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ITT: I (try to) balance the characters (again)!


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I made a topic like this a few years ago. But my solution back then was to basically give everybody better growths/growthspread (just re-arranged them, a lot of the time). This time, I'll go with something different while trying to respect a character's respective roles (aka, Micaiah will never be an effective 1RKO'ing machine). There are characters who I believe don't need any buffs to "work" (or be useful to the team), so I'll tend to leave those untouched.

Do bear in mind, just because most characters get buffed doesn't mean they're automatically great. Like, you'll still have to earn it. For example, a lot of them are now given the potential to be a significant force to be reckoned with in your team, but you'll still be the one playing around with management (skills, BEXP, overall resources, etc.) to make them that way. This is still far better than training someone like Meg/Fiona for ages and only have them pay off by lategame.

[spoiler=Compromised list]
Part 1

Micaiah - D-rank in Staves upon promotion & ranged Sacrifice
Edward - Autolevel lvl.6
Leonardo - Autolevel lvl. 7, base C-rank Bows, +3 HP/+1 Str/Def
Nolan - Reclass to Mercenary (+Axes on promotion)
Laura - +2 Spd, C-rank in Light magic upon promotion
Sothe - Can promote with a Master Crown
Aran - Autolevel lvl. 11, base C-rank Lances
Ilyana - Fire tome access by 1-4, Vantage, stays with the DB, Critical+10
Meg - Autolevel lvl. 9, Daunt
Volug - N/A
Tauroneo - Autolevel lvl.20/1 by 4-2
Jill - Starts at lvl. 14/1
Zihark - N/A
Fiona - Reclass to Soldier
LEA - More availability, probably insert somewhere during Part 3 (not sure yet)
Nailah - N/A
Rafiel - N/A
Black Knight - N/A

Part 2

Elincia - Arrives at 3-10
Marcia - Autolevel to lvl.8
Nealuchi - Arrives in 3-2 and stays, Wildheart access from 3-2 Shop
Leanne - N/A
Haar - Arrives at 3-8 autolevelled lvl. 16
Brom - Autolevel lvl. 7, +3 Spd, Celerity, base B Axes & D Swords
Nepheene - Base equipment changed from Steel Greatlance to Steel Lance
Heather - +1 HP/+2 Str/Skill, Imbue, Critical+10
Lucia - Arrives at 3-10 with Elincia
Lethe - +2 Str/+1 Spd, +20 Critical.
Mordecai - Resolve
Geoffrey - Arrives at 3-10, no Paragon
Kieran - Resolve
Astrid - +1 HP/+2 Str/Skill/+5 Spd/+2 Def
Makalov - +2 Str/+3 Spd, Discipline
Danved - +3 Str/Spd/Def, Cancel
Callil - Autolevel lvl. 11

Part 3

Ike - Hero class gains Axes
Titania -2 Spd
Soren - Autolevel lvl.10
Mist - +2 Spd, Paragon, Master Crown promotion, magic-based Florete
Rolf - +2 Str/Skill/Spd, Adept
Boyd - +1 HP/+2 Skill/Spd, Counter
Oscar - +2 Spd, Savior
Shinon - N/A
Gatrie - N/A
Rhys - Autolevel lvl. 12, +3 HP/+2 Spd
Mia - N/A
Ranulf - Autolevel lvl. 29
Kyza - +2 Str/+1 Spd, Discipline
Lyre - Autolevel lvl. 20, +20 Critical, S-rank strike
Janaff - N/A
Ulki - Smite
Sigrun - +2 HP/Str/+2 Skill/Spd
Tanith - N/A
For autolevelelling, I'll usually be rounding stats up from .6 and so on.
Global changes: Cat gauge is now the same as Tiger's. Hero class can wield access and Ike now shares it with Nolan.


I don't think Micaiah's needs much of any buffs to work the way she always has (chip damage, Thanibombing and healing). Even if I were to give her something like double her Spd growth, she's still need a ton of levels and favoritism to double. And even then, pretty much nothing solves her durability issues.

Leaving this one untouched, I think she works fine as she is.


