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If I read everything up to now, would you mind if I tried to come back in?

A little bit (if one or two episodes are going to scare you off you probably shouldn't bother though), but I'd let you come back. No problem.

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After taking some time and talking it over, why I find myself still disagreeing with what happened with Nyx, it was clear I was vastly over-reacting and receding back to the self-depreciatory behavior I have long struggled against, if not the attitude that everyone is against me when a sizable portion haven't really spent any amount of time with me. Should I stay or should I go? I don't know. But I do know that, if I go, it should be because something big that cannot be overlooked happened, not because I disagreed with something that (hopefully) has been at least thought out.

I have spent a lot of time here and it is hard to throw that all away, especially for something that, while it matters to me, is minor on the whole. I let a thorn become a spike in my *** and lashed out in pain, one of the many bad behaviors I picked up over the years. I understand, though, that this is basically my last chance though.

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Name: Isabella

Nickname: Executor, Belle
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Class: Wyvern Knight
Affinity: Ice
Weapon proficiency: Lance
Weapon of Choice: Nirvana


Inventory: Silver Lance, Weapon Proficiency(Sword), Brave Sword

Raw Stats: Hp:8 Str:12 Mag:0 Skl:8 Spd:5 Lck:1 Def:5 Res:0
Occupation: Assassin

DONaknT.jpg+ a large tattoo across her back, exact design yet to be finalized

Nature/Disposition: Ruthless and efficient most of the time, heavily focused. Has several chinks in her proverbial armour that can get her riled up and flustered. Has a specific and seemingly uncharacteristic loathing for the slave trade

Hometown: Unknown
Connections: Burke, Morgana Wyght, Ayano, among others
Backstory: Unknown, aside from whatever it was made her damn ready to heel on command, and brutally efficient when push comes to shove. Those who've seen her in action have attempted to decipher a strange form of magic she employs, to no success as of yet.



Level 2/2(-500)

Sell Iron Lance(+20)

Buy Silver Lance(-80)

Buy Sword Proficiency(-60)

Sell Iron Sword(+20)

Buy Brave Sword(-90)

53 remaining

Simp Stats:

Hp:24 Mt:18(12) Hit:10 AS:5 Evd:6 Def:5 Res:0
Edited by Ether
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Name: Greta Charron
Nickname: Grit
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Class: Sniper
Affinity: Thunder
Weapon proficiency: Bows
Weapon of Choice: Deal Breaker (Flintlock Pistol)
Inventory: Deal Breaker, Special Elixirs, some unique old coins, a hairbrush, and carving knife.
Raw Stats: HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 9 LCK: 5 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Simplified Stats: HP: 18 MT: 3 Hit: 11 Evade: 14 AS: 9 Defense: 1 Resistance: 1
Occupation: Merchant


Nature/Disposition: Friendly and sociable, but she does have a temper and her opinions are all her own.
Hometown: Born on the road in south western Ursium but grew up in several different villages.
Connections: Many, including Elrey, Uriel, and quite a few fellow merchants. She has also recently become an acquaintance of Raquel's, a fellow merchant merchant's assistant.
Backstory: Greta spent a great deal of her life on the move. Her mother was a merchant and her father a retired soldier turned bodyguard. When her mother past due to illness, Greta took over the business and helped raise her little brother, Shaun. Things took a turn for the worst during a routine trip up north, the caravan she was traveling with left without her, and even after hiring a substantial number of mercenaries, and nearly making it to Ursaea, the group was attacked by Schwartz, a powerful shadow dragon, along with several Neviskotian soldiers. Raquel and her group showed up just in time to assist, but Greta's father, brother, and several of her mercenaries died in the fighting. And someone also rode a dragon.

When all was said and done, Greta and her surviving companions went with their rescuers for lack of any better options. Safety in numbers has been all she could rely on while trying to rebuild her life.

Points: 743(Levels)->343(Gun)->263(Pouch)->193(Dual)->113(Leftovers)

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Name: Uriel
Nickname: Uri
Species: Dark Avian
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Class: Troub
Affinity: Fire
Weapon proficiency: Staff
Weapon of Choice: --
Inventory: Mend Staff
Ward Staff

Raw Stats: HP: 9 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 3 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 6 RES: 7
Simplified Stats: HP: 27 MT: n/a HIT: n/a AS: 7 AVO: 9 DEF: 6 RES: 7

Occupation: Wanderer, dragon caretaker
Appearance: 6'3, coppery orange hair with matching wings, his hair is usually tied up in a short ponytail, but when it's loose, it comes to just below his chin, usually wears loose fitting pants and a long sleeved shirt, has a sheath for his staffs that crosses horizontally across his back, below his wings, around his hips
Nature/Disposition: Full of wanderlust, has a bit of a temper, generally fairly relaxed and friendly
Hometown: Flugel Village
Connections: Tryphon
Backstory: Born in Flugel, Uriel was raised by his parents on stories of dragons and training how to fight. They fully believed that some day Dark Avians might once again be forced to make the choice to continue to go against their race's ideals and fight and kill, even though they live in the saftey of the Gateway to Aria. However, one day Uri was playing with some of his neighboorhood friends and badly injured one of them as a result. Although the friend recovered, Uri swore never to fight again. Instead, he dedicated himself to helping heal others, in an attempt to fix the hurt in the world. When Uri reached adulthood, he decided that he was done living in the relative isolation of Flugel and set out to explore the world. Hearing of dragon eggs being smuggled and recalling all the wonderful stories he'd been raised on, he snuck aboard a smuggler's ship in Kigen and stole a pale yellow-gold egg. Escaping with it to the isolated Neveskotian country side, he set about raising the dragonet that hatched a few months later. As Serafine has now reached an age where he feels safer traveling with her, he is looking for a group to travel with so that he can experience this world in all its splendor.

