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[Battle: FE7] JSND vs Quintessence Averages Meta (Finished)


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JSND's team



Quintessence's team



Unit     HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Con acc avo crt
Lyn      46  21  29  30  26  13  16   6  71  86  14
Hector   56  30  23  21  14  28  15  15  53  56  11
Matthew  49  16  19  30  21  14   9   7  48  81  9
Rath     54  25  23  27  15  13  13   9  53  69  11
Guy      57  21  29  30  21  13  11   6  68  81  29

(82) The RNG has decided that Quintessence gets to act first! Choose your unit, his/her weapon and his/her target!

Edited by PKL
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JSND's team


Quintessence's team


Turn 1


Quintessence's Hector (Swordslayer) attacks JSND's Lyn (Rienfleche)!

40 dmg 54% Hit 0% Crit

(97 50 8) 73% Average

Hector misses!

Both sides survive the fight!


Matthew 49/49

Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57


Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Matthew 49/49

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57

JSND acts next!

Edited by PKL
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this will be really confusing for me haha. IDK which team I'm looking at when I check the PMs, because they're the exact same title and everything. Dafuq Quint and JSND?

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this will be really confusing for me haha. IDK which team I'm looking at when I check the PMs, because they're the exact same title and everything. Dafuq Quint and JSND?

That's why I now put my name in the title when I PM people my team.

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That's why I now put my name in the title when I PM people my team.

Good idea. Also, you guys should doublecheck the first turn now. I always mess up the first turn!

EDIT: Yeah, forgot S Axe bonus. Hector should have 54 hit i think.

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I'm more surprised to see Matt than that the two teams are the same.

Shhhh... I has a plan.

this will be really confusing for me haha. IDK which team I'm looking at when I check the PMs, because they're the exact same title and everything. Dafuq Quint and JSND?

Is there any way to change pm titles? My original idea was building a Sacaen team but Karel and Karla just suck, at least Guy has high Hp and Sp although his con is shit but eh. So I came up on bringing Eli/Hector but Matt served as a Bridge between Sacae and Ostia. I claim ©opyrights!
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JSND's team


Quintessence's team


Turn 2


JSND's Hector (Swordslayer) attacks Quintessence's Guy (Lancereaver)!

39 dmg 40% Hit 10% Crit

(96 28 11)

Hector misses!

Guy counterattacks!

4x2 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit

(5 59 6)

Hector receives 4 damage!

(36 93 57)

Hector receives 4 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!


Matthew 49/49

Lyn 46/46

Hector 48/56

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57


Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Matthew 49/49

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57

Quintessence acts next!

Edited by PKL
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JSND's team


Quintessence's team


Turn 3

ev0z.pngvs 7xju.png

Quintessence's Lyn (Rienfleche) attacks JSND's Hector (Swordslayer)!

13x2 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit

(93 17 59)

Hector receives 13 damage!

(45 21 72)

Hector receives 13 damage!

Both sides survive the fight!


Matthew 49/49

Lyn 46/46

Hector 22/56

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57


Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Matthew 49/49

Rath 54/54

Guy 57/57

JSND acts next!

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JSND's team


Quintessence's team


Turn 4


JSND's Guy (Brave Sword) attacks Quintessence's Guy (Lancereaver)!

20x2 dmg 83% Hit 28% Crit

(81 89 67)

Guy misses!

(32 51 96)

Quintessence's Guy receives 20 damage!

Quintessence's Guy counterattacks!

20 dmg 79% Hit 21% Crit

(0 26 1)

A critical hit! JSND's Guy receives 60 damage!

JSND's guy falls!


Matthew 49/49

Lyn 46/46

Hector 22/56

Rath 54/54

Guy R.I.P


Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Matthew 49/49

Rath 54/54

Guy 37/57

Quintessence acts next!

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If J's Guy has A with Rath then Lance Guy should have 82 hit

68 + 5 + 75 + 20 = 168 - 81 + 12 - 17 (?) = 82, if avo bonus is 15 then hit is 84.

And crit should be 29+5+5+20 = 59-21-17 = 21 ok!

Also, Lyn snipe kill Hector with Rienfleche!

edit: And J's guy's hit should be 168 + 5 = 173 - 81+6-15 = 83 ok!

And crit 34 + 25 = 59 - 21 - 10 = 28 ok!

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JSND's team


Quintessence's team


Turn 5

ev0z.pngvs 7xju.png

Quintessence's Lyn (Rienfleche) attacks JSND's Hector (Swordslayer)!

13x2 dmg 100% Hit 0% Crit

(22 81 18)

Hector receives 13 damage!

(42 51 93)

Hector receives 13 damage!

JSND's Hector falls!


Matthew 49/49

Lyn 46/46

Hector KO'd

Rath 54/54



Lyn 46/46

Hector 56/56

Matthew 49/49

Rath 54/54

Guy 37/57

JSND acts next!

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