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Posts posted by Jyosua

  1. 3 hours ago, Makaze said:
    • Non-rounded avatars that are at least 100x100 (currently they are forced to 90x90)

    I'll look into it a bit later.

    3 hours ago, Makaze said:
    • Bring back signatures (currently gone altogether)

    From what I've read, the data isn't actually gone, it's just being rebuilt. There are a bunch of background processes that are rebuilding the forum data at the moment. I will take a look later, though.

    3 hours ago, Makaze said:

    The Source Mode is not accessible. No button for it, and no means to access Full Reply, if it is there. We can only use WYSIWYG as traditional users at this time.

    So here's a breakdown: Invision Power decided to remove the BB Code source editing feature from the WYSIWYG editor because it was buggy. There are no plans to implement one later. Moderators have access to HTML Source mode, so they have some limited ability to fix important posts, but unfortunately I cannot enable this for everyone because of security reasons. There is no Full Reply editor. The WYSIWYG editor is all you get, but it still does understand some BB Code. At some point, that might eventually be deprecated, too. I'm really sorry, but at the very least, the WYSIWYG editor is actually quite good.

    3 hours ago, Elieson said:

    There's no method of performing Indents w/o Bullet/Numbered lists too, fwiw.

    There is, now.

    5 minutes ago, Lord Raven said:

    Linking individual posts doesn't work, nor linking posts by page number.

    8 minutes ago, Makaze said:

    I tried this, and still only get email notifications.

    There is a bug where apparently some members cannot change their notification settings for people they follow. This is likely a bug and I will look into it later.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    So you can't go back to the main site from the forum anymore or is it me?

    Oversight. I'll fix it.

    18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Also user interests are now displayed next to the posts, which doesn't really work very well.

    It works great! ^____^

    18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    No way to go directly to the last/first unread post in the thread from the thread listing?

    Not sure. I usually just use go to first or go to last.

    18 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Member badges don't display but that's a very minor annoyance.

    Broken until further notice.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Balcerzak said:

    I have no idea what you're talking about, I certainly wasn't trying to recreate the option spoiler title feature with html code... >_>

    You can do it using the Source view.



    Nevermind, I'm wrong. Well fuck.

  4. Hey guys, as you can see, we've upgraded the forums. There were some issues during the upgrade, so you may see things like broken spoiler tags. I believe these can be fixed by simply editing the post in Source mode and resubmitting. Unfortunately, Invision Power thought it was a brilliant idea to get rid of the reprocess posts feature, so I can't fix all those automatically anymore.

    Anyhow, the other thing that you will want to know is that you have to log in with your Display Name now. We will probably change this to e-mail later on and may also enable some other integrations.

    Additionally, the skins did not carry over to the new site. May they rest in peace. I'll be adding new skins in the coming week or so.

    Lastly, there is still more server upgrades and work that will be done. There may be issues that arise, so I ask that you bear with us through those. There also may be some slowness with the site while it recaches everything on the forums.

  5. Hi! I'm glad to see the actors involved with the series as of late interacting with the community more, so first of all, let me just say "thank you" for taking the time to do that. From my own experiences, I know actors are very busy people because they are essentially all small business owners; you have to constantly be auditioning, fulfilling work for clients, and looking for future prospects.

    Anyhow, hopefully my questions here aren't too personal, but if they are, please forgive me. Do you do any other work besides acting? If so, what else do you do? I know it's fairly common, especially in the VO business, to work other jobs on the side in addition to acting. That said, you seem to do a lot of onscreen and offscreen acting, so I was just curious as to your situation.

    Also, how difficult is scheduling sessions for different clients? I would imagine it being fairly difficult to deconflict with different client needs if you have a decent influx of people hiring you. Do you ever miss out on work because of scheduling conflicts?

  6. This after all will end up completely crashing a website for periods of time.

    Whoever wrote this used poor wording. A crash is generally a system error that completely stops whatever program is executing, from executing and the process is killed. A DDoS generally has no relation to this and requests are still being processed. The problem is solely that it is taking too long, or there's not enough bandwidth for the server to reply. An attack that actually stops processes from running at all on the server is more of an exploit. While that could be done in combination with a DDoS attack, that does not relate to the definition of a distributed denial of service.

