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Root Admin
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Posts posted by Jyosua

  1. 1. Favorite Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part?

    2. Coffee or Tea?

    3. Getting up early or sleeping in?

    4. Upcoming game you're most looking forward to?

    1. I haven't read the manga, so I can only pick from 1-3. At the moment, Battle Tendency is my favorite. Joseph Joestar is the best.
    2. Used to lean towards tea, but I've been drinking a lot more coffee recently.
    4. Zero Escape III.

    1. What are you?

    2. What are the values that drive you? How do you prioritise them?

    3. What would you do if you no longer had to work for a living?

    4. What were the greatest formative factors in making you who you are today?

    5. First and current impressions of me?

    1. A man with a keyboard. An electrical engineer, software engineer, server admin, gamer, and broadcaster all in the same person.
    2. I value honesty, intelligence, and empathy. I probably prioritize honesty the highest, intelligence second, and empathy third.
    3. I would spend my time working on software development, gaming, and traveling the world.
    4. Honestly? A highly shitty childhood and some friends on the internet are what made me into who I am. Without the people I met via FESS and Ragnarok Online, especially the former, I would certainly not have developed into the person I am today. One of the things I am most grateful for are the friends and mentors I met online during my high school years. Thinking about this actually makes me a little emotional, but they're great people that I absolutely needed at the time.
    5. I can't remember the first time I talked to you, but I remember early on thinking you were intelligent, but a little naive sometimes. You seemed 'young' to me. That's not really a bad thing. Now, I still think you're intelligent, but I question your choice of words at times. I think you would benefit a lot by getting more perspective from different people of different walks in life. Even if you don't agree with them, I think expanding one's own worldview is important.

    11. Which FE's have you played?

    12. Do you play Super Mario Maker?

    13. What's your favorite gaming system?

    14. What's your favorite Pokemon?

    15. If you could make any fictional world real, which would you pick?

    • See above answer.
    • Yes, although I haven't played it too much recently. It's hilarious to watch, though. I sometimes keep a stream of it on in the background at work.
    • See above.
    • Dratini
    • Danmachi (Is it wrong to pickup girls in a dungeon?). I really like how it's similar to an RPG, but in a slightly believable way.

    6. Pancakes or waffles or french toast?

    7. Favorite pokemon?

    • French Toast
    • See above.
  2. 1. Favourite dinosaur?

    1. Philosoraptor

    Favorite Operating System? (+Version)

    1. Used to be fond of Windows 7, but I've recently been converted to OS X. Since I work on software for Apple devices at my day job, I've gotten used to OS X and decided that it's basically like a flavor of Linux that has real major software support. I really liked Ubuntu and Debian, but since most of the software and games I play didn't support it, I stopped dual-booting it. I recently purchased a MacBook Pro and am boot camping Windows 10 for Visual Studios and the odd game, but most of my time has been spent on OS X. Even the majority of my Steam Library is supported by OS X. I'm running El Capitan.

    1. Biggest accomplishment you have ever achieved in a video game?

    2. What programming language did you find most difficult to learn?

    3. What FE games have you beaten?

    4. Favorite FE weapon type?

    5. What was something that you always wanted to try that you haven't yet?

    1. Probably a tie between beating Hell in CaveStory+, and 100% completing Ocarina of time, including winning the race that earns you a cow for your house in Kokiri Forest.
    2. Probably C++. I really hate C++. C is simple and you can do a lot with it. C++ feels like someone just took C and threw a lot of higher-level-language constructs on top of it, without really addressing the core problem. I've heard later iterations of C++ have dealt with that issue in a better way, but there's a lot of crap. If I want high level language abstraction, I'll stick to Java or C#, thanks.
    3. BEATEN? Welp. Time to get exposed here: FE7, FE9, FE13. I stopped FE10 relatively close to the end and FE8 right before the end, because I got bored of them. The FE6 translation wasn't fully completed when I started playing it. I didn't have enough time to finish my FE4 playthrough, and I didn't want to play FE5 without it. FE3 I never attempted, because I was more interested in the FE4 story and had already made a lot of progress on it. FE1 is old, ew. I've seen people play it, but I'd rather play FE3 or FE11/FE12. FE2, even though it's old, doesn't have a modern adaptation, so I'd probably be more willing to try it at some point.
    4. Swords! SWORDS! SWORDY SWORD SWORDS!!!!!! Did you really expect a different answer from someone with a Joshua avatar??? Though, my favorite weapon combinations are Swords and Bows, or Swords and Magic.
    5. Skydiving.

