Mirage Island.

You are transitory, existing not often and then only briefly. For some reason, you are currently existing in Realgam Tower AND are sentient AND have gotten caught up in the conflict.

You have an Ether. The Ether is an item. The Ether can restore 1 lost PP to a move. Using the Ether takes one night. Perhaps somebody else can make better use of it? It has a triangle sticker, but it doesn't mean anything.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: It started with an Ether, an item desired by all main factions for various reasons.

Player: BK-201 claimed, and he gave his Ether to MLS. Later framed by JB25 to get Furetchen to lynch him and end the game.

[spoiler=Dracohon : Killed Day 10]You are Cassandra.

You and your grandmother own a medicine shop in Mossgreen Village. You own a Parasect that you evolved from a Paras so that you could use its mushroom for you medical research. You have come to Realgam Tower to continue your medical research, but then this stuff happened.

You have an Ether. The Ether is an item. The Ether can restore 1 lost PP to a move. Using the Ether takes one night. Perhaps somebody else can make better use of it? It has a circle sticker, but it doesn't mean anything.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Another role that started with an Ether.

Player: Dracohon tried to give his Ether to MLS at some point. Unsurprisingly, starting with a role like this doesn't really do much to encourage fun, and I wasn't surprised to see Dracohon, like BK-201, not do much. But the Ethers had to start somewhere, so somebody had to get stuck with these boring roles.

[spoiler=Generic Officer/SlayerX : Killed Day 10]You are Barlow.

You are the muscle-bound leader of the Vientown Ranger Base, and your partner is Makuhita. You traveled to Realagm Tower on an official mission.

At day you may make a post containing only the phrase “TARGET CLEAR USER!” (bolded and underlined like that, and preferably in a large font size). USER will then be killed by you charging at them and smashing apart. This does not end the Day phase. You can only perform “TARGET CLEAR!” once in the game.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: One shot public day vigilante.

Player: Generic Officer was unable to be active, so SlayerX was subbed back into the game. He killed Silent Mercenary because the village leadership asked him to, and this exposed Balcerzak.

[spoiler=Furetchen : Killed Day 10]You are Koga.

You were the gym leader of Fuchsia City's gym, a Poison type gym, before being promoted to the position of an Elite Four member. You traveled to Realgam Tower as a part of obscure ninja training, and got caught in this gang violence.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Prepare substitution for USER's attack” If USER or anybody allied with USER tries to kill you that night you will create a substitute which will take the damage for you. The killer will think that he has done his job, and you will appear to be dead. You will return as if nothing had happened the following night, and it will be announced by the host that you have returned. If you successfully fake your death, you will gain a new power.

After faking your death you have had some time to think about ways to help the Innocent Bystanders. While thinking you recalled that you know a technique for intercepting and viewing official mail, and then putting it in the appropriate person's mailbox while they are none the wiser. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Intercept USER's mail” You will receive a copy of all official mail that USER receives during the night. Additionally, you may no longer fake your death.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Rogue, with the ability to gain powers after death to balance what would otherwise be a weak role. I'm unsure if the powers this role got were worth the use of a night kill to get them. “Offical mail” means night results.

Player: Furetchen did a good job of taking orders, which led to him being revived and cleared as a member of the Innocent Bystanders. Then it went down hill after that. He used his power on JB25 once, and got the flavor along with the night results. He later forgot all about this when JB25 claimed with a role that, while it did the same thing as what the results he had said (inspected alliance), he overlooked the fact that JB25's role claim and the night results he had from him had completely different flavor. Later on Ninji claimed to him as his actual character, Whitney. This was after Ninji had made a kill and the kill flavor involved a Miltank. While it is understandable Furetchen didn't know enough to connect the two events, a google search of Whitney would have been sufficient to figure it out. Around this time he wasn't really paying attention to what some people like Psych were doing, which led to Psych not telling him who he was martyring on the night he was killed, which would have resulted in him knowing Amelia was mafia. Basically, Furetchen had everything he needed to win the game when he was village leader, and didn't.

[spoiler=acey555 : Killed Day 10]You are Zigzagoon.

You are a Pokemon that always zigzags around, never moving in a straight path. You have zigzagged your way to Realagm Tower, and are in the middle of this war.

