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Original Alear

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Posts posted by Original Alear

  1. 2 hours ago, Ruy said:

    About going to war with Daein, I agree he would not have launched a full scale invasion. At most reinforce the border and give some speeches, just politics.

    Also, I think it would be interesting to know would happen after Renning was healed and he returned to Crimea. Would Ludveck step aside as ruler of Crimea peacefully? Or there would have been a new civil war?

    Renning might not be an incredibly vengeful person, but I don't think he would let Ludveck go without death or at least imprisonment due to Elincia being dead, and I think Ludveck would know that.

  2. 1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    What is free will?

    When you just do what you want as long as it doesn't cost/require anything. Or when you have a will without doing anything to earn it.

    It seems like it would be pretty boring for active characters. This means there are no questions because the answer appears at the moment the question arises. And the future is predetermined. At this point, they just become bored spectators.

    No...I'm not sure...I guess it depends on your definition of know, but know usually isn't meant to mean something like actually experiencing in full. Like "I know your pain" is different from "I feel your pain". Or "I know how to fix that problem" isn't actually the same as "I have fixed your problem" until it is fixed. So the acts of the story would all need to be performed and characters would feel different things from those acts. Getting slashed with a sword is probably going to hurt some even if you've been slashed a few times before. Same with more positive things. I've eaten tons of roast chickens but I can't experience the taste even without actually having it in my mouth. It would still be boring, but I'm not sure it's completely spectator-like if you aren't alienated from your experiences. I guess you could argue that true omniscience would involve knowing how to stimulate your tastebuds to taste chicken without actually having chicken in your mouth though...

  3. I'm sorry this isn't exactly what you're looking for but, ShadowofChaos made a english patch of FE9 japanese. And I was able to play maniac on that game without beating Hard first. So I suspect if you download the english patch that should be somewhere on this site, you could play maniac without finding a special save. But it would be in english, not japanese.

    I found the link:

    It's also possible that the attached save will work even in Japanese, I'm not sure.

  4. I normally don't feel like u guys are missing the point when I'm on here, but i think here you are (maybe intentionally to generate discussion, please don't take that as offensive, I actually think it's perfectly fine).

    I'm pretty sure legendary weapons are frequently coined as such in the game (or "divine"). They're chiefly legendary because there are legends about them, because they have some kind of connection to legendary events, because someone legendary wielded them. I don't think that S rank weapons in games like FE7, 9 or 10, which have little to no  story importance (though Greil's Urvan is discussed very briefly when Caineghis presents it, for example) are ever described as legendary - at least I don't think that word is used. However, it seems to me that the mani katti has legends about it, seems legendary, even though it doesn't fall into the kind of legendary weapon profile I think most of the weapons that are being discussed will fall into.

    It's about story.

  5. This is the first time Defeatist Elitist visited my profile and didn't say I love you. I mean, I don't think that's exactly true, but I had come to expect him saying "I love you" or "I still love you" on occasion. I don't blame him though, because I was psychologically channeling that I wasn't sure/didn't love him back because I had no idea why he loved me. Actually, him not saying I love you, I believe, brought me closer to loving him.

  6. Quote

    Let me know if you remember it, as a matter of historical curiosity.

    Ya you know what it's Fire Emblem Sanctuary of Strategy I think. There was also a Fire Emblem Shrine of Seals forum I think and I while I used to know the difference, now (in terms of names) I tend to blend them together. It looks like one of the versions of the forum, up to date around 2005, still exists as an archive of sorts, but there were newer versions of the forum that lasted at least until 2007 I think.

    EDIT-If I had to troll I think I would troll Eiyuden Chronicles, for vengeance. I was a member of their discord but got banned without being given a reason - and I think it's weird, because I almost never posted there and I'm pretty sure it had been at least 2 months since I last posted before they banned me. But, I don't have a particularly strong desire for vengeance...if they had some kind of reason that they didn't want to discuss with me that's OK.

  7. This post assumes you don't spend, say, 45 minutes per day of your time trolling about a video game already.

    If you had to post about a game and complain about it, attempt to inflame the opinions of fans OR detractors (or both), make aggravating or insulting fanart, post poorly written fanfiction based on it (no crossovers), insult fans (especially very good or very bad players)...what would you choose?

    For the sake of discussion, if you want to talk about trolling for a game that used to be discussed a lot but is now dead due to being an old game, and you had a feel for the community back when the game was still discussed somewhat frequently, you could choose to talk about trolling for a game series in its heyday. So you could choose to select trolling on SF back when Awakening, Fates, or Three Houses were popular and there was lots of discussion.

    You're not restricted to just one community. Like if you select Fire Emblem you could consider reddit or that older popular FE board that's now defunct (I can't remember what it was called anymore).

    I'm asking this question here because I feel like there truly isn't much mean-spirited trolling on this site most of the time right now.

    EDIT-I guess I am just trying to see if I can select a discussion topic that hasn't been discussed before, because I can't think of what game I would want to spend time trolling about if I had to. I guess I would select Super Robot Wars.

    EDIT2-I am here contending that I am not a troll?

  8. Quote

    Skills: In Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn you will receive skill scrolls in a number of ways. In PoR skills are permanent, while in Radiant Dawn they can be assigned and removed to your units.

    Keep in mind that many units have "personal skills" which cost them no skill points to have attached. But if you remove those skills and assign them to someone else, the skill will cost skill points (variable based on skill). Not only that, but even returning them to the same unit will still mean the skill will now cost skill points. IMO many skills aren't that important in RD for the most part, though, especially the assignable ones. Just the nihil scrolls so you can attack endgame bosses safely.


  9. Would it make sense for him to fight for Daein? Eh, not really either. He has no affection for Pelleas or Micaiah, and probably wouldn't be keen on doing the Senate's bidding. If there'd be any cause for him to join, it'd be because Jill is already there.

    Considering how rare paired endings are in RD, is it not perhaps likely that Jill is a significant reason for Haar to join Daien? The main thing is that it does probably make more sense for Jill to join Haar than the other way around...not to talk too much in circles...

  10. Reg the original topic...I'm not sure anyone said it and I read most of the topic I think, so I will just say, if anything

    The problem isn't with dawn brigade chapters being too hard or the units being too weak, but instead part 3 Greil Mercenary chapters are too easy. I mean, I know it's great to have the "oh shit the GM are here" moment in 3-13, but in general most of the part three chapters are IMO the weakest part of the game. Maybe Haar should have gone to DB since that's where Jill is (and get rid of recruting Jill to GM altogether).

  11. 20 hours ago, swoon said:

    Listen bud. It's the reputation I've seen it garner on Reddit, GameFAQs, damn near everywhere I see Fire Emblem discussed. You cannot blame me (someone who has YET to play it) for being wary of it. Gosh damn dude.

    Not blaming you in particular. It doesn't bother me if it's considered hard, I'm just surprised.

  12. I'm amazed ppl are saying radiant dawn is one of the hardest. It's pretty much the only FE I've beaten on the hardest difficulty except maybe FE4 and 5 (which don't really have a hard difficulty). I think hector hard mode is tougher than radiant dawn hard mode. And the last time I was playing it, I was having some trouble on the protect the pope chapter of FE8 on hard mode (though for the rest of that game it was easier than RD). One of the easiest things is that you can just use the resources you're given on almost any chapter and make it through fine. I do think that playing blind could make it a little more difficult just because of


    part 3 dawn brigade chapters. Especially if you're kind of messing around and lose Zihark and Jill after using them a lot or something.

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