    favorite console(s)

    why fallen angel

    do you still stay in touch with bus

    why is the fe4 thread your favorite guinea pig

    have you gotten agarest on steam or should we gift them to you

    1. I have a special place in my heart for the NES, but I really like my PS3.
    2. I was young and stupid. At the time, I was also your run-of-the-mill angsty teenager. That name was borne out of the idea that I was a generally good person who did some stupid shit and the fact it sounded edgy. I meant fuck. Have you seen the character I play in Persona 4 Arena?


      Fuck. Look at all that edge.

    3. I do! Not as much as I used to, but we're all pretty busy people now.
    4. Because I love you all.
    5. No. NO. NOOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOooooooooo
  3. Yeah, Gyro's hat is pretty swag.

    4. Favorite anime?

    5. What makes programming appealing to you?

    • Hard to say. At the moment, probably Fate Zero, but there's been a number of really good series that I highly enjoy. Brotherhood was amazing. There will always, always also be a special place in my heart for .hack//SIGN.
    • I like solving problems, and I also like logic and computers. That's basically all being a developer really is. You're a problem solver with a specific toolset. I enjoy approaching issues in different ways, struggling, doing research, and ultimately finding a solution. The feeling you get from actually completely a project or even solving a really difficult issue is unparalleled, in my opinion. It's very rewarding.

    favorite songs?

    favorite musicians?

    your top five favorite fighting games?

    which group would better make an FE fighter in your opinion, French Bread or Arc Sys?

    1. Plug In Baby by Muse, What Sarah Said by Death Cab for Cutie, ハートに火をつけて and コスモス by 9mm Parabellum Bullet, 千の翼 by Livetune and Takuro Sugawara, Unbound by Avenged Sevenfold, Moondance by Nightwish, Seven by Symphony X, Valkyrja by Yousei Teikoku, and probably some I'm forgetting. lol I like a lot of music.
    2. Muse used to be my absolute favorite, but their more recent stuff hasn't worked for me as well anymore. All of the artists you see above basically consist of my favorites, although this is by no means exclusive.
    3. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, BlazBlue, Dragon Ball GT Final Bout (fite me), Guilty Gear, Smash
    4. Personally, I don't like French Bread's input engine as much as ASW. I think either could make a pretty good game, but at this point, I'd lean more heavily towards ASW, since they have far more experience, especially when it comes to minute details like input shortcuts and buffers. Also, let's not forget how hilariously broken the first iteration of UNIEL was. Linnefinites ftw.
  4. Since you like "cold", would you live in Canada?

    (You'll just have to learn how to ride a polar bear)


    Also, would you live in northern Canada where you can see the aurora borealis?

    I probably wouldn't live in any place where it got below 0 Fahrenheit regularly, but anything above that is fair game. I've dealt with temperatures in the 10s before. It doesn't bother me quite as much as some other people. Just dress warmly. lol

  5. Well, I meant in general, but that's a good answer, too XD

    6. What's your favorite character EVER?

    7. Greatest prank you pulled? (if any)

    8. Impressions?

    9. How long have you ran your own site?

    10. Orange Soda or Root Beer?

    • This is a really hard question. I have a lot of characters I really like. Top among them are: Jin (BlazBlue), Shizuo (Durarara), Archer (Fate/stay night), and Mitsuru (Persona 3). I can't really pick just one.
    • Helped some coworkers completely cover another coworker's desk in paper toothpick umbrellas, tiki torches, cardboard palm trees, and more when they went on vacation to Hawaii.
    • A type of measurement, which keeps count of the number of views an ad gets. Every time the ad is retrieved to be loaded, that counts as an impression.
    • I've been running various websites since I was, like, 14.
    • Root beer. Who would pick orange soda!?