Mount Name: Lucky Clover
Mount Nickname: Clover
Mount Gender: Male
Mount Species: Horse
Mount Age: 9
Mound Appearance: Light grey fur, darker grey mane, blue eyes
Mount Personality: friendly, determined, sure to protect his rider

Pet Name: Serafine
Pet Gender: Female
Pet Species: Fire dragon
Pet Age: ~1
Pet Appearance: pale yellow gold scales with a mix of slightly darker gold scales

Points: 743-400 (T2)-210(levels)-60(staff prof)+20(heal staff)-30(mend staff)-60(ward staff)=3 points left

Edited by scorri
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Name: Haruhi Akiyama
Nickname: Haru
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Class: Druid 2/2
Affinity: Ice
Weapon proficiency: Dark
Weapon of Choice: Arc Tome
Inventory: SpellSlayer Tome, Composite Tome, Imperial Headband
Raw Stats: HP: 7 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 6 SPD: 8 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 5
Simplified Stats: HP: 21 Mt: 15 HIT: 7 AS: 8 AVO: 9 DEF: 2 RES: 9

Occupation: Drifter/student
Appearance: Haruhi has large, light blue eyes, short black hair, and slightly pale skin. She's incredibly skinny, and not athletic in the least. But she is fairly tall, rocking five feet and seven inches of height. Because of this, she doesn't come across as very feminine. It does make her slightly self conscious, but no one's ever picked on her for it, so this fear is unfounded. She wears a large traveling cloak over a plain white shirt and some baggy pants that reach her ankles, sandals on her feet. Tied around her forehead is the headband her father gave her.
Nature/Disposition: Before learning magic, Haruhi was incredibly depressed about her life situation. Once she'd managed to cast her first spell, her outlook turned around. Despite relegating herself to a life of discrimination by running away from home, the chance to learn magic and support her family (if she could find work) was enough hope to keep her smiling. She tends to view situations as easily surmountable, as long as she can throw a flux spell at it, and overestimates how strong this magic is. This leads her to overlook important things in life, and get herself into trouble. Of course, this only extends to situations; she has no delusions of grandeur about being more skilled than she is. But because of her magic, she's able to look at life optimistically.

Hometown: Ogata, a small village outside of Shin.
[spoiler=Backstory]Haruhi was born into a poor Kigenese family. Her father, Shinjiro Akiyama, was a warrior in the Bu class of Kigen. He was but a footsoldier, but lest he bring shame to his family's name, he worked as hard as he could. The luxuries presented to some of her village's other daughter were not provided for her. Her mother, Ritsuko did her best to teach her daughter all that could be taught with the funds and resources they had. While this was not much, she was taught how to care for the house, proper manners, how to cook and clean, and by the age of eleven, she was practically doing this all by herself. Her mother appreciated how hard working her daughter seemed, but deep down, Haruhi despised this sort of life. One day whilst doing the shopping for her family, while her mother was taking a rare day to clean the house herself, she spotted a man carrying a rather impressive tome under his arm. As politely as she could, she stopped him, and asked him what it was. Despite her appearance (which was rather disheveled, as her father could afford only the most basic of clothing), he plainly told her that it was a dark magic tome. A question popped into her head, but she didn't ask, for fear of stepping out of place. She bowed to the man and let him be.

A few years later, her father suffered a grievous wound in battle; he lost both his right arm, and his eye. He'd managed to survive thanks to a bout of quick healing, but he lost his rank in the Bu class, as a one armed man made for a poor soldier. Relegated to the Dan class of citizenry, he would work himself all day, tending to a farm nearby his village. With their funds decreased even further, and almost nothing to their name, Haruhi was passed over by many for prospective marriage. A girl with nothing but the simple skills almost every other possessed wasn't wanted by many. By the age of fourteen, she's started stealing from people in the village, as there wasn't much lower she could sink. Mostly to make ends meet, but there was an odd time where something would catch her eye. It just so happened that the man carrying the tome passed through their village again. He appeared to work higher up in the Bu for the leading Shogun, in the city of Shin, not too far away. Her attitude towards figures of authority having changes drastically in the three years since she had seen the man, she did her best to set out and steal the tome that he'd had. Though it took her tailing him between alleys for almost an hour, she managed to get a hold of it, without him noticing (he was busy perusing a meat stand, and had left his bag on the ground.)

