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I still thinks Life wins as you would have been lynched had Furet been more observant.

Not to mention that I had to deal with competent people and work around them.

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that first day when you said "that's the point" in response to my post (to paraphrase)

I thought "oh he's one of those arrogant assholes"

Yes, that was the moment I suspected you.

Obviously I wasn't going to base anything off of that, but I consistently asked ALS if he was "sure about [you]" since imad.

inotmad now, but iwas.

Edit: Yes, ALS kept telling me he was "sure". Actually, talking to Tables and ALS both was very scary. I hate being left in the dark. I've yet to see any of the spreadsheets!

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I've yet to see any of the spreadsheets!

As have I. I'm quite content to pile all the blame on my lack of having these on hand and pretend that that's the reason I lost, though.

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Dibs on never being town leader, and not just because I don't like it: My computer is incapable of using google spreadsheets at all. If I click a link to one, I have to shut down my computer and restart it. No joke.

That's actually my biggest problem with the strategy, because if we decided to make me a leader, I would be unable to do it. That and I don't find it quite as entertaining as scumhunting. It's a lot funnier having people randomly accuse each other for no particular reason. :awesome:

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Dibs on never being town leader, and not just because I don't like it: My computer is incapable of using google spreadsheets at all. If I click a link to one, I have to shut down my computer and restart it. No joke.

That's actually my biggest problem with the strategy, because if we decided to make me a leader, I would be unable to do it. That and I don't find it quite as entertaining as scumhunting. It's a lot funnier having people randomly accuse each other for no particular reason. :awesome:

When 9 times out of ten it's Psych you accuse I would say it isn't entirely random :lol:

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Open Office, whee


You could use



[spoiler=long winded explanation of why saying "I can't do x" is pointless when you have access to a computer]then type the damn spreadsheet in HTM fucking L.

That's right folks, HTML is beast.

Edit: WHAT'S THAT? YoU cAn EmBeD jAvAsCrIpT iN HtMl?!!?! NO WAI


you can even embed CSS too and reference images in the same directory that you can ship with the html file for added overkill

Need help? File -> Download as -> HTML from the Google Docs interface. Whoooooa

MS Word does this too guys

Edit, again: Apparently Google docs does it wrong, but you get the idea. If you made it from scratch you wouldn't have that problem

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html is platform independent

open office is too because it's written in Java

long winded explanation of why saying "I can't do x" is pointless when you have access to a computer
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I don't know how to use html anymore, and I don't feel like learning it again when this type of mafia game is probably the only time I'd use it.

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you can't type

<table style="somecssclass">
<tr style="someothercssclass">
<td style="yetanothercssclass">stuff</td>
<td style="yetanothercssclass">more stuff</td>


Throw out the CSS stuff you still have a table. Keep it in and you get a fancy one. HTML is useful for other things and not really complicated. You don't even need to learn it. Find some that's close to what you want and play with that.

Or use Open Office and generate it

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