    11. But you have seen sukusuku now! What's your opinion now? 8)

    12. Opinions on Burbank city.

    13. How has life been treating you lately?

    14. How do you feel finally living in Pasadena?

    15. Favorite style of clothing.

    • Reminds me of mameshiba.
    • Burbank has a lot of stuff to do! A fun place to visit occasionally. There's also recording studios over there. lol
    • I've been really busy, but overall things have been going okay. If all goes well, I'll even be able to pay off my car soon, which would be nice.
    • I really like this city. Fuck the desert. Holy crap, living in Lancaster was so bad.
    • I like graphic dress shirts and polos, like this http://i37.tinypic.com/35k23xu.jpg

      I also like stuff that borders on goth or visual kei, like this: http://www.sakazen.jp/photo/h-zenmall/c/7563100850c.jpg

      I used to dress more stylishly, but a lot of my clothes are worn out (and stuff like this is hard to get), I'm out of shape, and I've also been lazy.

    1. Favorite soda/pop (if you drink it)?

    2. Favorite cake (if you eat it)?

    3. Favorite pie (if you eat it)?

    4. Favorite Path of Radiance character?

    5. Chocolate or vanilla?

    6. Have you ever read The Chronicles of Narnia books?

    7. Have you ever ridden a horse?

    8. Do you play Pokemon?

    9. Besides FE, what's your favorite game series?

    10. Do you watch The Simpsons?

    • IBC Root Beer
    • Cheesecake
    • I don't generally eat pie that much, but probably cherry pie? Maybe apple.
    • Toss-up between Mia and Zihark.
    • Most likely Chocolate, but there are times where vanilla works better.
    • Unfortunately, no, I never got around to them.
    • No. But, now that I think about it, I should probably do that some day.
    • I do, although I haven't played it much, recently. I've been working on Alpha Sapphire. I was a huge pokemon fan up through Crystal, but I only got back into things during Soul Silver/Heart Gold. Play Alpha Sapphire because I don't know jack shit about Gen III pokemon. D:
    • This is a hard question, but probably BlazBlue?
    • No, my mom didn't let me watch that show as a kid, so I ended up never getting into it, even as an adult. I've watched an episode here and there, but that's it.
  6. I don't think he changed it? I mean Hatt. I mean the first post still says 5 questions per person and Jyo has now allowed 10 per person.


    6. What do you think of sukusuku? (The walking fat things in my profile)

    7. When did you move to that great and expensive city?

    8. Have you played any Touhou games before?

    9. Favorite animal.

    10. Favorite book.

    • I have never seen these things before. Lmao
    • I moved to Lancaster (which is in LA county, technically) in July of 2012. I then moved closer to LA, in Pasadena, this past July.
    • I haven't, but I have listened to a lot of the music from Touhou. I really like a lot of it, so I have some Alstroemeria Records albums on my iPod. :P I also managed to pass this song in the Groove Coaster Arcade:
      (not my playthrough, but I'm just happy I can pass that song lmao). I'm not great at bullet hell, though, so I haven't tried any Touhou games.
    • Hmmm, hard to say, but probably a wolf?
    • Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophesies of Agnes Nutter

    1) How did you get to know Vincent/AveynKnight? (I'm quite curious about the whole backstory :L)

    2) Favorite coding/programming language?

    3) Favorite season?

    • We met way back on FESS. I was a pretty terrible member there (I was like 14, had limited experience in social interaction over the internet, had real life issues, and, let's be honest, FESS was pretty fucking strict when Superbus became a moderator there), but despite that, I made some friends there that I've kept in contact with to this day. You can read above for how SF came to be from that.
    • By FAR C#. I actually kind of like Python too, but C# is very powerful and I've used it for many things. My first programming language was C, but I also learned C++ syntax in high school.
    • Winter. I like colder weather, and where I live now, it has the added bonus of being our rainy season. I love rain.
  7. 1.) What inspired you to make Serenes Forest? Like, why the heck would you go to the trouble.

    2.) Do you even know what I am?????

    3.) What type of pasta?