Can you believe Edward needs a Spd proc pretty much every chapter to double on HM? Edward's base Spd is 12 (granted, he does have a pretty good 60% growth), and that doubles just about right in his starting chapter. But after that, he literally needs a Spd proc every level to keep doubling. In fact, he even falls short on a few enemies with 14 Spd. And every chapter afterwards is no different. He may even have trouble doubling freaking Knights.

I suppose the best and most effective buff you could give him is +1-2 base Spd, maybe +1-2 HP as well so he can Wrath more, consistently.

I've always had confidence in this character being viable in HM, and this might be his chance. Hey, it's a start.

EDIT: Realized you can do the same by just making him level 6. He also gets some more HP, which means more consistent Wrath, as mentioned previously.


And talking about Myrmidons who don't double (or dodge), want to know what's worse? How about an Archer that sucks at pretty much everything. Wait, nothing new here? Nevermind then...

So when you're given the ability to use Beastfoe + Crossbows as soon as you hit level 10 (and promote, obviously) and a badass bow that gives you +5 AS packing quite a punch, you'd think you're all set. Like, how could you possible go wrong? Leo manages to do that, somehow.

Leo's actually not all that bad. Yes, he does have a horrendous growthspread that I'm severely tempted to re-arrange. Yes, he has glaring durability issues. Yes, he's bad at pretty much everything. But he actually has a chance (see the aforementioned setup). So, the idea here is to make him moderately useful- at worst, not-trash. Leo's use has always been to be able to chip from a safe distant. Problem is, that starts being an issue when his chip damage starts to fall pretty quick. Doesn't help that his fellow enemy Archers start 1HKO'ing him as early as 1-3. So, what do we do?

I guess a start would be to give him a base C-rank in Bows, that way he has earlier access to Steel Bows and he's able to keep his chipping up to par. Another thing I would add is a slight bit more HP (around +3-4) and +1 Str/Def and put him at level 7 at base. Tempted to add Wrath in, but we got Edward for that.


Nolan's pretty much balanced. We can widely establish that he's probably a solid character, at worst. His only problem may probably lie in being overshadowed sort of early and not standing out from the others that take over (Sothe, Volug, Jill, Zihark, etc.). He has a ton of competition.

I'm actually thinking of re-classing him to a hypothetical Mercenary class. How would that go about? Let's see:

HP: 27
Str: 11
Skill: 17
Spd: 14
Luck: 7
Def: 11
Res: 3

Con: 11

Axes on promotion plz
Something that I am not entirely sure about is whether or not should I accomidate his growths to his respective re-class. That would give him -55% HP, 30% Str, Skill and Spd are roughly the same and 40% Def. On one hand, you'd be having a 15 Str Hero by 20/1 (but with really solid stats everywhere else). On the other, you'd have a bit more Str but I'm doubtful he would severely outclass Edward and Zihark.




Uhhh, would you say he derseves to be nerfed? He carries most of Part 1 and goes along his path in Parts 3 and 4. Don't think he deserves any changes, lol.

EDIT: Decided to allow him to promote with a Master Crown.


He's a potential tank that doesn't actually tank all that well at base. I see what you did there, IS. I like it. It's not super optimal in practice, but I like it.

I'd give him C-rank lances at base, where he'd have access to higher-ranked weapons later on (granted, Forges fill their roles nicely for a bit) and give him a similiar treatment that I gave to Leo. Maybe boost up his level a bit, that way he's more on par to Nolan? I'd put him at level 11.


I feel Ilyana's sort of hard to deal with. She basically takes over for Leo as solid chip damage and manages to keep it going for 2, maybe 3 chapter tops. Annnnd, that's about it, sadly. Because unlike him, she doesn't have the luxury of becoming something resembling useful by Part 3. You know, other than carrying over a few items they may find useful. Even if you manage to train her a bit in Part 1, she's mediocre at the very best. Things get even worse when she arrives in the GMs. She can't abuse any caps to BEXP slowplay her weaker stats (Spd/Def) and she won't likely be anywhere close to capping them for that (and it doesn't help her growths favor things like HP/Mag/Skill & Res).

