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Original Alear

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Posts posted by Original Alear

  1. Wtf. So I delegated to Alec and things didn't go well...but why would anyone delegate to Alec when Arden is around?

    The best part about this game is Alvis dying. I mean I find him an interesting and somewhat sympathetic character, but I just love the idea of all his plotting against Sigurd going more obviously and immediately against him.

  2. Chloe shows up during the recruitment of some elven archer in Elfheim. That's about as far as I've gotten. Also, not the same thing, but Chloe also seems to be the one to find every Hallowed Corn Ash or whatever you call it. Wonder why she's so good at doing that.

  3. Quote

    I might just like the Drakengard cast in general because Aramis and Virginia rank pretty high too. I think Virginia's actually kinda insufferable but in a good way. Aramis meanwhile is an interesting combination of a graceful Lucius and someone who's just weird.

    I haven't seen a whole lot of Aramis since I just played his chapter, but he's kind of like a Navarre or Rutger in terms of his recruitment (frees a healer) and unit type.

    The main thing I dislike about this game is combat forecasts. It seems like the forecast reports based on the RNG or something??? Because it seems to be accurate in terms fo what will happen when the battle starts. But, sometimes it seems like another battle triggering elsewhere will then cause the forecast to change...or something causes it to change without any damage or stamina loss or valor effect to either unit.

  4. On 3/9/2024 at 7:29 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

    Funny that the game doesn't know any other word for characters leaving your army than ''abducted''. If they become green units for a bit they're abducted. If they leave to prepare on another location on the map they're abducted. They're even abducted when they're abducted. 

    Abducted used to mean a part being separate from the whole, so if you don't have a problem with the localization using somewhat archaic language, it should be fine.

    One thing I don't really like about this game is the enemies wandering the map you can get in 1 round fights with for honor. I mean I have to admit I'm glad it was included because the way they did it seemed kinda novel, but I feel like it kind of shakes up the gameplay because sometimes I might want to make a set of more overpowered fighters join together to clear them out, then redistribute the units for more balanced formations.

  5. Quote

    None of this is explained in-game, and it's poorly documented online, so you're just kind of left wondering why enemies are suddenly so absurdly fast compared to you.

    This is like my job suddenly interrupting someone who needs to get something done, telling people that they have to call the office back even though they're scheduled to be available because I have no idea why they're not responding (don't get me wrong, there might be justification for it, I just sometimes don't know what precisely it is). Yes, I think I finally understand...the reason they pay me is so that if someone beats me, there's reward money. I'm not a big fan of FF4 either.

    Also did anyone (Nightmare?) ever show you this Integrity?


  6. 6 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

    But that was at the time, I still see a bunch of people whose first FE was RD, and now people asking how to emulate it or where to buy it, see the crazy fanbase Micaiah has, I never saw anyone hype a Gaiden character like that (or... At all), also the fact that the game continues PoR's story will be reason enough for a bunch of people to want to play it. Also, RD has Ike, and we like Ike, which is undeniable proof for why it can't be the less popular FE.

    I'd say it absolutely has to be a pre GBA FE, if only cause less people are likely to have played them.

     Oh yeah, good argument too, I think I never saw anyone saying that Thracia was their first FE.

    Thor Odinson's fave game is Thracia 776 according to her profile.

    I think I might have had it set to mine before Three Houses, though maybe it was Radiant Dawn...?

  7. 21 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I think Ninian's revival just came down to "Bramimond is magic". Perhaps he had an ersatz Aum Staff? Regardless, I don't think there's anything special about Durandal that would "preserve" Ninian. It's not as though he extracts her from the blade, or anything of the sort.

    No, I don't mean that durandal was actually involved in the resurrection, just that there's something thematic going on w/ both Idoun and Ninian being killed by legendary swords.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    I never considered it so literally before, but, the cold seems an entirely reasonable deduction. We know

    A)The legendary weapons changed the climate in some way that made it impossible for dragons to live as dragons

    B)This was called the Ending Winter.

    C) Winter is the cold time of the year. 

    In personally always interpreted the climate change as magical in nature, but given the name it just plain getting cold seems to be the intent.

