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HM LTC Take # 2


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1. Renown allowed up to and including Celica's Gale.
2. No Spotpass or Bonus Box.
3. No DLC chapters.
4. Grinding is allowed, but I probably won't grind.
5. Paralogues are allowed, but I probably won't visit them.

Premonition 2/2


Prologue 3/5

+spd -lck Avatar+Chrom go up and attack a myrmidon with Bronze Sword. Chrom doesnt dual strike vs one of the barbarians but that's pretty inconsequential. Frederick (with Lissa) goes up and Silver Lances shit. Avatar counters the mage in EP and kills it thanks to Chrom Dual strike, the barbarian is also killed. Avatar then kills the last mage with Bronze Sword and Fred kills the boss.

Level 3.70 
HP 21 
Str 7 
Mag 7 
Skl 5 
Spd 9 
Lck 3 
Def 7 
Res 4 
Sword E Tome E

I hope this Avatar can 2 turn Chapter 1. Maybe with some good levels at the start of Chapter 1...

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Lol copy paster. Good luck.

My Avatar was a lot better than yours:

Mio, level 4:
: 18
Str: 7
Mag: 8
Skl: 6
Spd: 11
Luk: 6
Def: 8
Res: 5

Edited by Chiki
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Lol copy paster. Good luck.

My Avatar was a lot better than yours:

Mio, level 4:

HP: 18

Str: 7

Mag: 8

Skl: 6

Spd: 11

Luk: 6

Def: 8

Res: 5

Well, your rules were good for the purpose of this. You don't mind, do you? And welp, I should've RNG abused harder. I think I can do it like this anyway.

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I redid the Prologue and got that one more speed I needed. I did chapter 1 in 2 turns after the 4th try in my new run just now, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut:

Level 7 HP 24 Str 9 Mag 7 Skl 8 Spd 13 Lck 5 Def 8 Res 5

URRRGHHH. I think I can live with this if I get luckier levels in the next chapters before she becomes Peg. We'll see.

EDIT: I'm apparently ok, just need 1 str and 1 spd to proc in my chapter 2 level up to ORKO a merc for the 2 turn.

Edited by Peekayell
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Screw it. Redid Chapter 1 with a lot better levelups.

Chapter 1 2/7

Frederick pairs with Avatar and she attacks the closest Merc with thunder. Countering an archer and killing a bandit in EP. Then, she goes down and counters and kills everything. The boss required a Silver Lance dual from Fred.

Level 7.27
HP 23
Str 11
Mag 11
Skl 9
Spd 14
Lck 4
Def 8
Res 5
Sword E Tome D

Much much better. Now Chapter 2 won't be such a pain. I'll have to continue tomorrow though.

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I forgot to mention I got a Shockstick in Prologue. Chiki, what are your rules on these items? Not that a Shockstick would be pretty useful or anything...

EDIT: I did Chapter 2 in 2 turns earlier. The worst part is over.

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They weren't allowed in my run because they're luck based (same as Anna's).

Worst part? I personally found the first 3 chapters to be the easiest other than the boss chapters. 12 and 15 were really nasty for me.

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They weren't allowed in my run because they're luck based (same as Anna's).

Worst part? I personally found the first 3 chapters to be the easiest other than the boss chapters. 12 and 15 were really nasty for me.

I just have the worst luck with my Avatar levels, it seems :/. Which makes the first chapters the worst for me.

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Chapter 2 2/9

Robin pairs with Sully and she kills a Bandit on the right. Frederick pairs with Stahl and attacks a barbarian after full moving up. Chrom+Virion go left, Lissa stands away from enemies but close enough to avatar. Vaike is out of range but barely. In EP, Chrom Rapiers a soldier and a merc on the left. Avatar kills 3 soldiers and a Merc attacks Stahl. The north enemies are lured. Turn 2, Lissa heals Robin and she kills the merc blocking Stahl's path and Stahl goes up, switches to Fred and Fred kills the boss. Miriel kills the soldier and Chrom kills the Merc. in EP, everything dies to Robin and Frederick.

