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Everything posted by Kaden

  1. But I'm following Cherche whose wyvern friend is named Minerva. :p
  2. They're all wearing weird clothing, though. We've got one in a swimsuit who wears it even in the strangest of places like in volcanos, one wearing a potato sack, and the other wearing really flamboyant miko-like dress -- I thought you went to temples to pray not lewdly stare at young girls. @Ice Dragon, is +Atk, -HP one of Fae's best boon/bane? Just wondering. HEY! Cherche is a Goddess and we are followers of her Divine Grace. It is a legitimate religion and not a cult! *prepares sacrifices for Minerva* :p
  3. My luck with greens is just unholy: "Oh, look, no blue orbs. Let's see if I can get Julia." *summer Elise shows up* "****, I'm going to jail" *Fae and Sakura show up as well* "Yeah... This will be difficult to explain." Meanwhile, 3* Eliwood. Where dem red mages at? Also, a 4* Rebecca who's not -Atk or -Spd, so whatever. Fae showed up as +Atk, -HP 4*. This my first Fae and she's finally returned from my first, starter "I'm an idiot, how does FEH work?" file where she was a 5*. That leaves Nowi, Roy, Serra, and kind of Hana as the only characters I've never summoned again. For those wondering, Elise is +HP, -Res. Didn't someone want her? I think a certain fluffy person was ecstatic when she was announced or something. No offense to Elise and Xander fans, but they were pretty much last on my list of Nohrian summer units I wanted. Top was F!Corrin and tomato Leo for obvious reasons. The hilarity since it's like the Rite of Shadows banner where I wanted Celica and Mae, but got Genny.
  4. Well, the nice thing about the gauntlet is that I can use units I haven't gotten like every single damn red mage for example. Anyway, regular Lyn's map select quotes are so high-pitched compared to bride Lyn's. It's like regular Lyn's from her prologue while bride Lyn's from the main story or post-Blazing Sword. The quotes are kind of cute, but then I'm reminded that it's Lyn. :P
  5. Note: If the matchups were known because of the livestream, I didn't know since I didn't watch it. Oh, the gauntlet is live. Let's see what the matchups are... *sees summer F!Robin and Tikini are fighting each other* Why must you do this to me, game? Whoever I pick between those two will be a lose-lose situation for me. Best case scenario is I join the team that ends up losing so I can support both of them. I like Tiki more even though summer F!Robin is an adorable dork... This is just like Cherche vs. Cordelia all over again.
  6. Or how IMDB says Walden James went uncredited for all of his roles in Fates, but is credited in Heroes. Apparently, Laura Bailey also went uncredited for Lucina in Awakening, Heroes and has only been credited in Fates and Smash 4. Actually, IMDB says she, Melissa Fahn (Maribelle), Mela Lee (Tiki), Jamieson Price (Priam and Virion), Eden Riegal (Nah and Sumia) also the voice of Genny, but credited as Claudia Lenz, and Travis Willingham (Brady and Lon'qu) all went uncredited for Awakening. The mysteries of voice acting crediting. We'll never know unless we are one. In Echoes or Heroes? In Echoes, Tipton is credited for Clair and Palla on IMDB; Bailey never appears since she never worked in Echoes as far I know -- maybe she auditioned before. In Heroes, Tipton is credited for Clair and bunny and masked Lucina while Bailey goes uncredited for regular Lucina and Palla, but FE Heroes' gamepedia page lists Bailey for regular Lucina and Palla. Also, to clear this up, Camus/Zeke was voiced by Travis Willingham in Heroes, but Patrick Seitz in Echoes. In both cases, they were credited for voicing Camus/Zeke. I think IMDB might not be making a distinction between regular and alternate Lucina which is kind of stupid since Bailey's Lucina is very different from Tipton's Lucina. Palla is even more noticeable since Heroes Palla, Bailey's Palla, has a higher pitched voice and because the pawns keep saying stuff over and over again, sounds exactly like one of the voice options in Dragon's Dogma, but without an old, medieval English accent while Echoes Palla, Tipton's Palla, has a deeper voice almost like an older Clair.
