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Chloe Neo

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Everything posted by Chloe Neo

  1. Yeah excellis does have some confusing grunts and mumbles in Japanese.
  2. Welcome and let the Ike fan in you shine bright !
  3. I though he was half and half at first but im pretty sure exellus is not female
  4. Dixie kong would be fun to play as in SSB4. Although if that were to happen she may fight like diddy kong.
  5. I think everyone would agree with me on this,that in radiant dawn they could of made micaiahs team not suck in part 1 especially when playing on hard mode ;)
  6. Chloe Neo


    Welcome to serenes, and great job at being an expert at awakening, im no expert just a great player at it. The forest welcomes you...
  7. Milla: Its Christmas soon ☆彡

  8. Also in awakening they could make the battle sprites 3D and make the character portraits look more anime
  9. Well I found out dixie kong is apparently donkey kings daughter or friend according to this website I found que *donkey kong rap song* Well that explains and anacybele thanks for answering you've been very helpful with all my past questions as well.
  10. I would change the story of awakening, where emmeryn didn't fall of a giant bone to get death , gangrel will instead .
  11. Yeah thought so because twilight princess was made 4 years after melee so that couldn't of been her design ;)
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