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Mafia Game 2


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Yes, the next one. =D

What is a Mafia Game?:

A mafia game is a game in which one faction of a "town" tries to lower it to them alone. There are three parties, each vying to claim the town for themselves:

Town: Townspeople hoping to clean their town up from the scum that inhabit it. They do not know who is part of the town. They win when the whole mafia is dead. Most players are townspeople.

Mafia/Scum: The scum that is trying to take over the town. They know who each member is, and nearly all of their members have "power roles"; that is roles that can do something during the night phase (such as a kill or roleblock). They win when the town and mafia ratio is similar. Their numbers are limited.

Third-party: Depending on the game, there will be various third parties. One of the most popular ones:

The serial killer: He wins when everyone in the town is dead, even when he himself is. His goal is merely to see everyone dead, whether he survives or not.

Lynching: During the day phase, each person can choose whether to lynch or not. This gives everyone a role. After a set amount of votes, the person chosen will be lynched and therefore dead, revealing their role.

Roles: There are various roles affiliated with one of the parties. I'll post them up after sign-ups.

The in-depth Basics:

Remember that there are three parties. When sign-ups are over, I'll give you your role and you can do as that rule says (it will make more sense when I post the roles up).

During the day, you can vote to lynch anyone. When that person is voted for by the needed amount of people, he is killed. If you're a townie, you'll try to lynch a mafia member. If you're a mafia member, you'll vote to lynch your enemies. If you're a third party, you vote to lynch anyone not affiliated with you. Lynching is most often the only way townies can kill their enemies (the only Pro-Town townie roles that can kill are the Jack-of-All-Trades [but he can only kill once], and the Vigilante [who can kill the number of times I specify, and only if I add him]).

After someone is lynched, it goes into the "Night phase." During the night is where you cannot lynch. Only the people with power roles can do something at night; for instance, if you are a killer, you can kill someone then (the only time you can kill someone other than lynching.) There are more things you can do depending on the role (other than killing), but it depends on the role.


Active players, do not edit your posts. Doing so compromises the integrity of the game. Would prefer for spectators and dead players not to do so, either.

No game discussion outside of this thread unless your role specifically permits it. Self-explanatory -- we don't want to make the game at all unfair.

Don't post anything with game content at night. Night is night. You're supposed to be sleeping and all that. Except for the people with night actions. Oh, but don't be scared! You could still post "random" stuff, if you really want. Like lost the game.

Dead people and spectators: No posts with content. If you must say something, again, mods are here to listen to your thoughts. Please do not contact dead people about the game, even if you yourself are also dead, for there (might be) some form of revivification out there.

Do not directly quote your role PM or conversations with the mod. Paraphrase is okay. Check with me via PM before posting if you're unsure.

The game ends when a party's win condition is fulfilled. There may or may not be tertiary factions, but you can rest assured that there is at least one thriving anti-town mafia.

Don't try to cheat or break the game in any way.


Under no circumstances actually give up and stop trying to help your team. Playing poorly is fine, and to an extent expected, but sabotaging your side deliberately or through massive apathy will get you modkilled or replaced.

Be active. Please try to post at least a paragraph or two of useful content every 24 hours or so. People who don't or can't participate are subject to removal or replacement. If you do not post in 36 hours, I will poke you (send you a PM reminding you to post). If you do not post in 72 hours, I will either Modkill or replace you.

If you think a mistake has been made, do not comment on it in the topic. Individual players may have "hidden" abilities that were not included in their role PM, but can be revealed by certain events happening in the game. Additionally, there may or may not be 'scripted sequences' of events that may change the rules of the game or do other things if certain events happen.

The win condition for the town is to eliminate anyone who is not aligned with them.

The win condition for the scum is to eliminate anyone not aligned with them, or put the game in a situation where that outcome is inevitable. Should this happen, you can rest assured that I will pick up on it.


Please vote in the following format: ##Vote: Name

You may unvote anytime when a lynch has not occurred with the same format: ##Unvote: Name

Lynch is instant and no more day actions may take place when a majority of votes has been reached for someone. Once the lynching vote has been cast but the mod has not yet posted the lynch scene, anyone may talk EXCEPT for the lynchee, since for flavor purposes the lynchee has been hanged but the people are just talking waiting for the investigation results. Once the lynch scene is posted, all talking should stop for night time.

You MAY vote for "No Lynch" using the same format you would to vote for a player. If No Lynch garners a majority of the votes, guess what, the day immediately ends and no one is lynched.

If a day deadline is hit and there's no majority, the person with the highest number of votes will be automatically lynched, or if No Lynch has more votes than any player, day ends and no one is lynched.

If a day deadline is hit... a player within 3/4 of the required votes for a lynch otherwise will be lynched. If there is no player with at least that many votes, there will be no lynch that day. If two players (or No Lynch) are tied over the 3/4 votes mark, the day will enter sudden death and the first option to have more votes than any other wins.

Signups are closed.

The more people who join, the more elaborate the roles can be. There is no limit to the number of players who can join.


1. Fireman

2. Freohr Datia

3. Bizz

4. Fim

5. Kiba

6. ChaosNinji

7. Fox

8. Raven

9. Lyle Dayek

10. Emil Catagnier

11. Slayer

12. Noremac

13. Will

14. OtV

15. Doom103

16. Meta Kirby

17. Zephrion

18. Epona64

19. Branded Blade

20. Javaman

21. Hikarusa

22. TLS

23. SSP

Edited by Cymbeline
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A new rule that would be cool is:

Whoever takes the part of Nergal is able to revive a dead person once every two night phases using Quintessence. Roles of the revived or who is Nergal won't be revealed.

Thoughts on this random idea I thought up?

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A new rule that would be cool is:

Whoever takes the part of Nergal is able to revive a dead person once every two night phases using Quintessence. Roles of the revived or who is Nergal won't be revealed.

Thoughts on this random idea I thought up?

Hmm. . . definitely interesting. I'll think about it if enough people join.

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