  7. Voice actors use pseudonyms a lot and sometimes just go uncredited for whatever reason. For one, Arthur, M!Corrin, and Hinata are all voiced by Cam Clarke in Heroes, but Hinata's voice actor is listed as Delem Donaldson. I think he's the only example of this so far in Heroes while others had their returning voice actors go by different names like Virion's still voiced by Jamieson Price, but he's credited as Taylor Henry or apparently Elise and Fir who are voiced by Natalie Lander, but she's credited as Liv Strander. Other times, it's kind of simple like dropping or adding parts of their real name. Also, there is or was -- not sure -- a voice actor strike that started in October 2016: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016–17_video_game_voice_actor_strike. Not sure on the exact details, but it could explain some things. It might just be Lucina, though, since I feel like Camus and Palla were supposed to be voiced by their Echoes voice actors Patrick Seitz and Alexis Tipton, respectively. Lucina not having her voice actress reprise her role for bunny and masked Lucina and I think also in Warriors*, though. That's something strange. Or it's just real life stuff. Laura Bailey and Travis Willingham are big names who have other projects. Oh, and they're married, so there's that too. Probably not what they're going through, but some voice actors and companies just lose contact with each other. For example, in Final Fantasy XII, Gabranth's voice actor was Michael E. Rodgers, but I think it was said that Square Enix couldn't contact him to have him reprise his role in Dissidia. They had to get Keith Ferguson, the voice for Basch, instead which is kind of morbidly hilarious considering FFXII's story. *On Warriors, Laura Bailey's voice is very distinctively "breathy" for Lucina and Alexis Tipton's performance for Lucina doesn't have that from the few clips I've heard of her. Then again, Frederick sounds suspiciously young.
  8. First summon, didn't get anyone, but I did get a 4* +Atk, -Spd Chrom. -Res would have been better, but whatever. Time for more Brash Assault shenanigans. :P Seriously, though, Seliph, show up or something man. Preferably +Def, -Spd so I can dump that -Atk Chrom's Defiant Def 3 I got recently on you. Also, another 4* Abel who's +Atk, -Def which is probably better than +Spd, -Atk. Who really wants Swordbreaker. Like, really, really wants it? It doesn't matter if I don't have them -- future reference is fine and I'm not in a hurry since I just upped my barracks from 280 to 300 for some extra space. I know Nowi has a build that runs it, but Swordbreaker is also kind of the general B-skill to have unless you can't, then Lancebreaker.
  9. Hmm, so he's like Michalis, but if Michalis traded attack for speed so he wouldn't get doubled a lot. He also is now the second lance flyer to be a physical tank with his competition being Subaki. Both have a +6 defense lead on Catria, but have poorer resistance than her. He is the slowest of those 3, though, but not really by that much. Now, if only we could get Ashnard or another sword flyer sometime soon. A high defense, high attack sword flyer would definitely complement Caeda's fast, mage wall and Palla's jack of all trades. That and y'know, more than 2 sword flyers. With Valter, we have 9 lance flyers and 10 blue flyers with F(lying)F!Corrin. Green has 6 axe flyers and 8 total with spring Camilla.
  10. Someone's overcompensating, then. I bet his tome is big and heavy too. And does he have a castle with sky-scraping towers? :p
  11. Hmm, I can't really see an easy way of starting this map assuming it's not like Berkut's where everyone rushes you. Going to the red mage means you're in range of the the Firesweep Lance cavalier. That's probably death for any green and possibly blue. If that cavalier has Drag Back or Lunge, well... Yeah. Going towards Valter means being in range of 4 units, so that's a no-go. If you try to bait the axe flyer which is possibly the best option, you also get into the range of the Brave Bow archer. With the free units, that basically rules out Palla and possibly Zephiel since even though he has WTA over the flyer, she's packing a Hammer and the Brave Bow archer could whittle him down to let her double him assuming she can live on counter hit from Zephiel. Not sure if Alfonse or Stahl could survive and Hana, Lloyd, and Navarre probably won't. Xander's probably the best bet, especially if he's a 5* since he can counter back. Maybe Michalis, but he can't be 3* and he's still at a disadvantage compared to Xander who at least has WTA against the axe flyer. I could see Donnel, Olivia -- gee, I wonder why --, and Xander being the picks for a F2P team. Xander's to start and bait the axe flyer and archer, Donnel would be there for the red mage and also the cavalier since they can't counter back, so free hits for Donnel, and possibly could help out with the Brave Bow archer. The fourth member could be Cecilia, Narcian, or possibly Barst, Gunter, Legion, Michalis, and F!Robin. Basically, they'd be there to cover just the lance units or lance and Brave Bow archer. Narcian's Lancebreaker would be very useful to get damage on Valter, but Valter's resistance is low, so Cecilia and F!Robin could be more useful, especially since Cecilia has Gronnraven for WTA against the archer and F!Robin has Gronnwolf to deal extra damage against the lance cavalier. Maybe Clarisse or possibly Niles or Virion could be used, but I'm not sure.
