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Everything posted by lazydoggamer

  1. FE 10 Ike is amazing and if he gets transfers he's lolbroken.
  2. If the 3ds could be hacked how viable is a playthrough like this?
  3. Did a quick test on the prologue and yeah it did. Freddy didn't level up even when he had 70ish exp and killed the boss >.>. To be honest I've never actually used him to kill bosses before so I just assumed he would get the same bonus exp everyone else does.
  4. If you're planning to use a Jagen you give them the boss kills and let the other units take out the mooks. Also I checked out his stats and it turns out with S rank PK Sumia and a speed tonic base Fredrick is still doubling at the start of Valm arc on hard mode. On lunatic all he needs is two speed procs and the afore mentioned stuff to be doubling at the start of Valm. Besides even if he isn't at the front of a pair up the boosts he gives to the lead are amazing for a long time especially that plus 1 move.
  5. Try to do a playthrough without using pair up
  6. Gonna second that, RD has my favorite class designs in the entire series.
  7. Weapon weight needs to stay gone. All it does is murder the speed of low con characters and they're usually the characters that need the extra power from heavier weapons.
  8. My favorite has to be Dread Fighters because they look so badass plus their Levin sword animation is awesome. They toss the sword up into the air and then the lighting strikes the enemy Least favorite is easily any of the armor types like General/Great knight because they look stupid.
  9. Virion. Would it really kill IS to make an early archer that doesn't suck? Mirel. I give her fire tome to the avatar then have her hide in the corner Cherche. I usually have 3 fliers by the time she joins and don't really see the need for another Sayri. I would actually use her if she had more support options since as a SM she basically fixes anyone's speed problems. Tiki. Joins too late
  10. So I've started playing through FE 6 and I already got a new chapter that made me restart multiple times, chapter 11 Hero of the West. There's two enemy recruits who spawn on opposites sides of the map and you need to use Clarine to recruit Klein and Klein to recruit Tate but Klein and his soliders will attack Clarine even though they're siblings and Tate and her soliders will attack Klein even though he's their boss . The worse part is all of their soliders need to survive if you want the promotion items and we all know how smart green units are. All of Tate's soldiers suicided themselves onto one cavalier which was sad and hilarious. Also if you want the hero crest you need to save all the villages and there's a bandit spawn right next to one of the villages. The most frustrating attempt was when I recruited Klein, stopped the bandits, made Tate a Npc and so I thought I was in the clear and then a huge swarm of cavaliers spawn and kill Tate
  11. On the map you get LB Narcian knocked down Morgan's health to single digits and Morgan missed on her counter so I bring her sister Severa over to attack Narcian. Severa activates Ignis and criticals him.
  12. I completely forgot Gregor gives a lot of speed. Glad to see we're in agreement in regards to Anna vs Cherche Anyway maybe Gregor should also move up to above Vaike since both are stuck to the back of a pair up and Gregor's speed boost is better than Vaike's strength boost.
  13. In which there's only one chest. Gaius needs 9 level ups to catch up Anna's base defence and doesn't catch up the her resistence until he promotes and even that takes awhile.HIs 7 Strength is actually okay although his D rank in swords isn't and he can't use the Levin sword so Anna beats him in combat. Also until he gets to level 10 he's stuck with 5 move to Anna's 7 Lon'qu is almost always at the rear of the pair up giving speed boost so he's not getting pair up bonuses or much combat exp. In order to match base Anna's attack he needs 6 level ups from dual striking and getting strength every time If we are keeping the Avatar as a GM then why aren't they using tomes? The avatar doesn't care about the weapon triangle so we might as well give Anna the Levin sword. Avatar and Sully also make great Wvyern riders plus they'll have suppports by now and actual speed unlike Cherche And my counter to that would be, why should Cherche get the armor knight kills? Tharja kills them just as well and she can also double the other enemies on the map thanks to pair up. Your other Wyvern riders can kill them while still doubling everything else on the map. Why should I pour exp into a unit who desperately needs speed when my teams is fine without her. ​Cherche's supports might as well be non-existent since she joins so late and the partners she wants are likely taken by now. And I never denied Anna has terrible supports but the various ways she's helping the team is better than Cherche dragging down the team with sub-par combat. And you can have two higher leveled wyvern riders before she even shows up.This is special to Cherche how?
  14. Anna actually has better combat than Cherche if she uses a Levin Sword which she pretty much has dibs on since the rest of your sword users suck using it. At base stats they both have 28 attack if Anna uses a Levin Sword and Cherche uses a steel axe. However Anna can reliablely double without a pair up for a long time and she targets res so she deals more damage and that's not even taking into account her level lead. The Levin sword does have fairly limited uses and she doesn't get support bonuses but combat isn't her main job so it's more forgivable. Her real worth comes from her thief utility, healing, and ability to take part in rescue chains. Cherche on the other hand can only offer combat utility and not even that good combat either. She needs a support from either Gaius or Lon'qu to start doubling in a reasonable amount of time but why should I bother saving either of them just for her when Tharja and Nowi like the speed they give? Why should I add another flier when I can have 3-4 flyers with better stats and dedicated supports by the time she joins? She's a combat unit that brings nothing new to the table.