You have a fondness for items, and like to grab them from random places. As such, your ability ingame is Pickup, which you will be making use of. When a player holding an item dies you will automatically take the item from their body. While you are alive everybody will be told that each dead body was looted.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Scavenger, a role that takes items from dead people. I don't know exactly why I had part of the role being everybody knowing the items had been taken.

Player: acey555 got some items a few times, but they mostly got stolen from him. For some reason I Eat Tables thought he was claiming thief, and I'm not sure why he would think that.


Cipher was a mafia faction designed to try and control the lynch. They got a mayor and a persuader and the potential ability to use Ethers to get more votes. They could also cancel one lynch if the shit hit the fan. One of the Ether abilities was a silence, and I decided to allow using a silence and a persuade on a player at the same time to force a godkill of the player they were used on this game rather then having them fail when both used on the same target. With all of their members voting and persuading somebody to vote the way they wanted to, they could have a net total of 8 votes. To balance their lynch control, their night kills were nerfed in that they need several members to perform them. In hindsight, it may have been a bit more balanced for them to have their kill require only two members to go and do it.

Balcerzak had the foresight to make an IRC channel for his team, which I wasn't expecting to happen, but was pleased to see. Then I noticed that there's been an IRC tutorial stickied in FftF for some time now, and that it would allow me to give everybody an IRC channel to use next game, with the mafias having their own. But enough about that.

[spoiler=Cipher Team PM]You know your teammates to be the following:

Sabrina- Spike

Dakim- Snike

Eusine- Balcerzak

Blissey- Raymond

Evice- Kai

You know that Eagun, Gardenia, Mr. Game, Tauros and Candice are not in this game. You also know that the Innocent Bystanders don't have a nurse (a role that gains the ability to protect players from death at night after the primary bodyguard [by bodyguard I mean doctor, but you should refer to it in your fake PM as bodyguard] dies), a coroner (a role that picks a dead USER at night, and figures out which mafia faction killed USER. It is possible that neither mafia faction killed USER), or a mayor (a role whose vote counts as two). Feel free to use this information to further your goals.

Here is some more helpful information. You could make a fake claim in which you only have an item, and then when you claim to the village leader, you could back that claim up by giving him that item.

To make a kill three of your members must tell me “Night x – Kill USER” USER will be killed by the members who sent in the order, with the kill flavor varying based on who is making the kill. This kill will fail if one of the members sending in the kill order is hooked or redirected (but it'll work if all the members are redirected to the same target). The members making the kill can make their regular night actions as well as making the kill. If Cipher has less than three members left who can send in an order, only the available members needs to send in the kill order, and redirection will no longer stop the kill if only one member is left.

The kill flavor will be combined based on who is making the kill. The kill flavor is as follows:

Sabrina- Mind destroyed

Dakim- Pummeled to death

Eusine- Killed in a dash-by shooting by a man on a Suicune

Blissey- Stalled to death

Evice- Crushed by shadow Tyranitar

Your faction has another power. During the day if one of your member is holding an Ether item that member may tell me “Day x – Pawning Ether” Before the lynch occurs the Ether in question will be removed from the game, and your faction will gain 1 point. You can do this as many times as you want during a day phase as long as you have Ethers. Points can be used to purchase abilities.

For 1 point you may reply to this conversation with “Day x – Secret ballot cast in USER's name” You will lose 1 of the points you have accumulated, and a vote will be secretly cast for USER. This can only be done once per day.

For 2 points you may reply to this conversation with “Night x – Duct tape USER's mouth shut” You will lose 2 of the points you have accumulated, and USER's mouth will be taped shut with explosive duct tape. If USER attempts to speak or vote in the game thread the following day phase, the duct tape will explode, effectively godkilling him. This action cannot be hooked.

There are 3 Ethers in this game.

[spoiler=Raymond : Lynched Day 4]You are Blissey.

You are the greatest special wall in OU owing to your naturally high HP and Special Defense. Tired of always being in a support role, you joined Cipher to get back at those who always cast you as a supporter. Of course, then you got assigned to Realgam Tower in a support role.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Eggbomb USER” You will toss an exploding egg at USER. While USER is stunned by the blast, you will make off with his full Role PM.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Standard inspector.

