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Sorry about double post, but I don't wanna edit the above post anymore X_x

[spoiler=Cordelia/Henry][spoiler=C support]Cordelia: There. It took a while, but it's finished at last!
Henry: Hey-o, Cordelia! Whatcha makin' there? Is that a scarf?

Cordelia: Yes. Who knows when we might be called upon to battle in frigid conditions?

Henry: Neat! Plegia's all hot and sunny, so there's not much call for scarves. Hey, I'm no expert, but isn't that more of a man's scarf?

Cordelia: Er, well, the scarf is actually an item that can be worn by either... Um... It's not for me. It's a present.

Henry: Oooh, lucky guy. I wish someone would make ME a nice cozy scarf!

Cordelia: Heh. Well, you can have this one, if you like it that much.

Henry: Huh? But what about the special fella you were gonna give it to? I don't want an angry boyfriend pounding on my tent flap in the dead of night!

Cordelia: Well, now that I think about it, the gift probably isn't such a good idea.

Henry: Aw, but it's so beautifully made! I'm sure he'd love it.

Cordelia: Yes, but I doubt his wife would.

Henry: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh. Say, what if the wife was dead? Could you give it to him then?

Cordelia: Henry, that's terrible! never say that again! ...... And in any case, it's a moot point, because I'm giving it to you. ... Thank you, Henry.

Henry: What a weirdo. Why'd she thank ME for taking HER present?

[spoiler=B support]Henry: Hey Cordelia! Thanks again for the sweet scarf!

Cordelia: Not at all. I'm glad you like it. *siiiiiigh*

Henry: Uh-oh. Looks like someone's got a case of the bloody Mondays...

Cordelia: Ew! ...And I'm fine, really. Just indulging in a little self-pity.

Henry: That's kind of like making yourself sad on purpose, isn't it? You want help? 'Cause I got a curse that'll REALLY make you miserab--

Cordelia: No, thank you! ...I was just moping about the married man I've fallen for. Still, I've no one else to blame but myself, so I have no right to grumble.

Henry: That's for sure!

Cordelia: Henry, sometimes you are honest and straightforward to a fault. You know, I wish I could just decide to stop liking someone.

Henry: I've got a curse for that, too! One little chant will take your heartache away.

Cordelia: Truly?

Henry: Sure! Just tell me who you're yearning for, and I'll pluck the love out like a weed! You'll feel much better, I promise.

Cordelia: I appreciate the offer, and it IS tempting... But I have to say no.

Henry: Why?

Cordelia: No matter how much it pains me, I don't want this love to go away.

Henry: Huh. So you ARE making yourself sad deliberately!

Cordelia: I know, Henry. I know...

[spoiler=A support]Henry: Yikes, I think my arms have gone numb from carrying so much stuff!

Cordelia: I appreciate your help. I had no idea I'd bought so much until it was too late. It was very good of you to come and escort me around the market.

Henry: So, now that we've been shopping, how's the lovesick heart? Better?

Cordelia: What do you mean?

Henry: I asked Lissa for advice, and she told me to take you on a big shopping trip. She said a few hours trying on dresses and armor would fix that broken heart, pronto!

Cordelia: So this was all a plot to make me feel better, was it? Well, I would never have believed it, but I DO feel better. Thank you.

Henry: Great! So now that we know shopping works, let's go to the market again!

Cordelia: Er, but we were just there.

Henry: I can go back and forth all day if that's what it takes! Plus, they had this eyeball in a jar that I wanted to--

Cordelia: Henry, you're very kind, but I think you've done enough for one day.

Henry: Then how about some comfort food? Fruit pies and cream? Candy apples? Macaroni and cheese with fried boar crisps and crumbled horse--

Cordelia: Definitely not! I have to stay in fighting shape. Anyway, it wasn't the shopping that made me feel better--it was being with you.

Henry: What, really?

Cordelia: Just knowing that you care enough to help is comfort in itself. We could have done anything and you would have lifted my spirits.

Henry: I don't really get all this "feelings" stuff, but if you say so. Er, but if you're REALLY grateful, you could join me for a fruit pie...

Cordelia: Oh, all right. ...But just the one!

[spoiler=A support]Henry: *Pant* A-avast, fiend! Prepare to wear your guts for garters! *Pant, pant* It's n-no good... I can't even lift the thing...

Cordelia: Henry, what in the world are you doing with that battle axe?

Henry: I'm practicing how to look more manly! I figured you might like me better if I was a little bigger and tougher.

Cordelia: Is this another of your schemes to make me feel better?

Henry: Nya ha! No, it's a scheme to make you fall in love with me.

Cordelia: It's a... Wait, what?

Henry: I know I'm not as tough or brave or handsome as Chrom, but maybe--

Cordelia: D-did you just say Chrom?

Henry: Well, that's the guy you're always pining for, isn't it? That's what Lissa said, anyway. Was she wrong?

Cordelia: *Sigh* No, she wasn't. Oh, this is so embarrassing! I didn't want anyone to know.

Henry: Aw, it's okay. I'm just gonna work hard so you end up liking me instead!

Cordelia: Henry, you don't have to impress me by trying to be more like Chrom. There's plenty of things about you that I already like. ...In fact, I've found myself thinking about you more than Chrom lately.

Henry: Really?

Cordelia: You've been so kind and thoughtful and considerate toward me. I'm ashamed I didn't realize you were falling in love with me before my eyes!

Henry: Well, if you REALLY feel bad about it, you could accept this ring...

Cordelia: Oh, Henry! I'll gladly accept it! No one knows how to make me happy quite like you...

[spoiler=Nowi/Kellam][spoiler=C support]Nowi: Hmm? What's this piece of paper doing on the ground?

Kellam: Um, that's mine.

Nowi: Really? Let's see what it says... "Dear everyone. How are you?"

Kellam: Hey, that's private! Don't read it!

Nowi: Oh, it's a letter! Did you write this?

Kellam: It's for my family back home. My parents and brothers. I just want to let them know I'm okay.

Nowi: You have brothers?

Kellam: Oh, sure. Five of 'em. We grew up in a pretty lively house.

Nowi: *Sniff* I wish I had brothers and sisters. It's so boring when you're all alone...

Kellam: Gosh, that must be rough... But, uh, please don't cry. You know, I always wanted a sister... So if you want, maybe you could pretend that I'm your brother!

Nowi: That's a great idea! From now on, I'll be your big sister!

Kellam: Oh, right. You're older than me. I always forget that.

Nowi: Okay, Little Brother, let's play a game! I get to pick because I'm the oldest.

Kellam: Um...okay?

[spoiler=B support]Nowi: Keeellaaaaaam! It's time to play hide-and-seek!

Kellam: Actually, you might not want to play that game with me.

Nowi: Don't you try to wriggle out of it. Your big sister orders you to play!

Kellam: Well, if you insist...

Nowi: I'm going to count to a million, so you run off and hide somewhere.

Kellam: A m-million?! Well, okay...


Kellam: I was afraid this might happen. I'm hungry and it's almost dark. She must've gone home by now... I'll give it five more minutes, and then I'll come out and head for supper.

Nowi: Ah-HAH! Gotcha!

Kellam: Gah?! You were still looking?

Nowi: Well, I HAD to find you, right? Otherwise you'd have been waiting forever! Sitting in a bush... All alone... Not a single friend to talk to... But don't worry about that, Little Brother! I'll NEVER leave you alone!

Kellam: ...Never?
Nowi: Okay, your turn! Now you have to find me!

Kellam: Um, Nowi? It's dark, and I'm hungry., so maybe we can--

Nowi: Hey! Your older sister commands it!

[spoiler=A support]Kellam: Found you, Nowi!

Nowi: Aww! Not again! Why are you so good at this stupid game?!

Kellam: Oh, I had a lot of practice.

Nowi: But how do you hide so well? You have to teach me! Pleeease?!

Kellam: Aw, shucks, Nowi. I can't teach you, because I don't know. It's just...happens. Our family was real poor, see? So my brothers and I had to share everything. But I was a mean kid who hated sharing, so we'd always get into fights. Eventually my family got tired of my selfishness and started ignoring me. Well, I got mad and they stayed mad, and now... Well, it's like I'm just not there.

Nowi: Oh, Kellam... That's the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life!

Kellam: It is?

Nowi: You may have had a family, but really you were all alone like me!

Kellam: Well, I suppose so. In a way.

Nowi: Well, never mind all that. I'm your sister now, and I KNOW you exist. So no more hiding from me, all right? ...Unless we're playing.

Kellam: Heh heh. This sister thing ain't half bad!

[spoiler=S support]Nowi: What are you doing, Kellam? You look so serious.

Kellam: Er, hello, Nowi. I'm just...polishing this ring.

Nowi: Wow, it's so shiny!

Kellam: My parents gave it to me when I first left for the capital. I'm supposed to give it to someone who I want to bring into the family.

Nowi: You mean like your big sister?

Kellam: Um, I guess so.

Nowi: Oh, I'm just kidding. I know an engagement ring when I see one.

Kellam: ......

Nowi: ...Well? Are you going to give it to me or not?!

Kellam: Wh-what?! Well, I was planning on making more of a deal out of it. I mean, with some music or maybe a big cake or...something? ...Here. Do you accept?

Nowi: Yay! Of course I do!

[spoiler=Tharja/Stahl][spoiler=C support]Stahl: Hey there, Tharja. Catch!

Tharja: ...A fig? And what do you want me to do with this?

Stahl: Just thought you might be hungry. You barely touched your lunch, and you're pretty scrawny, yeah? Figured a nice juicy fig might hit the spot.

Tharja: You were spying on me in the mess tent?

Stahl: Well, I'd hardly call it "spying"... I mean, it's a public place, right? Anyway, I just noticed you were pushing beans around with a fork.

Tharja: Oh. Well, all right then. Very thoughtful of you.

Stahl: I actually have a whole bag. I could leave 'em right here if you--

Tharja: One is enough.

Stahl: Right. Got it. Well, I guess I'd better, um... Yeah. Just let me know if I can do anything else for you, all right?

Tharja: I am suspicious of this unbidden kindness.

Stahl: Sorry, what was that?

Tharja: Nothing, nothing... ...... You know, in my home, it is customary for new friends to exchange locks of hair. Perhaps you would give me a strand or two from your head.

Stahl: Huh? Oh, well, sure, I guess. I mean, if it's a custom...

Tharja: Thank you. You have been most helpful... Eee hee hee...

[spoiler=B support]Stahl: Hey, Tharja. You have a moment? I was wondering about that hair-custom thing. See, because I've been asking around, and no one else has ever heard of it.

Tharja: You mean that nonsense about friends exchanging bits of hair?

Stahl: Er, nonsense?

Tharja: Hee! I'm a dark mage. You know what people like me do with locks of hair, right?

Stahl: Hey, wait a second... Y-you're not gonna put a hex on me?

Tharja: Oh, don't look so put out about it. It's really a tiny little thing. It just forces you to speak the truth to me... Or else die in a horribly painful manner.

Stahl: What?! But that's so...mean.

Tharja: Now, speak! Why are you so kind to me? Answer with truth, or else!

Stahl: *Gulp* I was... I mean, I was just kind of...um...concerned.

Tharja: You thought I might be a Plegian spy? Yes, I figured as much. But you should know I never liked that dastard Gangrel. What kind of king would sacrifice his realm to suit his own twisted goals? It's a travesty he ever took the throne.

Stahl: No, that's not what--

Tharja: I have been loyal to Chrom from the very beginning. Not that I imagine any of you sad sacks will believe me.

Stahl: That's not what I meant when I said I was concerned, Tharja.

Tharja: Oh, this should be interesting. So what exactly did you mean?