Chrom  Level 1.68 HP 20 Str 07 Mag 01 Skl 08 Spd 08 Lck 05 Def 07 Res 01 Sword E
Robin  Level 9.39 HP 25 Str 11 Mag 12 Skl 11 Spd 16 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 05 Sword E Tome D
Lissa  Level 1.20 HP 17 Str 01 Mag 05 Skl 04 Spd 04 Lck 08 Def 03 Res 04 Staff E
Fred   Level 1.92 HP 28 Str 13 Mag 02 Skl 12 Spd 10 Lck 06 Def 14 Res 03 Sword D Lance B Axe D
Virion Level 2.10 HP 19 Str 06 Mag 00 Skl 09 Spd 05 Lck 07 Def 06 Res 01 Bow D
Sully  Level 2.20 HP 20 Str 07 Mag 01 Skl 08 Spd 08 Lck 06 Def 07 Res 02 Sword E Lance D
Stahl  Level 2.45 HP 22 Str 08 Mag 00 Skl 07 Spd 06 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 01 Sword D Lance E
Miriel Level 1.33 HP 18 Str 00 Mag 06 Skl 05 Spd 07 Lck 06 Def 03 Res 04 Tome E

I'm going to try to raise Miriel to rescue.

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Raising Miriel seems rather redundant considering you can use pair up and tonics to allow Maribelle (or even Lissa) to rescue fairly effectively. Especially with Maribelle's higher move.

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Chapter 3 3/12

Frederick pairs with Stahl and he full moves left. Chrom recruits Kellam and pairs into him. Kellam moves right and switches to Chrom and Kellam gets transferred to Sully. Vaike pairs with Sumia and he goes to the right side. Miriel goes to the right too. Avatar is paired with Virion and she goes left. In EP, Avatar is targetted by all the enemies due to her lower def and she ORKOs everything (she survives because of Virion's def + too) and she obtains the Door Key. Turn 2, she trades the Door Key to Sully and uses a vulnerary. Sully opens the door. Stahl and Fred go through it. Sumia kills the Archer of the right side group and the soldier that got weakened dies to Miriel. In EP, an enemy goes for Miriel and the other towards Chrom, they get weakened. Stahl's way is now blocked. So Avatar goes to Sully, switching to Virion and Virion transfers Avatar to Sully then switches to Kellam. Avatar KOs the enemy on the way. Sumia and Miriel get a kill each and Fred finishes the chapter with Silver Lance (PP+EP).

Robin Level 10.58 HP 26 Str 12 Mag 12 Skl 12 Spd 17 Lck 06 Def 09 Res 06 Sword E Tome D
Fred  Level 02.14 HP 29 Str 14 Mag 02 Skl 12 Spd 11 Lck 06 Def 14 Res 03 Sword D Lance A Axe D
Stahl Level 02.88 HP 22 Str 08 Mag 00 Skl 07 Spd 06 Lck 05 Def 08 Res 01 Sword D Lance E
Miri  Level 02.23 HP 19 Str 00 Mag 06 Skl 06 Spd 08 Lck 06 Def 04 Res 04 Tome E
Sumia Level 01.79 HP 18 Str 06 Mag 03 Skl 11 Spd 11 Lck 08 Def 05 Res 07 Lance D

While I considered giving Avatar the Second Seal right now in Chapter 4, I reconsidered because I remember that I only have 1 Javelin so I need her 1-2 range still. Guess that will have to wait until Chapter 5.

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Chapter 4 2/14

Feeding Sumia as much exp as possible was my goal here. Other than that, it's a very easy chapter. Stahl carries Robin up. Chrom and Miriel takes down a Figher on the left. Sumia and Fred take down the one on the right. In Turn 2, Sumia gets the Marth kill and Avatar owns everything else. Sumia also got a mage kill in EP with Javelin. Sumia was given the Energy Drop from Renown before the chapter.

Robin  12.03 HP 27 Str 13 Mag 14 Skl 13 Spd 18 Lck 6 Def 10 Res 6 Sword E Tome C
Miriel 2.34  HP 19 Str 0  Mag 6  Skl 6  Spd 8  Lck 6 Def 4  Res 4 Tome E
Sumia  3.69  HP 20 Str 9  Mag 4  Skl 12 Spd 12 Lck 9 Def 6  Res 7 Lance D
Stahl  3.08  HP 22 Str 8  Mag 0  Skl 8  Spd 7  Lck 6 Def 8  Res 1 Sword D Lance E

Robin was Second Sealed to Pegasus Knight here and given a Bronze Lance.