As best as she could, she spent the next three years of her life reading through this book, and attempting to practice the magics within. It took her that long because it was something her father would never allow, as a woman of Kigen without a husband. Her place was at the home taking care of it, with her mother. So in secret she worked. When she finally managed to cast a spell, she felt such elation that living her miserable life was almost worth it. But of course, she was seventeen now. Being so old without a husband was putting her in the Unwanted category of women, and wasn't giving her a very prosperous chance at life. Her parents knew this, but they were struggling to simply make ends meet on their own. She knew something had to be done, and she'd hated this life anyway. Without telling either of them and without leaving a letter, she took what little she had and set off with this new magical knowledge, hoping to find work or a way of living elsewhere on the continent. All she had in her possession was the tome she'd stolen and the headband her father wore when he'd been a soldier.

Of course, traveling alone as an Unwanted was dangerous. She managed to get her hands on a large cloak and because of her size and hair, it was fairly easy to pass herself off as a boy, as long as she didn't speak. She'd gotten used to stealing to live, so she did so whenever she had to, running as fast as she could carry herself if spotted. The last thing she needed was to be beaten, as Unwanted were. Of course, overconfidence in her magic lead to poor choices at times, and she found herself besieged by three bandits on the road one day. She'd been keeping to the main road because she felt that her magic was strong enough to handle a bandit, but this hubris led to the unfortunate situation of being surrounded by three. She didn't know anything advanced enough to attack multiple targets. Looking for any sort of opening she could find, none came to mind that wouldn't get her injured, and she'd managed to stay away from injury this long. Healing services were something she could not afford, and this was assuming she managed to get away from them at all. It was at this point in her thinking that one of the men froze. The other stopped to stare at him, but he collapsed on the ground, not moving, and arrow stuck in his throat. The other two men started to back away, and this gave Haruhi a chance. She blasted one with a ball of flux, leaving the last one running for his life.

In the aftermath of all this, an older woman hopped herself out of a nearby tree, bow drawn at Haruhi. She didn't make any sudden moves, as being shot would leave her in the same place as if the bandits had gotten her; in extreme pain without any way of fixing it. But this woman didn't shoot. Instead she lowered her bow, and began to chide Haruhi, for walking by herself in such a country. She became especially mad once she discovered that Haruhi was also just a girl, placing a hand on her face and sighing. She began to leave, giving Haruhi some words of advice to stay safe, but Haruhi saw this as a perfect chance to safely travel. She dashed after the woman, and pleaded to travel together, receiving a bit of a weird stare. This woman reluctantly agreed, but once again gave Haruhi some harsh words about staying safe. It didn't matter; she wouldn't have much to worry about now. Learning that the woman's name was Rin, she decided that she would listen to whatever advice was given, as she seemed to be a rather skilled person.

Points left: 30

Let me know all of what's wrong pls I'm sure there's something.

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Ranyin sells 1 1 use Vulnerary!

129 + 1 = 130 Points!

Ranyin purchases Revival Potion/Amulet(Whatever it's called)

130 - 30 = 100 Points left!


Mireille sells basic Thunder Tome!

116 + 20 = 136 Points!

Mireille purchases Defending Tome

136 - 50 = 86 Points!

Mireille upgrades Defending Tome to Bulwark Tome AND EQUIPS IT AS HER PRIMARY WEAPON!

86 - 30 = 56 Points left!


Itsuki upgrades Enchanted headband to Elegant Headband!

113 - 20 = 93 Points!

Itsuki upgrades Elegant headband to Imperial Headband AND EQUIPES FIREWALL AS HIS PRIMARY WEAPON!

93 - 20 = 73 Points left!

Edited by Rothene
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Momoka Saito (斎藤 桃华)
Nickname: Momo, Momo-chan, Saito, Candyninja and Candy (OoC)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Class: Rogue
Affinity: Water
Weapon proficiency: Swords
Weapon of Choice: Ryuuseigun 流星群
Inventory: Suzuran (铃兰 Poison Sword), Kusanagi (草薙 Disabling Sword: Defense), Ryuuseigun (Combat Knife)
Raw Stats (2/2): HP: 5 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 11 SPD: 12 LCK: 8 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Simplified Stats: HP: 15 MT: 2/8 Combat Knife HIT: 13.75 AS: 12 AVO: 20 DEF: 1 RES: 1
Occupation: Thief
Appearance: Momoka stands at an incredibly modest 5'0" and sports dark teal hair in a hime-cut style with sidelocks reaching mid-face, is usually tied into a high ponytail with red thread, decorated with colorful pinwheels and commonly used as makeshift holster for a plethora of sweets in lieu of actual kanzashi (hair ornaments.) She has honey-brown eyes and a particularly slight build, which is proven useful time and time again in her thieving escapades. She wears a light happi coat with furisode sleeves (long, sweeping sleeves that mark the status of an unmarried woman, these hide her trusted Ryuuseigun blades) and is tied by a bright red chocho musubi (butterfly obi knot.) An undyed cotton undershirt, tight-fitting shorts, a worn pair of northern-styled boots, opera-length gloves, and a heavy cloak round out her simple ensemble. Her clothing is surprisingly dark-colored for someone so young, and she wears woolen leggings when it gets too cold.
Nature/Disposition: As the daughter of a samurai, her disposition is generally that of a respectable young girl: quiet, demure, and generally polite. Unfortunately, she has currently resorted to stealing to eke out a living, and the lives she's taken along the way have weighed heavily on her conscience, resulting in a pessimistic outlook on life and a sullen attitude. If given sweets, she'll become uncharacteristically energetic and happy. However, she has a tendency to unwittingly nick fruits and other sugary items, which tends to get her into trouble.
Hometown: Tsurui, Kigen
Connections: Itsuki Chasuka (grandfather), Ranyin Chasuka (cousin once removed), Haruhi Akiyama (traveling companion)
[spoiler=Backstory:]Momoka was born to Masanori Saito, a mid-ranked samurai, and Ayaka Chasuka, daughter of a similarly-ranked samurai, and so her upbringing was typical for a girl born into an affluent family. Their household included a handful of servants and their families and her grandmother from her mother's side, so their villa was quite lively much of the time. Though her father was seldom home due to campaigning against the Fallen, she was especially close to him and relished each moment she could spend with him. While away, he would frequently send letters with small gifts attached to reassure his wife and daughter of his safety, and thus her childhood was filled with happy memories of being pampered and anxiously waiting for news from her father. She was a well-behaved child who was almost never in want of attention since she was lavished in it, and she showed surprising amounts of restraint and modesty for one so young.

