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Chloe Neo

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Everything posted by Chloe Neo

  1. I personally think that they are a bit too large when compared to other FE games.
  2. Linde: Its 4 days till' Christmas ☆彡

  3. There is no possible way known to put a rescued unit through a walk, unless hacks/glitches of course so its probably untrue.
  4. -146 reds are losing to greens by more than 20, great..
  5. Radiant dawn/tellius series is set in the year 780 :)
  6. I must say there is one problem with exp share, it halves the experience the Pokémon who aren't being used but it also helps by leveling up everyone even if there not being played.
  7. Feena: It's 5 days till' Christmas ☆彡

  8. It couldn't be released on dec 31st with as little information about it we've been given, it must be a fake date.
  9. Sorry to hear about your pony dying its always hard when you have a close bond with an animal/pet and they die :(
  10. Living forever and seeing your loved ones die is something most people would hate but if you can withhold your tears like tiki it can work.
  11. I think its the best pairing because I like fem robin and I love chrom plus those two have a great connection :/
  12. Chrom/femavatar sumia/Frederick vaike/maribelle cordelia/gaius Lissa/libra virion/olivia sully/henry nowi/gregor lucina/Gerome lon'qu/panne nah/morgan kjelle/inigo owain/severa All done on my first playthrough,they're not the best pairings apart from the first one.
  13. Playing on lunatic +: I grinded my characters soly on DLC maps Was completed on newcomer/casual mode FemAvatar was paired with chrom and everyone else was random Got 15 gameovers in one chapter Enjoyed every second of it apart from chapter 21 that wrecked me.
  14. Tiki seeing as she's a manakete and can live for a millennia and she knew marth.:-)
  15. Shadow dragon and awakening are extremely accurate for me, lol!
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