Thinking of giving Ilyana +10 Critical & base Vantage. Also, in Part 3, she stays with the DB. (:

Like I said, my idea here is to try to give them actual use, rather than being dead weight. I try to balance them as reasonable as you could but without giving them ridiculous buffs (like everybody being able to potentially 1RKO far earlier) or severly changing their unit concept (like Micaiah, Leo and Ilyana, for example).

Edited by Soul o:
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Why would you not want to change Leonardo's unit concept? His unit concept is literally being shit.

Changing a unit's concept is imo not a good idea since unit concept is inherent to the unit's/character's design. Implementing these changes is basically creating a new (different) unit. Personally, I like Leo's concept, it just doesn't fit to the players' needs by earlygame.

Edit: I never understood/agreed how Ilyana had good combat bases but mediocre growths, especially Spd.

Edited by Quintessence
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Wow, Quint actually explained that pretty well. :awesome:

Yes, like I said, what I'm trying to do here is try to balance out a character while trying to respect the boundaries of their current roles. You know, without changing the unit's concept entirely and without making everyone the same by making them great at combat. The very best and reasonable thing I could do is give him base Wrath, but then that would take it away from Edward (we can't have two Wraths running around so early, lol). Ilyana could also use the Wrath treatment pretty well, but I think it would fix Leo the most, in this case.

Yeah, Leonardo doesn't really do much more than chipping in Part 1. That could be fixed by giving him an earlier Brave/Killer Bow or something. He does pretty well in Part 3, surprisingly. His Part 4 could potentially be like Rolf's or something, which isn't that bad with the right setup.

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Once again, IS tries to pull a similiar manuever like what they did with Aran (a tanky Soldier), but this time it's some sort of Knight with Pegasi-like growths. Again, it's cool. I like what they did their. The problem is, it obviously isn't working for them in this case.

Right off the bat, you can tell Meg would benefit plenty from simply auto-leveling up a bit. A level 3 unit at this point is pretty much late to the party- ESPECIALLY when you get high-leveled characters and pre-promotes right in the next chapter.

I'd put her at lvl.7 and replace Fortune with Daunt. At least that'll solve some of her innate Hitrate issues and allow her to get easier kills in her starting chapter to catchup quickly.


I don't think Volug deserves any buffs or nerfs. Much like Sothe, he's pretty dominant for most of Part 1 (well, he actually starts falling off rather quickly), is one of your strongest characters for Part 3 and can be potentially solid in Part 4 (given that you've been using him).


Guy that lolstomps two chapters in Part 1 and doesn't come back until 3-12? Pfft.

I'd just take Resolve away from him and give it to someone who actually needs it. Also, maybe a reason to actually use him in Part 4. How about auto-leveling him to lvl.20?


With the right treatment, Jill's super good as she is. She's a potential candidate as one of the best characters in the game, easily one of the best. She has monopoly over flight in Part 3 and most of Part 1 (Vika exists for the last 2-3 chapters, lol) and it allows her to be pretty dominant in the former. So, what? Should I, like, nerf her already shaky base stats or remove flight altogether?

Thinking of making her a 14/1 pre-promote. That would inhibit her from being able to get a few levels early on, at worst. Also, no Brave Axe for you. :awesome:

HP: 26
Str: 13
Mag: 3
Skill: 13
Spd: 16
Luck: 14
Def: 15
Res: 5

Can you believe I actually thought of making her available for 1-8? That's only more points in her favor!

Moving on...


I think Zihark's really good as he is, granted that he does suffer from a bit of durability issues, especially in Part 3 (which can easily be aided with something like Resolve + Double Earth with one of Nolan/Volug/Fiona).

I'd simply give him some extra HP (about 4-5), that way he's more on par with Sothe and it takes him away from being 2HKO'd by stronger enemies. It also gives him the potential to BEXP slowplay his weaker stats (Str) by capping HP sooner (preferably with an Angelic Robe). Late-moment decision, but I decided against it. This would only give you more reason to use Zihark over Edward and Nolan (like that wasn't already the case, lol). He's pretty good as he is, ee-mo.

EDIT: I made an edit on Nolan.