Once she reached the age of ten, however, it was decided that it was time to prepare for her introduction to society, and so she was sent to a renowned inn in order to study etiquette and prepare her for marriage. This system was ideal for both parties, because young women would learn lifelong skills and earn money to contribute to their dowries, and innkeepers were able to find respectable young women to employ at their establishments. There she learned to cultivate skills associated with those with status, such as flower arranging and tea ceremony, and also picked up on other languages as well. Her grandmother had recently passed away, so she was eager to bring honor to her family name. She did her best to make sure not to shame her parents and earned much praise from her superiors, which also resulted in a wage increase.

Unfortunately, her mother fell ill two years into her apprenticeship and letters from her father had ceased months earlier. With her father either missing or dead and her estranged grandfather still unresponsive to pleas to return home, Momoka was forced to resign from her position and return home to nurse her back to health by herself. Unfortunately, treatment for her mother's illness was expensive, and the household staff and possessions decreased day by day in order to compensate for the expenses. Eventually, she was forced to rely on neighbors' and relatives' kindness after pawning off much of the family fortune, saving a few family heirlooms, the deed to the villa, and the land the villa was built on. It wasn't long before the only servants that remained stayed out of their own free will and there was very little money left. Treatment eventually had ceased and Ayaka inevitably died. The last of the fortune was used to pay for her mother's funeral, and all that was left were the heirloom sword, deed to the family home, and a gold-plated hairpin that was given to her mother by her father as an engagement present. As she needed a male guardian, Momoka was then passed from family member to family member, and only the most loyal of household staff remained, anxious for the master of the house to return. She never felt that she truly belonged with her relatives and with the constant threat of being a victim of arranged marriage in order to decrease the burden on her extended family, she set off to earn a living for herself, eschewing all notions of propriety.

Having always been enamored with sweets, she found an apprenticeship to a wagashi (Japanese sweets, normally taken with tea) shop. It was the first time she'd enjoyed life in a long while, and she discovered that she was quite skilled at crafting the confections. Unfortunately, with puberty also came metabolic changes, and she soon found herself perpetually hungry due to her high metabolism. She devoured whatever she could graze on: fruits, raw sugar, honey, and even unsweetened bean paste became victims of her unrelenting hunger. She was ashamed of this gluttony and couldn't control it as much as she tried to and was subsequently fired, honor tainted.

In dire straits as nobody was willing to hire her or offer an apprenticeship, she was forced to steal what she could to survive and eventually poisoned the treasured family sword in order to have a fighting chance against those who could easily overpower her. She became a vagrant and wandered from town to town, begging and stealing what she could. Eventually, she honed her skills as a thief and came across a group of bandits that jumped a young woman not much older than herself. She quickly dispatched one, she felled another, and the last escaped, not wanting to meet a similar demise. Having done her good deed for the day, she turned to leave, but she implored her to stay. Seeing as there is safety in numbers and that the young woman could be easily dispatched if she turned on her, she decided to travel with her for the time being.

243+20(sold iron sword)=263
263-80(poison sword)=183
183-60(combat knife)=123
123-30(weapon affinity)=93
93+20(sold second iron sword)=113

113-50(disabling sword)=63

Edited by Sakusa
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  • 3 weeks later...

Reroll, here we go!

Name: Luther Briggs

Nickname: The Salesman

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Class: Hero

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Sword

Weapon of Choice: Sword passed down from his teacher

Inventory: Killer Sword, Plate Mail, Skill Book 2

Raw Stats: HP:9 STR:10 MAG:0 SKL:8 SPD:7 LCK:2 DEF:2 RES:1

Simplified Stats: HP:27 MT:10(12 with stance) HIT:10(12 with stance) AS:7 AVO:9 DEF:2(6 with Plate Mail) RES:1

Occupation: Mercenary

Appearance: Luther stands at 6’ 2” with a moderate build. He possesses short, straight orange hair and icy-blue eyes. He wears a dark green undershirt under his armor, black pants, brown leather gloves and boots, and carries his sword vertically on his back. The most prominent part of his attire is a green, tear-shaped pendant that he is never seen without.