Stahl: Look, you always seem to be sitting off on your own without any friends. I thought you might be lonely. That's all.

Tharja: If I wanted friends, I would conjure them forth from the black abyss!

Stahl: Rrr...right. Got it. I'll just be...walking...over here now.

Tharja: Oh, stop. You don't have to go. I'm just surprised that you are what you claim to be. That's all.

[spoiler=A support]Stahl: Hey, Tharja. Whatcha doing with that big crystal orb?

Tharja: Divination.

Stahl: Soooo, is that some kind of hex or what?

Tharja: Divination is the art of seeing into the future. Right now I'm trying to see who is going to win our next battle.

Stahl: N-no! Don't do that!

Tharja: ...Come again?

Stahl: If you see victory for us, we might get complacent and lose. And if you see defeat, we'll give up before we've even tried. Don't you see? No good can come of what you're doing.

Tharja: I suppose that's one way to look at it. I thought you'd be more confident.

Stahl: Oh, no. I go into every battle expecting to get my lunch handed to me.

Tharja: How inspiring.

Stahl: But don't worry! You're my special friend! I'll die before I let anything happen to you!

Tharja: ...What?

Stahl: Oh gods. Did I really just say "special friend"? I meant "stalwart ally." That's it! That's all.

Tharja: That's weird.

Stahl: Ugh... Well, you're the one who put that stupid truth spell on me. I can't help it if everything I say comes out in shades of pink.

Tharja: Hmm. I'd forgotten about that.

Stahl: Still, it's funny. Having to speak the truth is almost...relaxing, in a way.

Tharja: That's the first time one of my victims has thanked me. ...... Still, if you are so eager to be friends, perhaps it wouldn't be so terrible.
Stahl: Really? You mean it? My heart bounds like a thousand fluffy kittens! ...... Uh, you think you could remove this hex now?

[spoiler=S support]Stahl: Ha! Hya! Eeeya! ...Nope. Still not right.

Tharja: You'll get it eventually.

Stahl: Yeah, but when? I need to hone my skills if I want to serve Chrom and the others. Plus, you'll never like me if I don't get strong and powerful.

Tharja: ...Like you?

Stahl: I mean, you're always strong and tough and scary, right? Well, I'm not. I'm just some guy who floats through life on a breeze. So if I don't get stronger, I'm never...you know. Gonna ahve a chance.

Tharja: Bashing a practice dummy to smithereens will not improve my opinion of you.

Stahl: Yeah, but it couldn't hurt, right?

Tharja: You're missing the point. Your modesty and flightiness ARE you strengths. They are also...oddly charming.

Stahl: What, really? They are?

Tharja: Yes, I suppose. Though gods help me if I understand why.

Stahl: Oh, Tharja! Marry me!

Tharja: Is this some kind of joke?

Stahl: I love you! I hunger for you with the passion of ten thousand dying suns! I can't breathe around you. I... *wheeze* *gasp* Look, I even went out and got a ring and everything. ...Please?

Tharja: For someone so mild mannered, you can be quite forceful... Very well. I accept.

Stahl: Really?! WOO! Tharja, this is the best day of my entire life! And you know that's true because I'd die a horrible death if I lied to you.

Tharja: Actually, I removed that curse some time ago.

Stahl: You removed... Wait, what?!

Tharja: Oh, yes. You had the power to hold your tongue all along.

Stahl: Really? ...REALLY really? ...... I think all the kittens in my heart just died of shame...

[spoiler=Olivia/Frederick][spoiler=C support]Olivia: Er, Frederick?

Frederick: Yes, milady? How may I be of service?

Olivia: Well, see, I was wondering... And this may be an odd question, but... Well, what do you think of me?

Frederick: Think of you, milady? *Ahem* Well, you are flexible of limb and move with an economy of motion. You have the qualities of a superior fencer. I would recommend a light rapier to start.

Olivia: No, I'm not talking about being a soldier. What I mean is... What do you think of me as a woman?

Frederick: Do I find you attractive? Is that your meaning?

Olivia: I suppose so, yes.

Frederick: Hmm... A difficult question, if I may speak bluntly. I'd not thought of you in such terms before, and so cannot provide a meaningful answer.

Olivia: Oh. That's just what he said...

Frederick: Who?

Olivia: Khan Basilio. He never takes me seriously, no matter what I do. I guess I just don't have any appeal for older men. My dance teacher once told me I had to learn how to captivate everyone. Otherwise, no one would believe my performance.

Frederick: So your interest was professional rather than personal. I see... While I'm sure you are blessed with many charms, they are sadly lost upon me. I'm sorry I could not be more encouraging. Now, if you will excuse me...

Olivia: Er, yes. Thanks, I guess.

[spoiler=B support]Frederick: Might I have a word, milady?

Olivia: What is it?

Frederick: I wanted to return to our conversation from the other day. I took it upon myself to ask some fellow soldiers whether they found you attractive. Almost to a man, they asserted that you are extremely charming! Many also commented most heartily on some of your...other features. Furthermore, most of the respondents are older than you, in some cases very much so. In conclusion, therefore, I think we can safely say that you possess wide appeal.

Olivia: ...Wait. How many people did you ask?

Frederick: Well, let's see. I spoke with all the Shepherds, so that would be... Oh, and I also queried those farmers in the last village we passed... Ah, and the beggars at the side of the road! Mustn't forget about them. So that means--


Frederick: Er, milady? Are you not pleased by these most favorable results?

Olivia: FREDERICK! Everyone's going to think that I asked YOU to ask THEM!

Frederick: ...I had not considered that.

Olivia: Oh gods... I have to leave. I have to run away right now...

Frederick: W-wait, milady! I am so terribly sorry! please allow me to make amends. Perhaps I could travel with you whenever you go out in public. Then you can simply hide behind my person whenever someone approaches.

Olivia: ...This is the worst day ever.

[spoiler=A support]Olivia: I'm really surprised how easy it is to hide behind you, Frederick. I don't think anyone has seen me in the camp for days!

Frederick: I am delighted to be of service, milady. For one such as I, whose life is devoted to such endeavors, it is no small matter.

Olivia: So, um, you don't mind that I'm hiding behind you all the time?

Frederick: Quite the opposite. I am happy to perform my duty.

Olivia: Oh goody! Thank you, Frederick!

Frederick: I must say, milady, having spent so much time with you recently, I... Well, I am starting to see why the others found you so charming.

Olivia: Y-you are?

Frederick: yes, I am.

Olivia: Erm, I don't suppose you could tell me exactly what you like about me?

Frederick: Please, milady! Do not stare at me with those beseeching eyes!

Olivia: Some details would be nice, Frederick. ...You know. For professional reasons.

Frederick: I see. May I have time to put it into words? My feelings on the subject are still...vague.

Olivia: Okay. But just don't take too long!

[spoiler=S support]Olivia: Ha! I finally cornered you! Have you been trying to avoid me? You know you cannot hide forever!

Frederick: A-avoid you, milady?! Perish the thought! Nothing was further from my mind.

Olivia: So why haven't I seen you around camp in forever? Hmmm?

Frederick: I've been busy with...preparations. For example, I had this made.

Olivia: A ring? But why did... Wait, there's something on it... "To Olivia, with all my love." Frederick?! I don't understand.

Frederick: I am not a man accustomed to speaking of affairs of the heart, so I shall be brief. This ring is meant as an expression of the great love and affection I feel for you. You would do me a great honor if you were to accept it.

Olivia: ...You want to marry me?!

Frederick: That is my intent, yes.

Olivia: Oh, how did you know?! Oh my gosh, yes! Yes, yes, yes! i've been crazy about you forever!

Frederick: I hearby swear that I will lay down my life in order to protect you!

Olivia: Well, that's...a bit harsh, but I like the sentiment, I guess. Oh, thank you, Frederick. You gallant, wonderful man! I'm so excited we're getting married! It's like a dream come true!

Frederick: For both of us, Olivia. For both of us!

(Frederick is a "stop helping me dammit" guy.)

[spoiler=Cherche/Vaike][spoiler=C support]Vaike: Egads, lady! That STINGS!

Cherche: Hush. That's how you know it's working.

Vaike: Your bedside manner could do with a bit of work.

Cherche: You're the one who tried to fight my poor wyvern, Minerva, with your bare hands! If I hadn't come along when I did--

Vaike: If you hadn't come along, I woulda won! I was just linin' up my finishin' blow.

Cherche: Is this when you were curled on the ground with your hands over your head? Or when you were running amok like a sad, headless chicken?

Vaike: H-hey! How long were you watchin' ol' Teach anyway?

Cherche: Oh, look. Another cut. Let me just...


Cherche: Hee hee! Now, the next time you fancy wrestling a wyvern, don't expect me to save you. Stay away from the stables unless you want to serve as Minerva's supper.

Vaike: Bah! That dumb lizard just got lucky. Next time I'll show her who's number one!

Cherche: ...Number one in her feed bowl, perhaps.

[spoiler=B support]Cherche: Vaike? What are you doing to Minerva?

Vaike: Huh? Me? With Minerva? Well, I, uh... Oh, you mean THIS Minerva! ...Yeah, I ain't doin' nothin'.

Cherche: Then why are you crouched in the mud while she stands over you and drools? Down, Minerva! Down! ...That's a good wyvern. Why, I do believe she's playing with you! I haven't seen her this excited since the time she brought down that wild griffon.

Vaike: Yeah, well, you know how it is. Mutual respect grows when ya fight with folks and...all that. Ain't that right, Minerva? Har har har!

Cherche: Are you saying you learned to communicate with my Minerva? This is really quite amazing. She's actually taken a shine to you!

Vaike: Yeah, but you're still number one in her book.

Cherche: Well, I'm glad you two are getting along. That's us, all right! Bosom buddies! Thicker'n thieves! Pals for life!

Cherche: ...... Just don't get TOO friendly with her. She's MY wyvern, remember?

Vaike: Wh-what? Har har! No! Ol' Teach wouldn't dream of it.

Cherche: ...Now will you please clamber out of the mud and come over here? You've picked up a few more scratches from your latest play session.

Vaike: You ain't gonna use more of that stingy stuff, are ya?

Cherche: We'll see...

[spoiler=A support]Cherche: So? How was your first experience riding on the back of a wyvern?

Vaike: It was amazin'! Everybody looks so tiny from up there!

Cherche: I'm astonished she trusts you enough to let you ride on her back. You two have truly formed a special bond.

Vaike: Well, I've been feedin' her and givin' her water and cleanin' out her stable, so...

Cherche: Is that so? Why, thank you, Vaike.

Vaike: Aw, it's my pleasure! Anythin' to help out a friend, right? ...Heh. I used to think wyverns were hideous lookin', but Minerva's just a big ol' puppy!

Cherche: It's true--they really are the most adorable creatures around! We've been together for over 10 years, and she's more beautiful than ever.

Vaike: Wait a second! You were ridin' Minerva back when you were a kid?! How's that possible? And where'd ya get her anyway?

Cherche: I met her when I wandered into Wyvern Valley.

Vaike: Blisterin' behemoths! You entered that chasm of horror ALONE? As a KID?!

Cherche: I wanted to have an adventure. Minerva was just a baby then, with the cutest round eyes!

Vaike: That's...kind of amazin'. Okay, so you brought her home, right? What then? Didja fight duels to get to know each other or what?

Cherche: Not exactly. I was training to be a cleric at the time and used a very heavy staff. Whenever she misbehaved, I'd just bonk her on the head. Soon she was meek as a bunny and I was riding her to school.

Vaike: That musta been a handful for your teachers...

Cherche: Ever since then, Minerva and I have been simply inseparable. Oh, I forgot--I also apologized for bonking her on the head.