Chapter 5 3/17

Frederick pairs with Robin and she kills a Dark Mage. Sumia weakens a Myrmidon near Ricken. Miriel weakens the barbarian. Ricken takes a Wind forge (5 MT) from Sumia and uses it to kill off the myrmidon. Lon'qu takes the south. Turn 2, Sumia flew up with Kellam support and took down some enemies near the Ricken Maribelle start point. Robin took the boss area, prioritizing killing the boss in Player Phase 3. A Mage that avatar didnt kill (couldn't counter) got lured by Ricken and finished off by Chrom, Ricken used his Wind to help Sumia out and got a level. I didn't let reinforcements spawn because it finished in PP3. That means no hand axe but whatever.

Chrom  2.62 HP 21 Str 8  Mag 1  Skl 8  Spd 9  Lck 6  Def 7 Res 1  Sword E
Robin  5.70 HP 31 Str 17 Mag 14 Skl 19 Spd 24 Lck 7  Def 9 Res 11 Lance E
Miriel 2.85 HP 19 Str 0  Mag 6  Skl 6  Spd 8  Lck 6  Def 4 Res 4  Tome E
Sumia  4.75 HP 21 Str 10 Mag 4  Skl 12 Spd 13 Lck 9  Def 6 Res 8  Lance D
Ricken 4.02 HP 21 Str 4  Mag 8  Skl 6  Spd 6  Lck 10 Def 6 Res 4  Tome D

Chapter 6 3/20

This chapter. was. a. PAIN. in. the. rear.

First, Lon'qu kills a Fighter near Lucina. Sumia and Fred pair up and she kills a thief, then kills the 2 barbs near there and doesnt counter the dark mage, she's left at 4 hp. Robin and Kellam pair up and take the Gaius side. Chrom lures Gaius and recruits him Turn 2, then he pairs with Gaius and Gaius weakens a Dark Mage, which Ricken kills. Panne finishes off a thief and Lon'qu pairs with her so that she can double a thief. Robin goes down and kills stuff. Sumia switches to Frederick and he javelins shit. Miriel Sully and Stahl help out Lucina, while Ricken and Gaius take down 2 Dark Mages. Sumia is then swiched in and she lures Validar after she chugs and Elixir, she ORKOs him thanks to Fred's Silver Lance. Robin took down a Dark Mage and the remaining steel axe barbarian also suicided.

Chrom  3.05 HP 22 Str 8  Mag 1  Skl 8  Spd 10 Lck 7  Def 7  Res 2 Sword E
Robin  7.99 HP 32 Str 17 Mag 14 Skl 20 Spd 26 Lck 9  Def 10 Res 12 Lance D
Fred   3.08 HP 30 Str 14 Mag 2  Skl 12 Spd 11 Lck 6  Def 14 Res 3 Sword D Lance A Axe D
Miriel 3.28 HP 20 Str 0  Mag 7  Skl 7  Spd 9  Lck 7  Def 4  Res 4 Tome E
Sumia  7.19 HP 24 Str 11 Mag 6  Skl 15 Spd 16 Lck 11 Def 8  Res 9 Lance D
Ricken 4.50 HP 21 Str 4  Mag 8  Skl 6  Spd 6  Lck 10 Def 6  Res 4 Tome D
Panne  7.00 HP 29 Str 8  Mag 1  Skl 10 Spd 11 Lck 8  Def 8  Res 3

9 Javelin uses left. I think I have enough for Chapter 7.

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why you using miriel and dicken

I might start concentrating on one, but as long as I can manage giving them equal amount of kills, I will :P. It hasn't actually hurt their exp yet. I think I might go with Ricken due to the higher level, which means he will get to Level 10 faster.

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With Second Seal!Panne, I think you can 2 turn Ch.8.

I believe you can 2-turn Ch.9 but it requires the rescue staff. If you give Lissa a Magic Tonic and a Ricken pair up (gives her 11 magic, or 6 range), I think that'd work. She rescues one of your fliers who's able to get down to the bottom right on turn 3. I think you'd also need Maribelle and a similar setup for her, because iirc the boss is too far away.

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...Why Second Seal Panne? There's so many other units you can use.

You can't 2 turn Chapter 8. Even if you could, you can't do it without getting all the necessary items.

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It can't be 2 turned, because no Rescue. You're 2 tiles away from killing the boss with a +1 move pair up.


It'd be possible with Paralogues though.

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