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Chloe Neo

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Everything posted by Chloe Neo

  1. FFVII is amazing !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deleted35362


      i died on the first boss ._.

    3. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      I feel for you, I did too and I died against emerald weapon.

    4. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      So many nightmares fighting that thing.

  2. Ive officially been on this site for a year now ☆彡

  3. Welcome to the forest ☆彡
  4. 3DS Friend Code : 2165-5283-5444. Tell me if you add me and ill add you back ☆彡

  5. England, usually in westgate, sometimes in Liverpool.
  6. Project X Zone = Amazing and hard

  7. Welcome to serenes, enjoy your time here :-)
  8. Just started playing FE 3 Book 2, its a great game ☆彡

  9. If there is mariage in FE 14 im going to be marrying the new dancer woman, dont judge me...im only doing it cos shes going to be awesome andI love the dancer class, even though I hate using a male avatar, if you can make one in the game at least.

  10. I don't know that much about FE8 and demons could maybe fit in with the SMT x FE game.
  11. Welcome to serenes, enjoy your stay ☆彡
  12. As I've never played smt I know nothing about it but I know demons are in it , that is not a good mix with the fairy tale styoe of the fire emblem series.
  13. She's most probably has a connection to the MU who is probably the new lord and this dancer is either a plot device, the actual lord or an extremely important character in the game, also I think her name might be something like luna , something mystical would suit her very well.
  14. Chloe Neo


    Welcome to serenes also I recommend playing FE 3 Book 2 also Enjoy your stay.
  15. This woman is going to be the best lord ever.

    1. Rxmonste


      Well, hopefully. She looks like she's going to be cool.

    2. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Absolutely, I love having a female protagonist to play as :)

  16. Welcome to serenes Crista :-) I'm extremely exited about the new fire emblem game as well.
  17. If fe14's potential main character is a female dancer,the quwstion rises will she just be another pretty face that does the right thing (Mary Sue) or will she actually have a new and colouful personality?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      By the looks of her she may be a colourful character or a kind hearted woman.

    3. pianime94


      Like Ninian I guess :p.

    4. Chloe Neo

      Chloe Neo

      Hopefully she likes ninian (best dancer ever)

  18. If ice magic is involved then maybe a new class may be introduced along with it.
  19. Hello, welcome to the forest.
  20. Bonjour, welcome to serenes forest :)
  21. its muzet, great profile picture :)

  22. The game should've been made by now if its still in development than its gotta be a quite expansive game as I've heard.
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