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Everything posted by Kaden

  1. With Palla, the fact she exists as a red flyer with a stat spread like that is a blessing. Caeda would really want DC to be a good mage counter and skill inheritance in general to help her out. Otherwise, she's a weird unit with high speed and resistance, but low attack and defense with an Armorslayer. She'd mainly be there for Fortify Fliers or because you really like her. As for Roy, he's a sword infantry and there's so many of them that they're this giant blob. Kind of reminds me of Phalanx from Demon's Souls. Just a blob of swords...
  2. His other stats are pretty balanced, though. If he wasn't a villager, you could tear off 5 from his attack and he'd be sitting at 158 BST with an average stat spread. Dude's only off by 2 speed to have 31-33 speed. 29 speed is neither exceptional or bad. Just average at best. Umm, Palla? 42 HP, 31 Atk, 31 Spd, 28 Def, and 26 Res. She screams jack of all trades.
  3. I need him to wall out some of the units in Chain Challenges and stuff like that. Against swords, 46 defense is overkill, but against archers and sometimes lances and thieves, he's either right where he can take 0 damage or is slightly off. Most of his damage comes from Ignis anyway and he's more of a bait a unit or section off a unit from everyone else. This is partly a problem of not actually having any units geared to deal with archers and colorless units for that matter other than special map Cecilia, a +Atk M!Robin, and F!Robin with Gronnraven+. None of them have Bowbreaker and none of them even have T-Adept. So, I just bring him along to bait stuff that others can't or just to bait in general so my glass cannon units don't have to take unnecessary damage if they can't reach for some reason. Also, green mage issues. Even as 4* units, I'm still wary about using Raigh and Sophia for anything unless I know nothing will go wrong like if everyone died, but Merric and I'm on my next team then sure, let's have Sophia deal with him. Otherwise, I'd try to find ways to bait axes or anything that isn't a green mage which is sometimes possible and sometimes not. The horror of Palla doing 0 damage to a Boey in the higher stratums and Boey with 33 speed saying no to getting doubled by Lucina on a lunatic TT... Or Sophia taking more damage from green mages... Why. Why can't I have a red mage who's fast or has stupidly high resistance? It doesn't help that with lance infantry, 3 of them are 5*, 2 of them are seasonal, and fulfill niches the remaining don't. Bride Charlotte is your offensive powerhouse, Ephraim is another slow, bulky lance infantry, but he's also a really good support bot, and summer F!Robin is the only lance infantry with good resistance and in general, she's a pretty good all-around tank despite her low HP. That leaves Donnel, Lukas, Oboro, and Sharena. Of those 4, 2 of them are free and arguably pretty similar. Donnel and Sharena are jacks of all trades where Donnel's selling point is he comes with a Brave Lance by default and as a villager, has higher BST. Sharena has a legendary, two buff skills by default, and is about faster, but has less defense and attack. Lukas is rarer, but is the physical wall and Oboro is in a very unfortunate situation of being fairly balanced except for speed and having lower attack and defense than Lukas for resistance that doesn't really matter when she usually gets doubled.
  4. If only there was a way to give away units. I managed to snag 3 of him each from unrelated banners. Our meeting really was fortuitous. Anyway, all I'll say is that +Def Lukas with his default Fortress Def is like the best thing ever if you want a physical wall. 5* +Def, -Spd Lukas has been really helpful for the recent Tempest Trials, Kozaki trials, and the Chain Challenges I've done since he no-sells most swords, lances, archers, and thieves. His default Obstruct is pretty useful at times too. And then there's Ignis. 36 damage on top of his 43 total attack and he charges it pretty quickly since almost everything doubles him and usually, it's for 0x2 or some minor damage.