  7. There is no crashing involved. It's a flood of requests. It basically queues up so many requests that it backs up the processor to the point where it takes an eternity for it to finally get to your request, meaning pages don't load for a really, really long time. The request may even time out before it gets to it.

    That's only one type, though. There's also ways to attack bandwidth and other things to bring a site down. It's very illegal, though, so if you're caught doing it you can indeed be given jail time.

    • My Castle Code - 08292-17262-20363-84708

    • Chosen affinity - Nohr
    • Avatar Name: Jyosua / Castle Name: JyoLand!?
    • Region - NA
    • Food Resource - Meat
    • Mineral Resource - Onyx
    • Battle Level - Medium
    • Additional Notes - I accidentally purchased aptitude for a couple characters off a hacked MyCastle, not realizing how partner seals worked. OTL
  8. If the creators of the patch are not happy about people weaponizing their work as ammo against the official localization and, by extension, localizations in general, they are free to do as they please and cease work on the patch. Likewise, if there are other reasons they do not feel the desire to complete the patch, they can just stop. As a free, community-driven project, there is nothing requiring that it be completed.

    Just because there were people who were looking forward to it being completed does not entitle those people to the completed project, nor does it entitle them to complete transparency on the subject of why it was ceased.

  9. Gamble was the wrong word, sorry. More like 'that's what you sign up for'.

    The point of a GAY RELATIONSHIP is that you DON'T HAVE KIDS because it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.

    First of all, that's not the point of a gay relationship at all. Do you really think people choose to be gay? Much less so that they won't have kids? Please refrain from making comments such as this in the future.

    They are discussing reasonable modifications to the game, and your derailment of the topic at hand is not welcome.

  10. How's your Felicia? If her Magic's doing okay and her Thrown rank has hit C you may want to invest in the Flame Shuriken for her if you haven't already, since it's a magical weapon and thus works off her Mag and hits Res. Unfortunately, Hoshido doesn't have much in the way of Anti-Armor beyond the Sting Shuriken, the Hammer and magic.

    I actually noticed that in the shop and considered buying one. I decided to wait until this chapter was over to see whether I'd need to spend my money on anything else first though. Are the Flame Shurikens very effective if the character has a good magic stat? I'm actually not sure how magic weapons work in this iteration of the game. Do they solely use the Magic stat?

  11. Ahhh, that's the escape mission, right? I rushed that one, since it seemed like suicide to keep going on that map. I wondered if I might regret that later...

    I have a few Sting Shuriken, but my units that can use it kinda got screwed on Strength, so they don't really do much damage.

  12. I think your problem might be that you are waiting for them to corner you like that. If you are still at the start line with all those enemies there it seems like you probably waited there at least one turn, maybe two?

    You want to aggro the nearest enemy groups on turn one, so you can kill them quickly and have a breather for the next group. Playing this chapter that way I never had to face more waves than I could handle, and I was playing on Hard with no grinding too.

    Also- give Rinkah the Hammer so she can one-shot those knights. And don't be afraid to use Ryoma to soften up or even kill promoted units when you need to. There is plenty of experience to be had in Birthright even without grinding, and as long as you are not using Ryoma to kill half the map, everyone else will catch up. He'll still be one of your best units once everyone else is promoted though!

    That particular picture was just to show how the cavalier move without placing anyone in their aggro range and how many of them there are.

    On a side note, Hammers don't exist at this point in the game. I've upgraded my Dawn Armory once, but I've never seen a club equivalent of a hammer in there. So, I'm not sure where you expect me to get one from. lol

    Anyhow, I got past this chapter. What I ended up doing was this:

    Turn 1, take Ryoma and Azura and kill the left archer using Ryoma. Start moving people towards the left.

    Turn 2 onwards: start taking a defensive stance and make sure no weak units are left exposed. Put priority on finishing off the closest caveliers and kill any archers that get close. Make sure to never let promoted enemy units pick which units they get to attack on Enemy phase. Force them into an option you want.

    The entire field portion of the map progressively moves forward to attack you, even if you don't put any units within their reach. Once you get past the first wave of 3 groups by picking a side, it's just an exercise in crafty positioning and killing the right units to minimize damage taken during the enemy phase. If you can get past the first 2 turns without losing anybody, the map gets progressively easier. I didn't have to buy any tonics whatsoever and I only had to use Scarlet and Ryoma for a couple groups of enemies.

