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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 20: Bait and switch


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Far beneath the earth; ten years ago

Sealed away within his prison, the world about the Lord of Azure Flame had long since progressed on without him. The once mighty fortress, built into the walls of a southern canyon, before delving deep into the earth below until it reached that point in which it could only be considered the very bottom of the world had fallen into disrepair and decay. Fearful battlements, one striking terror into the eyes of all who saw them now lay coated in dust and cobwebs as pits dug to torture prisoners had been filled up with rubble. No sign of life aside from the Fire Emblem and that lord which it bound could be seen within the demonopolis. Not even the insects dared to trend in such a foul place, despite it's abandonment. Not even the air seemed to be alive, laden heavy with its own stagnation.

Yet, a faint ray of light pierced through the unholy fortress, the layers of dust swirling as the faint form of a woman trod through the dust.

"I know you are there. I know your touch. I know your presence. Why have you returned? Though no thunderous voice was spoken, the word of he who was bound behind the emblem was clear. The will of the Lord of Azure Flame, imposing it upon the woman, the air about her, and throughout the entirety of the fortress.

"You know why I have returned." said the woman, her voice confident, yet fearful, as if worried that raising her voice above that of the faintest whisper would cause the wrath of the demon lord to burst free of his prison. "You can see all through those few demons that remain, every extension of you, every bit... and no secret is hidden from your counterpart whose servant stood beside me. The weapons... I know where they are. I know whom owns them. The ones you missed. The sword, the lance, the dagger. All of them. The sword has come unto Elyisima, intended for the hand of Harold. Yet, there is time for you to take it, if you move swiftly."

"I see... But why have you come, Kaileen? When last we met, you were licking the boot of that traitorous wench! Yet now you help me? What change of heart have you undergone?"

"I opened my eyes. I saw the world I had created, and I saw the pain and suffering, the sickness and decay. I heard the pained wails of the mother goddess as a priest healed a newborn, only for both to be run through by a monster of a man before the babe could even open his eyes in his lust for power. Every day, the sick plod to my doorstep as rotten men, criminals, become priests whom let the very blood of the woman I once espoused. This is not the world I wanted to create. I can't bare to look at it. I've already procured a small house in the forest, away from it all, so that I can sleep at night."



A sudden chill went down Kaileen's spine, causing the hair on her head to stand on end. Subconsciously, she gripped her child upon his shoulder, pulling him closer to her, binding her in his arms. "Mommy?" he asked, stopping as the trio traveled down the road. He turned about to hug her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." she said as a tear struck the boy on the head. "Mommy is just... remembering something." she said, stroking his hair.

"How much pain? How much suffering have I wrought in the name of good intentions?" she whispered to herself as she looked down at the boy's hair. "And it's getting worse. I can feel them... faintly. Unclean things, stalking quarry like wolves a doe. Is he... about to claim one for his own?"

"Henry. We need to stop." she said after a moment. "Either stop or hurry up. Something is coming. I can feel the earth trembling beneath my feet. Either Helenos or the Lord is massing to try and achieve their goal, and I don't know which it is."

OOC: Chat link: http://darkmyst.org/?page=webchat

Edited by Snowy_One
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Reika began to kneel down, her head upwards and staring straight ahead, sweat pouring down her very flushed face and she felt a squirming feeling in her stomach, the pain growing gradually. She fell back against the wall, her teeth chattering at the seemingly cold air.

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Aiya woke up and looked around, her neck sore from sleeping against the wall of the overcrowded room.


Eyes scanning over the mercenary, Aiya could barely hold back the bile building in her throat. Anger and frustration filled her body again, and she quickly jerked her head away from the intruding mercenary, not wanting to look at the girl so she would not feel the sudden urge to break the expensive walls.

Forcing herself to unclench her fists and look away, she turned, and saw Reika fall against the wall in seemingly horrid condition.

'Can I not look anywhere without seeing one bitch or another? Still, serves her right.'

It was an opportunity she just couldn't let go of. Aiya needed to vent on someone, or something, and the thief was easily deserving with her questionable morality, admitted spying, and constant taunts and attacks.

"What do we have here? Oh how the mighty have fallen." Aiya said with a smirk, looking the girl over, and swinging at her, backhanding the thief.

As Reika's head shot to the side from the impact, Aiya drew a small knife and twirled it, smirk growing.

"Whenever I was injured, you were always so nice Reika, offering to put me out of my misery whenever I got hurt, always so thoughtful!" Aiya exclaimed, backhanding Reika once again, and then pulling her up off of the floor by her hair.