Nature/Disposition: Easygoing, tries to make the best out of any situation. Underneath his friendly expression, he is a calculating man who takes his job seriously and tries to find the best solution to get out of trouble. Has a very odd sense of humor and enjoys taunting his enemies during combat.

Hometown: Village north of Ursentius

Connections: Weyland Enterprises, Yamato(teacher)


Luther lived a rather unremarkable life until he turned 11 and bandits attacked his home. While he and his family were unharmed, they caused a lot of damage to his village until a local mercenary group, known as Sol Leo, routed them. Inspired by their efficiency in clearing the thugs who assaulted his home, Luther made the decision to join up with them at behest of their leader, who went by Yamato, as they traveled throughout Ursium and Kigen; serving mostly as bodyguards or exterminators. During his travels, Yamato treated Luther as a son and taught him how to wield a sword and about the ways of the world.

One fateful day, five years later, Sol Leo was ambushed while escorting a high-profile customer. While the client survived, most of the mercenary company got wiped out and Yamato took a grievous injury that rendered him unable to wield a sword. In order to keep his pupil’s career alive, he gave Luther his trusty sword and instructed him to seek employment under Seth Weyland, who had handled many of Sol Leo's contracts prior to their destruction. Now, seven years later, Luther has served as an agent of Weyland’s. While he is ultimately an employee of the company, he also works on small jobs from time to time to earn some coin on the side.

[spoiler=Points and Stuff]

743 Starting

-500 to level(243)

+20 from selling Iron Sword(263)

-70 for Killer Sword(193)

-100 for Skill Book(93)

-80 for Plate Mail(13)

13 points remain

EDIT:Reallocated some stats.

Edited by Afterglimmer2
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was told to post this here.

Name: Cherish
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Class: Rogue 2/2
Affinity: Dark
Weapon Proficiency: Sword
Weapon of Choice: Combat Knife

Weapon 1:
Weapon 2:
Special Weapon: Combat Knife
Special Item:
Book: Skill Book: Escape

Raw Stats:

HP: 6
STR: 2
MAG: 0
SKL: 10
SPD: 11
LCK: 7
DEF: 2
RES: 1

Simplified Stats:

HP: 18
Mt: 2
Hit: 12
AS: 11
AVO: 18
DEF: 2
RES: 1

Combat Knife:
HP: 18
Mt: 7
Hit: 12
AS: 11
AVO: 18
DEF: 2
RES: 1

Occupation: Thief
Appearance: Cherish is about average height with long, well kept brown hair. Her skin is a bit pale from all the time she spends sneaking in the darkness and shadows. Despite her life starting with subsistence thievery she has manage to grow up quite healthily, taking good care of her voluptuous body and ample bust as it can be used to help her in her thieverious endeavors. Typically she wears a black cloak and skirt under an equally black cloak as it helps her blend in better with the darkness. She tends to gravitate to black clothing all of the time as it also makes the color of gold pop out better.
Nature/Disposition: Cherish doesn't really see other people as other people do. It's not that she can't interact with them, in fact to some people she can seem downright friendly, but to her it's all a removed interaction built around getting her what she really wants: Money. Having never really grown close to anyone after a life of having to fend for herself she either can't or won't see people like that. You get close to someone else and they either become a burden to you or you become a burden to them. Money, on the other hand, can't lie or betray you, and the more of it you have the less of a burden it is, in her eyes at least.
Hometown: Yasnygrad, as far as she knows.
Connections: Nothing... Yet.

[spoiler=Backstory]Backstory: As far back as Cherish can remember, she's lived on the streets having to steal to survive. On the streets it always seemed like a better idea to just look out for yourself. It was extra work, and risk, to steal to feed more people. Then there was the implication of having to split what was gained if it wasn't just food, and as she got older her skills grew making that a far more frequent occurrence. It was over the course of this life so detached from others except to take from them that she became distant, preferring the money they so held in high regard as it gave her some level of comfort to fill that hole left in her by loneliness. Still, unknown to her, it would never work causing her to keep trying to take more and more money to make herself feel better but it only staved off the symptoms a bit longer.

Skill Points(Added for me keeping my math straight):

Skill Book - 100
Combat Knife - 60
Level - 500
Large Pack - 80
Sell Iron Sword - +20

Remaining: 23

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It's time for me to stop fooling myself, in my current situation I cannot continue to be an effective member of the team here. I'm at that weird place where trying to get a post out is more work than fun, presumably influenced by my shrunken window of leisure time but not wholly a consequence thereof as this has happened to some extent previously. Regardless of its cause, it's impeding my ability to do my characters justice and will only cause me to be a millstone around the necks of those I'm working with. I'm going to have to withdraw from the roleplay for the time being. Sinbad presumably continues to chase the one-armed man, Theodore's concept was probably not the best idea to begin with and I see no reason for him to not just take the new-found information to Hammer and then do Hammer things with them. The Helena situation is making me feel more guilty than the other at the moment, but it's not like letting things progress as they are is any better, and wish though I might I don't see my situation resolving any time soon. If I ever get around to rejoining a fresh start is probably the way to go with things.