  12. That freaking Lilith float is so dumb. I love it. I need tomato Leo, but I want flying mage Corrin because she would make flying team quest so much easier. Considering my atrocious luck with red mages, Leo's not happening. Meanwhile, unholy green luck will probably land me a Elise and Xander. I just got Sonya and Tikini... I don't need more greens or even blues for that matter. Red mages, red mages.... Why, game? Why must I suffer?
  13. I dunno, I didn't watch the livestream and apparently Clive's a TT reward, so there's that. :p Anyway, I love the reference to Valter's backstory with him having a Cursed Lance. Related to him, considering how the Ylissean Summer banner worked, another banner is going to run alongside it after 2 weeks. Considering Valter's the next GHB for late August, he's probably a hint to the banner that will appear during the Nohrian Summer banner. Not bad, especially since compared to the last time we were able to get a flying mage, this one lasts way longer. Unfortunately, I need tomato mage since only having 3 different red mages and the only non-Raigh or Sophia aka starter red mage I have being a -Atk Henry from 45 out of 52 is not fun. At. All. I hate fighting green mages with high defense so goddamn much. You don't know pain when you meet green mages who no-sell your sword units and/or even have good speed so I either can't double to brute force like what the hell was that 33 speed Boey from the last Tempest Trials on a lunatic run!? Probably never going to get tomato Leo because apparently red mages only exist for other players and the AI.
  14. Note: not watching the livestream because... I don't know, I tend to not livestreams of video game news and stuff. Lazy, I guess. Wouldn't that work out, though? If Clive is next after Lloyd's re-run ends, then there will be a re-run for probably Xander or Camus after Clive's which should. By the time we get to Valter, it would be mid to late August.
  15. Feh is revealed to be Zachiaras and the opposite to Loki, hence, the shape-shifting powers and becomes a transforming flying unit. *cue teaser at the end of the livestream showing Myrrh, Kitsune, Laguz, Taguel, and Wolfskin units*
  16. Hey, maybe Jedah was a beautiful man before he became whatever blue thing he became. Then again, he could have been a beautiful blue man... Ahem, another example is Nergal who without his scar would probably look like a regular man. Otherwise, implications... for Jedah not Nergal since it's implied Nergal genuinely loved his wife and children before he went cuckoo for power and stuff. Hmm... Just remembered Validar. Yep, Robin definitely takes after their mother. Otherwise, they'd be a giraffe which isn't all that bad since Sophia would be like a sister from another universe for them. :p I swear if Jedah becomes a GHB and is a decent red mage. Give me a waifu or husbando red mage not this blue creature who sounds cool since Richard Epcar is an awesome voice actor.
  17. Better: Jamieson Price, the voice of Hawkeye, Virion, Zephiel in Heroes, Rudolf in Echoes, and in other games, Lu Bu and Nier, doing his deepest voice possible for Feh. Alternatively, Richard Epcar, Patrick Seitz, or Christopher Sabat. Vegeta Owl go! :p
  18. I just saw this on reddit. Love is everything. @GuiltyLove, would you love a man if he was like this? :p
  19. No to Cantonese and definitely not Mandarin. I can at least understand, but not speak Cantonese outside of basic stuff like "water", "car", "toilet", "no", and "yes". I have no understanding on anything about Mandarin other than "thank you". As I said before in my post, I'm illiterate when it comes to Vietnamese, but I can make out some words if I know what they sound like and what the context is, but that only takes me so far since I don't know the alphabet enough or how some words are even written as other than stuff like phở as in the noodle soup and xe -- I'm not sure if it's accentless -- which means car. Speaking, kind of fluent, poor accent, could probably hold a basic conversation, but that's it since I'm missing a ton of knowledge on proper grammar and when and how exactly to use the equivalents to use Mr., Ms., "buddy", kid, etc. Somewhat literate in French, but crap at speaking. French isn't widely used in the US... So, basically a more structured and formally taught version of Vietnamese for me, but with poorer speaking even if I know the grammar and stuff more. Unrelated: because some words in both French and English can kind of sound similar, I guess I picked up the ability to guess on what people are saying in other romantic languages and kind of German. Definitely can't understand them, but it's kind of weird how I can sort of know what they're talking about or just pick word or two and know what they mean. English, well, I stutter which weirdly doesn't happen with French and kind of Vietnamese or the few basic words in Cantonese I know for some reason. Maybe it's because I talk slower since I have no idea what I'm saying. There's some issues with pronunciation which is probably because I stutter and also because I just have issues with pronouncing words in general if I haven't heard them before or a lot. That and the whole the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know as much as you think you do. I am a very pessimistic person. Someone could say that my level of English is good, but I'd say it's bad because there's so much that I don't know even if it's pretty much useless for daily life. More like "Dragon Heads" considering what comes out of it when Julia uses it to attack people.