Vaike: Beautiful, smart, funny, AND kind! You are some woman, Cherche!

Cherche: Sir, you should know that flattery will get you nowhere with me.

Vaike: It ain't flattery! It's the truth! Seriously. Ol' Teach ain't bright enough to think up flattery on the spot like that.

[spoiler=S support]Vaike: Heya, Cherche.

Cherche: Oh, hello, Vaike. Are you here to see Minerva?

Vaike: Nope. I'm here to see you. Actually, uh... I've kinda been usin' Minerva as an excuse for a while now. I just like bein' around ya, ya know? You're smart, and funny, and...I dunno. I like it.

Cherche: So you made friends with Minerva in order to get closer to me?

Vaike: I wasn't tryin' to deceive ya or nothin'! I just couldn't think of a better plan.

Cherche: How delightful!

Vaike: Look, I... I kinda got ya somethin'. Ordered it special and everythin'. It's a ring. See, I was hopin' ya might... I dunno. Marry me?

Cherche: Why, that's very sweet, Vaike. But what about Minerva?

Vaike: Oh, she'd be part of the family, too!

Cherche: Are you sure you want the responsibility? Feed costs alone are a tremendous burden. You can't just let her fly around and pick up random animals off the hillsides.

Vaike: Oh, that ain't good. I've been lettin' her roast wild boars and stuff. But, uh, sure! If you want it, I'll buy her the finest wyvern chow around!

Cherche: Oh, and we'll need a house that has room for all three of us.

Vaike: Gods' beards! That's a huge house! I suppose I'll have to build it... But, uh, can it wait until after the war?

Cherche: That should be fine. Oh, wait! Another thing...

Vaike: Monkey meat, there's MORE?! Listen, I don't mind--

Cherche: Hee hee hee! I'm just joking, Vaike. ...About everything. As long as you promise to be kind to Minerva, that's all either of us needs.

Vaike: Well, that's a relief! I thought you were gonna make a pauper out of the Vaike! So will ya marry me, then?

Cherche: How could I possibly turn you down? Of course I will!

Vaike: Aw, ya just made me the happiest man in the realm! I can't wait to see Chrom's face when I tell him I'VE got the prettiest girl!

Cherche: Oh, Vaike. Minerva will be so pleased that you said that about her!

Vaike: I wasn't talkin' about the wyvern...

Edited by Sangyul
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I need to stop here, and I won't be online again for about a week. If Cherche/Ricken and anything else you wanted me to do doesn't get finished before I get back, then I'll do it when I return.

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Hmmm are you talking about the chapter 11/12 confession to Chrom if Chrom hasn't have a S rank yet? If so, you don't really need to post it as it's already here and the video version here v. Thanks though.

Ooooh, that's where they were! Haha, I didn't think to check the script for the chapter itself. xD All right then~

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Nothing to see here.

No really, here's a sample.

Kjelle: Hey, come on, Morgan. Don't cry.
Kjelle: Morgan...
Kjelle: What's wrong?!
Kjelle: That's great, dear. Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you.
Nah: Come now, Morgan. Don't cry.
Nah: Morgan...
Nah: What's wrong?!
Nah: Take all the time you need, dear. I'll always be here for you.

[spoiler=Nowi/Morgan parent child][spoiler=C support]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother...
Morgan: All my memories of Father are so crisp and clear...
Morgan: I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together...
Morgan: But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.
Nowi: Whatcha up to, Morgan?
Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!
Morgan: Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!
Morgan: ... Wait, no. How did Father put it?
Morgan: "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."
Morgan: So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link ... thing!
Nowi: Oh yeah? That's an interesting take!
Morgan: Yep! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.
Morgan: Er, but that reminds me...
Morgan: I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother.
Morgan: Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Nowi: Hey, sure! I'd be happy to try! After all-
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Nowi: Well, she's certainly got energy to spare...

[spoiler=B support]Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?

Nowi: For you, dear? Of course!
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back!
Morgan: Step one-figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.
Morgan: I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.
Morgan: I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.
Morgan: What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Nowi: Umm, I'm not so sure that head-smashing thing is the greatest idea...
Nowi: Why don't you try just staring at me? Maybe it'll help trigger something!
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!
Morgan: I must've seen your face a million times in the future.
Morgan: It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.
Morgan: Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...
Morgan: .....
Morgan: .........
Morgan: ............
Morgan: ................
Morgan: Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.
Morgan: It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart?
Morgan: And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"
Morgan: Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"
Nowi: Er, riiight. Listen, maybe we should put this memory project to bed for today?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...
Morgan: But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

[spoiler=A support]Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either...

Morgan: I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!
Morgan: I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Nowi: Aw, come on, Morgan. Don't cry.
Morgan: B-But I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father.
Morgan: I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...
Morgan: I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Nowi: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...
Morgan: Ngh! M-my head!
Morgan: ...Wha-?!
Nowi: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I ... I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember!
Morgan: You were smiling at me... and you called my name...
Morgan: Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help.
Morgan: And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!
Morgan: It may take some time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Nowi: Sounds great! Take all the time you need--I'll be around for sure!
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, mom.

[spoiler=Kjelle/Morgan parent child][spoiler=C support]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother...
Morgan: All my memories of Father are so crisp and clear...
Morgan: I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together...
Morgan: But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.
Kjelle: What are you up to, Morgan?
Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!
Morgan: Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!
Morgan: ... Wait, no. How did Father put it?
Morgan: "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."
Morgan: So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link ... thing!
Kjelle: Heh, is that so?
Morgan: Yep! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.
Morgan: Er, but that reminds me...
Morgan: I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother.
Morgan: Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Kjelle: Sure, I suppose I could carve a little time from my training regi-
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Kjelle: Wait! We still have time to spar!

[spoiler=B support]

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?
Kjelle: Sure. What's up?
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back!
Morgan: Step one-figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.
Morgan: I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.
Morgan: I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.
Morgan: What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Kjelle: Let's just... hold off on the head smashing for now, shall we?
Kjelle: Perhaps you could try just staring at me for a bit? Maybe that'll trigger something.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!
Morgan: I must've seen your face a million times in the future.
Morgan: It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.
Morgan: Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...
Morgan: .....
Morgan: .........
Morgan: ............
Morgan: ................
Morgan: Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.
Morgan: It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart?
Morgan: And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"
Morgan: Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"
Kjelle: Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...
Morgan: But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

[spoiler=A support]

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either...
Morgan: I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!
Morgan: I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Kjelle: Hey, come on, Morgan. Don't cry.
Morgan: B-But I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father.
Morgan: I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...
Morgan: I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Kjelle: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...
Morgan: Ngh! M-my head!
Morgan: ...Wha-?!
Kjelle: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I ... I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember!
Morgan: You were smiling at me... and you called my name...
Morgan: Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help.
Morgan: And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!
Morgan: It may take some time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Kjelle: That's great, dear. Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you.
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, mom.

[spoiler=Nah/Morgan parent child][spoiler=C support]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother...
Morgan: All my memories of Father are so crisp and clear...
Morgan: I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together...
Morgan: But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.
Nah: What are you up to, Morgan?
Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!
Morgan: Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!
Morgan: ... Wait, no. How did Father put it?
Morgan: "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."
Morgan: So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link ... thing!
Nah: Heh, is that so?
Morgan: Yep! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.
Morgan: Er, but that reminds me...
Morgan: I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother.
Morgan: Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Nah: I'd be happy to try. After all-
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Nah: Whew... She sure is energetic...

[spoiler=B support]

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?
Nah: Of course.
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back!
Morgan: Step one-figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.
Morgan: I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.
Morgan: I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.
Morgan: What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Nah: Let's just... hold off on the head smashing for now, okay?
Nah: Perhaps you could try just staring at me for a bit? Maybe that'll trigger something.
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!
Morgan: I must've seen your face a million times in the future.
Morgan: It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.
Morgan: Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...
Morgan: .....
Morgan: .........
Morgan: ............
Morgan: ................
Morgan: Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.
Morgan: It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart?
Morgan: And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"
Morgan: Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"
Nah: Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...
Morgan: But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

[spoiler=A support]

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either...

Morgan: I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!
Morgan: I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Nah: Come now, Morgan. Don't cry.
Morgan: B-But I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father.
Morgan: I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...
Morgan: I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Nah: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...
Morgan: Ngh! M-my head!
Morgan: ...Wha-?!
Nah: What's wrong?!
Morgan: I ... I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember!
Morgan: You were smiling at me... and you called my name...
Morgan: Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help.
Morgan: And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!
Morgan: It may take some time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Nah: Take all the time you need, dear. I'll always be here for you.
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, mom.

[spoiler=Noire/Morgan parent child][spoiler=C support]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother...
Morgan: All my memories of Father are so crisp and clear...
Morgan: I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together...
Morgan: But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.
Noire: Eek! Morgan, what are you doing here?
Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!
Morgan: Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!
Morgan: ... Wait, no. How did Father put it?
Morgan: "We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."
Morgan: So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link ... thing!
Noire: O-oh, really? That's great, dear.
Morgan: Yep! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.
Morgan: Er, but that reminds me...
Morgan: I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother.
Morgan: Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
Noire: Oh! Um, yes, of course. I mean-
Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
Noire: S-she's so full of energy.

[spoiler=B support]

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?
Noire: Of course, Morgan.
Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back!
Morgan: Step one-figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.
Morgan: I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.
Morgan: I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.
Morgan: What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
Noire: You know, I'd put a stop to all the head smashing if I were you.
Noire: Anyway, hmm... Nothing comes to mind. How about staring at me for a while?
Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!
Morgan: I must've seen your face a million times in the future.
Morgan: It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.
Morgan: Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...
Morgan: .....
Morgan: .........
Morgan: ............
Morgan: ................
Morgan: Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.
Morgan: It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart?
Morgan: And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"
Morgan: Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"
Noire: Er, right. Maybe that's enough of the memory project for one day?
Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...
Morgan: But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

[spoiler=A support]

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either...
Morgan: I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!
Morgan: I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Noire: Come now, Morgan. No tears...
Morgan: B-But I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father.
Morgan: I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...
Morgan: I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
Noire: Morgan...
Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...
Morgan: Ngh! M-my head!
Morgan: ...Wha-?!
Noire: Eek! What's wrong?!
Morgan: I ... I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but... I remember!
Morgan: You were smiling at me... and you called my name...
Morgan: Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help.
Morgan: And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!
Morgan: It may take some time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Noire: Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you, dear...
Morgan: Aw... Thanks, mom.
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Updated to post 1096 [ Link to the wiki , if you are interested to help out with the wiki, do post in here ]
Supports that have been added are in orange
I will try to update whenever there is a new page.
Unclaimed Supports

These users in GREEN have not been active for at least a month, you can claim theirs if you want.

  • Chrom
  • TheGreatOld
  • Pichupal

Sangyul's (F)Morgan x Yarne (Romantic support), Cherche x Vaike, Cherche x Ricken,Olivia x Frederick claims are open for one week!

A few parent x child supports are also left, but they tend to be generic - check the section below for claims!