    I found the left side easier than the right, simply because there's one less enemy there to deal with. That doesn't sound like a whole big difference, but it helped a lot. Getting rid of the archer and taking that side early on was the most important thing to getting past the first couple turns.

  13. What if you buy your entire team HP/Def tonics. A +5hp+2def increase across the board might help. +str+spd on those that need to kill things faster.

    If you gotta toss Ryouma entirely at one of those groups, you might wanna try that instead. I think the initial rush is definitely the hardest part because the other groups do get baited one at the time. Putting Scarlet on him should help if you think his bulk is lacking-and since she also gives str and that'll help him oneshot stuff if Vantage ever kicks in. On the other hand, if you can get Scarlet to oneround one of those archers preemptively, she should be able to tank the entire group since her bulk is also very good.

    That would require money, which you don't get a lot of, without grinding. lol

    Anyhow, I got past the first part of the map, which is actually the hardest part, it seems. Then, on the castle part (which is pretty damn easy) I made a mistake and Kaze died. Didn't expect the enemy to use an archer and berserker together to get to him. Woops. I think I can get through this map though, with one more try. It basically requires pair up and Ryoma/Scarlet, though.

  14. 21 HP, eh? Ouch. That looks like screwage right there. I recommend restarting and grab an HP tonic in the Rod shop for Rinkah. And a Def tonic for that matters if she's gonna be the main tank. If you wanna use her long term even toss the angelic robe at her. Better safe than sorry. Since Birthright throws you a lot of money, buying tonics is pretty good practice if you feel like your stats aren't up to par.

    Instead of going straight down the middle, I started pulling enemies to the side, which gives the other groups a bigger gap to travel before getting to me, so I have sufficient time to prepare for another group as they move. I remember my initial positioning was rinkah front, scarlet back. This gives Rinkah even more bulk. I eqip Throwing Club +1 forge into one of the cav's range (the throwing club is to make a dent in the archer) while the rest of my team moved as close to the edge of the range of the archer as possible. The middle group is gonna come down after I wipe the left, so that's when I threw my Rinkah at them again and also worked some Ryoma magic there.

    Those front units aren't really the problem. The archers and caveliers are. lol There's too many units. They all aggro at once and my units are definitely not strong enough to tank and kill them all. Literally the next turn the cavaliers will reach and be able to attack literally anyone on the outside of this formation.

    What happened when I pull them to the side was of very little difference. The mounted units just catch up too quickly, everywhere on the map. I also tried dividing into two forces, but then the knights pick a side and that side gets fucked. I can't see a way to get through this without someone dying.

    Edit: I think I may have found a way. Using Ryoma and Azura to take out the left archer Turn 1 and mass migrating everyone over there seems to make this more reasonable. I feel uncomfortable relying on Ryoma so much... generally I don't use prepromoted units that much. I'll let you know if I manage to get past this. The left side seems to have one less unit and it takes a little longer for the enemy units to catch up there.

  15. Are you using guard stance? If you have a lance unit, the guard naginata Hinoka came with is very handy. Worst comes to worse I think throwing Ryoma at them works pretty well anyway because he should be oneshotting most of them (if not, pair him with Scarlet or something) and if they somehow manage to hit him it's gonna put him in vantage range so he basically doesn't care, but he also doesn't really get exp from anything but the promoted enemies so I wouldn't do that except as a last resort.

    I usually just put the tanky unit at the very edge of one, though if another group gets pulled I throw the tank at them as a distraction and just let my team mop up the first group. I usually place the bulkier units like Scarlet or Rinkah (actually I had those two paired up that chapter and the bulk level was pretty hilarious) closer to the second group so they can shield my more glass canon-y units.

    This is what I'm dealing with:


  16. For Lunatic I pretty much use the bait-and-eliminate method. Pull down a group with a reasonably tanky unit, then just kill them all come player phase. Limit your Enemy Phase exposure if you can. Feed the Paladin to Ryoma because he likes promoted exp. This should apply on Hard as well.

    Birthright doesn't really expect grinding, no. I went through Lunatic without grinding fine.

    This is generally how I already play. The problem I'm having is that putting one tanky unit in range seems to pull multiple groups, which I am not prepared to deal with. lol

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