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Everything posted by Ishi

  1. I have a bad habit of fidgiting with it in my hand while I talk, I don't use it just hold it and the like. I would never go as far as to pay half attention to someone I speak to. But yeah when people do that it really is annoying, back in 10th grade I had a teacher who did that in class when he wasn't teaching it was really annoying. and near impossible to ask a question regarding the subject.
  2. Dean top flier hands down. Good in air and on ground.
  3. Honestly only to the third level with no lives or continues left. Bombs save the day everytime.
  4. Its ironic this just appeared I literally played Touhou for the first time today. Started with 7, and am only playing on Lunatic because its the only way to play games and someone told me to. But yeah really fun game.
  5. Thank you, it actually got lodged into place with that advice. Well a little slanted it fits and looks fine so I'm happy thanks.
  6. So I just got my set of FE 4 figures today and I'm having a terrible time trying to put on the cape for Levin the rest went easy Well apart from Fury's pauldron breaking. So my question is to anyone who owns a Levin figure how the heck do you get the damn cape on?
  7. There would be tears... Lots of tears... as I hate digital collections, no more cheap used copies and what not.
  8. PoR is by far one of the easiest but most enjoyable. BExp put simple works like this after each map you are rewarded said BExp as well as additional xp for completing under certain conditions and the like. In between chapters you have access to the base which you can then distribute the experience as you see fit. On hard mode all BExp earned is halved to make the game some what more challenging. Unlike Radiant Dawn there are no fixed levels so you can't manipulate the game as much, theres the potential for bad levels and amazing levels. BExp really helps for promoting units if you chose to sell or have no master seals.
  9. I know the bare minimum of hacking. But im pretty sure you'd have to create a new class, with all the bases, names and what not, but with a separate model.
  10. I'm all about the maps and mechanics. I love hard and unique maps. I'm also a big fan of low growths on all units makes a good level feel alot more rewarding unlike 13 where every unit is good and normally caps a crazy amount of stats 1st tier though, 2nd tier caps are really high. To a lesser degree I also like the plots although this can be pushed aside for some games like Shadow Dragon.
  11. Im just happy were getting a new movie to be honest. I think he'll do a good job.
  12. True although the approach they went with in series 1 was old and new era. Shadow Dragon and Awakening. I'd say we see it after an Elibe series.
  13. Honestly since there isn't a global release of the series I'd say there's a fair chance. Although Jugdral also had card series before so I'd wager its not on their priority list. I'd love to own a Tilytu and Alvis card.
  14. Stalwarts Unite all the way. PoR's was good but damn RD's was even more epic! and Amazing!
  15. Ishi

    A newcomer on FE7

    Use a knight named Oswin he is much better compared to Wallace. And probably the best knight in the series hes sooo goood! As for character recuitments and the like there is a fortune teller in normal mode that will tell you tips and requirments every chapter for 50 G if I remember correctly.
  16. Marcus will probably still be really handy for weaking enemies to train your units. He will drop off soon though. I'd recommend investing some levels into a really solid unit like Oswin he really makes the early game so much more tolerable.
  17. I use it to disarm tough enemies like reinhardt so that there no way he can fight and unlike sleep he can't be restored from it.
  18. Faval get's Ichival there for he is better. Also Jamka as father isn't a bad idea his HP can literally cap its amazing 70 I believe. Hit rate will be meh but he uses bows so it balances out.
  19. Lalum is cute. Has funny supports. And is really good at dodging. So yeah definitely Lalum.
  20. Geese is my favourite, he always is really good for me. I also really like Hawkeye hes always a good unit.
  21. Clarine is really funny in her supports, and stat wise she is a really good unit. L'arachel would probably be my favourite if the game allowed for multiple s ranks, its just to damn hard to get her an s rank in light magic without getting the s in staves.
  22. Geese always turns out the best for me. Even if Gonzales does get better HM bonuses. Ross is obviously the best stat wise but I don't like Ross so I don't use him. As for Dart yeah no mine always sucks no matter what difficulty I play on I like his back story with Rebecca though.
  23. I've been a little curious about this game. might try it especially if theres a special pack edition.
  24. Renault because his back story is really good. But if were talking stat wise Lucius is really good.
  25. Yeah I've never played just book 2 so I'm not familiar with the still marth image.
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