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Everything posted by GKSB

  1. But he went on an adventure and even almost got destroyed in a car compacter!
  2. http://www.spinnwebe.com/quiztaker/ The internet identifies my personality impeccably.
  3. I like Sarah Palin because she is Alaskan. And I love that quote because every statistic cited comes from the never-heard-of Center for American Progress. And of course, the figures they cite don't give the logic behind them; you just have to trust that, hey, even though we are going to create a system that large companies will abuse a la Europe and small companies will fuck themselves over on, it'll be grand for everybody in every which way!
  4. Guys. Texas. Giant ass pick-up trucks and SUVs who know neither turn signal nor how to not tailgate. Not to mention half of them are drunk or don't know where the hell they are going. I survive only by switching lanes about every 3 minutes to get around the slow fat-ass Suburban in front of me and to get away from the crazy tailgating beat-up F-150 behind me.
  5. You save gas when you turn your engine off after hitting the person you are trailing so closely behind.
  6. But that's why I turn mine all the way up and roll down the windows (well the latter is also to avoid destroying what is left of my ear drums)
  7. If you aren't for your government 100% you hate America.
  8. San Antonio has a few roundabouts, although we go to the right instead of to the left. Generally I slow/stop (depending on if any cars are coming) at the entrance, and then accelerate to the speed limit. Then I take pressure off the accelerator and just push down a little bit if I feel myself slowing down, until I come to the exit and just glide right in at the same speed. That way you don't have to worry about people behind you not noticing if you slow down a bit due to coasting while on the roundabout.
  9. Oh yeah, well I'm porphyrogenitos.
  10. OH MY GOD This seriously makes up for every stupid thing I've ever read on this forum ever. I've never seen a forum with as many distinctive as this one get rid of post counts. You may yet be a shining beacon for hope that humanity is flexible and not rigid and class-based. Edit NEVERMIND KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. OHOHOHO YOU ARE FUNNY SIR VERY FUNNY INDEED You read that in Apu's voice.
  12. GKSB

    North Korea?

    It would make sense for North Korean government to have organized the attack, but you have to remember that the Far East doesn't exactly have a clean record for cyber attacks either way - China and Russia are the originators of lots of attacks. It may well have been one of their governments who had the attack done from North Korea (or possibly it was non-governmental) - it's not as if North Korea is renowned for having tight security on its northern border or control over its internet activity.
  13. GKSB


    ZXValaRevan you know full well Canada is the 51st state and just hasn't "warmed up" to the idea (pardon the pun). I'm employed, and from my experience I would agree with what everybody has been saying. I'd say that persistence really is the key here, hell I'd say its as important as the interview itself - because, like Superbus has said, due to the endless parade of fronts people are taught to put up in an interview, there isn't much that will separate you from everyone else who has heard the exact same advice. Aside from just actually being more qualified through real experience, I'd say being very upfront about wanting the job and keeping continuous contact with the people involved in the selection process will give demonstrable proof that you actually have the qualities you say you have.
  14. If you have to ask then yes.
  15. When you're able to keep track of all the retarded namechanges.
  16. GKSB

    North Korea?

    Thanks for the fireworks, North Korea.
  17. I don't c wut u did thar, you put a big black bar over that first tab.
  18. GKSB

    Favorite book?

    I mostly read non-fiction and names barely ever stick with me. I just pick my favorite fiction books because usually they're the most enjoyable. Plus the movie was pretty lame upon reflection, in my humblest of opinions.
  19. Pretty sure I don't care. Wait, maybe. Nope. Got the blues and feeling invalidated, buddy? Nah I don't take people's iPods. No comprehende, senior.
  20. I don't see why they can't just, like, go grow more bananas. Or something.
  21. Don't eat bull about meds. Tell him (or her I suppose, substitute what you will) to get his ass out of whatever self-induced angsty teen rut he is in and realize he's probably making half the shit up he thinks he has or exacerbates it himself. I think a major cause of so called mental disease (the stuff that won't get you in a mental hospital but people love to flout as a problem) is overindulgence is self-pity and hypochondria.
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