    1. I wouldn't say "made", per se. I saw potential in the tiny website Vincent had made, called Angel Sword, way back when. Back in those days, such a thorough collection of information for ALL the games basically didn't exist on the Big 3. FESS had the information scattered among forums. FEP only had info for the new games. FEFF (I think?) was mostly just a forum. Wikia wasn't really a thing then, either. Yet, here this tiny site called Angel Sword sat with a ton of information in relatively easily accessible form. I was mind boggled. The effort he had put in didn't deserve to be relegated to a crappy free webserver. With the right amount of effort (dedicated host, a real domain name, some better noticeability and SEO, etc.), we could turn it into a real great resource for the series; the one that the community should have had for years by that point.

      So, I offered to host it for him and take care of the backend of things. I basically paid out of pocket for years. I added ads eventually, because I realized that if anything ever happened to my personal income, the place would need to be self-sustaining, but it takes a long time to build up ad revenue to accomplish that. We're just about there, now, but our ad revenue fluctuates from month to month.

      At first there was also just a guest book. No forums. Vincent didn't really think the place needed forums. But the guest book system was kind of archaic and, to facilitate better interaction between Vincent and our visitors, I suggested we make a small forum. The idea was never to become the largest English-speaking FE forum. The forums were just meant to sort of compliment the guestbook and create a small place where people who visit the site regularly could congregate. Over time, we wound up overtaking the Big 3. Somehow. It still amazes me to this day how this even happened, but it's pretty neat, and I'm glad that things turned out even better than expected.

    2. Nope. lmao
    3. Fettuccine.

    1. Have you had that avatar for the entirety of Serenes Forest's existence?

    2. Is there anyone in your opinion, real or fictional, who has a more swag hat than Joshua?

    3. Have you met any of the other Serenes Forest staff members in real life?

    1. No, actually! I changed it to Hello Kitty Hitler once, after being basically called a dictator, and another time I changed it to the truck from Pokemon Red/Blue. Yeah, the one that totally has a mew under it. Go check it out!
    2. I dunno, Zeppeli also has a pretty swag hat.
    3. There was supposed to be a Florida meetup in our very early years, that I think one of the staff members was going to go to IIRC, but it never happened as far as I know. So no. :P Despite that, I consider some of the staff to be very close friends of mine. There are also members of this forum that I've literally known for over 10 years, so... if anyone ever tells you online friendships don't matter, they are SO full of shit. They are what you make of them.

    1: Any video game (or video game series) that you haven't played that you want to try out?

    2: Is the higher cost of living in California a non-issue to you?

    3: What place in the world would you want to visit?

    1. Oh man, there are so many. I still need to play the DMC and Bayonetta games I bought. I've never played any of the Fallout series. I started BioShock, but didn't finish because I didn't like playing on console. Still have been meaning to pick it up again on PC (I already own it, but I'm a man with little free time).
    2. Helllllll no. I make a good amount of money now, as a software engineer, but I put myself in a lot of debt moving here and living here on a subpar salary for basically 2 years. I'm still recovering. I love living here, but HOLY SHIT IT IS EXPENSIVE!
    3. Well, I already visited Japan. I really want to go back and climb Mt. Fuji, visit an onsen, and try crab in Hokkaidou. Outside of that, I'd like to travel to Europe and check out a bunch of places there, too, at some point.
  8. 1. Hello

    2. Favorite character?

    3. What brought you into video gaming?

    4. Favorite food?

    5. Worst sport?

    1. World
    2. In what context? Fire Emblem? I like Joshua a lot, but I'm also very partial to Gaius.
    3. When I was 3, there was a store in the mall that had a demo of MegaMan 3 playing. I later played it at a babysitter's house and the rest was history.
    4. Nabeyaki Udon
    5. Probably Football. I don't have a very dense bone structure.

    1. How are you today?

    2. Do you watch/read anime/manga?

    3. Favorite subject?

    4. Favorite singer?

    5. Favorite bubble tea flavor?

    1. Good!
    2. Yes to both.
    3. Probably math, but I like math and core sciences in general. I'm an engineer, after all.
    4. Matthew Bellamy
    5. Milk Tea

    1- Have you heard of Sin and Punishment 2?

