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Chloe Neo

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Everything posted by Chloe Neo

  1. Welcome to serenes Zalo .
  2. Pretty cure Mew Mew power Death Note Fairy tale The cat returns
  3. By the looks of things it seems that FE14's lord is a Dancer, I think im in love

  4. Episode 4 of pretty cure max heart, im a girly anime type fan.
  5. Also cool profile pic, its prince suko , right.
  6. Put wildheart back on volug otherwise he'll be completely helpless for 3-4 turns without a laguz stone or olvi grass. You should also put, if you have one the beast slayer skill on volug or another unit, as it will do double or triple damage on the laguz, you can get this skill in part 1 ch.4.
  7. Welcome to the forest, enjoy your stay !
  8. It might make a bit of difference then seeing as berserkers haven't got that much skill.
  9. Likes celica (has a great taste in magic users).
  10. Seeing as most dark mages hit rate sucks it wouldn't make that much of a difference.
  11. Another unit who's extremely bad like tharja is henry simply because they both join with poor base stats at that Point in the game on hard/lunatic mode.
  12. I'm curious about what other peoples opinions are on the worst unit in awakening. My choice would be tharja when playing lunatic mode, I'm talking about how bad she is when she firsts joins you.
  13. Lalum: Dancers are the best class.

  14. Pokémon sucks and I hate it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chloe Neo
    3. Starman


      well, somethings are not for everyone

      but if you ever need assistance next time you feel like picking it up, i know a few dudes that could help

    4. Chloe Neo
  15. Likes radiant dawn, no one say that about me , I know I do.
  16. If Nintendo added an avatar into thracia they may change the story a bit too fit them in and I doubt many people want that happening.
  17. Just started playing Tales of graces f :-)

  18. Welcome to serenes, hope you like it here.
  19. One of the many people who like genealogy of the holy war.
  20. Practice GCSE exams suck, I hate being in year 9 !

  21. Is 27 or 26 years old and may like shiida.
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