Player: Raymond didn't really do much other than participate in some planning. He was eventually asked by MLS to inspect Levity, and after finding out she was Team Rocket, and without consulting with his team, he gave her role PM to MLS. Got lynched because JB25 was asked by MLS to inspect him, and he told MLS that Raymond was Cipher.

[spoiler=Balcerzak : Lynched Day 5]You are Eusine.

You have been chasing Suicune for years, and joined up with Cipher because they have a Suicune which you wanted to get your hands on. This was before you realized that being a member of Cipher has its perks, and joined them. You have been assigned to Realgam Tower in the final stages of Cipher's plans.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Sleight of hand USER1, USER2” As a mysticalman, you will effortlessly make all of USER1's items vanish, only for them to reappear in USER2's pockets. USER1 and USER2 can be anybody, including yourself. USER1 and USER2 cannot be the same person. You will know what items you have moved.

At day you may reply to your role PM with “Day x – Is that Suicune?” You will point into the distance while asking everybody if they see Suicune over there. While they are distracted, you will replace the current lynch target with a Poke Doll and the lynch target will blend into the crowd. The lynch mob will turn around after realizing Suicune isn't there, and upon realizing that their target has vanished, will instead lynch nobody that day. This trick will only work once, as nobody would be stupid enough to fall for it twice.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: A thief that can transfer items to any player, not just himself. It was also where Cipher's one-time lynch cancel was located.

Player: Balcerzak was somewhat, though not terribly, active throughout the game. He did make all of his teams fake PMs, which was good. He didn't really steal much other than the worthless Gold Teeth. He was going to be lynched on day 3 after SlayerX day killed Silent Mercenary, exposing Balcerzak who had claimed the same role, but his team activated his lynch cancel. He then wasn't lynched on day 4 because Raymond was being lynched instead, but he got lynched after that.

[spoiler=Snike : Killed Night 6]You are Dakim.

You are extremely muscular and wear a necklace of Pokeballs. Whereas the other Admins deal with the creation and distribution of shadow Pokemon, you are an enforcer. You have come to Realgam Tower to ensure that nobody mucks up Cipher's schemes.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Flexing muscles in front of USER” You will approach USER during the night and proceed to flex your muscles in front of USER for the rest of the night. The sight of you flexing your muscles will scare away anybody who had been thinking about killing USER, ensuring that USER will survive the night. You can flex your muscles in front of yourself.

Alternatively, you may reply to your role PM at night with “Night x – Beat USER down” During the night you will beat USER to the ground, leaving him in pain and agony. He will be in so much pain that he will not complete any actions that night. You can beat the same USER down consecutively.

You can only perform one of the above actions each night.

You have recently acquired a set of Gold Teeth. The Gold Teeth are an item. If anybody tries to steal from the player holding the Gold Teeth they will become so dazzled by it that they will only steal the Gold Teeth.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: A role that can act as either a hooker or a bodyguard, but not both at the same time.

Player: Snike took a leading role in Cipher mostly because Balcerzak wasn't able to be active enough. Over the course of the game Life Admiral bullied who was Cipher and what Cipher could do out of him. He was killed by Life Admiral who was intending to do a quick clean-up of Cipher.

[spoiler=Spike : Killed Night 6]You are Sabrina.

You were the leader of the Saffron City gym, which specializes in psychic types, before you joined Cipher for more power. You are a psychic and can influence things with your mind. You were handpicked to be at Realgam Tower for the final stages of Cipher's plans.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Compel USER1's ire towards USER2” You will use your psychic powers to make USER1 vote for USER2 the following day. If USER1 does not vote for USER2 you will crush USER1's brain with your powers, effectively godkilling him.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Persuader, a role that makes a player vote the way you want them to. Very powerful in that it not only adds a vote where you want it, it also stops somebody from voting against you.

Player: Spike took order most of the game. Nothing that I can really remember about him to write. Sorry bud.

[spoiler=Kai/Ether : Lynched Day 8]You are Evice.

You are the head of Cipher. You are also the mayor of Phenac City, a position which allows you to prevent interference with Cipher's activities. You have come to Realgam Tower for the culmination of Cipher's plans.