    2- Favorite game review?

    3- What does SF stand for?

    4- What's a "Root Admin"?

    5- Would you rather go to the past, or the future?

    5.5- How will you use the one billion space credits in prize money?

    1. I own the game.
    2. Game review? Uhhh, I'm not sure what you mean by that.
    3. Science Fiction :Kappa:
    4. I'm the primary admin for the forums. There's certain backend stuff only the root admin can do for security purposes and just because they have to do with software installation/upgrading/configuration.
    5. This depends on the type of time travel we're talking about. If it's a single timeline that is directly affected by actions taken in the past without any sort of divergence, I'd probably travel to the past. Whether to benefit myself or humanity as a whole, I'm not sure. That would require a lot of thought. However, if this is a multiple timelines type of time travel, I'd rather travel to the future, because correcting the past is a moot point, so travel to the future would be a chance to see things I couldn't possibly have seen in my lifetime.

    5.5 Constructing the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon

    1. What do you think of me?

    yeah that's all I have at the moment

    1. I have literally no idea who you are. lmao
  9. 1. What's your favorite video game?2. What made you move to California?3. What are some of your hobbies?4. How does it feel to host SF's servers?5. Will you lift the question limit?

    1) My favorite game is probably still Valkyrie Profile, but there are some others that are close.

    2) I moved because of work, and I stayed out here because of the tech industry and better access to cultural food, areas, and events. It's diverse out here and I like it a lot more.

    3) I play fighting games competitively, I livestream games and tournaments on twitch, I do software development stuff even when I'm not at work, and I'm learning Japanese. I like video games, anime, manga, and movies. I don't watch much traditional television, but I do watch some stuff on Hulu.

    4) It's been fun and interesting watching the place grow from a tiny freewebs site to what it is now. I always knew it had the potential, which is why I approached Vincent originally. Furthermore, there have been a lot of technical challenges I've had to overcome as a server admin. I've definitely learned a lot from my time hosting the site.

    5) Sure, but I'd ask for each person to keep it to, like, 10 max.

    I'll answer these one by one, as I get a chance.

  10. Zero -> Niles doesn't bother me that much because the logic is there. Nil meaning zero and whatnot.

    Tsubaki -> Subaki bothers the hell out of me because Subaki means nothing in English. It's a pointless change. Either change it to the English version of Tsubaki, or leave it alone. Christ.

  11. It's basically what was mentioned before. They're a pain to find everywhere and some places require more than just a simple template bit removal to get rid of. There's a couple I might have missed, but the ranking by post count would still be accessible even if I removed the link.

  12. he's gonna tell us he acquired agarest 2 during the steam sale, and that he's having a blast replaying it

    Hell no!

    I was actually lurking to see if anyone had commented on the site speed since last night. I made some optimizations to the web server to hopefully help improve the speed while we get these large amounts of viewers.

  13. 2007- early 2008 were good years because the forum wasn't that big and we were able to be very lenient. Late 2008 is when FESS closed, IIRC, and that brought a shitstorm with it. The next couple of years forced us to crackdown a little bit more with our rules, and flesh them out. Since then, it hasn't been too bad... I mean, this isn't a chan board or gamefaqs, so you do have to stay a little more on topic/relevant. At the same time, FftF exists and our general forums aren't particularly strict either.

    That being said, if you compare us with FESS circa 2004-2006, we are much more lenient. I think we've also managed to have much less drama than FEFF did, too. FEP is harder to compare against, because most of their activity was in their roleplay forums. They were fairly relaxed in the past, though.

  14. Quick update! I was able to purchase EVERYTHING, except the Photo Frame (sold out)!

    Additionally, all the Awakening Badges were in opaque wrappings and chosen at random. Fortunately, I was actually able to get most of the ones y'all wanted. Once I get home and sort everything properly, I'll proceed with showing the badges ya'll didn't request, and we'll do a first-post-first-serve method to determine who gets what.

    I also took several photos, so I'll make another topic showcasing the event proper. Stay tuned!


    Thank you so much!

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