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Posts posted by metalsnowman3

  1. IMO it just seems like TSM was not able to adjust and take easy advantages and this was easily seen in the early game of the TSM FNC game. Dyrus died like twice under turret from Reignover ganks, the thing is Huni as Cass was shoved up to turret for a long time and Santorin and the rest of TSM never took advantage of that, either ganking Huni or forcing other objectives (could also do with p/b since cho isn't the best roamer). I think Santorin ganked like mid but it failed since its against LB and Febiven is pretty good at not overextending. Meanwhile Reignover gets FB top and then forces a flash mid on Bjerg. Similar things happened in the EDG (IIRC) game where dyrus gets 3 man dived bot and Santorin is top with his duo lane but they dont try to dive or even force the enemy top laner out of lane. In most high level play, if you give up on objective or area you really have to trade it for another objective or you will get snowballed on hard against good teams like the ones they played in MSI. Even after the showing I think NA is fine and I am excited for both NA and EU summer splits (EU is looking really intense).

    However that is just my opinion as a scrub.

  2. ...wow. I haven't been to this particular subforums in a while and this is the first thing I see. I was actually hoping back before Smash 4 got released that Melee fans would calm down for once.

    I was thinking the reason some Smash 4 matches took so long was that people don't want to get clobbered by the HOO HAH and were trying their hardest to avoid it.

    I totes agree with this. It's like Melee fans want every other game in the series to be just like Melee. Moral of the story: Melee fans don't know how to simply get over it for once.

    I don't know how wrong and inaccurate this is, but I've been getting suspicious that it was because of behavior from rabid Melee fans like this that got Nintendo to almost ban Melee from EVO. I mean, these same fans pretty much booted Brawl off the competitive scene and made Project M a reality, which Nintendo most likely saw as a complete monstrosity.

    Its not like some FE fans want the new game to be more like older games and less like awakening......... oh wait. Also brawl tourney's still go on, they just are not anywhere near as popular as melee.

  3. The whole situation is dumb. Melee has in the past also gone overtime in terms of how long it's taken for them to finish up pissing off the next group like with SF at EVO, and Melee's top 8 ended up running longer than Sm4sh's top 8. Maybe some Melee fans just look at Sm4sh as something they can look down on since the fighting game community constantly looks down on Melee/Smash. Regardless, this kind of behavior isn't acceptable regardless of who's watching what, especially in a community like Smash where these people are going to be stuck with each other for years to come.

    just an fyi on how melee top 8 took longer

    Yeah, no, Melee had more than 10 games more than Smash 4 and only took 15 minutes more. Average time for a Melee game in top 8 was a bit over 4 and a half minutes. Average time for a Smash 4 game, with 2 stocks, 6-minute time limit, was over 5 and a half minutes.

  4. I think the best plan would have been to have two streams going if one took too long or whatever so things are on when they are scheduled to be on. That's what I meant when its partly on the tournament organizers since they didn't have a plan if things took too long other than have people wait for a really long time, and its not out of the ordinary for people to start getting frustrated and impatient. Obviously you hope people aren't rude and what not but they are still people.

  5. I mean it was also sunday night and melee top 8 started at like 9 pm (ending at 3 am) and some people were there from like 9 am and literally had to fly/drive in and deal with a bunch of crap. So what if they were cheering for melee to come on seeing as they paid a ton of money to go see melee. Obviously it is a little disrespectful but it is also on the tournament organizers for planning it the way they did.

    Side note when melee top 8 came on, melee was the number 1 game on twitch in terms of views, getting over 100,000 I believe.

  6. Kayle, Annie, and Sivir are all fun (imo) and I believe are 450 IP each. Annie can blow people up and play multiple roles (mid, top, supp), and I think she is coming back into the meta (supposedly annie top is becoming popular). Kayle has interesting mechanics with her e and can do a good amount of splash damage and is also versatile (mid, top, or jg). Sivir is a pretty good adc atm with excellent waveclear and teamfight, her only weakness is no escape/dash.

    Riven is also a fun character and I heard that they are making her animation cancels automatic so skill cap could be lower for her in the future.

  7. I wonder why peeps keep saying lag...

    Well that's good news for her. I wonder how her customs will be adjusted if at all.

    The term lag in smash is used for the time that it takes for you to start/recover from the move. There is start up lag, ie falcon punch has long start up lag, ending lag, the time it takes for the move to finish (paultena's tilts had ridiculous ending lag before patch) and landing lag, the time it takes to recover after doing an aerial and landing (shiek's aerials except down air have very low landing lag).

    oh yeah Would anyone be willing to explain or link me some stuff about counter picking with levels? Been watching some tournament vids and it seems that counter picking with levels is kind of a big deal for most characters.

    So in a tournament most have sets of at least 3 games. After the first game, the loser of that game gets to pick a stage (out of the tournament allowed ones) this is known as counter pick. Also some stages are only available for counter picks so they cannot be played in the first game (pokemon stadium in melee is counterpick-able but cannot be played on game 1). This gives the loser a slight advantage because they can pick a stage that fits their character. I'm not sure how it is in smash 4, but in melee certain characters are theoretically better on specific stages. Marth players love fountain of dreams and yoshi's story because the side platforms are low and marth can easily reach em and kill people on em. Falco usually likes more open space like FD because he can utilize his SH laser. Also note that in 3 game sets the winner is allowed to ban 1 stage for the counterpick (in melee). After the loser picks the stage, the winner is then allowed to change (if they want to) character, then the loser gets to pick character, and then game 2 begins.

  8. thatswhytheygutdacinamaticmodeforcasulz

    It is quite harder for sure; I'm still practicing on Normal just so i don't get my ass kicked lol

    But its much more rewarding when you win with no injuries even.


    You know who my main is x3

    Dont worry my falcon is worse i go for the dumbest falcon punches

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