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What would past characters' cut in quotes be?


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One thing that I've wondered since Awakening introduced skill and critical cut-in quotes was, if older games in the series were remade, what would the characters' new cut-in quotes be?

I thought it'd be interesting to hear peoples' ideas on this point. I managed to come up with some for the boss of sacred stones, however:

Lyon, Ephraim's route:
(Calmly) "I hope you're watching, Ephraim."

(Weakly) "Forgive me, Eirika."

Lyon, Eirika's route:



That's all I can really think of, however.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I made up some for Ike some time ago. I believe like half of them were his Smash quotes with maybe one or two alterations...lol Then I also came up with this: "Prepare yourself...for HELL!" Heh heh.

Oh yeah, I also came up with this for Boyd: "Kiss my axe!" I freaking love this one. XD

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Hector: "Things just got interesting!"

Lyn: "Don't underestimate my skills."

Ike: "Prepare yourself!"

Ike: "I fight for my friends."

Ike: "You'll get no sympathy from me!" (Smash took all the good ones)

Ephraim: "Time to STRIKE!"

Ephraim: "I will not be bested!"

Eirika: "I hope my training pays off."

Marth: "I will not lose!"

Marth: "Let's dance!" (His unused counter quote from Melee)

That's all I got atm

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Actually, in my vision, they'd all just keep quiet, because they'd know they're about to take a bloody life!

Implying there weren't characters who treated the battlefield like a playground in past games.

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Sain: "Hey ladies, you watching this?"

"This is for all the lovely ladies watching!"

Joshua: "Call it in the air!"

"Heads or tails?"

"Best two out of three?"

Marcia: "I'll show you what I've got you clambake!"

"You dungheel!"

"You're dead, sponge-brain!"

"It's over for you, cheese-breath!"

Mist: "I AM Greil's daughter you know!"

Haar: *yawns*

Jaffar: "..."

Lute: "I am superior!"

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1. I will not pass by!

2. I will strike your blood against the wall!

3. Like a lamb to the slaughter!

(passover puns because he is the angel of death)


1. Forrrr!!! (think golfing)

2. Batter Up!

3. I hope you can fly!

(hawkeyes crit animation always looked like he was swinging a bat or a golf club)


1. All I’m going to is (during crit) *stab* *stab* *stab* *cash sound* and take your money


1. La La La La La LAAAA!

2. Ohmigosh Erk look!


1. You’re so dead I could eat you right up!

2. I need FOOD!!!


1. Taste my righteous fury!

2. Be gone ye foul beast!


1. Tails never fails!

Edited by Locke087
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Actually, in my vision, they'd all just keep quiet, because they'd know they're about to take a bloody life!

fiction =/= reality

unless you think Midia from FE1 should've been off in the kitchen or something instead of being a cool horsie rider because like 14th century women's rights were nonexistent

and way more than that but I'm lazy

Cut ins are stylish and cute. I adore Awakening's voice work from people like Tara Platt. They have a duty to is to show it off. And show it off they did.

Edited by Ms. Andrews
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fiction =/= reality

unless you think Midia from FE1 should've been off in the kitchen or something instead of being a cool horsie rider because like 14th century women's rights were nonexistent

and way more than that but I'm lazy

Cut ins are stylish and cute. I adore Awakening's voice work from people like Tara Platt. They have a duty to is to show it off. And show it off they did.

Cool story, buddy.

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lol if that's your rebuttal then you obviously don't feel very strongly now do you~?


oh wait fe is dead everything recent is bad death to fates

did I just speak your language just now

Now it just looks like you want an argument about an unrelated topic.

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