  5. Huh, that's a first. I just got matched with a team I fought before in arena. I expect something like this to happen in the very upper level of arena not around level 40, 4* Anna, M!Corrin, Felicia, and M!Robin where only Felicia has an inherited skill -- Seal Spd 3 for those wondering. Figured there would be less people up there as it would be more competitive while around my level, there would be a bunch more teams. What was more interesting was that it was also on the same map, the desert map with water in the middle, and right after I fought them. What are the chances? Unfortunately, I didn't screenshot it and even then, someone could say I just took a screenshot and waited a couple of minutes to take another one because I'm that pathetic of a human being that I'd have to stoop to dishonesty to make small talk. The enemy team was from left to right, Lucina, Takumi, bunny Chrom, and Abel under the username... Kiran. I had to do a double take when I saw them again like, "Is this the same team I just fought?" Sure enough, when I did the same strategy I used to defeat them, M!Corrin would have ended up doing the same 14 damage to bunny Chrom on a defense tile needing Felicia to debuff his speed and defense so he could do 21x2. Well, at least bunny Chrom was the same. Don't remember the others since they simply died compared to bunny Chrom where I had to think about what to do exactly to take him out in one-go instead of having M!Corrin just smack him for a couple of turns. And I didn't pay attention to what the username was before which might not help since there are million players who stuck with Kiran as their username. It'd be even crazier if two different accounts had the exact same units with the exact same boon and banes at the exact same level. Kind of hilarious using the same positioning and having the AI do the exact same thing. Bait Abel with M!Corrin while Anna stood behind him, Felicia baited everyone else with M!Robin next to her. Abel gets counter-killed after he gets close enough for M!Corrin to move out and let Anna take his place, Felicia baits Takumi close for M!Robin, Takumi charges M!Robin's Bonfire, Lucina gets nuked because of that -- don't blame me, blame Takumi, my dear --, everyone moves out so Takumi only targets M!Robin who counter kills him, and then bunny Chrom is left alone to fight M!Corrin (and Felicia).
  6. Or they have way too many flags than they know what to do with. I'm sitting at 1,300 flags with 1,000 unclaimed from the unfinished Voting Gauntlet quests. If I spend 400 per multiplier, I'd need at least 6 multipliers to get rid of them all.
  7. Oh, this needs to happen! The sheer depressing hilarity of a team having a permanent multiplier and getting curbstomped. I love Gaius, but dude, I need F!Corrin to pound your mochi into oblivion. This is a possibly a once in a lifetime chance to watch this train-wreck happen. Oh, sweet agony, thy name shall be Gaius. (She's from another world, but Sakura will be there to enjoy sweets with you after you lose.)
  8. Cool, someone on team summer F!Robin gave Desperation 3 to Lyn. No wonder we're losing. :p
  9. This would be a great time for Lucina to be in her rebellious phase: "I challenge my curfew!" Annnnnd... She's grounded or someone goes to jail for kidnapping a minor. :P
  10. But can you make stews like Est? :p Odin's about as awesome as a rock... STAR!!! Which is about equally as worthless and awesome if you think real HARD about it.
  11. B-but her stews, though! Also, some stews are made with tomatoes, too. (And pineapples for that matter, buuuuuuut...) :p
  12. Was there ever a consensus for Ardent Sacrifice or Reciprocal Aid for a Falchion and Renewal 3 build? AS would be safer in a sense they could stay at higher HP, but they might heal too fast with Falchion and Renewal 3 while RA would be better if you just want a massive heal, but if you're not careful, they might not be able to heal back up in time. Just asking for future reference since I don't exactly remember when a post on this was made or by who. Kind of thinking of doing a Dr. Falchion build for masked Lucina since it would help with getting rid of units for space and she'd actually have skills, but if I could have had it my way, I would rather do a Dr. Marth build since he's pretty balanced. Alm, eh, I don't know what I would want to do with him, but a +Spd one with a Phantom Speed seal could work his default set very well, Chrom seems like someone who should be built into a hard-hitter and I kind of want to do a Brash Assault Chrom just for kicks, and both Lucina and masked Lucina might be better of being hyper-offensive. Basically, the others have niches they could fulfill better while Marth is the jack of all trades, so let's him do something more support-y even though Dr. masked Lucina would be a fine build.
  13. Exeant. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't know, I just like how Gangrel says "Exeant." I'm not even sure if that's even a real word. Edit: Fortify Res or Hone Speed for Lukas's C-slot?