  20. As someone who had to deal with 4 to kind of 5 different languages growing up, chaos is not fun. Both parents spoke Vietnamese and of course, English since that's the official language of the US. Primarily Vietnamese since they're old and English was more of when they're out and interacting with Americans. Dad spoke Vietnamese and sometimes inserted French words if he didn't know them in English or if Vietnamese didn't have a word for it while mom spoke Cantonese and occasionally used Mandarin which my maternal uncle was more proficient in since he volunteers are Buddhist temples a lot. Personally, I consider myself barely fluent or literate in any of the languages I know. Hello, I am a jaguar. Expect 3 different pronunciations with possibly variances because of differing dialects and accents in different regions. English doesn't really need a standard pronunciation for a character. Well, it could, but if the damn language had at least one accent to denote that a different pronunciation was used, then maybe it would be bit better. Yeah, this is probably more of personal problem and me trying to make it easier to know exactly how a word even if I'm used to it. This probably has to do with a hilariously traumatic childhood and life of not knowing how stuff is pronounced. There was a time when I was a kid and I had no idea how Jacob was pronounced. I legitimately thought it was "jaah-cob". To this day, this continues and I'm like, "Uh... what is this? What language am I supposed to be thinking in again and how is this supposed to be pronounced?" At least French has accents and Japanese is phonetic, so they're a bit easier. I'm illiterate in Chinese and Vietnamese, so that's my fault, but English? RIP. "Dragon Slayer". :p Lucina (Laura Bailey) says it as "fal-chen" and I think someone says it as "fal-key-on". That's four different pronunciations just given to you. Have fun.
  21. It's true, though. English is a messed up soup of Latin, the Germanic languages around there at the time, and loan words from practically every language. If you want, it's word vomit as a language. Or diarrhea. Oh look, corn! Children, do not touch or eat the English corn. It did not come from anywhere remotely sanitary. Would you like an alphabet like Vietnamese's? All those accents to tell you exactly how stuff is supposed to sound. If only I was literate in Vietnamese. I should learn to be... Some accents would have benefited English. I think. I hope. Maybe not. Also, I kind of of wished romaji had more accents than the horizontal line thingie, but that's probably my I learned stuff from French and it makes sense and seems convenient to me. Mostly the acute accent for the "e" at the end of words. In French, if a word ends with "é", then there's an "ay" sound at the end like "parlé" is "par-lay" and not "par-el" which would be "parle". I guess for a Japanese word, something like hime is not "heem" or "hee-mee", but "hee-may", so with an acute accent at the end, it'd be "himé".
  22. Oh yeah, Japanese is kind of written phonetically. Meanwhile, English. Buoy.
  23. Possibly "la-rah-shell". L'Arachel looks like a really weird or a poor way to make a name look French or possibly Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish -- not sure on those other languages. In other words, foreign. The funny thing is that Rezzy would kind be right that it's "The Rachel" or rather, it'd be "The Arachel" because of how the singular the in French, le and la, works with words beginning with vowels. If it's not an actual name, Arachel could pass as a name. Basically Rachel, but with an A in front making it "ah-rah-shell" instead of "rah-shell". In English, it'd be a bit funky since Rachel is pronounced more like "ray-chel" so Arachel would basically be "a Rachel". Or something like "ara-chel". The stupid thing is her Japanese name would look more and maybe sound more "normal". Larchel could just be "lar-shell" or "lar-chel". Well, I'm curious about how Neimi is pronounced. Is it "nay-me" or "nee-emi" or something else?
  24. Meanwhile, India to the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and parts of Japan like Okinawa, I think. Rinkah's and I guess the Flame Tribe are based on oni from Japanese mythology as said before, but there are naturally occurring Asians with darker skin than just gyaru. @Thor Odinson, your username reminds me of who the current Thor is in the Marvel comics now.
  25. I know. Also, at least Binding Blade's effect is useful unlike Fujin Yumi staying true to its home game effect. Now, if Takumi was a mounted archer, built-in Pass might actually be useful with 3 movement until you realize that mounted archer Takumi would be way better with a Brave or Firesweep Bow.
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