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Posts posted by Jyosua

  1. Oooooooh happy 10 years SF \o/

    to those who don't know Vincent is talking about the mainsite anniversary, btw

    the forums are 7 years old as of early january, the official opening was like january 8 or something?

    although I feel like I recall somebody saying there was an "old forum" here.... I wouldn't know though since I was never there~ I wasn't even into FE 10 years ago!!

    The forums were actually started in 2007, and we had a different domain at the time: serenes-forest.net. However, we had problems with our host and ended up not only losing the domain, but also all the forum data from that time period.

  2. Turns out that there was a security flaw in AdWords (and consequently AdSense) and a legitamate ad campaign had been hijacked with this malware one. It's been solved at this point, but you can read more about what happened here: http://blog.sucuri.net/2015/01/adsense-abused-with-malvertising-campaign.html

    Thanks to Eclipse for finding the article about it. This is 100% sure to be what was causing the issue. It's extremely rare for this to happen with AdSense, though, so I don't foresee us changing ad networks any time soon.

  3. Hey guys! I made a post about it on the main site, but if you aren't aware:

    As some of you may or may not be aware, Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 is current happening. This time, the donations all benefit the Prevent Cancer Foundation — a nonprofit organization that supports cancer research and education, as well as much more.

    Even more relevant to you guys: there is currently a bidding war between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, with the winner currently scheduled to be run tomorrow at about 8:28 PM PST. The schedule can be found here and is actively updated. You can donate at this link and put your donations toward whichever game you’d like to see run tomorrow. The stream is located at twitch.tv/gamesdonequick! Happy watching!

  4. Hey guys. Just wishing you all a Merry Christmas, assuming you celebrate it.

    Feel free to post pictures of your loot here, lol. I'm too lazy to take pictures right now, but my gifts were: a hardcover bound collection of 4 Jules Verne novels, a Mew shirt, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Smash Bros 3DS, a Wii U Pro Controller, a Blue DualShock 4, and some T-shirts for working out. What did you get?

  5. We can't really control it, but you can leave feedback about the ad by clicking the little icon in the top right part of the ad. It displays the words "AdChoices" when you hover over it. There's a thing at the bottom that will help get you to the AdWords feedback forum. I'm pretty sure popups are against their Terms of Service.

    The ads have nothing to do with the forum upgrade, by the way. Literally nothing.

    To be honest, some of what you guys described sounds like adware, not something cause by our forum ads specifically...

  6. The reason spoiler=text doesn't work anymore is because it was a custom code. This happened last update too and it was fixed. It just needs to be fixed again.

    Also.... isn't this forum section for the main site? Or does it cover both?

    You are correct on all accounts, forum section included.

    Man, look how easy that quote was.

  7. 155 is very thin for 6'4" too. i might just be biased towards am. football metrics, but 6'4" people should definitely be over 210...

    That is incorrect for someone of my bone density and structure. American football metrics are ridiculous. Although BMI is a rough estimate and doesn't account for skeletal structure at all, that is in the overweight range for BMI.

    It should be noted that BMI is accurate for lean or slightly muscular builds, which is what I am. 210 lbs would require someone of my stature to either be extremely muscular or chubby.

  8. you're making me feel overweight

    I was 195lbs a few months ago... That'd be fine if it was mostly muscle, but the extra weight was actually body fat. I'm trying to bring my body fat percentage down, before eventually bulking up with strength training. Back in 2010, I was 155 lbs, for the record. Lmao. Same height and everything else, just a very low body fat percentage.

  9. Fun fact: I had to modify the forum's code (Actual code. Not a skin template, but the actual PHP code the forums use.) to fix this issue. It was caused by our intentionally overzealous firewall, but short of whitelisting every image server ever, I've yet to find a more clean solution. I'll keep looking, but at least it works in the meantime.

    The only reason gyazo and puush worked was because they /happened/ to be hosted on servers within the IP ranges that I whitelisted.

  10. Out of curiosity, why were they replaced with weapon images in the list on the main page? Wouldn't new fans get confused?

    They weren't replaced by the weapon images... Those images were an afterthought. I might write up a "numbering system" page, if one doesn't already exist, to help clarify the issue for new fans. But the numbering is inconsistent between the community and IS, so I don't think it matters whether or not it's on the home page.

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