Edited by Balcerzak
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Liam
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Class: Adept
Affinity: Wind
Weapon Proficiency: Light
Weapon of Choice:

Weapon 1: Bulwark Light Tome
Weapon 2:
Special Weapon:
Special Item: Bulwark

Bulwark Light Tome -60

Bulwark -50

743-110= 633

633-400 (tier 2)= 233

-100 133


23 left

Raw Stats:

HP: 9
STR: 0
MAG: 8
SKL: 8
SPD: 7
LCK: 1
DEF: 2
RES: 7

Simplified Stats:

HP: 27
Mt: 8
Hit: 10
AS: 7
AVO: 8
DEF: 2(8 Bulwark tome)
RES: 7

Occupation: Cloud Legion trainee
Appearance: Look at avatar
Nature/Disposition: Takes duty seriously, distrustful of humans
Hometown: Aria
Connections: Emperor Antares and other Cloud Legion members, Joanna, Mercy

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Uri goes through a class change!

He turns into a 2/3 Troub!

Simp stats:

HP: 9 STR: 0 MAG: 8 SKL: 3 SPD: 7 LCK: 2 DEF: 6 RES: 7

Inventory: Mend staff/Ward staff

Points: 743-400 (T2)-210(levels)-60(staff prof)+20(heal staff)-30(mend staff)-60(ward staff)=3 points left

Everything else stays the same

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Liam approved/Uri stats approved, obviously lol (may or may not throw in the avian/dark avian traits later ... we'll see)

Name: Joanna
Nickname: The Winged Cleric, Jo
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Class: Level 1 Winged Chaplain
Affinity: Fire
Weapon proficiency: Staves (none in actual flavoring)
Weapon of Choice: Healing arts
Inventory: Physic Staff, Ward Staff, Restore Staff, and Raise+
Points: 13 (400 for levels 2-6, 100 for Raise+, 80 for LP, 80 for Physic, 60 for Ward, 30 for Restore, and the basic staff is sold for the final total)
Raw Stats: HP: 4 STR: 0 MAG: 9 SKL: 3 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF: 0 RES: 10
Simplified Stats: HP: 12 MT: 9 Hit: 3 Evade: 10 AS: 8 Defense: 0 Resistance: 10
Occupation: (Optional)

Nature/Disposition: Empathetic to an inhuman (but very avian) degree.
Hometown: Aria
Connections: The avians, the Order of Mercy, and a lot of random people she's helped during her time in Ursium.
[spoiler=Backstory]She first appeared in human society a couple of years ago. The title of 'Dark Avian' had always made her uncomfortable, but living in Ursium, it couldn't be helped. At first she fed herself by taking the most ordinary jobs she could find. These normal jobs never stayed normal however, since as a female of her race, her ability to interpret the thoughts of those around her brought a great deal of suspicion on her, normal for most of her kind, but added onto that were her relatively poor hand-eye coordination. She wasn't suited to most of the jobs she tried to get. Incident after incident taught her that normal custodian work simply wasn't for her.
At first she didn't know that she could make an honest living as a healer and so hadn't pursued that option. What she soon learned though was that her light magic abilities were extremely valuable. Not hindered much by traveling distances, she was able to get from place to place by air and became a reliable healer in the Capital region. What seemed unique to Joanna, however, was her ability to travel greater distances without experiencing common health problems that limited other dark avian clerics. While others risked becoming sick by traveling from one region and climate to the other on a regular basis, Joanna seemed immune.
Eventually the Order of Mercy began working with and associating closely with her until she eventually joined them. Being a part of the Order of Mercy, she was able to live at the Grand Cathedral in Europa. Since then she became their popular 'Winged Cleric' and was one of the few dark avian healers in the church who did any serious traveling. Unfortunately, she was found to have extremely dangerous habits when placed in violent situations, such as not using her powers defensively, even to save her own life. She is a true pacifist regardless of the circumstances and will try her best to prevent or stop violence even after it begins by shielding combatants, with her own body if necessary. She is one of the Order's most iconic, if not worrisome, members. She isn't as famous as she would be if she traveled beyond the capital region more frequently, but she is well known in the capital region itself, her name only eclipsed by the leaders of the various Orders.
She came to the human world from Aria with two goals, to ease as much of the world's suffering as she could, and safeguard a box given to her by the Avian Emperor, Antares. Once the Order of Wrath learned that she possessed the box, she was quickly arrested. Her destiny lies elsewhere, now, and her ideals will be put to the ultimate test in the coming days.

... approved ... etc

Meanwhile, Shadrak levels up at last!
HP: 8 STR: 0 MAG: 13 SKL: 8 SPD: 6 LCK : 1 DEF: 1 RES: 5
HP: 24 MT: 13 Hit: 10 Evade: 7 AS: 6 Defense: 1 Resistance: 5
His El tome's also getting upgraded to Arc but I either have to have that done in retrospect or afterward. Don't really care which at this point, just making a note of it. He also has 1 point currently as a result of all this.