    But in Japan (and many places) winter is poetically associated with death. (though I'm not an expert on Japanese poetry and it could be more complicated than that)

    Also, the ending winter's effects seem to be continuing to this day, because Jahn, Aine, Idoun, and Fa all use dragon stones, yet it doesn't seem like Elibe is particularly cold besides the pegasus country (Ilia?). It would be weird if the ending winter in elibe was still going on primarily as a function of temperature, yet mostly more mild in nature than winter in our world. Ninian doesn't explicitly use a stone, but she and Nils, both ice dragons are also mostly in human form during the events of the game, rather than mostly draconic.

  9. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    Not as bad as Path of Radiance's ending where they don't let you skip the text until Sephiran is finished speaking when there's no voice acting! Yeah, seriously, they just have this text you can't skip on screen the moves really slowly and lingers far too long for no reason.

    FE7 actually has this too, at least at some point during the epilogue...I'm pretty sure anyway, though it's been like a decade since I played FE7.

    but wasn't it a big point about the Scouring that dragons can't survive in colder climates?

    I don't think so...if I know what you're talking about, wasn't the idea that dragons only became mamkutes that needed stones to transform during/after the ending winter? But I don't think they actually said "the winter was really cold so some dragons died" or anything like that.

    Not as much an expert on FE6 as some of you, so I could be wrong.

  10. I mean I see how it's overall implausible with what can happen over the course of the game, but it is also possible for Galzus to die in the chapter he appears early on in the game. So if you do kill him then, it does kind of make sense for him to be a deadlord. Unless Galzus gets to retreat even if you kill him?

    It's not that hard to kill Galzus even that far back in the game, and if you have him capture a character without a weapon he gets easier to kill.

    Also, can we really be sure that the deadlords are who they appear to be? Holy War had palette swaps. I don't remember if Thracia had them, but...Maybe the reason they look like familiar faces is just to scare the heroes with similar looking people.

  11. The country is roughly split on the issue. The news I've seen suggests that the population is getting more in favor of gun control, but there are many who will argue such data as that places with gun control have more gun violence (they say they tend to be big cities). There are notable exceptions to this, in recent history at least, since NYC had strict gun control and a drop in violent crime coincide. Many, though perhaps not most, seem to believe that the people committing violent crime will get guns illegally regardless of what laws we pass, that "a good guy with a gun" is needed to stop a bad guy with a gun. It does seem to be true that there seem to be some examples where this is not the case, the liberal/democratic seeming news outlets and some politicians, I think have, reported that for at least some violent school shootings, there have been flags raised for the gunners when they tried to get the guns that could have been used to stop them from getting guns. The sheer volume of guns reported in the US is another point that conservatives/republicans might use to argue that there are simply too many for enforcement to be effective.

    In general, it might be reducible, to some extent, to a basic argument about whether regulation in general is effective enough to cause desired change, or  people just always find ways around it.

  12. On 1/8/2024 at 9:20 AM, Fabulously Olivier said:

    My observation is that this correlation tends to happen because the best games are the ones likely to draw in new people, whether that be through impressive footage or positive word of mouth. No one sees something, and says "that looks like shit, I'mma try it."

    I disagree with your saying "no one" unless you mean like Odysseus or something. Actually even if you do mean Odysseus I sometimes empathize with him somewhat. Personally, I tried Fingerbones and The Static Speaks My Name on steam. I think both were free, but they still had an opportunity cost.

    Also, isn't that basically what Jesus did?


    (Not to say that DX isn't good or doesn't have a good story, not at all, it sure is not considered one of the best Sonic games story-wise for nothing but you get the point).

    DX has that robot guy. DX's story is awesome.

  13. Star Ocean 2nd Story is not too difficult, nor is it very long as far as RPGs go. But I recommend playing with a guide or backtracking to earlier cities for recruitment. You can't recruit all characters in one run, and much of the recruitment of party members involves going to past locations during somewhat narrow time windows.

    Check the world map frequently (pretty much any plot advancement or dungeon) because it will tell you when at least some of the events are made available. Not only will it show you your next plot destination, but it will also show you when towns you've already visited have private actions (basically support conversations) available. I'm not sure if the world map shows you when there are new characters to recruit, though.

    Opera Vectra is a total babe and has a great VA. It sucks you have to choose between her and Ashton, because Ashton is great too.

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