Because you are recognized as the mayor of Phenac City, your vote towards lynches counts as two.

You have some Spinner Tiles. The Spinner Tiles are an item. At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Place tiles leading from USER1 to USER2” When USER1 leaves to perform his actions that night, he will step on the Spinner Tiles, and be whisked away in the direction of USER2, causing USER1 to target USER2 with any actions that he was doing that night. Assuming that USER1 has night actions that he is performing, he will know that he instead targeted USER2. This cannot redirect kills. The Spinner Tiles will break after three uses, and they have not been used yet.

You are allied with Cipher. You win if all threats to Cipher have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Mayor. Also held the best item in the game.

Player: Kai didn't do much beyond putting Life Admiral in contact with Snike, and he was later subbed out for Ether, who rolled over and died a bit later.

Team Rocket

I decided that I wanted Team Rocket to be able to have control over the night by having a reliable kill and some other things. They also started out separated from each other, with some ways to unite.

[spoiler=Team Rocket Forward Command PM]You know that Wally and Duplica are not in this game. You also know that the Innocent Bystanders do not have a bomb (a role that kills whoever kills the bomb at night).

The members of Team Rocket have been separated into three groups with two members in each group.

After the death of a killer, you will gain a new way to make kills on even/odd nights, though it is less efficient. On an even/odd night one of your members may sacrifice their night actions in order to tell me “Night x – Killing USER” The flavor text that accompanies the death is the following:

Giovanni- Lacerated by a large cat's claws

(The rest were given as other members of Team Rocket were confirmed)

Lickitung- Constricted to death

Whitney- Flattened by a Miltank

Gideon- Chemical burns covering body

[spoiler=Levity : Lynched Day 6]You are Giovanni.

As the boss of Team Rocket, you have a great amount of power in the underworld. This attack on Cipher and Realgam Tower is your plan. After the attack on Realgam Tower started you set out for Realgam Tower in your helicopter..

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Grunts, find this answer!” In the body of the PM you shall ask a question that can be answered with a “yes” or with a “no”. Before the night is over your grunts will report to you whether the answer to your question is yes or no. This answer is guaranteed to be the truth.

At day you may reply to your role PM with “Day x – Rockets are...” In the body of the PM you are to name the players who are the members of Team Rocket (be sure to include yourself and any dead Rockets!). If you correctly name all of the members of Team Rocket, you will receive a new power.

Team Rocket has now assembled, and is ready to exert its power in the Orre region. The criminals of the region of have recognized your power, and being opportunistic, would like to perform a favor for you. At night Giovanni may all tell me “Night x – Bring me USER, making certain he is dead” The criminals of Orre will kill USER for you. This kill cannot be stopped by any means. This can only be done once, and it replaces your kill on the night it is used.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: An unrestricted yes/no question asker, which can gain a variety of information.

Player: Levity didn't really do much this game. Mostly she had Life Admiral take care of her actions and stuff. After Raymond sold her out to the village leadership for no discernible reason, she was amused to find out that she survived for an additional two days.

[spoiler=Amelia : Survived Day 10]You are Nidoking.

You are Giovanni's Nidoking. Giovanni has sent you ahead of him to Realgam Tower to begin the takeover of the structure. So, you went ahead of him to Realgam Tower.

As a Nidoking, you know a wide variety of moves. You plan to use these moves to help Team Rocket, but unfortunately, you used up most of their PP in the first strike. It takes 1 PP to use a move, and PP cannot be transferred between moves. You know that there is a way to restore lost PP. You the following moves:

Earthquake: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Earthquake” As soon as night falls you will cause an Earthquake, causing everybody who is not a member of Team Rocket or anybody using a protective ability to stay at home and fail to complete any night actions. This move has 1 PP. This move's PP cannot be restored.

Ice Beam: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Ice Beam USER” You will freeze USER with Ice Beam, preventing USER from performing any actions that night. This move has 1 PP.

Fire Blast: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Fire Blast” You will use Fire Blast on yourself, causing flames to surround your body during the following day phase. Because nobody wants to argue with a flaming monster, your vote towards lynches will count as two that day phase. This move has 1 PP.

Taunt: At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Taunt USER” You will Taunt USER for a while during the night, infuriating him so much that he tell you his whole role PM. This move has 1 PP.

