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Freohr Datia

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About Freohr Datia

  • Birthday 05/03/1993


  • Member Title
    I dunno I dunno I dunno I dunno

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    Free D, Lobby 3

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Three Houses

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  • I fight for...
    Order of Heroes

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  1. Bye-bye summer break!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      I said goodbye to it 2 weeks ago -_-

      I miss vacations already.

    3. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      Ur status changes a lot *frumples*

    4. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Whenever I have something that I don't think really fits in topics I just put them here =D

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