"So now, why don't I return that hospitality, you goddamn bitch?" Aiya asked angrily, running the knife against Reika's stomach, before pulling it back.

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"Heh heh heh. Some code of honor you soldiers have, beating up on a sick nobody girl like me. Just what I have to expect of Halton soldier scum like you. What are you gonna do to me now, hand me over to your man whore of a boss to make me his prize? Huh?" Reika glared, memories of the past coming back to her.

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Luc Altair

Though not nearly as restful as a real bed, Luc was once again refreshed by waking up with his back against the wall. He slowly climbed up and let out an uncharacteristic yawn. Well, perhaps the rest wasn't that refreshing after all. Luc looked around the room, mostly everyone was still sleeping. But those few who were awake were already at each others throats. Is one day too much too ask? Luc bitterly thought. He'd wait and see how this goes. Always interfering in things made him predictable, and a little bit of randomness was useful.


Sheep danced, food floated, and the Captain was nowhere to be seen. His dreams were Fargo's only escape from the dreadful nature of his life, so every one was a pleasant dream. Until he inevitably woke up.


How dare these people not have consideration for someone they didn't know was traveling with them! The nerve! The gall! Sleeping in such awkward positions got tiring after a while.

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"I'm an interrogator, not just a soldier. Codes of honor lose all meaning when dealing with criminals and thieves. You do what you have to do to get what you need out of them, and you punish them. Once you become what you are, bitch, you lose the privilege of being treated honorably." Aiya replied to Reika, coming close to spitting in the thief's face, but opting to instead throw her back at the wall she had earlier braced herself with.

"I'm not going to give you to Damian, that'd be far too good an ending for someone like you. No Reika, like I said, I'll follow your example... I'll take you out of your misery."

As she said this, Aiya sheathed the small knife in favour of a larger military dagger. The glint of the steel in the morning light was enough to accent the sharpness of the blade, as well as the dull red stain along the well used blade. Looking it over, she tapped the blade lightly, smiling as the trail of blood dripped down her freshly cut finger.

"Yes... this will do nicely." Aiya spoke, and began to advance toward Reika, blood beginning to drip down the steel dagger, foreshadowing the blade's intention.

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"....heh. Even if you kill me, my death will be avenged.

And I wouldn't call you soldiers honorable. Halton troops marching all over the place, claiming towns and acting like they own the place. What gives you the right huh? You think you can do whatever you want? What gives you the right? Why do you think it's ok? What makes you think it's ok to burn down homes and loot huh? Tell me!" she said, panic rising as she drew her own dagger. Barely anything she can do. This woman would kill her. And nobody would help her. Alf wasn't awake yet it seemed.

At the very least...at least I can see my brother again... she thought to herself, gripping the knife very tightly, her knuckles white.

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"Loot? Burn down homes? What a misguided idiot. Any cases discovered are quickly disciplined and jailed. I've personally whipped men for doing such things, soldiers, magistrates, anyone." Aiya replied, continuing to advance.

"But who are you to talk? A corrupt soldier may give into temptation, they are only human, but people like you... thieves, bandits... you make a living off of stealing and killing. You fuck over someone's whole life, horrify their families, and cause disorder that people like me are forced to clean up, and for what? To preserve your own sorry ass so you can keep messing up this world?!"

As her voice rose, Aiya hit the wall with her free hand.

"You criminals are nothing but a poison, tainting this world, and trying to justify your actions by pointing the blame at hardworking people... people like you need to dissapear!"

Aiya lunged. Reika`s knife was held with a weak grip, it would be easy to break.

Aiya swung her dagger, aiming to disarm the smaller girl.

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The knife clattered over with a thud. Reika glared at Aiya with hatred. Was she really this naive?

"Think for two seconds. You think some of us are just thieves because we want to? That we enjoy it? Some of us don't have a choice but to be a thief. Only other option is to sell ourselves and you know why? Because it's people like you who ruin lives and tax us heavily. You pretend to help us, but you look the other way when your soldiers barge in and take whatever they want. Soldiers like you ruined our lives. And it's naive idiots like you who let this happen. You don't know a damn thing," she hissed, knowing perfectly well she was giving hints about her past to Aiya. She didn't care. If this was the only to save her life, then privacy wasn't much of an issue.

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"You steal because you have to? You steal because you can't do anything else? That's a bunch of bullshit." Aiya spat, meeting Reika's glare with her own.