And lastly I decided to go'head and reclass Gabbie into (LoAF's) Irina's spiritual successor, a wyvern knight; there'll be plenty of awesome flavor for it later, but for now, here's her new build (and note that she not only leveled but I also purchased retrain so her stat distribution is slightly different from before. Retrain was purchased after her points were at 0 so that I could actually get the firewall and iron lance so her points are negative currently)
Level 2 Wyvern Knight
Points remaining: -60 ... or -59, I'm not sure which. Before all this she had 193 on the sheet but I had tracked it as 192. I'm almost certain the sheet was correct but I kept both marked down just in case my math isn't bad 100% of the time.

HP: 9 STR: 8 MAG: 0 SKL: 7 SPD: 7 LCK: 1 DEF: 7 RES: 0
Simplified Stats
HP: 27 MT: 8 Hit: 7 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 7 Resistance: 0
Weapon 1: Iron Lance (bought for 30 points) (Killer Lance sold for 35 points)
Weapon 2: Firewall (bought for 100 points)
Item: (Vulnerary 1/3 sold for 3 points)
Overall Stats
HP: 27 MT: 8 Hit: 8 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 7 Resistance: 0
Firewall: HP: 27 MT: 4 Hit: 8 Evade: 4 AS: 3 Defense: 15 Resistance: 8

And that's the end of my shenanigans for this morning, folks *bows*

Edited by Phoenix
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Jouichi Masaki

Nickname: Joui

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Class: 2/3 Bishop

Affinity: Wind

Weapon proficiency: Staff Proficiency

Inventory: Dynamic Light+ Tome

Basic Heal Staff

Raw Stats: Hp:9 Str:0 Mag:11 Skl:8 Spd:5 Lck:3 Def:0 Res:6

Simplified Stats: Hp:27 Mt:13 Hit:10 AS:5 Evd:8 Def:0 Res:6

Points: 24 left

Appearance: Jouchi is on the taller side for a Kigen man, clocking in at a solid 5'7". Despite this he isn't particularly strong-looking or even looking that much like how one would expect a normal 'soldier' to look like... until one remembers that not all soldiers require large amounts of physical strength. He no-longer wears his original soldiers clothes, on account of NOT wanting to end up with some rogue's dagger in his back for a bounty back home, but still keeps them stowed away in his sack as he travels about since they hold sentimental value. His 'normal' clothes are those of a normal cleric, about one size too small, that he had to steal along with some money to be able to afford to eat on the road. He left an IOU though.

His hair is a dark black color kept in a long and wide ponytail down his back and his eyes are a normal green color.

Nature/Disposition: Jouichi was born a man who always enjoyed a bit of fun. Be it from simply playing a game to dropping a prank on others he is almost always up for a bit of good humor and adventure. He very much enjoys employing wagers and gambles in even minor things (whoever washes their dishes last owes two gold!) not because of any sense of greed, but because it makes it more 'enjoyable' in his eyes. Likewise, his pranks generally are not meant to hurt others and, if he does hurt them, he usually heals (assuming he can). He just likes a spot of good fun.

Jouichi also enjoys listening to music as well. While appreciative of all art, music is by far his favorite, especially of the string kind. While his playing has been described as 'A yowling wolf within a den of screeching bats' among his peers that has not diminished his love for the art and he often tries his best to find people who can play it to enjoy their music.

Connections: Jouichi once held a family consisting of him, his parents, and two younger sisters. He has never met his youngest sister, knowing her in name only, but the other was named Momoki. While his relationship with his sister was never that close he did spend time with her and she is responsible for his love in music. Additionally he is, technically, family with at least one other house as Momoki has married into it. As of now though, if he has any family, or connections, he is no longer certain at all.

Backstory: Jouichi was born into a fairly normal family in Kigen with very little of interest in his life as a young child. He spent time with his father, bugged his little sister, and worked hard to learn various skills. Decently skilled in the use of light magic he joined the army as a cleric as soon as possible, leaving his family behind. Since then he has never looked back and has devoted him fully to his job of keeping others alive and well.

During his time in the military he participated in many skirmishes to the point where he began to surpass the normal expectations of a cleric and soon was promoted due to his work. Keen on remaining a healer he chose to continue his work helping others and serving the Emperor as best he could, following the orders of the Metal Dragon with all his effort. Loyal, determined, and though he wasn't exactly the most enjoyable person to be around, did his best to aid his teammates.

That all changed when he woke up one day to the sound of soldiers knocking on his door demanding that he come out and surrender for the crime of treason. Though he knew of Momoki having been married, he thought little of it until that moment when the charges were read aloud. The wording was vague, only a general accusation of charges against the Emperor, but the meaning was clear. Somehow, be it justified or not, Momoki had been accused of treason against the Emperor. Though he had been distant from his sister he knew two things for certain.

His sister was simply not the type of person to intentionally betray another person unless her own life was on the line beforehand, and he very much enjoyed not being dead. As fast as he could he tried to escape, doing his best to keep from attacking the soldiers and healing any he could that he did wound, until at last he managed to escape with them in hot pursuit. Hiding in various places, from inn closets to shrubberies alongside the road, he slowly made his way northwards. In a single moment his faith in the Emperor had been shattered. Though he had known of the dragons and the punishments the Emperor handed down, he had always assumed them to be just. Punishing traitors and those whom had helped them was the best way to keep betrayal from spreading, right? But now he was on the receiving end of it. He had not even seen, written to, or had any contact at all with his sister since she had become married, and now he was being punished for a crime he was convinced she could not have done out of malice or greed.

