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    Radiant Dawn

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  1. Quoting myself for context. While I was dead serious about MP4, I want to say now that I was actually not 100% serious about Holy War. If there's a September direct I think it's possible to be revealed there for an early 2025 release, like Engage was. I do not think it will be a Switch 2 exclusive, though, unless it is actually still years off. The main thing keeping this idea alive for me is that we know from internal numbering that there is a missing FE title between TH and Engage.
  2. Metroid Prime 4 is not cancelled! Genealogy remake, however, does not exist.
  3. If Metroid Prime 4 doesn't appear here, it's cancelled. If Genealogy remake doesn't appear here, it doesn't exist.
  4. Lmao I totally called that we might get Edward and Leonardo but no Nolan (not on this forum). Poor guy's never getting in at this rate. Third time Micaiah and Sothe are on a banner together.
  5. We already have summer female Corrin and we literally just got a male Corrin, so I kinda doubt this one.
  6. This is a pretty fair take. I have occasionally seen tier lists where people divide units into categories like "support," "combat," "project," etc. which probably is more useful than the traditional high-low. Regardless of comparison to other units, I do still find Tethys getting 80% top votes questionable. Oh well.
  7. I mean..."bulky combat unit that can one-round enemies" is almost always top tier, no matter who's judging. I'm pretty confident exceedingly few people actually care about LTC. And like I said, I still rate her highly, just not as high as the units who are actually doing the work. Not second only to Seth.
  8. Dancers are good, no question about that. Back in the day they used to be super underrated, yet now I'm starting to feel like we've gone in the opposite direction and they're being overrated. What's prompting this from me is the polls ActualLizard on YouTube has been doing for Sacred Stones. Here's the one for Tethys: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaLypZjyX8v5FIK2QByFn2A/community?lb=UgkxFSx2A_UL5Or6AJznBsBF1Bfc6u2oPgj- 79% gave her a top rating of "really good". Only Seth got a higher "really good" score (90%). Yeah, just Seth. Ephraim, Gerik, Vanessa, etc. all did worse. Which seemingly makes it unpopular for me to say that I don't think a single-target, 5 move dancer is that good. Putting her in top 10 I agree with, maybe even top 5, but top 2? She can't dance for Seth if she can't keep up with him! Sacred Stones is also pretty enemy phase heavy and she has only an indirect benefit to it. For the record, I voted "pretty good."
  9. Wow, we're finally getting a true repeat duo: Wendee Lee and Julie Kliewer.
  10. Engage helps with this. When you're moving an ally to a space, there will be arrows for each enemy that can potentially attack them there. And in general, while this is a bit more tedious, you could manually mark all nearby enemies except the ballistae.
  11. I don't - and won't - get mad at any individual character appearing (or not appearing) on the banner. I'm far past that for this game. But this is the one banner theme that has shown it can still upset me to some degree. The whole male character + female romance options they've had going for the past two years is not cool, especially last year's where it was a male avatar. I don't care what they do with the banner or who is on it, as long as they don't do that again.
  12. The stances from Fates are the best mechanic ever made and they were ditched after one game (sort of). Tragic. A weapon triangle that gives hit and atk bonuses would also be nice to have back.
  13. Eh...it's better, for sure, but it still doesn't feel like it's doing Lloyd justice. That might help, but they're not going to invest in a character who doesn't sell. Flora shares her JP voice with Edelgard and Flora's only alt is from before Three Houses even released.
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