"Life is hard. Finding something to do with yourself is hard. Do you know how hard I had to work to get where I am now? I worked my ass off, put up with more bullshit than you could ever imagine! You took the easy way out, you steal from those who work day in and day out and laugh as they grovel on the floor, then slit their throats and take everything they worked for, and leave anyone who cares about them devastated."

Aiya continued to speak, remembering running down the streets, alone and scared, running from thieves, bandits... people willing to kill a four year old girl for a single gold coin that she had been given by a kind man. A kind soldier.

"Your whole life is nothing but excuses. You don't want to be the bad guy, so you pin the blame on whoever is the most convenient for you... you blame soldiers because they represent order and society... and if society is right, then people like you can be nothing but wrong." Aiya finished, looking down with a blank face.

As she looked back up at Reika, her face was contorted with anger.

"Just a sham. Just a snake telling a sad tale so she doesn't need to face herself... doesn't need to face judgment... you'll get no sympathy from me." Aiya said with a low voice, swinging her fist towards Reika's face.

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Pary had slept soundly that night, before being woken by Aiya's attack on the thief. He couldn't say he didn't enjoy it, but it had woken him from his slumber. He took his tome out from his bag, before casting a weak blinding spell at the two girls. "Calm down. We're trying to sleep here."



Rita had gone to the baths to take a nice bath to get over her illness. She was feeling better, but her head still hurt. I guess my Shooting Star skill is more dangerous that I thought. It's never done that before. I'll have to practice if I want to get over that.



Having woken, he walked a bit of distance away from the group to go find firewood. He took the doll out of his bag, before back at the palace, it started shaking and giving off distinct glow. An ominous moaning could be heard from the doll. "Is anyone there?"

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Weakly raising her hand up, Aiya's fist slammed hard into it hard enough to break it. She winced in pain and let out a small cry.

"Don't you get it? Some people can't find anything! Some people can't find work or know the right people. Some people are stuck with nothing but their own knives. Only reason you could've gotten ahead is just because you met your master. That's the only explanation. How stupid are you?

Do you have any idea what it's like when you have to steal day after day after day? Running away from everyone? You know how it feels when you feel your soul shriveling away each day? Do you? Don't you talk to me about working up when you don't even know what it's like and have nobody. Nobody. I have nobody left," she hissed, resisting the urge to spit on her face. Nearby, Alf was beginning to stir, mumbling a bit.

"Eh? What'sgoin'on?" he said weakly.

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As Reika spoke, Aiya kept getting angrier and angrier. This girl, always taunting, backstabbing... this sadistic bitch expected her to believe she was repentant, that she felt remorse? Aiya doubted she would even consider the girl to have the soul she spoke of.

"You think everyone goes through life happy and surrounded by friends and family? Yeah, I know how it feels to be alone, to have nothing. I know how it feels to have people like you chase down a four year old girl for a single fucking gold coin, and leave her bleeding and half dead on the streets, and for what? The thrill of seeing blood hit the floor, the pleasure of knowing you can beat a helpless kid? What good would a single fucking coin do a group of seven grown men? How can you call that fighting to survive?!"

Aiya screamed at Reika, not even hearing Alferis' question, not noticing the weak spell fired by Pary.

Nothing else mattered. She swung again, aiming to smash in Reika's temple, collapse her skull inward and watch the wretch fall to the floor. It would be so simple, to end the wench and not have to deal with her again.

Aiya swung her fist, the steel gauntlet flying towards Reika's head. A blow intended to kill.

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"Whatin the...huh?" Alf's head shot up at the screaming, and glancing, he saw Aiya try to crush her temple. Horrified and shaking his head quickly, Alf ran towards Aiya's legs, knocking her over.

"What the hell are you doing?" he glowered, moving away from Aiya and standing in front of Reika protectively.

"Took your sweet time didn't you eh?" she said with venom in her voice, the sweat further going down her face, the light spell preventing her from seeing anything. All she knew was she heard Alf's voice in front of her.

"Don't you ever say thank you Reika?" Alferis said irritably. "Anyway Aiya, are you nuts? You can't just kill people! You insane? And anyway, you can't break my jaw or hurt my mouth again this time. I got a metal mask now in case you hadn't noticed. I don't know what you're fighting about, but you can't kill a girl, especially when they're sick."

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As the impact to her legs caused her to fall, Aiya looked up with a blank stare. Alferis had pushed her down and was defending Reika.

Rage built up again, driving her, as she stood up and moved forward.

"Get out of my way, Alferis." She said, venom in her voice clear.

She didn't give him time to answer. If he refused to move, he would take the hit. If he would take that wretches side, he was no better than her.

She swung the steel fist, aiming for where she knew Reika's head was. Right behind Alferis' chest.