  15. So after looking over the list some more I've been thinking Anna needs to go above Cherche in B tier Anna outclasses Gaius and joins just in time for chests to start popping up again. She has some of the best movement on your team thanks to mov+1 and eventually acrobat which is useful for thief utility, healing, and participating in rescue chains. She's also the only unit other than the avatar who can actually use the Levin Sword and can be a pretty good dodge tank thanks to Lucky Seven. Her lack of supports does suck but considering she's helping the team in ways other than combat I don't think it's that big of a deal. Cherche has a base 12 speed that doesn't double anything except kinghts on the map she joins unless she's given a speed tonic and a lon'qu pairup. However Lon'qu is in high demand for supporting so I doubt she's getting him. She's pretty much restricted to getting her exp from hammering knights and she has to worry about the bow knights on the map. The next chapter is easily one turned and chapter 14 has her restricted to hammering knights again. She needs babying and a speed support at time when your team should mostly be set, I'm just not seeing how she's higher than Anna.
  16. FE7 Canas. I've always like scholarly characters and I like how despite being a dark mage he's a nice guy. FE8 Joshua. Sexy hat and a cool guy. His support with L'arachel is hilarious FE9 Ike. My favorite lord in the series due to how he matures over PoR and becomes a complete badass in RD and he fights for his friends FE10. I didn't really like any of the new characters but if I had to pick I'd say either Volug or Nailah FE13: Gregor. He's hilarious and actually has depth beyond his gimmick.
  17. Regular path isn't even that hard. Just make sure to have some rally and staff bots and use brave weapons. Also healing/defense skills are useless on Apotheosis since most of the time you'll kill a enemy before they can even counter and then retreat so the other enemies can't hit you.
  18. Panne should be S-tier. She easily one of the best units in the game after reclassing to wyvern rider. She gets amazing offense, has flying utility, and will be the only flyer that doesn't suffer from weapon triangle against all those wyvern riders that show up during the plegia arc. E axes aren't that big of an issue since they're the strongest weapon type and you can give her a cheap bronze or ladle forge. When Valm comes around she just gets even better since she now has a decent axe rank and is facing a bunch of lance enemies.
  19. I don't give a shit about Lucina or Robin. Captain Falcon on the hand YEEESSS.
  20. Like others my is in no particular order. 1)Gregor- wise badass old man plus I love his GREGOR SMASH 2)Joshua- He's literally the only gba myrmidon that turns out good for me as well as dat hat 3)Ike- My favorite lord in the series because of how he grows from being a rookie mercenary in PoR to a unstoppable badass in RD 4)Gerik- A manly man who's unstoppable after promoting to hero and getting Garm. Plus he's got the right idea making his mercenary troop consist of only himself and two hot chicks. 5)Seth- For being the most broken thing ever and having a diabetes inducing support with Eirika 6)Boyd- The only fighter that I will ever use. In PoR he doubles everything and kills them with a freaking hand axe. He got nerfed in RD but I still use him even though Nolan is technically better. He also has hilarious supports and I was pleasantly surprised when RD gave him a paired ending with Mist. EAT IT ROLFXMIST FANS 7)Jill- Has one of the best character developments in the series plus an absolute killing machine. 8)Zihark- I hate him gameplay wise but he's easily my favorite myrmidon personality wise because of his supports and backstory. I just wish he would stop sucking so much whenever I try to use him. 9)Tormod- Love how he's a mage but he doesn't have shit move or durability and how he's actively fighting against the corrupt senators. I wish IS would've elaborated on how he met Muarim though. 10)Inigo-Because princesssbride referance Funny character whose parent supports are surprisingly touching 11)Black Knight-The boss fight against him in PoR is easily my favorite in the entire series due the whole buildup to it. I just wish the fight wasn't entirely luck based. 12)Titania-Favorite Jeigan in the series due to how she acts like a mother figure to the mercs while also being an absolute beast gameplay wise. 13) Elincia- I was indifferent to her in PoR but I really came to respect her after part 2 in RD. 14)Naesala- I liked how he was an anti-hero in PoR and wish they didn't retcon that in RD. Also I loved Naesala's and Leanne's paired ending 15)Canas- I've always like scholarly characters plus I like how he's a dark mage that isn't messed up in the head
  21. The greil mercs at the beach http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=1222500 Edit: Okay should work now
  22. I'm pretty sure you can also grind using the legacy teams
  23. It wouldn't be such a huge issue if the reinforcements didn't move the moment they arrive and kill your units that you thought were safe. There's no strategy involved with that, just trial and error.
  24. I would really like some sort of feature that rewards you for LTCing maps like how the Tellius games gave you more bexp for finishing a map with lower turn counts. Even though Awakening got a lot of flak for this I think there should be marriage and children units Even though it's unbalanced I loved how overkill the RD mastery skills were. Seriously tripling strength while also negating defense is hilariously overkill. Gaiden chapters Unlockable story content like the requirements you had to go through in RD to Characters having affinities 1-2 range physical swords that you can easily buy Return of ledges The parts system with switching Povs from RD A threatening final boss like Ashera
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