You can only use a maximum of one of the above moves at night.

Additionally, At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Using tail to snap USER in half” You will use your mighty tail to snap USER in half during the night, killing him. Because your tail is heavy, you can only do this on odd nights. You can kill and use one of your other abilities on the same night.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: A jack of all trades. It had some nice abilities, like a mass hook that hit everything but Rockets and protection roles, and some other things. Most of the moves could be restored using Ethers, and it was also Team Rocket's odd night killer.

Player: She found Life Admiral and his group on night 0 under Levity's order. After that Amelia took orders all game, so I'll just comment on the orders Life Admiral had done. What Life Admiral did was try and waste the moves as soon as possible. I don't have a clue why he used Fire Blast in the midgame, when it wasn't going to make any effect on the vote, and would be better saved to use as insurance in the lategame.

[spoiler=Team Rocket Alpha Squad PM]You know that Kurt is not in this game. You also know that the Innocent Bystanders do not have a BPV (a role that can survive one killing attempt at night).

[spoiler=mikethfc : Lynched Day 1]You are Proton.

You are one of the scariest and cruelest members of Team Rocket, yet you are one of the most popular executives. You are taking part in the attack on Realgam Tower.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Kidnapping USER” When the night is about over, you will kidnap USER and lock him in a closet. However, USER will escape on his own at the end of the following night. While USER is kidnapped he is unable to perform any actions or be targeted by any actions during the day and night he is locked in the closet. USER may also not be lynched during this time. Additionally, USER may not post in the game thread. If USER attempts to anyway he will be godkilled by the ceiling falling on him.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Torture USER” USER will be abducted by you and tortured to death. Because your instruments of torture require time to recharge, you may only do this on even nights.

Both of these actions can be done on the same night.

You have the Focus Sash. The Focus Sash is an item. If you were to be killed at night the Focus Sash will allow you to hang on. The Focus Sash will be used up in the process, and for our purposes, will be removed from the game.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Team Rocket's kidnapper and even night killer. It was one of their more important roles, and as such I gave the Focus Sash to it to protect it.

Player: mikethfc claimed village kidnapper to Tables, which didn't work out very well when the kidnapping flavor given in his role PM was different than the kidnapping flavor Proto said he got. He did manage to get the last group of Rockets together as he was being lynched though.

[spoiler=Life Admiral : Killed Night 6]You are Lickitung.

You were captured by Jessie of Team Rocket, and tagged along with her for awhile until you were accidentally traded to some stupid kid. You ran away from him and went back to Team Rocket, this time on your own. You quickly rose through the ranks, and are now taking part in the invasion of Realgam Tower.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Licking USER” You will use your long tongue to lick USER during the night, and if anybody targets USER that night they will be so disgusted by you that they will target you instead of USER will any actions they were performing on USER. Anybody who targets USER will know that they targeted you instead. You cannot perform this action on night 0.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Reverse martyr. I'm unsure why I didn't allow the power to be used on night 0.

Player: Life Admiral did a lot of stuff this game. He got a lot of information from I Eat Tables, and he privately contacted several people and got their role PMs from them. He got some more information from MLS. At some point JB25 discovered that Kai was Cipher, and so Life Admiral contacted Kai and demanded to speak with who was leading them or else he'd feed Kai to the village, which resulted in Life Admiral getting into contact with Snike. Life Admiral then bullied him into telling him everybody on Cipher and their abilities, though I don't know why he told Snike so much about Team Rocket's abilities. He did several other things I don't remember, and then shit his pants over Obviam posting exactly what was going on. He then killed himself and Snike with the suicide kill item while at the same time killing Spike and theoretically leaving Furetchen with enough information to lynch Ether right away. He continued to help with some planning after that.

[spoiler=Team Rocket Logistical Support PM]You know that Flannery and Slowpoke are not in this game. You also know that the Innocent Bystanders do not have a tracker/watcher (a role that picks a USER at night and learns who that person visited, and if USER doesn't visit anybody it will learn who visited USER) or an alliance inspector (a role that chooses a USER learns his alliance).

[spoiler=Ninji : Survived Day 10]You are Whitney.

