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Everything posted by GKSB

  1. Here is an ass. ) ) Proceed with the kissing.
  2. I despise those horrific topics that go "LOLOLOL I HAS 666 POSTS GAIZ" so please eradicate them. Or make it only count how many times you post in FftF. Because the higher your post count, the more obvious it is you spam :D
  3. You'd best be trolling, that's not the original.
  4. Freaking horny comic geeks trying to make up for what they sorely lack by having it swing in the audience's faces for possibly the least-intelligent 2 hours I have ever spent.
  5. I would offer my service but my calling is to a higher power... I fight on a different plane, a plane of breakfeasts and succulent delicacies and pastries such that beat the taste buds, render you comatose to the assault of sweetness, and violate your receiving end with magniloquence not of words but of savoriness.
  6. You seem to miss your get-back-in-the-kitchen fallacy.
  7. I ask that you put that magnificent perverted mind to good use and utilize the closest scrutiny, before I give a reply.
  8. Yeah but then I tubgirled the guy back. We ended up having sex.
  9. Garfield isn't funny. Nor are the various derivatives which may or may not have Garfield present in the comic.
  10. For shiggles; The imperial system has its benefits for the very reason some decry it. Consider this; in the imperial system, when you are converting from greater to smaller units, or visa versa, each unit conversion is distinct to itself. However, in the metric system, there is no difference between the conversion from centimeters to decimeters, and the conversion from decimeters to meters, and so on and so on. Its all times ten. That might make mental conversion simpler, but it also posits easier room for error in what you are converting into. Who's to say if you you need to convert from centimeters to decimeters, but you absent-mindedly forget what you were converting to and think its x amount of meters? It's an easy mistake to make. You're not going to make that mistake if you were converting from inches to feet because the next conversion takes a totally different calculation and hence the unit has a different association in your head. Now, pragmatically, the usage of either system doesn't matter in any meaningful way except in mental conversion, because its just different numbers that you plug into a calculator and different degrees of decimals. Metrics might take less work to convert but its easy to conceive of slipping up in any case where there isn't some written work. Plus, whatever you grow up with is what will be easier to convert, because you are familiar with that system. Also, America, fuck yeah. How could you not want to use the imperial system?
  11. Hal 9000, custom built, Windows ME (latest of its kind). It talks to me sometimes.
  12. America can keep its pathetic positive degree weather and emasculate coastline (except Florida).
  13. Shaddup If anyone's interested, I looked it up; never mind, he went to India, not China.
  14. Oh, I bet you that those are supposed to represent that tiny sect of Christianity that was supposed to have been founded by St. Thomas and his followers in the far reaches of the East after Jesus had a little too much wine and mumbled some jumbo about spreading his word. Supposedly, they still exist. True story.
  15. GKSB


    I have two cats, one who is my left eye, one who is my right. I send them forth to observe the world and report back to me all the events that doth occur within my kingdom. Moreover, I have two dogs, one who is my left arm, one who is my right. The one who is my left is the shield with which I defend this land, the one who is my right is the sword I wield to eradicate my foes.
  16. It doesn't, because you can't divide by zero in the first place by that definition. Get it through your head, numbnuts. You might as well multiply by Purple and make the whole equation Beige, because starting off with that equation is STILL breaking all of the rules. The division definition only applies if a/b equals c in the first place. Your 'equation' doesn't, its gibberish. You can't try and use a broken system then to justify itself, because you already know its using false parameters and that anything it comes up with doesn't mean anything. It is always used in such a case, there's no point to use it otherwise. It's not. It's considered undefined because of how it has to be arrived at through calculus (or, more appropriately, how it can't be arrived at through calculus). If you haven't taken it, you don't realize that all these numbers and graphs have actual origins; stating things algebraically is like putting letters together because they spell words. Stating things using calculus is forming sentences out of those words. You can't arrive at 0/0 in any meaningful way, and it means nothing in of itself; so it is undefined. Nothing's as satisfactory as watching people wither before the truth. It'll be amazing slang.
  17. You prove my point, you can't mash two terms together and expect them to be equal. You're using the property of zeros as justification, but like you yourself are saying, what you are doing requires that you divide by zero. That gives you an undefined answer. Plus, if you're using the system incorrectly, you can't expect it to make sense. You are using the system incorrectly and then coming to conclusions because of it. Cross-multiplication is only even used when a variable is present, for one thing; and it only applies if the terms across the equal sign are equal. You know before hand that 0/0 does not equal anything. So you create an untrue argument, and then make conclusions from that. And you really are breaking the rules. Think of the algebraic definition of division; a/b = c if and only if c x b = a. it doesn't work if b = 0, because c x 0 will always be 0, and you cannot get a again. 0/0 is undefined via limits. If you have two functions that approach zero at exactly the same rate divided by each other, they cancel out and approach 1 (such as if F(x) = x and G(x) = x, they both approach 0, but divided, instead of getting 0 /0 , you get 1). 0/0 doesn't exist, it requires other factors to lead to it that cannot happen in math.
  18. Its not true. Saying that 0/0 = 100/532 is the same as saying that 2 + 2 = 5. The equal sign denotes that the two parts have the same value. It isn't a method used to prove whether or not they are equal. The variable has to be there if the statement is to be true. And I was technically wrong, X in the equation I gave would have to be 0/0, but it's a pointless equation either way. You can't divide by zero because zero multiplied by anything is zero. Dividing it into something implies that something times zero will equal a constant. That can never be true, because anything and everything multiplied by zero is zero. Thus, it is undefined.
  19. It's the math you should have learned as a 3rd grader, dumb fuck. Anything you do with an equal sign only applies if they EQUAL each other. The value of 0/0 is undefined. The value of 100,000/37,259 is some constant. They don't equal. You can't shove an equal sign between them and expect that to somehow make it all better. It's like running a red light and complaining about getting hit; you have to follow ALL the rules of the system. Maybe you're trying desperately to remember that cross-multiplication is used to solve variables. If you had written that 0/0 = 100,000 X /37,259, you'd use cross multiplication to solve for x. X would obviously equal zero. Oh, and the concept of even and odd is rarely relevant in math, get that out of your head.
  20. Usually, when you put an = sign, it means, you know, they equal each other. 1/2 is the same as 4/8. 0/0 is not the same as 100,000/37,259. But, if you like just throwing random numbers together, then 2 + 5 = 6 and infinity = 1/3.
  21. GKSB


    Too true, too true. Alas, that sexuality can be so perverted.
  22. GKSB


    It's propagating decadence and a total lack of self-control that an upright American society simply cannot tolerate.
  23. It takes maybe two seconds to convert from metric to imperial for personal use. When dealing with industrial dimensions, i.e. outside of personal use, it's all in metrics. What do soda bottles come in? Liters. Plus, the U.S. has been trying to convert for decades. Why do you think we are all taught metrics in school? It's just that we aren't brought up with it at home for personal use.
  24. GKSB


    Good thing all I need is for them to take their tops off, then. Never have to worry about STDs.
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