Support Conversations

Avatar Supports
– Romantic/Friendship

Male Avatar

Chrom Tsamimi
Frederick - Ariadust

Virion - Emerald Knight
Stahl - pichupal
Vaike - Ariadust

Kellam - Emerald Knight
Ricken - Fayt Same as Female up to A

Gaius - Tsamimi
Gregor - Emerald Knight
Libra - Ariadust
Henry - Fayt Same as Female up to A

Donnel - Ariadust

Sully - Fayt
Miriel - Emerald Knight
Sumia - Fayt
Maribelle - Wind Crusader

Cordelia - Acacia Sgt
Nowi - Onestep
Olivia (Video courtesy of shadowofchaos - link)
Cherche - Ariadust

Basilio - Emerald Knight
Tiki - Ariadust
Flavia - pichupal

Gangrel - Paperblade
Walhart - Naui

Yen'fay- Naui
Priam - Naui

Emmeryn - Naui
Aversa - Only My Unit
Inigo - Tsamimi
Brady - Tsamimi
Yarne - Tsamimi
Gerome - Silver Lightning
Laurent - Silver Lightning
Owain - Silver Lightning

Kjelle - Click
Lucina - Onestep

Female Avatar

Chrom - SPSEliwoodGabriel
Frederick - Anacybele (Video (Japanese Voices) from shadowofchaos
Virion - Lushiris
Stahl - Saria

Vaike - Clessin ( C) (Ultimafangirl is claiming B A & S)
Kellam - RedStar

Lon'qu - Fayt
Ricken - Fayt
Gaius - 春閣下 + (Video (Japanese Voices) from Arieta
Gregor - Lushiris
Libra - Tiaramaki
Henry - Tarquin
Donnel - King Marth 64

Lissa - 春閣下Identical to Male
Sully - 春閣下
Miriel - 春閣下

Sumia - 春閣下
Maribelle - 春閣下Identical to Male
Panne - 春閣下Identical to Male
Cordelia - 春閣下 Identical to Male
Nowi - 春閣下
Tharja- 春閣下
- 春閣下Identical to Male
Cherche - 春閣下 Identical to Male
Basilio - 春閣下
Anna - Tarquin
Say'ri - 春閣下
Tiki - 春閣下

Flavia - 春閣下

Gangrel - Lushiris
Walhart - Arieta
Yen'fay- Arieta
Priam - Cordelia
Emmeryn - Silver Lightning
Aversa - Cordelia

Inigo - Fayt
Brady - Strunk
Yarne - Blumpen

Gerome - Tiaramaki
Laurent - Click

Owain - Fayt

Cynthia - Fayt
Kjelle - Intrier

Lucina - 春閣下
Nah - December Knight

Noire - Silver Lightning
Severa - Silver Lightning

Chrom & Sumia's Romantic Supports (completed)

1st Gen Romantic






Cordelia (completed)



Frederick - Keilis
Virion - Ace Tactician (C )
Stahl -
Vaike - Blumpen
Kellam - MoonAdept
Lon'qu - Fayt
[C&B] - Lady Feena [Cordelia is claiming A&S]
Gregor - Blumpen
Libra - Faye
Henry - Karaszure

[C & B] [A & S] - Lady Feena



Frederick - Ranaline
Virion - Wind Crusader
Stahl - Shadow Stalker X
Vaike -
Sangyul(Claim is open for one week)
Lon'qu - Saria
Ricken - Sangyul(Claim is open for one week)
Gaius - Jave
Gregor - Karaszure
Libra - Ace Tactician
Henry - Fayt
Donnel - Ultimafangirl

1st Gen Same Gender Friendship

Second Gen Romantic
Sorted by females again ;)

Morgan(F) (left with Inigo and Yarne)

Inigo - Fayt
Brady - Sock
Yarne -
Sangyul (Claim is open for one week)
Gerome - Karaszure
Laurent - Fayt
Owain - Naui

Lucina (completed)

Cynthia (completed)

Kjelle (left with Yarne)

Inigo - 春閣下
Brady - Silver Lightning
Yarne - Naui
Gerome - Wind Crusader
Laurent - Diortem

Owain - Blumpen
Morgan (M) - Ace Tactician

Nah (completed)

Noire (left with Yarne)

Inigo- Cyborg-Kangaroo
Brady- Ace Tactician
Yarne - Karaszure

Gerome- Blumpen
Laurent - Silver Lightning
Owain - Wind Crusader
Morgan(M) - Fayt

Severa (completed)

2nd Gen Friendship

Parent/Child Supports

Lucina x Chrom
[spoiler=Lucina x Mother]
Avatar (F) - December Knight
Sully - Saria
Sumia - Acacia Sgt (CB) (here for the complete support)
Maribelle - Gone2Ground
Olivia -Tarquin

Olivia - LeThiAnh
[spoiler=Inigo x Father]Avatar(M) - VizTheShiz
Chrom - LeThiAnh
Frederick - almostexactly
Virion - almostexactly

Stahl - Emerald Knight
Vaike - almostexactly
Kellam- almostexactly

Lon'qu - Naui
Ricken - Fayt

Gaius - Tsamimi
Gregor - Saria
Libra - Silver Lightning

Henry - Acacia Sgt
Donnel - Shadow Stalker X

Brady x Maribelle - Ike of Paris
[spoiler=Brady x Father]Avatar(M) - Wind Crusader
Chrom - Cordelia (Identical to Male Avatar)
Frederick - Jave
Virion - Emerald Knight
Stahl - 春閣下 (Identical to Male Avatar)
Vaike - Blumpen
Kellam - VizTheShiz (Identical to Male Avatar)
Lon'qu - Tsamimi
Ricken - VizTheShiz
Gaius - Saria
Gregor - Blumpen
Libra - Saria
Henry - TheGreatOld
Donnel - Ike of Paris

Yarne x Panne - Click
[spoiler=Yarne x Father]Avatar(M) - Chidokyo
Virion - Tsamimi
Stahl- Ace Tactician
Vaike - Wind Crusader
Lon'qu - Acacia Sgt
Ricken - Ultimafangirl
Gaius - Sangyul
Gregor - 春閣下
Libra - Blumpen
Henry - Fayt
Donnel - Emerald Knight

Cherche - Ace Tactician
[spoiler=Gerome x Father]Avatar(M) - Diortem
Frederick - Kaz
Virion - Wind Crusader
Stahl - Shadow Stalker X
Kellam - Emerald Knight
Lon'qu - Saria
Ricken - pichupal
Gaius - Jave
Gregor - Emerald Knight
Libra - Ace Tactician
Henry - Fayt
Donnel - Chrom

Miriel - Ace Tactician
[spoiler=Laurent x Parent]Avatar(M) - Emerald Knight
Frederick - 春閣下
Virion - Chrom
Vaike - Chamchir9482
Kellam - Silver Lightning
Lon'qu - Chidokyo

Ricken- Tsamimi
Gregor - Ace Tactician
Libra - Tsamimi
Henry - Wind Crusader
Donnel - Fayt

Owain x Lissa - Ace Tactician
[spoiler=Owain x Father]Avatar(M) - Onestep
Frederick - Acacia Sgt
Virion - almostexactly
Stahl - Wind Crusader
Vaike - Ranger Jack Walker
Kellam- Blumpen
Lon'qu - 春閣下
Ricken - almostexactly
Gaius - TheGreatOld
Gregor - Blumpen

Libra - almostexactly
Henry - almostexactly

Donnel - Saria

[spoiler=Cynthia x Father]Male Avatar- Naui
Chrom - Click (Identical to Male Avatar)
Frederick - Saria
Gaius - Wind Crusader
Henry - 春閣下

Kjelle x Sully - pichupal
Aura Wolf
[spoiler=Kjelle x Father]Avatar(M) - Fayt
Chrom - Tsamimi

Frederick - Wind Crusader
Virion - almostexactly
Stahl - Silver Lightning
Vaike - Naui
Kellam - Emerald Knight
Lon'qu - Aura Wolf
Ricken - almostexactly
Gaius - Ace Tactician
Gregor - Aura Wolf
Libra - almostexactly
Henry- Tsamimi
Donnel - almostexactly

Nah x Nowi
[spoiler=Nah x Father]Avatar(M) - Onestep
Frederick -weso12 Same as Stahl up to A
Virion - Blumpen
Stahl - Fayt
Vaike- Tsamimi
Lon'qu - Emerald Knight
Ricken - Nowi
Libra - Wind Crusader
Henry - December Knight
Donnel - 春閣下

Noire x Tharja [C]- Lady Feena(Cordelia is claiming B&A)
[spoiler=Noire x Father]Avatar(M) - Ike of Paris
Frederick - Mister Marlowe
Virion - Ace Tactician
Stahl - pichupal
Vaike - Blumpen

Kellam - Aura Wolf
Lon'qu - Fayt
Ricken - Wind Crusader
Gaius - Cordelia
Gregor - Blumpen
Libra - Faye
Henry - Naui
Donnel [C]-Lady Feena

Severa x Cordelia - Naui
[spoiler=Severa x Father]Avatar(M) -Naui
Frederick- Tsamimi
Virion - Jave
Stahl - Turboo
Vaike - Ace Tactician
Kellam - pichupal
Lon'qu - Wind Crusader

Ricken - Blumpen
Gaius - Fayt
Gregor - Click
Libra - Saria

Morgan(F)'s Sibling Supports

Inigo - Viz the Shiz
Brady - Wind Crusader

Yarne - Liquid Snake
Gerome - Diortem
Laurent - Emerald Knight
Owain - Onestep

Cynthia - Naui
Kjelle - Fayt
Nah - Onestep

Noire - Ike of Paris
Severa - Naui

Lucina's Sibling Supports (Left with Brady!)

Other (left with Basilio x Flavia!)

Edited by Click
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I'll claim:

Morgan x Tiki
Morgan x Flavia

Kjelle x Sully

Kjelle x Lon'qu

Kjelle x Gregor

Noire x Kellam

I have half of those ready, so I can post them sometime today or tomorrow.

Edited by Aura Wolf
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[spoiler= Morgan/Tiki]

[spoiler= C support]

Morgan: Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my mother...
All my memories of Father are so crisp and clear...

I remember what an amazing tactician he was, all the time we studied together...

But nothing at all about my mother. It's one big blank.

Tiki: What are you up to, Morgan?

Morgan: Mother! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!

Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!

...Wait, no. How did Father put it?

"We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."

So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!

Tiki: Is that so?

Morgan: Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.

Er, but that reminds me...

I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Mother.

Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?

Tiki: Sure, I'd be happy to try. After all--

Morgan: Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!

Tiki: Such an energetic child...

[spoiler= B support]

Morgan: Mother? Do you have a moment?

Tiki: For you? Of course.

Morgan: Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Mom Back!

Step one--figure out how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.

I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.

I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.

What do you think, Mother? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?

Tiki: Let's put an end to the head smashing, shall we? No good will come of it.

You know, faces from the past can sometimes trigger long-dormant emotions.

Why not try starting at mine for a while?

Morgan: Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!

I must have seen your face a million times in the future.

It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.

Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...





Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.

It's like... Have you ever started at a word so long it kind of fell apart?

And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"

Except here it's "Is that what Mother looked like?"

Tiki: Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day?

Morgan: Sure... I'm still a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...

But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Mother!

[spoiler= A support]

Morgan: *Sigh* No luck today, either...

I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!

I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*

Tiki: Come now, Morgan. No tears.

Morgan: B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Father.

I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...

I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*

Tiki: Morgan...

Morgan: *Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...

Ngh! M-my head!


Tiki: What's wrong?!

Morgan: I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember!

You were smiling at me...and you called my name...

Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you!

Oh thank you, Mother. I never would have remembered without your help.

And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!

It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.

Tiki: Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you... You know that, right?

Morgan: Aw... Thanks, Mom.

One down~

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edit: OI, OI! Who put Kjelle/Chrom on the wiki and didn't say anything here?! Click, you silly. D:

TIME FOR...supports.

Beware the pie. Olivia/Gaius is canon. *shot*

[spoiler=Olivia/Gaius][spoiler=C support]Gaius:

Hey, baby.


Ah! Gaius, isn't it? What can I do for you?


I was wondering if you might give this a little taste test for me.


Is that a frosted fruit pie? Sure, give it here!




*Cough* G-gracious! It's so sweet... *hack* *cough* Also, the crust is oddly...soggy. No crunch or texture at all. *cough*


Oh...yeah, huh? Shoot.