You were the gym leader of the Goldenrod City gym, which specialized in Normal type Pokemon. You joined Team Rocket after they took over Goldenrod City because you could see that joining would bring you plenty of benefits. You are now taking part in the assault on Realgam Tower.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Send gym trainers to USER” You will send a group of gym trainers to observe USER throughout the night, and if USER visits somebody they will tell you who USER visited. If USER does not visit anybody, they will instead report back with who visited USER. While they are doing this, your gym trainers will help themselves to any items that USER has, and bring them all back to you.

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Tracker/Watcher and thief. I realized partway through the game that it may have been a better idea to allow this role to steal from one player and track/watch another player all on the same night.

Player: Ninji didn't really talk to anybody like usual, and preferred to let Life Admiral handle things. He stole several items because Life Admiral was able to point him in the right direction. Near the end of the game he made the questionable decision of claiming to Furetchen as Whitney after he had killed somebody and the kill flavor easily implicated him, but Furetchen didn't notice.

[spoiler=JB25 : Survived Day 10]You are Gideon.

You are the head Team Rocket scientist of the Sevii Islands branch of Team Rocket. Giovanni requested that you come along on this takeover of Realgam Tower because you assistance will be required.

At night you may reply to your role PM with “Night x – Determining the chemical composition of USER” By determining USER's chemical composition you will discover his alliance.

You have the Boulder. The Boulder is an item. The Boulder is large, heavy, always pointing North, and it requires a lot of effort to carry it. The Boulder seems to contain hidden powers, but you cannot access them. Perhaps somebody else can? (Note: It would be best for your team to keep this away from the person who can actually use it)

In the assault on Realgam Tower the members of Team Rocket became separated. You should find the other groups as soon as possible.

Some more information is contained in a separate PM.

You are allied with Team Rocket. You win if all threats to Team Rocket have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Alliance inspector for Team Rocket, it also started out with The Boulder.

Player: JB25 became largely useless after his team united and Life Admiral bullied Cipher's members out of them, but he did find the first member of Cipher for them. He later became trusted by Furetchen even though Furetchen shouldn't have trusted him, and got Furetchen to mislynch and end the game.


The Lovers were the neutrals in this game. They start off allied with the village, but there was the potential for one of them to become wolf if the other was lynched, though if one was killed at night the other would become a village vigilante. They had a vague idea of what would happen if one of them was killed during each phase, and in hindsight, I think I would have preferred it if they didn't have a clue what would happen.

What happened was that if one of them was killed during the night both of their win conditions would change to “You win if the Innocent Bystanders win” and the survivor would become a vigilante with 3 kills that could use Ethers to get more kills.

What happened if one of them was killed during the day was that the still living Lover and the now dead Lover's win conditions would become “You win if SURVIVING LOVER is the last player alive”, and the surviving Lover would gain the ability to kill at night with a kill that steals items, and would also be immune to being killed at night (except for Team Rocket's unblockable kill and the Submarine Explorer 1 item). The dead Lover would have deadtalking rules no longer apply to him, would be able to at night ask me (the host) a question that can be answered with yes or no and have me truthfully answer it, and be able to cast one more lynch vote over the course of the game.

If they were to both die on the same phase, their win conditions would both become “You win if the Innocent Bystanders win”.

[spoiler=Lux Aeterna : Killed Night 3]You are Wes.

You were once one of the higher up members of Team Snagem, at least before you stole their portable Snag Machine and blew up their base. After that you met Rui, and have been traveling around Orre fighting Cipher. Your fight against Cipher has led you to Realgam Tower.

You know that Cocytus is Rui. You care for Rui greatly, and don't know what you would do if something happened to her, but you know you wouldn't go as far as to commit suicide.

You are allied with with Rui. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of their members is alive AND if you and Rui are alive at the end of the game.

Role: Pretty much the same as the other Lover role.

Player: Come day 1 he had the job of bailing out Cocytus for being Cocytus. After Tables kicked the bucket he did some planning with MLS. Was killed for the first time when the mafias tried to work together to eliminate him and Cocytus at once, which failed because bad coordination caused both mafias to target him.

[spoiler=Cocytus/Lux Aeterna : Killed Night 4]You are Rui.