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Alferis took the blow right in the chest, falling back against Reika, who tried to push him up. He shook his head, dazed.

"Sorry, but you gonna kill her, you gotta get past me," he said weakly, clutching his chest. There was sharp pain in his chest, possibly a cracked rib if he was unlucky. He barreled towards her, aiming a headbutt at her, reaching for her fists.

"I hate to hit women, but if it's necessary, I'll have to destroy you. I can't let you harm Reika you hear? I can't. She's my client you hear? You won't hurt people under my watch.

And here I thought you were better than that woman beating boss of yours. I thought we could be friends but if you're going to be this way..."

"I love Reika and I'll smash all who try to kill her," he said to Esphyr. He never realized what that oath truly meant until now.

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As the man grabbed her wrists and barreled into her, Aiya felt herself hit the floor again. Clutching her stomach in pain, she struggled to get up.

"I guess... criminals stick together. A thief and a bandit... what a perfect pair." She managed to get out, before a violent cough shook her, and a splatter of blood painted the floor at her feet.

"But I guess the world favours those who take the easy way out... those who lie, cheat, and steal..."

She collapsed to her knees, coughing again, clutching her chest in agony.

"But... I can't just leave it like that... I promised I wouldn't leave it like that!"

With newfound resolve, she managed to push off of the floor.

"A little girl, lying bleeding, dying, in a cold alleyway... beaten to near death for a single gold coin, all she had to her name... and left for dead... by bandits, thieves... men just like you two... a four year old girl... it happened to me... but I won't let it happen to anyone else!"

A spark of renewed fury. Aiya grabbed the military dagger once again, and lunged at Alferis!

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Hmph. That bandit is getting what's coming to him. I help innocent people. He just defends thieves and cutthroats. Pary saw Alferis tumble into Aiya, and took his chance. He quickly hopped up out of bed with his staff in hand. "Be careful Aiya. A bandit would try anything." He took his staff, focusing on healing Aiya, and sent his energy towards her.

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The knife piercing his stomach, Alferis cringed in pain, crumpling to his knees momentarily before getting up again, his face contorted with rage beneath the mask.

Reika's eyes narrowed into slits. Beating up her was bad but stabbing her friend? Stabbing someone Aiya got along with and seemed to like? That just crossed the line.

"What did you? What did you do that for? He was trying to help you you idiot! And you stab him? You just proved something I learned the hard way. You can trust nobody, not even your own friends and family."

"Yer calling me a bandit? A BANDIT? Do you have ANY idea what I've tried to do not to be like them? You don't know a thing you stupid bitch! You can't judge me, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JUDGE ME!" Alferis shouted, drawing his axe. He stepped towards her, the knife still embedded in his stomach, though he was stumbling somewhat.

"Do you have any idea what I've gone through? Do you know how many nights in which I wanted to die for some of the stuff I did? You know what I've tried to do to not be like that?! Do you?! You don't know ANYTHING!" he shouted, aiming the butt of the axe to her stomach.

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Dani wont be mentioned again okay? AKA, Recap

Helios was waiting..... but for what? A sign that everything was alright? He heard footsteps approaching near him and yet he couldnt raise his head up. Then the person snatched the letter out of his hand and started to read it. Helios, startled, jolted forward and started to chant a spell which caused a draft to form. He stopped chanting the incantation when realized who it was.

"The girl you were with last night, thats Dani isnt she?" Queen Tora asked. Judging from the lack of response from her younger brother she determined that it was true.

"Its not like that." Helios replied sullenly. "Why doesnt Derek go after her? Derek cared about her enough to save her life and yet he doesnt plan on going after her........ Derek, her own brother." Looking down at her brother, the queen sighed. "Listen Helios, you wont understand this yet but do you think Derek feels nothing? I had a fool of a brother that left home too..... Lets see.... how can I say this without seeming too cheesy...." She pondered standing in place thinking for a moment.

"Fine." She sighed. "When you left I remember locking myself and my room and crying. I mean, Derek might not be doing that but I guess I was a little sad. Point is, Derek is stronger then I was..... He can control his emotions while I couldnt. He might not be showing it but I am pretty sure that he does miss her just like I missed my idiot of a brother............"

Helios, finally making sense of her lecture stood up straight. "You're right, that did sound cheesy." He smiled finally realizing that there was someone left in the world he could trust.