If I were you, I'd march over to the baker and demand a refund!


...I made this.


Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't realize—


No sweat. Wouldn't be the first time I went overboard with the sugar.


Oh, Gaius, I'm SO sorry...


Like I said, don't worry about—


Sorry, sorry, SORRY! ARGH! Can you forgive me? Please?!


Holy crap, lady! What's gotten into you?


*Sniff* I didn't know it was YOUR pie! I said such rude and horrid things! I just... When I think about the look on your face, I... Oh, dear...


Hey, enough already. Seriously, you have GOT to get control of yourself here. So my pie was awful. So what? At least now I know, right?


...Oh. R-right.


Look, would you be willing to try one of my pies again? It'd be nice to get a comparison taste test.


W-well, if you think it will help.

[spoiler=B support]Gaius:

Hey, babe. You got a second?


Of course. What do you need?


I whipped up another pie. Went easy on the ol' sugar pile this time, too. Anyway, you mind letting me know if it cuts the mustard?


Um... Well, sure. Why not? Hand it over!


Well? How is it?


...You know what? It's not bad.


You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?


Absolutely not! Besides, you'd know. I'm a truly terrible liar.


Well, all right then! Glad you like it.


Say, Gaius? Why do you ask ME to taste your pies? There are tons of people in camp who'd be happy for a free bite.


It's 'cause you're a dancer. See, the way I see it, you've got a sensitive soul. The Shepherds are a stout bunch and great if you need to throw down. But most of those clods couldn't tell a turnip from a sirloin. I think I saw Chrom eating an unpeeled orange the other day. No kidding!


Hee hee! That sounds about right!


See? You know what I'm talking about.


You're trouble, mister. Saying such mean things about our fellow Shepherds...


Even if they're true?


Especially if they're true! Hee hee hee! Oh, but who am I to laugh? I'm useless at everything.


That's so wrong, I don't even know how to respond. So you know what? I'm gonna just pretend you never said it. Anyway, I'm still working on my recipe, so I'll be needing your services again.


O-of course! Anytime...

[spoiler=A support]Olivia:

Hello, Gaius! Do you have another pie for me?


You bet I do, baby! Now strap yourself in, and get ready to ride the flavor stallion!


Oh my goodness! I don't know it— Er, well, all right. Gimme that.




*Horf, snarf, chomp, munch* Oh gods... So good... Soooooo gooooood...


We have a winner! Ding ding ding!


I wish there was more! But say, Gaius. Doesn't it get exhausting? Making pies all the time, I mean. Just gathering all the ingredients alone must be a full-time occupation.


You got that right. Even basic stuff is rare in times like these.


Then why do you do it?


I dunno. I guess I just like pie. Although there's a challenge to it that I find kind of fun, too. And it's always nice to see fellow fighters' eyes light up when I bring 'em a snack.




You're humming. What's going on?


Gaius, I don't think you're being completely honest.


Huh? Honest Gaius is what they used to call me back in school! ...Well, that and Booger Brain. But mostly it was Honest Gaius.


Hmm... I suppose we'll see, won't we? But if you make another pie, you have to promise to bring it to me! All right?


What the lady wants, the lady gets!

[spoiler=S support]Gaius:

So, Olivia. How's the pie today?


*Munch, munch* Can't talk. Eating.


The tension is killing me!






Gaius, that pie was pastry perfection. Don't change a thing.


Well then, maybe you should have another slice.


Don't mind if I do! *munch, munch* ...OW! What the heck? I just bit something really hard! Wait a minute. Gaius, there's a RING in this pie!


I know.


Oh, that is so unsanitary!


It is? Oh. Um, yeah. Guess I didn't quite think about it like that. See, because I was hoping to use it to propose to you.


Wait, what?


You liked my pies so much I just kept baking more. And before I knew it, I was thinking about you the entire time. So, what do you say? Will you be my wife?


I must confess, Gaius, I've enjoyed our little meetings a great deal.


...That mean you're into me or not?


Yes, Gaius. I'd be honored to be your wife.


Sweet. I hope you're ready for a lifetime of delicious fruit pies!


Oh, you know I am!

[spoiler=MaAvatar/Yarne][spoiler=C support]Yarne:

Yeesh, that last battle got pretty hairy... My knees are shaking just thinking back. One wrong step, and I would've been—


Ah! Yarne. Good, I found you.


GAH! D-don't DO that, Robin!


Do...what, exactly? Did I startle you? I apologize...


No, it's... Sorry, you're fine. Don't worry about it.


You all right, Yarne? You know you can talk to me if something's bothering you, right?


...Did you need me for something?


...Well, I just wanted to talk to you about that last fight. Can you explain what happened? Why you fled halfway through the battle? You were more than a match for that foe. It should have been an easy victory.


Maybe so, but there are no guarantees in war. You can never be too careful... I'm the last of the taguel, you know?! When I get to thinking I might go extinct, my whole body just locks up!


So that's it.


I can't take the fear. And it it's not the fear, it's the pressure!


I can understand the survival instinct, especially to protect the taguel line. But in some situations, running like that can actually harm your chances for survival. Sometimes the only way out is through. You have to brace and face danger head-on.


My head knows that, but sometimes my body just disagrees. I WANT to fight. Honest, I do, but...


...But the fate of an entire race in riding on your shoulders. I understand. Look, there's no rush. No one's asking you to become fearless overnight. But it's a serious issue, so I do ask you think hard on it and how it can be solved.


...All right. I will.

[spoiler=B support]Yarne:

Hey, Robin. I've been giving a lot of thought to what you said before...


How sometimes running away can be more dangerous than standing your ground?




I'm glad to hear that. But like I said, we needn't rush a solution...


But I think I have one. I've thought on it, and I don't see running away as cowardice. You know what's riding on my shoulders. It's being the last of the taguel bloodline. That's too important to risk. I don't belong on the front lines. As the last surviving member, my first priority should be staying alive. ...Is that so wrong?


Not at all. I don't want you to be reckless with your life either. But you carry more than just taguel blood. You carry their spirit. Have you ever stopped to think about how your ancestors lived their lives? Or asked yourself if they would want you to run?


How do you mean?


They were persecuted and hunted down. Each and every one had to fight to live. If they had all chosen to give up and flee, I bet you wouldn't be here right now.


You...you think so?


I do. And soon the day will come when you have to fight as well. Running from the fear of extinction was never what kept the taguel alive. And frankly, I don't think it will help you restore your race in the future.


...... Maybe... Maybe you're right. I need time to think...

[spoiler=A support]Robin:





You were amazing out there today! I've never seen you so brave!


Ha! I was mostly just desperate.


Well, the hole you punched in the enemy line let us evacuate all our wounded safely. A half-dozen people owe you their lives!


I'm glad I could help. I sure didn't feel like a hero, though. I barely knew what I was doing. Even now, it's all a little hazy...


You should be proud! Have some confidence! Everyone was impressed. Sounds like the legacy of the taguel warriors lives on!


I'm really glad to hear that, Robin. Especially from you. I couldn't have come this far without your help.


What? This is all your hard work.


When you told me I carried more than just taguel blood, it clicked. I'm carrying their history and their pride. And that's just as important as blood.


You sound like you've changed.


I'll be honest. When the enemy is running at me, I'm still quaking in my fur... But then I hear what you said echo in my head, and it steels my nerves.


Well, I'm certainly glad to hear it.


I'll give everything I can to do my heritage proud!


In my eyes, you already have, Yarne. You already have.

[spoiler=Inigo/Gaius][spoiler=C support]Inigo:

Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!


We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.


Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!




You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?


No. I just... I was wondering if you were like this in the future as well.


Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.


For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree... Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.


No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!


Oh, is that the case?


Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!


...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with girls?!


To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.


I... I don't even know what to say.


What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!


No, that's not what... Where do I even begin? Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead.


...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

[spoiler=B support]Inigo:

Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...


Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.


F-Father?! Er, I just...thought I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!


...You're a worse liar than your mother. It's obvious your leg is wounded.


It's fine, it's—GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!


This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?


What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.


Gods, ENOUGH, Inigo!




You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You have no idea what it means to be at war.


...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!




Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!


Inigo, I didn't—


You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!




...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but that's not the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.


Inigo, listen...


That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.



[spoiler=A support]Gaius:

Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.


Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?


That's good, Son.


Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.


No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was...insensitive... You've been fighting with all you've got. I had no right to criticize you.


Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.




Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!




You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!


Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!


Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?


...That was why you came back? To make me happy?


Well...yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.


You can tell me anything.


You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.


Ha! You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I'm already smiling.


Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls—it was never part of the act.


Well, that's fine...in moderation, of course. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.


Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!


Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!


I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen—the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.


And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

[spoiler=Laurent/Libra][spoiler=C support]Laurent:

This is yours, I presume, Father? I found it lying on the ground. Do try to better secure your belongings in the future.


Ha! You sound just like your mother, Laurent.


Naturally. She IS my mother.


Well, yes, but still... You two are so alike, I sometimes wonder if you inherited anything from me.


Don't be absurd, Father. Of course I did.


Oh? Like what?


Like...the color of my hair.


Ah, well, that's true, but it's not exactly what I was talking about. Anything more substantive? Perhaps you enjoy visiting old chapels?


Hmm, no. My bearing in that respect is profoundly normal. Very much to my relief, if I might be perfectly frank.


See, that's what I mean. You're always so serious and verbose... You could stand to loosen up a bit. Maybe act a bit more your age.


We're at war, Father. Acting like a child is hardly behavior to be encouraged. Besides, I'm a grown man. Older than Lucina at this point, I suspect.


Wait, how could you be older than Lucina? She's already been born here, but your mother and I still haven't had you.


I...I fear I've no more time to chat today. Now, if you'll excuse me.


Laurent, wait! ...What was all that about?

[spoiler=B support]Libra:

Hello, Laurent.


Father. How may I help you?


I was thinking about how you said you were older than Lucina... Can you explain that? I'm a little lost.


It's fairly straightforward. Travel among eras is imprecise. There are...variables. Lucina arrived at the onset of the war with Plegia some two years ago. I, on the other hand, have been here for nearly five years.


There's that much of a spread between where you landed? Er, when you landed?


...Indeed. Hence, I have aged three years more than she in the course of reaching this moment. Somewhere along the way, I passed her in terms of physical age.


So you've been in this era for five years all by yourself?


Yes. So as you see, I'm far too old to be indulging in childish behaviors. I trust that explanation has cleared up your confusion? Now, if you'll excuse me...


Laurent, wait! Why have you never mentioned any of this before? You were cut off from everyone else for five whole years. You must have been so...lonely.


As I've said time and again, I am a grown man. ...I managed fine on my own.



[spoiler=A support]Libra:



More questions, Father? I thought I was quite clear before.


Yes, you were. But today is different. Because today... Coochy coochy coo!


Gah! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha! S-stop that! F-father, have you gone mad?!


Hah! So you CAN smile!


I beg your pardon?!


You're always so bent on being such a serious, proper grown-up. I worry that you put too much pressure on yourself.


For the last time, I am not a child!


Age has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if you're older than Lucina. Or heck, older than me! You're still a child. You're MY child. ...You're my son.


Er, I...


And you're not alone anymore, so stop isolating yourself. You've got friends, and you've got me.


...... You're right. All that time, it was... I was so lonely. Year after year, all alone... Wandering an era where I knew no one. Hoping to meet up with the others but knowing how miniscule my chances were... I had no one to help me. No one to lend an ear to my despair. It was...awful. Many nights, I thought I'd die alone. That the pain would kill me, or...


I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier, Laurent. Gods forgive me. But know that I will never leave your side again.

[spoiler=Kjelle/Chrom][spoiler=C support]Kjelle:

Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.


Oh, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...


Father, you're pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!