Edited by Soul~!
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This doesn't sound like balancing them to me. You're just slightly tinkering them but there's still a large gap between them. Sometimes your changes don't even really change anything at all. For example, Aran's best part 1 weapon is a forged Iron Lance, so increasing his weapon level does nothing.

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You know, I never ever actually used Fiona. I mean, yeah, there's the fact that my game disc can't read Lance Knight promotion/animations. Then there's the fact that the game pretty much gives you every reason to not use her.

I'm going to make this super quick. Fiona would make an insane Soldier:

HP: 26

Str: 12
Mag: 5
Skill: 14
Spd: 13
Def: 10
Res: 6
HP: 70%
Str: 35%
Mag: 15%
Skill: 35%
Spd: 55%
Def: 75%
Res: 45%

How about actually exist in 1-8?


Yes, they're all getting it at the same time. We all know what their biggest problem is, and that just about sums it:

They need more availability. Like, a ton more. Whether it be throwing them in the DB's or GMs side. I forgot where they were at those points in the story. Anyone's free to correct me.


She stomps this part of the game not much differently than her fellow pre-promotes/other laguz (a 1RKO is a 1RKO) and comes back in Part 4 at the earliest. If that's not balanced, I don't know what is.





That went faster than expected. Guess that makes Part 1! :awesome:

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If anyone needs changes besides from the DB members, it's Mist to be honest. Rhys is better at healing, literally everyone is better at attacking and Elincia is better than both. She's completely outclassed and there's no real reason to use her. All Lyre and Astrid really need are better bases, but Mist needs a lot if you're not considering her LTC usability here.

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Preferably the magic sword, of course. Also better bases (she doesn't need to be ORKOing things/be better at healing than Rhys but it'd be great if she wasn't in danger of being doubled on NM because that would give her something over Rhys, although it's worth noting that her 7 move kind of already does). She could also start out as a Valkyrie and promote into something new instead of starting out as an entirely new bad class (7 move aside) and promoting to a tier 2 class but pretending that it's totally a tier 3 class.

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Annnd, talking about updates (which, we weren't...), we've got UPDATES. Here we arrive at Part 2!


So, like, the (lack of) availability factor is huge on this one. Need I say much more?

I'd put her in 3-10. She'd obviously be the secondcoming of Haar in Part 3, not to mention Mist may as well not exist. So, uh, yeah!


By sole virtue of being a pegasi rider and a flier, no less, Marcia has the potential of becoming pretty solid. While she isn't around for most of Part 3, I never thought that was her biggest issue, because she's a pretty big help in the chapters she participates in (potentially being able to solo and 3-turn 3-9, being a staple and 3-11 and simply being all-around useful in 3-E with it's trees and stuff).

So, believe it or not, her Spd (of all things) has always been my issue with her. For a lvl. 6 Peggie, 20 Spd is pretty underwhelming. Yeah, her Str's pretty mediocre, but nothing that can't be worked around.

Anyway, I'd pretty much just increase her base Spd by 2. This would allow her to double much easier, much sooner without a heavy investment of BEXP. Also keep in mind, Marcia needs 27 AS to be able to double the 3-9 boss, so that also helps you clear the chapter much quicker.


I was thinking we could auto-level him to lvl. 27, that way he's closer to getting Tear.

You are now looking at a potential Top tier unit.




I don't think I'm sure how to nerf this guy without making him trash or unusable. I just want to give people a reason to not have him Solo Mode half the game. So, what then? I think I could throw him in 3-8, autoleveled at lvl.16. That way, he isn't going Solo Mode through most of Part 3 at least. I was thinking about simply lowering his base level to something like lvl.5-8, but that wouldn't change a whole ton of things. You'd still have the resources to make him the former badass he's always been. However, playing around with his availability could save him from being "broken".


I don't think I've ever given myself the proper chance to use Brom. And the thing is, the game doesn't give you much of a reason to use him. He's literally all-around worse than Gatrie. Not only is his base Spd a lot lower than his', turns out he also doubles him in that growth department. He's slow, and there's not much of a chance he'll ever double in his life (even if you give him a Speedwing and an early promo, he's sitting at 22 AS). WHAT DO WE DO WITH THIS POOR FELLA'?