  14. Oh, yeah, DehNutCase's idea of a healer knight with high HP could probably work even if like all ranged units, they'd have lower BST than melee knights. Ranged infantry have about ten less BST than melee infantry while melee knights have about 10 more BST. So, a ranged knight would basically be a melee infantry in BST. So, if they had 158 BST and had the highest HP of 55, lowest attack of 21, and lowest speed of 16 of the current units, they'd have 66 points left for defense and resistance. Basically, they could have a stat spread like this: 55 HP, 21 Atk, 16 Spd, 33 Def, 33 Res. +HP, -Atk would have 58 HP and 18 Atk. Slap on HP +5 and a HP seal and they'd have 66 HP. You could probably Panic Ploy units in Infernal and Lunatic GHB and Lunatic Tempest Trial despite their inflated stats. Here's the thing, though, this assumes they can even access Wary Fighter or Svalinn Shield for that matter. Even though they're armor-only skills, there's no guarantee the developers won't just screw over healers again making it so that only melee and ranged knights can use those skills, but healer knights can't. In that case, a stat spread like this is pretty much worthless. On an all-armor team, you'd have someone who can't do damage, can't survive well compared to the others, and is just there wasting a slot when you could run another melee knight or a ranged knight whenever they're released. If Wary Fighter wasn't available for some reason, they would probably need speed which means their defensive stats would have to tank. Something like 52 HP, 21 Atk, 35 Spd, 25 Def, 25 Res would be kind of crappy. So, basically Odin, but with more HP (and speed). With that speed, though, they could run Dazzling Staff, Guard reliably since with 3 stacks of Ward Armor and their high HP, they could make it very difficult for people to get their special charged, Seal Attack would be pretty good to since they could be a wall for stuff, or they could run Live to Serve or Renewal for general sustain considering their not as great base defense or resistance.
  15. Y'know, I'm at a point where I want a Voting Gauntlet where the last round has a character so unpopular miraculously make it to the end and lose spectacularly. Something like they get multipliers constantly, but are still losing by like half the amount the winning character's team has despite all those multipliers. It'd be so dumb.
  16. Or it's a theme. The Spring Festival had Camilla and Xander share "Spring is here!" which is similar to summer Elise and Leo sharing "I'll sink you!" There's also Chrom and Lucina sharing 3 quotes: "I say when winter's over!", "Spring gives me strength!", and, "You will not stop my festivity!" It's only the Nohrian and Ylissean Summer banners that all characters regardless of which game they came from or their relations all sharing the same line of "Tropical Attack!" If anything, it's kind of similar to the Fates retainers and royals sharing a special/critical quote. Also, both Corrins share 3 quotes, Chrom and both Robins share "Our bonds give me strength!", normal Xander and summer Xander share "Right where I want you!", and regular and spring Camilla share "Sweet dreams."
  17. And then she drops this on you: "I’ll work really hard for you. Cross my heart and hope to die!" The word "die" just echoes in my head. No, Nino, never say that again. ;_; I have no idea what a tenor is. I had to look it up and if I'm understanding it correctly, tenor is the highest singing voice for men. I don't know, Valter strikes me as someone with a very clear voice that is either average or low. It could be a bit high, but not like Henry's or something maniacal, higher-pitched like Mark Hamil's Joker, Kefka's voice in Dissidia, or Doug Erholtz's Vega which seems too obvious to me. And not something gravelly or gruff like Jaffar, Navarre, Saber, and Saizo's voices. I'm thinking of something like Mick Wingert's Laslow or maybe George Spelvin's Xander where there's this sort of vampire-like charisma to it and it's really "perfect", but in an very unsettling way. So, a voice that's so alluring even though you know there's definitely something wrong about him. Kaiji Tang came up since he's really good at giving dramatic voices if Odin and Narcian are any indications of that. Lloyd's his deepest voice while Narcian and Odin are more average. He could work if Valter were to be dramatic in a sense that's he's mad and off in his own world, but still eerily charming.