I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine... Save for my gut...


Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll—




...Someone named "Breakfast"?


N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in...the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away... Save yourself...




Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this is...is...


...Is your daughter.




I'm sorry, Father. ...I thought it turned out so well.


N-no, it's not...that... I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious... I'm sure the...searing pain is...coincidental...


You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!


W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

[spoiler=B support]Kjelle:



Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.


If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting


Oh, so...you're not cooking again?


Would you want me to, after last time?! You saw how that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!


It was certainly a...challenging day... But nobody's perfect—I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.




...I'm sorry?


What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.


Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...


I still remember the sound...that horrible sound... Dozens of people, all fa—


All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? I'm no whiz in the kitchen, but I've made my fair share of campfire breakfasts. If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!


Hmm... All right, let's try it! ...And thanks.

[spoiler=A support]Chrom:

The soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone will be eager for a taste.


Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!


I learned a lot after marrying your mother. It was that or starve...


Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?


Yes, I guess we do...


....... ...Heh heh.




Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that, but...it's nice.




But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*


Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like to ask for help... But you can, you know? If there's anything I can ever do, just name it.


Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.


Yes, what is it?


Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...


*Slurp* ...Oh, gods, it does.


Actually, I've had better dishwater...


Right, then. I can at least get you cooking food that tastes like food!


That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!

Btw, I realized I made two typos in my Kjelle/Henry earlier. D: FOR SHAME... Missed an R in "embarrassing", and put "disnwater"... SHAAAME!! ...Not I have haven't found typos in other peoples' stuff—I'm being hard on myself.

Edited by Tsamimi
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[spoiler= Kjelle/Sully]

[spoiler= C support]

Sully: Phew... That's enough for today.

Kjelle: Yes, ma'am!

Sully: You're good, kid. Good enough to keep me on my toes.

Kjelle: I learned from my mother.

Sully: What, you mean me? Er, I mean, future me?

Dammit! I can't wrap my head around all this time-travel business!

Kjelle: You fight just like the mother I knew. ...Which makes sense, I suppose.

Sully: That explains why you're so hard to beat. You know all my moves.

Although, wait. There's one thing I don't understand...

Kjelle: What's that?

Sully: You're not that great on horseback, are you? How'd that happen?

I'd think I would've taught you better.

Kjelle: But you never taught me to ride.

Sully: What? Why not? Did you guys have to eat all the horses or something?

Kjelle: We had horses. What we lacked was talent. Or more specifically, I lacked it.

You said I was a lost cause, so I wound up teaching myself. ...Poorly.

Sully: Huh.

Kjelle: So yeah, come to think of it, now's your chance.

Sully: Oh? My chance for what?

Kjelle: To teach me how to ride! I mean, it IS your fault I don't already know.

Sully: MY fault? How is it MY fault? I haven't done anything! I haven't even HAD you yet!

Kjelle: But you will! So come on, what do you say? Please?

Sully: ...Oh, fine. If you're so damn intent on learning, we'll work it into the regimen.

Kjelle: Perfect! Thanks, Mother.

[spoiler= B support]

Sully: All right. That's it for today's training.

Kjelle: Yes, ma'am! Thank you, ma'am!

So? Am I any better on horseback? Maybe just a little?

Sully: ...What do you think?

Kjelle: Not...really? Maybe I really don't have the talent for it.

Sully: Talent is an excuse! You lack practice, not talent.

Kjelle: No... You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I just got frustrated.

Sully: Still, there IS something strange here...

Kjelle: How your own daughter could be such a poor rider?

Sully: No, not that.

The fact that future me told you anything different than what I just told you myself.

Kjelle: That it's a matter of practice, not talent?

Sully: Yeah. I hate that word, "talent." Always have. So why would I ever say you lacked it?

Kjelle: Well, to be fair, you never used the word "talent"...

I believe your exact words were "you're not suited for riding."

But it's basically the same thing.

Sully: Hmm... Well I'm sure I wouldn't say it without some reason...

Kjelle: Uh-oh. Does that mean you're going to stop teaching me again?

Sully: I'm no damn quitter! We'll finish what we started or die trying.

Kjelle: Whew! Thanks!

Sully: Still, there's something funny about all of this...

[spoiler= A support]

Sully: You have a minute, Kjelle?

Kjelle: Did you need me, Mother?

Sully: Well, I think I figured out why I didn't teach you how to ride in the future.

Kjelle: Oh no! Does this mean you're going to stop giving me lessons?

Sully: Just listen: it takes a special talent to navigate a mount around a battlefield.

But it's not the be-all, end-all of combat. Everyone has their own unique skill set.

I think I probably wanted you to find your own way to fight.

Kjelle: But why? Riding is a crucial skill.

Sully: Because I'm your mother.

Kjelle: What?

Sully: One tiny slipup can cost a warrior her life out in the field.

And if I saw a risk, no matter how small, I'd want to nip it in the bud.

Kjelle: But...you're teaching me now.

Sully: Well, uh... Look, maybe it took a little bit for the whole maternal thing to sink in.

I agreed to teach you without really thinking about it.

I acted like I was training a peer more than raising my daughter. ...Make sense?

Kjelle: So your thinking has changed?

Sully: Damn right it has! Spending all this time together, I feel a lot more...motherly.

I think that's why I can see where future me was coming from.

I would've been older than you, and worried about what you'd do when I was gone.

Kjelle: So you discouraged my riding since you wouldn't always be there to protect me?

...Huh. In other words, you did what you did because you cared for me.

Sully: It's just a guess. I mean, I can't very well go ask future me about it, right?

Kjelle: I suppose that means the end of my lessons. *sigh* It was fun while it lasted.

I still think I'd be more effective on horseback, but I guess it's not meant to be.

Sully: Now just a damn minute--who said anything about giving up?

Kjelle: What? But you just...

Aren't you saying you agree with why you stopped teaching me?

Sully: Yeah, maybe, if I was future me! But I'm NOW ME!

We're practically the same age here!

We can fight side by side for the rest of our lives, girly.

Kjelle: Then you'll keep training me?

Sully: Course I will! I'm sure I'd understand... Er, will understand... Er, whatever!

And given we're both so young and fit, there's no excuse not to train hard!

Hope you're ready to sweat...

Kjelle: ...J-just try to be a LITTLE gentle, would you?


Kjelle: Y-yes, ma'am!

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[spoiler= Noire/Kellam]

[spoiler= C support]

Noire: *Sniff* *sniffle*

Kellam: Noire? What's wrong? Why are you crying?

Noire: *Sniff* I'm not...

Mother cursed me to have a *sniff* runny nose for three days straight.

Kellam: That's...an oddly specific hex. But wait, why would she do that in the first place?

Noire: It's nothing new. *sniffle* Mother is always trying out some new spell or another.

Every time she comes up with one, she *sniiiff* uses me as her guinea pig.

Kellam: Poor dear... Here, take my handkerchief.

Noire: Th-thank you... *HOOONK!*

Kellam: I can't let you suffer like this for three whole days...

Don't worry, Noire. I'll have a talk with your mother and get this cleared up.

Noire: Er...are you sure? That never really worked out for you in the future.

Every time you talked back, Mother cursed you up to your eyeballs.

...Or sometimes she just cursed your eyeballs, and you cried yourself to sleep.

Kellam: Gosh, that's..kind of pathetic...

Noire: ...Yep. *sniff*

Kellam: B-but that was a different me, right? Just wait--I'll prove you can depend on me!

Noire: Eep! W-well, you never talked like that before!

Maybe things really can be different this time around. *sniiiff*

[spoiler= B support]

Kellam: *Sniff* I'm sorry, Noire... I feel like I really let you down... *sniff*

Noire: It's all right. I honestly expected this from the very beginning...

But there's no need to cry. You tried, and that's all you could do.

Kellam: I'm not crying. *sniff* Your mother hit me with a five-day runny-nose curse.

Noire: Just like before...

Kellam: Urgh... You did say this was how it played out in the future... *sniff*
Well, look at the bright side--at least your hex is broken now. *sniffle*

Noire: Yep, juuust like before.

You'd always come to my rescue by taking on Mother's curses yourself.

Kellam: I guess some things were simply meant to be...

Noire: Maybe you're right. Maybe we're all fated to trace the same path as we did before...

Kellam: Hmm?

Noire: My coming back didn't change you, Father. So why should it change anything?

It'll all happen again. My parents will die, and I'll be left alone...

Why did I even bother coming back if it means watching my life fall apart again?

Why... *sniff*

Kellam: *Sniff* Oh, don't cry, sweetie...


Kellam: Er...sweetie?

Noire: Bwa ha ha! Such trifling matters cannot free the waters of my icy ducts, mortal!

The only dribbling here is the unseemly nose flood seeping from your craven face!

Kellam: Noire?! What are you...

Noire: *Ahem* ...I'm sorry, Father. I think I need to step out and clear my head...

Kellam: Noire, wait! There's no such thing as predetermined destiny! *sniff*

[spoiler= A support]

Kellam: Do you have a moment, Noire?

Noire: Oh... Hello, Father. What is it?

Kellam: Have a look.

Noire: ...Eeeek! M-Mother's cursing implements! Gods, there's so many...

Father, what are you planning to do to me?

Kellam: Hah, nothing to you, Noire.

I confiscated these from your mother so she couldn't put any more weird hexes on you.

Noire: You...you took away Mother's tools?

But...you never did anything like this before...

Kellam: Before, you said we couldn't anything. That we're bound by fate.

Well, I thought maybe I could lay that fear to rest...

If I did something the future me couldn't, it would prove everything can change.

Noire: Hmm... I guess that's true.

The father I knew wouldn't even get near these tools, let alone take them.

Kellam: I only changed because you came back to me...

And together, we can change anything.

All of us--you, me, your mother...everyone.

Noire: Just please don't ever leave me again.

Kellam: Nothing's taking me away from you again. Not even death.

Noire: That's...a little much, perhaps? But thanks.

Kellam: Wait... Do you feel that? A sudden sense of foreboding; a fury rising from the shadows...

A Risen ambush? No... Bears? Is it bears? No...

Urk! I-it's your mother! And she's FURIOUS!

Noire: She must have realized you took all her toys.

Kellam: Oh, man... I'd better get outta here before I test that whole "not even death" promise...

Bye, Noire! Love you!

Noire: Wow, he's faster than I remember...

And I can't recall Mother ever coming after him like this, either...

Hey, maybe things really can change for the better!

Last one for today.

Edited by Aura Wolf
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I currently have all possible Supports for a Male MU run for all characters. (I'm taking shoddy screencaps of all possible children hair colors.)

If there's any that still need to get done, just tell me and I'll transcribe them.

You could probably try asking the people who haven't submitted theirs first. The ones remaining for male Avatar are: (by character and then the users who claimed them)

Virion, Kellam, Gregor, Basilio - Emerald Knight/Leafeon -- at least if I recalled correctly.

Nowi - Onestep
Gerome, Laurent, Owain - Silver Lightning
Edited by Cordelia
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FeAvatar/Aversa was added to the wiki a month ago. It's still on the list.

Cordelia didn't tell me anything Dx

edit: OI, OI! Who put Kjelle/Chrom on the wiki and didn't say anything here?! Click, you silly. D:

Wow oops sorry about that XD;;

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Cordelia didn't tell me anything Dx

Sorry. I sorta just... did it in advance one day... >__>;; I know this thread was to compile the supports, but I was... uh... yeah. Sorry. .___.;;

Edited by Cordelia
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Sorry. I sorta just... did it in advance one day... >__>;; I know this thread was to compile the supports, but I was... uh... yeah. Sorry. .___.;;

whoops it's okay just pm silver lightning that you took her claim and everything will be fine i think.