Remember when I said the game doesn't give you much of a reason to use him? It's because he doesn't stand out in much. His bases aren't bad, but they can definitely be worked on:

- Autolevel to lvl. 7

Base Celerity. Yes, you heard me right. Skills can't be switched around until Part 3, so that gives him a bit of a sense of exclusivity in Part 2. Base B in Axes (instant access to Steel Poleaxes) and D in Swords (maybe have a Wind Sword in one of the houses or as starting equipment). This makes him a stronger force in Part 2 as well as it gives him a chance to promote quicker, later on.

EDIT: +3 Spd is a must, otherwise he's just always an inferior version of Gatrie. Now he's equal at Spd base at least, but with the added bonus of being a lot more useful in Part 2.


I think Nephenee is a great character, only truly held back by her shaky start in Part 2. Once she gets going, she pretty much rivals Mia. I wouldn't change much of anything to character itself, but instead, I would change her base equipment to wield a Steel Lance. Her base equipment (Steel Greatlance) not only hinders her accuracy and ability to double, but it also hinders her Avo.


Just looking at her bases and growths, you can pretty much come to the conclusion that IS never intended Heather to be a combat unit. That, of course, never stopped me from making her one. But yeah, being a "thieving" type unit, you'd be surprised that there's actually not all that much thieving going around.

I'd increase her base HP by +1 and her Str & Skill by +2, that way she can cap her stats easier and BEXP slowplay her weaker stats (Str & Def). Give her base Imbue, taking advantage of her solid Mag stat and also allowing her to combo it with Adept if she were ever given the chance as a combat unit. I'd add in B Knives, but it's not super hard to build it up.



Have her come back in 3-10 or something. She's actually not all that bad when she comes back in 4-2, but it's her availability that kills her.


I'd do something about that Cat gauge altogether, but it sort of goes against my own rules. Looking at her bases, I think her problem can be half-fixed through those. Giving her something like +2 Str/+1 Spd puts her a step on the right track as well as it does keep her doubling for pretty much all of Part 3 (24 AS starts falling short around 3-4). Base Paragon wouldn't hurt (as it would allow her to reach level 30 faster), but I'm thinking of giving it to someone who actually needs it.

EDIT: Decided to give her +20 Crit. At least that'd give you a reason to actually use her. Think of it, basically a 9-Mov. SM...suffering from Cat Cauge. I'll take it.


Base. Resolve.

Seriously, screw Skrimir. Why do we need to wait for you until 4-P for this? Mordecai's rocking this, all through Part 3!

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Haven't caught up to a lot of things yet so just going to comment on part I.

Ilyana, honestly the most balancing thing you can do here is keep her with the Dawn Brigade as they don't have any mage unit apart from Micaiah who sucks anyway and can't risk combat. Of course, people will complain she can't carry things over to the GM that way (Which I don't think they really need anyway) so perhaps make it a choice option like pelleas?

Tauroneo. You buffed him to make him more useable in late game but his unit class is never going to make him usable in late game. I think the best thing to do as a balance is to reduce his unit level and stats so he can leave units close to dead with weaker weaponry and allow for chip units to get some easier levels. He'll still be able to ORKO units, just with the use of silver weaponry instead.

Fiona. Why would you make her a soldier? That gives you both the choice of Aran or of Fiona. She'd also not have enough strength to kill anything but would be super tanky and speedy and then on the other hand you'd have Aran who will be a bit tankier and physically stronger but too slow.

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Ilyana, honestly the most balancing thing you can do here is keep her with the Dawn Brigade as they don't have any mage unit apart from Micaiah who sucks anyway and can't risk combat. Of course, people will complain she can't carry things over to the GM that way (Which I don't think they really need anyway) so perhaps make it a choice option like pelleas?

That's not a bad idea, actually. I'm considering changing it. Better than making her at poor man's version of Soren, which she pretty much was, already (except, even worse, somehow). She'd gain good use in taking out Laguz with a Fire tome or something (Earth support + Resolve/Paragon, anyone?).