You have the ability to distinguish shadow Pokemon from regular Pokemon, and it is this gift that got you kidnapped by Cipher. You were rescued by Wes, and have since been traveling around Orre fighting Cipher. Your fight with Cipher has led you to Realgam Tower.

You know that Lux Aeterna is Wes. You care for Wes greatly, and don't know what you would do if something happened to him, but you know you wouldn't go as far as to commit suicide.

You are allied with Wes. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of their members is alive AND if you and Wes are alive at the end of the game.

Role: Pretty much the same as the other Lover role.

Player: Cocytus made sure that Lux had to bail him out on day 1, and broadcasted to the whole game that if he or Lux was killed during the day the other would become wolf, which I felt was stupid because one of the mafias may have had a day kill and would like to be able to get the village to use a lynch on him after that (they didn't have any day kill abilities, but that's beside the point). After that he did nothing until Lux came in for him, and Lux was coordinating with MLS to kill two member of Cipher during one night. Unfortunately Life knew what was going on and was able to coordinate protection on to both of their targets, and they killed Lux that night because he was so dangerous.


Most of the players in this game played well, though there were some who were a bit free with information they really shouldn't have given away once the village leader already knew their claim. There were other mistakes thoughout the game, like Team Rocket and Cipher messing up their coordination of killing Lux Aeterna and Cocytus on the same night. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this game.

Edited by General Spoon
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indeed it was, and yet again life messed town again...


Probably. I made a couple of pretty big mistakes though but I managed to get them swept under the rug for the most part so we were pretty much golden. We also had help from Furet.

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I knew it!

I wondered why Bizz gave me up to Tables after I tried to have her help me kill Life. They were in cahoots! D:

Well, I had too much mistrust in Furet to follow him, so I ignored his orders, and just messed with Amelia and Ether.

It's strange that I got mafia members while still ignoring Furet. >_>

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That was a fun first game for me (too bad I'm back at college and can't play much -_-). And I wasn't as confused as you say, I just wanted to get town leaders to ask more questions and get more info out of small details. My plans to help town went down because I'm new and ignored the fact that there was another day kill apart from lynches. I was cursed through emeraldfox as the last pm-replier to Tables and honored to be the only non-lynch day victim (assuming endgame massacre was at night).

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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[spoiler=acey555 : Killed Day 10]You are Zigzagoon.

You are a Pokemon that always zigzags around, never moving in a straight path. You have zigzagged your way to Realagm Tower, and are in the middle of this war.

You have a fondness for items, and like to grab them from random places. As such, your ability ingame is Pickup, which you will be making use of. When a player holding an item dies you will automatically take the item from their body. While you are alive everybody will be told that each dead body was looted.

You are allied with the Innocent Bystanders. You win if all threats to the Innocent Bystanders have been eliminated and at least one of your members is alive.

Role: Scavenger, a role that takes items from dead people. I don't know exactly why I had part of the role being everybody knowing the items had been taken.

Player: acey555 got some items a few times, but they mostly got stolen from him. For some reason I Eat Tables thought he was claiming thief, and I'm not sure why he would think that.

Its added right below Furetchen as well.

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Bleh, you manipulative bastard. If only someone had been active at the time of mike's call.

Anyway, hoe'd you conclude on me being Cipher?

Ninji was that was how we got into contact with JB and Ninji

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Reading this, I'm getting the feeling that Cipher was at a disadvantage against Team Rocket. The general idea was good, giving Cipher lots of control over Day phases while giving Team Rocket lots of control over Night phases. The problem just was, a mafia with "Day phase control" cannot work in a follow the leader style of game. If Cipher had suddenly started to try and actually make use of their "Day phase power" by trying to influence the lynches, it would instantly have given them away to the town. And we would've needed Ether to actually make use of it, which we never got our hands on. Team Rocket started with all their really awesome abilities already usable, and only would've needed the Ether to keep using them. So, Cipher pretty much was stuck with relatively non-existant day phase control and easily blockable night kills, while Team Rocket even had one member more than us.

My whining aside, this game actually was kinda fun, especially considering that I never actually signed up. I would've been more comfortable with not being mafia for once, but eh, me not pulling mafia apparently just isn't going to happen.

At least I had fun trying to pull a Ninji. And I learned, it's just not my style.

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