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I don't think the kid's dialogue changes from parent to parent but I'll read carefully anyway. Probably just c&p most of it from the wiki.

Anyways, I'll finish Inigo, Owain and Kjelle's unclaimed Parent Child supports.

Inigo x Fred

Inigo x Virion

Inigo x Vaike

Inigo x Kellam

Owain x Virion

Owain x Libra

Owain x Henry

Kjelle x Ricken

Kjelle x Libra

Kjelle x Donnel

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Virion x Inigo is notable because it changes Inigo's "popular with girls" to "popular with women" to match his dad's dismayed comment so that's one instance of the kid's dialogue changing in the parent child conversations.

4 dads subjected to tickle torture (lots of acknowledging Virion's philandering ways), 4 dads ambushed by archers (cept Henry cause he's crazy or a badass and kills the ambushers), 4 dads subjected to dishwater cooking (standard "oh gods" line becomes "oh, the gods are cruel!" for Libra)

edit: oh hey, Owain/Ricken and Kjelle/Virion are inactive.
... ...
... *looks left, looks right*
What's that? It's just lying there... I suppose it'd be all right to take it...?
[spoiler=Inigo/Frederick parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.
Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
No. I was just wondering if you were like this in the future as well.
Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. It seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Is that so?
Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with girls?!
To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
I... I don't even know what to say.
What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
No, that's not what... Where do I even begin? Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead.
...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

[spoiler=B support]
Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.
F-Father?! Er, I just...though I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
...You're a worse liar than your mother. It's obvious your leg is wounded.
It's fine, it's-GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?
What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
That is ENOUGH!
You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You have no idea what it means to be at war.
...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Inigo, I didn't-
You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, sorry to tell you, but that's not all the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Inigo, listen...
That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
...... I... I had no idea...

[spoiler=A support]
Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.
Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
That's good, Son.
Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was...insensitive.... You've been fighting with all your might. I had no right to criticize you.
Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.
Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! That tickles! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
...That was why you came back? To make me happy?
Well..yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
You can tell me anything.
You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Ha. You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I'm already smiling.
Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls-it was never a part of the act.
That's fine...in moderation, of course. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.
Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen-the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.
And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

[spoiler=Inigo/Virion parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
Hunting the fairer sex is indeed a noble pursuit, as I know better than most... But we have a battle to prepare for Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.
Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
No. I just... I was wondering if you were like this in the future as well.
Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Are you, now?
Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
...Your purpose in life is to be popular with women? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with women?!
To be popular with ALL women. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
I am... speechless...
What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
It's as if you only inherited one aspect of my... Ah, never mind. Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead.
...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

[spoiler=B support]
Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.
F-Father?! Er, I just...though I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
...You're a worse liar than your mother. It's obvious your leg is wounded.
It's fine, it's-GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?
What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
That is ENOUGH, Inigo!
You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You have no idea what it means to be at war.
...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Inigo, I did not-
You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, sorry to tell you, but that's not all the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Inigo, listen...
That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
...... I... I had no idea...

[spoiler=A support]
Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.
Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
That's good, Son.
Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was insensitive of me. You've been fighting with all you've got. I had no right to criticize you.
Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.
Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
...That was why you came back? To make me happy?
Well..yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
You can tell me anything.
You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Ha! You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I am already smiling.
Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls-it was never a part of the act.
Well, that's fine...in moderation, of course. Heaven knows, I can relate... You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.
Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen-the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.
And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

[spoiler=Inigo/Vaike parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
We've got a battle to prepare for, Inigo! Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.
Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
No. I was just wonderin' if you were like this in the future, too.
Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Is that so? The Vaike is listening...
Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with girls?!
To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
I'm at a loss for words!
What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
No, that ain't the... Ahh, never mind. Talkin' with you is exhausting. I'm goin' on ahead.
...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

[spoiler=B support]
Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Somethin' wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.
F-Father?! Er, I just...though I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
Hah! You're a worse liar than your mother! It's obvious your leg is wounded.
It's fine, it's-GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't ya say somethin'?
What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
All right, that's ENOUGH!
You can barely walk, and you're still thinkin' about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You got no idea what it means to be at war.
...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Inigo, I didn't-
You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, sorry to tell you, but that's not all the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Inigo, listen...
That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
...... I... I had no idea...

[spoiler=A support]
Inigo! I wanted to speak with you.
Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
Heck, that's great!
Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was... insensitive... You've been fightin' with all you've got. I got no right to criticize you.
Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.
Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
...That was why you came back? To make the Vaike happy?
Well..yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
Hell, you can tell me anything!
You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Ha! You can stop kiddin' now, Inigo. I'm already smilin'.
Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls-it was never a part of the act.
Hey, the Vaike loves the ladies, so I can't hold it against ya. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of ya. But no one is invincible, and ya shouldn't pretend to be. If somethin's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.
Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen-the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.
And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

[spoiler=Inigo/Kellam parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!
We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.
Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!
You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?
No. I just... I was wondering if you were like this in the future as well.
Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.
For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.
No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!
Is that really true?
Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!
...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with girls?!
To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.
I'm not sure what to say...
What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!
No, that's not what... Where do I even begin? Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead.
...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...

[spoiler=B support]
Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...
Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.
F-Father?! Er, I just...though I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!
... You're a worse liar than your mother. It's obvious your leg is wounded.
It's fine, it's-GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!
This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?
What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.
Gods, ENOUGH, Inigo!
You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You got no idea what it means to be at war.
...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!
Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!
Inigo, I didn't-
You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show any weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend I was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!
...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, sorry to tell you, but that's not all the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.
Inigo, listen...
That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at.
...... I... I had no idea...

[spoiler=A support]
Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.
Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?
That's good, Son.
Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.
No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was... insensitive... You've been fighting with all you've got. I had no right to criticize you.
Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.
Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!
You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!
Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!
Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?
...That was why you came back? To make me happy?
Well..yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.
You can tell me anything.
You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.
Ha! You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I'm already smiling.
Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls-it was never a part of the act.
Well, that's fine... in moderation, of course. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.
Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!
Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!
I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen-the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.
And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

[spoiler=Owain/Virion parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
A foul sense hangs in the air...My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what is this? Blood... raging!...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Owain? Is everything all right?
STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Why? Did you catch something? Do you think you're contagious?
The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
...I fear I am confused. Are you under someone else's control? Did someone curse you?
Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
All right, Son, just stay where you are–I'll get your mother!
Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh...That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

[spoiler=B support]
Um... You're not still upset,are you?
Of course I am upset! You started moaning and shouting out of the blue! Your mother and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM relieved you're all right. But what was all that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?
I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv– Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
And you are not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.
Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Well, a future where everyone speaks like you sounds rather– ...OWAIN, GET DOWN!
Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Nngh... Archers... in the trees... They fired on you... But I'd never let them hurt my son...We're outnumbered... We have to get out of here! Now GO!
We lost them. Heh, that was some quick thinking, if I do say so myself...
Gods, not again...
Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
This is how what happens?
*Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Owain? Owain, are you crying? What's wrong?
I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was... just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
A-all right. I'll be here.

[spoiler=A support]
Father, how's the shoulder?
Nearly healed, thank you. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, fortunately.
Good. I don't know what I'd do if... if you got killed again.
Ah, so that's what this was about... I die protecting you in the future?
...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
At least it sounds like I died without regrets.
So yes, that's why when I say you took a hit for me, I... I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you by yourself in the future...
Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone – not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so– ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for... dramatic effect.
...Wait, WHAT?
But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
...Thank you, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...
Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood... boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least...

[spoiler=Owain/Ricken parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
A foul sense hangs in the air...My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what is this? Blood... raging!...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Owain? Is everything all right?
STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Why? Did you catch something? Do you think you're contagious?
The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? Did someone curse you?
Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
All right, Son, just stay where you are–I'll get your mother!
Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh...That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

[spoiler=B support]
Um... You're not still upset,are you?
Of course I'm upset! You started moaning and shouting out of the blue! Your mother and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM relieved you're all right. But what was all that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?
I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv– Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
And you are not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.
Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Well, a future where everyone talks like you sounds a bit– ...OWAIN, GET DOWN!
Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Nngh... Archers... in the trees... They fired on you... But I'd never let them hurt my son...We're outnumbered... We have to get out of here! Now GO!
We lost them... We should be safe here.
Gods, not again...
Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
This is how what happens?
*Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Owain? Owain, are you crying? What's wrong?
I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was... just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
A-all right. I'll be here.

[spoiler=A support]
Father, how's the shoulder?
Fine, thank you. Nearly healed. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, fortunately.
Good. I don't know what I'd do if... if you got killed again.
Ah, so that's what this was about... I die protecting you in the future?
...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
At least it sounds like I died with no regrets.
So yes, that's why when I say you took a hit for me, I... I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you by yourself in the future...
Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone – not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so– ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for... dramatic effect.
...Wait, WHAT?
But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
...Thank you, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...
Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood... boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least...

[spoiler=Owain/Libra parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
A foul sense hangs in the air...My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what is this? Blood... raging!...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Owain? Is everything all right?
STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Why? Did you catch something? Do you think you're contagious?
The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? Did someone curse you?
Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
All right, Son, just stay where you are–I'll get your mother!
Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh...That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

[spoiler=B support]
Um... You're not still upset,are you?
Of course I'm upset! You started moaning and shouting out of the blue! Your mother and I were terrified! *Sigh* Look, I AM relieved you're all right. But what was all that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?
I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv– Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
And you are not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.
Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Well, a future where everyone speaks like you sounds rather– ...OWAIN, LOOK OUT!
Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Nngh... Archers... in the trees... They fired on you... Thank the gods they missed you... We're outnumbered... We have to get out of here! Now GO!
We lost them... We should be safe here.
Gods, not again...
Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
This is how what happens?
*Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Owain? Owain, are you crying? What's wrong?
I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was... just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
A-all right. I'll be here.

[spoiler=A support]
Father, how's the shoulder?
Fine, thank you. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, thank the gods.
Good. I don't know what I'd do if... if you got killed again.
Ah, so that's what this was about... I die protecting you in the future?
...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
At least it sounds like I died without regrets.
So yes, that's why when I say you took a hit for me, I... I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you by yourself in the future...
Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone – not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so– ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for... dramatic effect.
...Pray come again?
But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
...Thank you, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...
Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood... boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least...

[spoiler=Owain/Henry parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
A foul sense hangs in the air...My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what is this? Blood... raging!...A different sort of blood rage than usual!
Hey-o, Owain! Everything all right?
STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!
Why? Did you catch something? ...Ooo, are you CONTAGIOUS?!
The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!
...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? I'm not detecting a curse, sooo...
Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!
Well, if it's not a curse, there isn't much I can do about it. I guess I'll go get your mother!
Wait, MOTHER?! Er... Heh...That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me! Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father? ...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...

[spoiler=B support]
Um... You're not still upset,are you?
Ha ha! Of course not! Though when you started moaning and shouting out of the blue, your mother and I were worried. What was all that about, anyway? Some kind of scripted stage acting?
I don't script anything! I'll have you know, it's entirely improv– Er... I mean, it's authentic! I'm the chosen scion of warrior heroes across tide and time!
And you are not ashamed to spout those lines? ...That makes one of us.
Ashamed? Ha! Far from it! Though I suppose I can't blame you for not understanding my bleeding-edge aesthetic. After all, you are the product of an earlier, simpler time...
Geez. Well, a future where everyone talks like you sounds to me like– ...OWAIN, GET DOWN!
Your shoulder! Father, you're hit!
Nngh... Archers... in the trees... They fired on you... But I'd never let them hurt my son... Go on, Owain-I'll take care of this! You just get out of here. Now GO!
Well, that took care of that! Nya ha! Are you all right?
Gods, not again...
Why?! Why did you take that arrow for me?! You could have died! This is how it happens, you know! This is exactly... Er...
This is how what happens?
*Sob* Oh, Father... *sniff*
Hey, are you crying? What's wrong?
I... *sigh* No, nothing. Nothing is wrong. It was... just more improv, all right? Just forget I said anything. More importantly, we need to get that shoulder looked at. I'll go get Mother.
Aw, it's not that bad! I'm barely bleeding! Mmm... Bloood...