Tauroneo. You buffed him to make him more useable in late game but his unit class is never going to make him usable in late game. I think the best thing to do as a balance is to reduce his unit level and stats so he can leave units close to dead with weaker weaponry and allow for chip units to get some easier levels. He'll still be able to ORKO units, just with the use of silver weaponry instead.

That would only take away his only use in Part 3, lol (which wasn't actually all that bad). He's not as bad as you make him ought to be, in 4-2. For one, Part 4 chapters are Routs. Second, he's forced on Tibarn's side of the story. While it's filled with plants and bushes, he can still take out enemies from his side of the map (some enemies start spawning from there). He can at least be of some use in The Tower (4-E-1 & 4-E-4 & 5, not like Royals aren't doing about 90% of the job).

Fiona. Why would you make her a soldier? That gives you both the choice of Aran or of Fiona. She'd also not have enough strength to kill anything but would be super tanky and speedy and then on the other hand you'd have Aran who will be a bit tankier and physically stronger but too slow.

I've been meaning to make Fiona a Soldier for ages. Think of it, you'd automitically be taking away the very things that would make you not want to use her. She's heavily limited by chapters like 1-8, 1-E and Part 3 chapters. @Bold: As a Soldier, her bases are automatically much better than her former bases (+3 Str/+3 Spd/+2 Def). Her Atk issues are much more easy to work around (Energy Drop, a Forge + an Atk-boosting support) and she has the potential to be not only tanky (REALLY helps in Part 3) but also speedy (Spd is really good in HM, in particular).

Let's compare a 20/1 Aran to a 20/1 Halberdier Fiona:


HP: 32

Str: 21

Mag: 3

Skill: 21

Spd: 15

Luck: 10

Def: 21

Res: 7


HP: 35-36

Str: 17

Mag: 7

Skill: 18

Spd: 19-20

Luck: 13

Def: 19-20

Res: 12

Now throw Imbue + Earth support to the mix.

Aran's only real winning factor is the fact that he's slight stronger and that he's around longer and easier to train (new lvl. 10 base Aran).

EDIT: Regarding their levels, I figured we would be pitting them against the better version of themselves. If you're investing on them to use them seriously, neither of them would be falling behind. Fiona would really appreciate BEXP and a bunch of kills early on, Aran has the advantage of levelling more easily without it.

EDIT2: Made a compromised list on the changes I made. By the way, Cloud. I went with your idea to simply have Ilyana stay with the DBs. (:

Edited by Soul o:
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I also would like to keep Ilyana in the DB for three reasons.

  1. The DB lacks on 2 range weapon users (only Micky and Leo)
  2. As a sage she could do effective damage to the laguz.
  3. Statwise and levelwise she'll be outclassed by Soren when she joins in 3-2.

And honestly the GMs don't need any items, weapons or money from the DB.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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That's been dealt with. Check the updates. (:

This is an interesting pack, the Crimean Royal Knights. They share very similiar weaknesses, but I think it's fair to address them seperately, each with their own respective buffs:


Right off the bat, the most very obvious weakness that Geoffrey has is the fact that he leaves you after 3-9 and comes back at freaking 4-5. Yep, that's...pretty self-explanatory. Now, to the actual issue. I figured he would be pretty decent if you were to make him join in 3-10, along with the other CRKs. Geoffrey has plenty BEXP slowplay potential in itself, as he quickly caps Str, Skill AND Res, his highest growths (thereby allowing him to address his weak stat, which is Spd). After that, a Crown gets him going.

I'm reluctant to whether or not I keep Paragon on him, we'll see.


Kieran's a lot like Geoffrey...minus the fact that he'll never ever realistically double annnd the fact that he can't BEXP slowplay his Spd up, either. He's not bad by any means, it just so happens that he's basically just a tank on a horse. And we all know being on a horse isn't the best of things in FE10 (and neither it is the curse people once thought it was).

My remedy to this? Innate Resolve (he stole Tauroneo's Resolve, by the way)! 8D


Wouldn't it be hilarious if I just slapped Parablossom into her and call it a day?