But he did not know where she was or, if so, if she was even alive still. Even if he knew, by the time he could arrive she may have been executed and even if she had not he was not some legendary warrior but just a healer. Could he heal her captors throats shut? There was only one choice for him, to flee northwards, hoping to find a new life or, if not, a chance to see if what the dragons said was true was so from the view of the outside world.

Momoki's 'Crime'

Momoki's husband is one of the various people who serve the Emperor. One of the many other servants sought to curry favor with the Emperor and decided that the best way to do so would be pinning evidence of a crime worthy of the death penalty as such a thing would not only remove a fellow rival but gain a large amount of favor. The rival family worked hard and created copies of data of the various ships serving under Rin Yoshida, their crews, strategies, and plans and marked them as destined for Asami Yoshida. They then waited until the right moment and smuggled the various information under the floorboards of Momoki's bedroom and informed the Emperor of their location. Had the information 'reached' Asami it would have allowed her to plan a perfect attack upon Rin, potentially killing him and dealing massive damage to the Imperial navy by proxy, more than deserving of the crime. With Momoki's husband out of the way, either for suspicious of high treason or outright dead, the rival family would both gain large amounts of favor with the Emperor and have one less rival for power.

Edited by Snowy_One
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After Cathedral fight and point gains, my guys have...

Katrina: 85

Synthia: 66

Valter: 75

If I can't actually do this let me know, but I was lead to believe that I could. Kat hasn't been in a fight since I bought her quarter staff, so I'm going to refund that so that with these new points I can get her a level. So that's +50 points to the above

135 - 100 = 35 points left

Kat 2/1 -> 2/2


STR:7 -> 8


SKL:7 -> 8

SPD:5 -> 6



RES: 0

Synthia's gonna get an imbued staff

-50 points

16 new total

Valter's gonna upgrade the novice ring to a warrior ring

-20 points

55 new total

I'm gonna go edit points and equipment in Kamal's sign up now

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Points get!

Angelica - 72

Faatina - 66

Arietta - 152

Isabella - 110

Angelica buys a Switch Book(-70), my little Angel can't possibly be this bulky ALL THE TIME! (2 remaining)

Arietta buys weapon affinity axe for 60(92), sells Iron Axe for 20(112), and buys Swordreaver Axe for 60(52), upgrading it to Swordreaver Axe+ for 20(32 remaining)

Isabella buys Skill book 1(10 remaining)

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Name: Amalia Denisov
Nickname: Ami
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Class: Swordmaster
Affinity: Water
Weapon of Choice: A fairly plain and sturdy sword, although it is bound together slightly better. A rune is inscribed for quick changes of direction.
Inventory: Brave Sword, Firewall (Light for res), Switch Book

Level: 2/2
Raw Stats: Hp:7 Str:7 Mag:1 Skl:8 Spd:12 Lck:2 Def:1 Res:1
Simplified Stats: Hp: 21 Str: 7 Mag: 1 Hit: 9 AS: 12 Avo: 14 Def: 1 Res: 1
Occupation: Street Performer
Appearance: Amalia has round, hazel colored eyes, with tiny speckles of gold in them. Her brown hair matches her eyes fairly well, and runs down her back, almost to her waist. Her skin is rather pale, but has tanned slightly due to her travels. She's rather thin, but has enough strength to wield her sword and not run out of stamina immediately. She wears shorts under a long dress with slits around the knees to prevent it from getting in the way of her fighting, and a light blue blouse on top. Underneath the blouse is a white tank top. She prefers to be a bit conservative in dressing.
Nature/Disposition: Amalia likes to help people to enjoy themselves, and she does her best through the little light magic she knows and her sword dancing. Whenever she comes across a dispute, she will try to solve it civily, to the best of her abilities. She doesn't enjoy having to fight, nor would she ever want to kill anyone. Incapacitate at the worst.
Hometown: Travels the roads
Connections: Uriel
Backstory: Amalia is a traveling performer in the only way she knows; sword dancing. Her family's relatives were old performers and she learned a few tricks from them. Once she'd learned how to use a sword, it only took another couple of years learning from another group of performers in Neviskotia to incorporate it into a routine. Having the basest understanding of light magic also helped, as it made her shows that much more entertaining and gave them the special flash they needed. She's been handling herself like this for a few years, and it's worked out so far.

A few weeks ago, the group she'd been traveling with currently decided to visit a border town of Neviskotia. There, she met a man she used to know, Uriel. Although their reunion was rather awkward for her, she decided it was for the best that they'd met again. It was almost nice to meet old "friends".

Watch out Raquel group, more swordmustards.

oh btw points remaining 60

and yolo gonna do points things I guess.

Eva spends 70 points and gets a taunt manualllll

17 points left

Haruhi picks herself up another tome before she even shows up, how amazing

weapon affinity, -60, sell basic tome, +20, spend 80 on a composite tome

and we're left with 40 points

Edited by I have opinions
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