"Shutup." She retorted suddenly. She expected a snarky response but instead he embraced her. "Thanks, sis. I really needed that..... Um shouldnt you be gone already?" T

he queen, breaking away looked at her younger brother with a blank stare. "Oh my, I seemed to have wasted quite some time here havent I? Listen Helios, I had to give you something. It was your favorite tome back home which I still dont know why you didnt take it with you." She said producing a tome from her pack. "Fimbulvetr if I recall correctly." Helios, taking the tome in his hand felt a great power rise up in him.

"G-graH!" he winced as a dense golden aura engulfed him and drowned out his yelling. The queen took a step back. What had she done? "Helios!" she yelled out. The aura died down and Helios emerged unscathed. It was still him and yet he felt so different. Excess Mana was surounded his body serving as a visible aura.

"Helios?" The queen stammered fearing that it wasnt her brother before her. Helios, catching the worriness in her voice didnt look phased. "This wont do." He said examining the palm of his hand. "The group may think of me as some kind of demon......" "Suppress." The queen responded offering her hand. Helios took it and the aura vanished.

"Thank you again." Helios said. "I was using the wind tome all this time and it limited my abilities. You have heard of the life sap havent you?" The queen smiled. "I have, its also one of the reasons I brought it with me." Looking up her expression changed. "Oh no, I'm late. Well, Helios nice meeting you here of all places but I have to run." Helios sighed a little dissapointed she was leaving so soon. "Well, farewell I guess." He said.

Present day

This has gone far enough. He couldnt go back to sleep and now Alferis was up and away butchering at Aiya. "Enough!" He exclaimed drawing Fimbulvetr and chanting an incantation but stopping halfway when he realized the severity of the spell. These corners are too small. I cant break them up.... Only restrain one of them..... who?

OOC: http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2708723/

1 was Reika, 2 was Aiya. Eh, whatevs, Aiya it is

Aiya's injured..... Then suddenly Helios chanted a softer spell aimed at Alferis' axe( http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2708728/ )parrying it. "Gee, it really is pretty ungentlemanly to attack a weakened women isnt it?" Helios remarked trying to ignore the adrenaline of the situation.

EDIT: Added second link.

Edited by Gary Oak
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"Shut up! You don't know a thing!" Alf shot back at Helios. "This woman just tried to beat her to death when she was sick and couldn't defend herself. She would've DIED if I didn't come in!"

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"Well I thank you for that then." Helios said glad that Alferis didnt strike back. "Can we all be reasonable people and stop the fighting? Save it for the enemy, that goes to you too, Aiya. You cant go around attacking people no matter how much of an ass they are."

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As the butt of the axe hit her, Aiya stumbled backward. The coughing escalating, a trail of blood followed her. As her back hit the opposing wall, she felt herself falling.

'Just my luck.'

The glass of the window broke under her weight easily, and she fell through. Falling several feet to the ground and landing hard on her back, a spurt of blood escaped her mouth and covered her torso.


A yelp of pain, as the shards of broken glass rained down on the injured soldier, cutting her arms, legs. One particularly nasty piece lodged itself in between two of her ribs.

Everything was getting darker... lying alone and bleeding on the ground, a victim of a bandit... once again.

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Not waiting for a response from Alferis, Helios rushed to her side, keeled down next to Aiya and examined her wounds. "The princess left, Tessa is busy and Pary is not the right person to ask. Alferis, with your help I may be able to heal her but that is if you comply."

Edited by Gary Oak
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So many delicious sheep... were gone. Replaced by the dull coloring of the roof, a throbbing pain in his lower back and ringing ears from the excessive shouts coming from near him. "Keep it down, you louts!"

Luc Altair

Things were quickly plummeting further and further into an unsalvageable pit and Luc held himself back from interfering. Jumping in now would just make things worse. Luc had no way to calm down either side, and waking any of the heavy sleepers nearby would take too long. That is, until Luc heard Fargo's delightful voice crash through the whole room. For once in his life Luc thanked the fellow cavalier.


"Ahhaha, yes Captain?"

"Follow me," Luc said and began walking, and as he was, Helios of all people awoke and sent a blast of wind magic and the fighting fools. Thrice be damned was violence the only way these people thought to solve anything? "Hurry Fargo." Luc and his subordinate quickened their pace. They arrived in time to hear Helios talking about being "reasonable people and stop fighting". What hypocrisy.

"Enough," Luc said as calm as he could muster. only to see an attack to send Aiya staggering through a window. "Bah! Pary, follow!" Luc strode over to the window, and looked through. He spied a section clear enough for him to drop without crushing Aiya and hopped down.

The woman's wounds were excessive. There was no way he could treat this, so he would have to rely completely on Pary. And that was bad.

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