+1 HP/+2 Str/Skill/+5 Spd/+2 Def. I was asking myself if this was a bit too much for her (especially Spd), but the fact she's already 2-range locked is enough punishment as it is. At least with such a base Spd and low base level, she actually has a shot to get going at some point, sort of reasonably.


Makalov actually has the potential to be among the better CRKs (which isn't saying A TON, but...). He has pretty good growths (75% Spd/50% Def) but he has such mediocre stats for his level. That's the first thing I'll address: +2 Str/+3 Spd. Base Discipline.


You know, Danved always reminded me of Makalov, somehow. I don't know if it's the fact that they were usually drafted among the later few towards the end of drafts, the fact that they both wear golden armor or the fact that they both share similiar qualities of being on the speedier side with average Str and decent durability. Except...he doesn't have a horse. And that's only a problem when you're in a team of people with horses (not that that's a problem beyond 2-3!)

Looking at Danved, you can see he isn't all that bad. The problem is, between Aran and Nephenee, he falls in the ugly middle no one wants to be- where you simply don't stand out. Danved is neither fast enough to double consistently (though he manages, with some work) or anywhere near as tanky and burly to the likes of Aran. He's decently dodgy and fairly durable, I may admit. But, anyway: +3 Str/Spd/Def. Base Cancel.


Callil is arguably on of the best magic users in the game. This is factoring in the fact that she doesn't have the best of availability, even. She comes at such a low level, and given the fact that becomes even more true once you arrive at 3-9, we may as well fix that. A lvl.11 Callil boosts an automatic +3 Spd, as well as it does give her the oportunity to promote right off the bat (an earn another +2 Spd, which means she'll double consistently with 1-2 BEXP levels).

Edited by Soul o:
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I had recently discovered your last list as I was starting hard mode in Radiant Dawn. Love the idea. It's always fun to speculate what could be. I love Radiant Dawn, but it's a hot balancing mess, and there are so many units that one wishes could be in the spotlight, but doing so is just one big domino.

Writing on my phone, so it's a bit harder to find quotes and what not, so sorry if these go back a bit.

Agreed on Leonardo being surprisingly useful in Part 3. Maybe give his special bow a beast slaying property, but that might be over the top. It'd get him past his slump and make him a better killing engine.

Not digging the changes to Jill. I've had some awful Jills. She has problems with HP and STR, but I think Dawn Brigade chapters have 2 seraph robes and 1 energy drop. It may be best to take out that energy drop to make it so that if your Jill gets strength screwed, there's no fixing it until late game.

Love the changes to Zihark. I feel it'd help a lot, without changing the role he fulfills in the Dawn Brigade.

As for Kieran, he's hard to balance. Boosts from PoR can make him a pretty decent unit and cover any balancing, but his caps will do him in. I really like him though. Agree with Marcia as well. Her SPD is terrible, and it'll help smooth things with BEXP. I feel +5 SPD is generous to Makalov. If PoR bonuses are accounted for, he would have capped speed off the bat making his speed growth kind of a moot point till he promotes.

Calill is a tough one. She can easily catch up with Paragon. Rexflame gives the oh so desirable +3 speed, so I don't see much need for balancing her. She's already pretty well in the middle.

Edited by MeteoSage
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In my eyes Marcia's base speed isn't terrible, but just bad referring to her level.

With 20 AS she can double everyone in 2-P.

When she gets one speed point in this chapter, she can double everyone except for the crossbow warriors and the boss in 3-3 (who can't get doubled anyway with any second tier unit).

It would be just fine to make her level 1.

BTW I don't think anyone of the CKs except for Astrid really needs skills.

Just unlock trading skills in part 2.

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True, but most of the units Marca handles in part 2 will be tier 1. She quickly grows SPD, but I like the proposal because it'll help smooth out her other stats with BEXP.

Looking at her expected stat averages, assuming no BEXP abuse, she's only hitting 29 STR. Although, actually her spread doesn't look too horrendous. Taking her to level 1 might work, but may make her capable of hitting all her stat caps.

It just struck me how humorous the concept of base discipline is on Makalov. Now that's irony.

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