  18. I know you're playing with Japanese voices, but yeah, Narcian's lines are just gold. Both of his voices are spot on making him just ooze arrogance and narcissism. Someone mentioned that it was kind of sad since it's like he's trying to reaffirm himself that he's not worthless. That kind of makes it a little more hilarious if cruel. And then there's his critical health art. When Valter was announced, I immediately thought of Kaiji Tang as his voice because of his performance as Lloyd, Narcian, and Odin. It made me wonder if he could do a very sinister, smooth, but disturbingly insane voice. Of the kind of voices I feel like would work for Valter, it's that or a very deep voice. A Joker-like, Gangrel-like, basically high-pitched crazy voice seems too obvious.
  19. You get more poke quotes from 4* and 5* promotions. I say this since the special map units that are 1* and 2* have their 3* quotes. I like checking what the characters sound like and what their quotes are. *totally did not visit Felicia, Mae, Selena, and Serra (when I had her) regularly* I do this with their map select quotes too. *totally did not repeatedly select Michalis to hear his "Don't push me." Some of the lines are fun like Nino's "Ah! Whew! Got scared for a second" -- yes, it's wrong to tease her, but she's so cute! -- while some are interesting like you can hear the sadness in Abel's voice from almost everything that he says or the tired and perhaps conflicted feelings from Zephiel.
  20. Falchion and Naga. Both have effective against dragons, but Falchion has Renewal 2 built-in and Naga has +2 Def/Res when attacked. The difference is that Cursed Lance only has offensive effects. Falchion has sustain and Naga is good defensively sort of, but Cursed Lance? It's a legendary Killer/Slaying Lance that also has a modified Fury 1 built-in. -1 special cooldown and +2 Atk/Spd? It's like the Ylissean Summer weapons, but if they were always in effect instead requiring to be at full HP and they were legendary meaning 16 MT and locked to one character. It's also technically an 18 MT lance. The only weapons comparable in pure MT is Durandal which is technically a 20 MT sword, but only if Eliwood attacks and Folkvangr which is a 21 MT sword, but Alfonse needs to be half dead. Cursed Lance is always 18 MT until Valter bites the dust. Cormag shouldn't be using the Cursed Lance at all. I never played Sacred Stones up to the point where you get Cormag and Duessel, but according to the wiki, and I think this is part of their support conversation, the Cursed Lance in Duessel's family was to be kept safe not used which makes sense considering how Valter went from being a pretty nasty guy to being even more nasty because of the Cursed Lance. Duessel says he doesn't have family and wanted Cormag to keep it safe since he figures a good guy like Cormag would never think of using it. Even the other lance Duessel has shouldn't be used by Cormag since Duessel apparently would only use it that's the last thing he had to defend himself which in that case, Duessel should be using it if he's not using an axe.
  21. I checked her quotes on gamepedia and she actually says "growed up" as one of her poke quotes. Buuuuuut, it's locked behind a 5* rarity. Yes, I know because I had a 4* Nowi on my first file long ago. My 5* Fae from that file wasn't that great for some reason compared to 4* Fae. Maybe she was -Atk? Same with my first 4* Roy who was really fragile while second 4* Roy was all right. Serra was a beast, though, and I hope I can summon her again one day. Anyway, the most adorable thing I remember is that both Fae and Nowi share "Let's go!" as one of their map select quotes.
  22. I don't have a Nowi, so I wouldn't know... ;_; Fae does ask if she's any bigger when she levels up or she learns a skill, though.
  23. Yeah, I know that, but Nowi seems noticeably shorter than the others. I'm wondering if Nowi's even shorter than Fae and child Tiki.
  24. Okay, weird question for those who have all the dragons: is Nowi shorter than Fae and young Tiki? Whenever I see her, she is shorter than the other characters -- two friends have an Eirika and Nowi and whenever they show up for the gauntlet match victory thingie, Eirika looks like a giant compared to Nowi --, but I don't remember if she's shorter than Fae and kid Tiki. Those two are either slightly shorter or about the same height. Speaking of height, it's funny that characters like Delthea, Nino, Raigh, and Sakura who are probably younger and shorter than others, but they aren't, so, you have stuff like little Nino standing about the same height as Zephiel.
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