[spoiler=A support]
Father, how's the shoulder?
Fine, thanks. It wasn't much of a wound to begin with, fortunately.
Good. I don't know what I'd do if... if you got killed again.
Ah, I get it now... I die protecting you in the future, is that it?
...It was just a normal Risen, but somehow I didn't see it coming. You had no business dying when I was the one too stupid to watch his own back!
At least it sounds like I died with no regrets.
So yes, that's why when I say you took a hit for me, I... I lost control. All those feelings of guilt and shame returned. I just couldn't stand it.
Aw, I'm sorry to have dredged up those painful memories, Owain. But more than that, I'm sorry I left you by yourself in the future...
Father, no! You never left me! I never felt alone – not once! You and Mother were always with me because you were WITHIN me! I'm the scion of a heroine who gave me life and a hero who gave his life to save mine.
Wait. So all this talk about having the blood of heroes in you... You were talking about your mother and me? Owain, that's so– ...Wait a second. Why does OUR blood rage and boil at the drop of a hat? Lissa and I really don't seem the type to have such unruly fluids...
Well, yes, the part about my blood raging may have been for... dramatic effect.
...Er, what?
But the point is that I'm more proud of my bloodline than anything in the world. When I remember I'm your son, I feel unstoppable. Like I could do anything! And I didn't come all this way to have you die on me again! Do you understand? From now on, we fight injustice together!
Ha! Thanks, Owain. But you're more than just my legacy. You've done plenty in your own right. Your mother and I are so proud of everything you've become...
Aw, thanks! But... Hnngh... This sensation... B-blood... boiling once again... The fiery pride in your bosom sparked the tinder of my soul and set me ablaze!
Heh. Well, it's good to hear you're back to your old self, at least... Now let's talk some more about this blood of yours...

[spoiler=Kjelle/Libra parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Oh, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Father, you're as pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine...Save for my gut...
Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll--
...Someone named "Breakfast"?
N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in... the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away...Save yourself...
Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this is...is...
...Is your daughter.
I'm sorry, Father. ... I thought it turned out so well.
N-no, it's not...that...I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious...I'm sure the...searing pain is...coincidental... The gods do love to ... test us sometimes.
You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

[spoiler=B support]
Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.
If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting
Oh, so... you're not cooking again?
Would you want me to, after the last time?! You saw that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
It was certainly a...challenging day. But nobody's perfect-I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.
...I'm sorry?
What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
I still remember the sound...that horrible sound...Dozens of people, all fa-
All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!
Hmm... All right, let's try it!...And thanks.

[spoiler=A support]
The soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone will be eager for a taste.
Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
I learned a lot after marrying your mother. It was that or starve...
Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Yeah, I guess we do...
....... ...Heh heh.
Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that, but...it's nice.
But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like to ask for help... But you can, you know? If there's anything I can ever do, just name it.
Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
Yes, what is it?
Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
*Slurp* ...Oh, the gods are cruel! It DOES taste like dishwater!
Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Right then. I can at least get you cooking food that tastes like food!
That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!

[spoiler=Kjelle/Virion parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Ah, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Father, you're as pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine...Save for my innards...
Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll--
...Someone named "Breakfast"?
N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in... the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away...Save yourself...
Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this is...is...
...Is your daughter.
... Come again?
I'm sorry, Father. ... I thought it turned out so well.
N-no, it's not...that...I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious...I'm sure the...searing pain is...coincidental...
You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

[spoiler=B support]
Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.
If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting
Oh, so... you're not cooking again?
Would you want me to, after the last time?! You saw that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
Yes, it was hardly our most shining moment. But nobody's perfect-I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.
...I'm sorry?
What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
I still remember the sound...that horrible sound...Dozens of people, all fa-
All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!
Hmm... All right, let's try it!...And thanks.

[spoiler=A support]
The soup has such an... elegant aroma! Nicely done, dear. I'm sure everyone will be eager for a taste.
Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
I learned a lot after marrying your mother. It was that or starve...
Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Yeah, I guess we do...
....... ...Heh heh.
Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that, but...it's nice.
But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like to ask for help... But you can, you know? If there's anything I can ever do, just name it.
Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
Do tell.
Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
*Slurp* ...Oh gods, it does.
Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Right then. I can at least get you cooking food that tastes like food.
That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!

[spoiler=Kjelle/Donnel parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Heya, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Father, you're as pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
I-it's nothin'. I'm f-fine...Save for my gut...
Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll--
...Someone named "Breakfast"?
N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in... the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away...Save yourself...
Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cookin' was bad... Whoever made this is...is...
...Is your daughter.
...Come again?
I'm sorry, Father. ... I thought it turned out so well.
N-no, it's not...that...I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious...I'm sure this...bellyache is...pure coincidence...
You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

[spoiler=B support]
Kjelle, you seem to be trainin' extra hard today!
If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting
Oh, so... you're not cookin' again?
Would you want me to, after the last time?! You saw that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
It was a...challengin' day, for sure. But no one's perfect-I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cookin' again.
...Beg your pardon?
What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
I still remember the sound...that horrible sound...Dozens of people, all fa-
*Ahem!* All right, I get ya. How about I ya out by givin' ya a few cookin' pointers? If we manage to come up with somethin' tasty, we can share it with everyone! Deal?
Hmm... All right, let's try it!...And thanks.

[spoiler=A support]
Mmm, the soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone'll be itchin' for a taste.
Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
I learned a lot after marryin' your ma. It was that or starve...
Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Yeah, I reckon we do...
....... ...Heh heh.
Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that, but...it's nice.
Aw, Kjelle...
But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like askin' for help... But you can, you know? If there's anythin' I can do, you just name it.
Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
And what's that?
Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
*Slurp* ...Ooh, you ain't kiddin'.
Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Well, don't you worry. I'll have you cookin' food that tastes like food in no time!
That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!

[spoiler=Kjelle/Ricken parent child]
[spoiler=C support]
Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.
Oh, Kjelle... I'd love to, but...maybe not today...
Father, you're as pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!
I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine...Save for my gut...
Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll--
...Someone named "Breakfast"?
N-no... I ate breakfast, and then...this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in... the same shape... If you haven't eaten...s-stay away...Save yourself...
Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this is...is...
...Is your daughter.
I'm sorry, Father. ... I thought it turned out so well.
N-no, it's not...that...I mean...urrgh... It was d-delicious...I'm sure the...searing pain is...coincidental...
You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing!
W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...

[spoiler=B support]
Kjelle, you seem to be training especially hard today.
If I can't do my share of the cooking, I'll have to do a larger share of the fighting
Oh, so... you're not cooking again?
Would you want me to, after the last time?! You saw that day's battle played out. All our soldiers clutching their guts, legs quivering like newborn deer... And the smell... Oh, gods, the smell... If the enemy hadn't been so horrified, we might all be dead!
It was certainly a...challenging day. But nobody's perfect-I'm sure it was just a fluke. I know I, for one, would like to try your cooking again.
...I'm sorry?
What if it WASN'T a fluke? What if my cooking gets you KILLED next time?! Another breakfast from me could bring our entire army to its knees! Literally! Don't ask me to do that to my fellow soldiers and my family.
Oh come now, it wasn't THAT bad...
I still remember the sound...that horrible sound...Dozens of people, all fa-
All right! Fair enough. ...Look, what if I gave you a few pointers? If we manage to come up with something tasty, we can share it with everyone!
Hmm... All right, let's try it!...And thanks.

[spoiler=A support]
The soup smells great, honey! Good job. I'm sure everyone will be eager for a taste.
Thanks. I had a good teacher. I had no idea you knew so much about cooking!
I learned a lot after marrying your mother. It was that or starve...
Ha! You two really get along so well, don't you?
Yeah, I guess we do...
....... ...Heh heh.
Just thinking that this must be what it feels like. ...Having parents, I mean. Being a normal family. I never really got to have that, but...it's nice.
But hey, enough of that. Didn't mean to get all misty. Let's dig in to this soup! *slurp*
Kjelle, I know you're a strong girl who doesn't like to ask for help... But you can, you know? If there's anything I can ever do, just name it.
Weeell... I guess one thing comes to mind, actually.
Yes, what is it?
Keep teaching me how to cook! This soup tastes like dishwater...
*Slurp* ...Oh gods, it does.
Actually, I've had better dishwater...
Right then. I can at least get you cooking food that tastes like food!
That'd be plenty for me! Thanks!

Edited by almostexactly
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Sangyul's (F)Morgan x Yarne (Romantic support), Cherche x Vaike, Cherche x Ricken,Olivia x Frederick claims are open for one week!

After only 3 PTs I happen to have all of these.

So, if the claims are open, can I claim them and add them later today?

It would be the EU version though, if that makes any difference.

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With permission from Fayt, I have the last first gen parent support with Male Morgan. Yay, I get to contribute something!

[spoiler=Lon'qu/Male Morgan]

[spoiler=C Rank]


Hmm... I wonder why I have no memory of my father...
All my memories of Mother are so crisp and clear...
I remember what an amazing tactician she was, all the time we studied together...
But nothing at all about my father. It's one big blank.
... What's going on, Morgan?
Father! That's amazing! I was just thinking about you!
Is this fate?! This is totally fate! Family-style fate!
...Wait, no. How did Mother put it?
"We're not pawns of some scripted fate. It's the invisible ties we forge that bind us."
So yeah, it's not fate. It's the whole invisible bond-link...thing!
Is that so?
Yup! Even without my memories, there's an invisible thread that links us.
Er, but that reminds me...
I was just wondering how I could have possibly forgotten you, Father.
Do you think maybe you could help me get those memories back?
I'd be honored. After all-
Yay! Thanks so much! I'll start preparing. Oh, I can't wait to get started!
*Sigh* He's nothing if not energetic...

[spoiler=B Rank]
Father? Do you have a moment?
Perfect! Then let's get started on Project Get Memories of Dad Back!
Step one-figure how we're going to trigger some flashbacks.
I've already tried banging my head against a post, but nothing.
I mean, it made me dizzy and nauseated, but it didn't unearth any hidden memories.
What do you think, Father? Perhaps a stone wall would work better?
I think... You should shelve the head smashing for a bit, Morgan.
Perhaps you could try staring at me for a while. It might trigger something.
Argh, that's perfect! You're a genius!
I must have seen your face a million times in the future.
It's bound to bring SOMETHING back if I stare at it long enough.
Okay, sorry to invade your personal space here, but... Here goes...
Drats! It's not working. I don't remember a thing.
It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart?
And you think, "Is that how that's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!"
Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"
...Er, right. Perhaps that's enough of the memory project for one day.
Sure... I'm sure a little dizzy from banging the post earlier, to be honest...
But this doesn't end here! I'm not giving up until I remember you, Father!

[spoiler=A Rank]
*Sigh* No luck today, either...
I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless!
I'm just so... *sniff* Why can't I... *sob*
Do not cry, Morgan. It is...unpleasant to watch.
B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother.
I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them...
I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I... *sob*
*Sniff* S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there...
Ngh! M-my head!
What's wrong?
I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember!
You were smiling at me...and you called my name...
Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you!
Oh thank you, Father. I never would have remembered without your help.
And hey, this is great! I I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest!
It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you.
Take as much time as you need. I promise to aid you in any way I can.
Aw... Thanks, Dad.

I believe all of Lon'qu's lines are unique in this... I'm sorry we produced such a weird kid, honey.
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