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Everything posted by lazydoggamer

  1. - I actually think Tharja has good supports and she gets too much hate. - CordeliaxRobin is still my favorite OTP in any video game - I have never recruited Cath - I have and always will despise Lyn's mode and Lyn herself - In games where it's available I always choose casual - I was actually stuck on PoR endgame for a while on easy mode (stupid op dragons) - I thought Veteran was an useless skill on my first Awakening playthrough - I actually like the children mechanic - It bothers that the Conquest seems to be way more popular than Birthright - I can't get into FE 4 or 5 because of the graphics (petty I know) - I honestly don't care about Objectives variety
  2. What build should I use for a lancer kamui and is lancer!kamui any good?
  3. Does anyone know if I already used my Ike and Marth amiibos for smash do I need to delete their smash data before I can use them with fates?
  4. Why is it so inconceivable for Boyd to be deployed? Titania, Oscar, Kieran, Marcia, Jill, Makalov, and Astrid only take up 7 slots and throwing in Reyson and a couple of healers brings us up to 10 which leaves more than enough room for Boyd considering most chapters have something like 13 deployment slots.
  5. Weight should stay gone or stick to the Tellius system since it's the closest IS has come to making a balanced weight system.
  6. Durandal Rutger Armads Lot Malte Percival Murgleis Shin Forblaze Lugh Apocalypse Niime Aureola Saul
  7. The Brave Bow isn't the only reason why bow users are good in FE6. They're good because they're one of the only weapon types that can reliably hit enemies from 2 range and they have type effectiveness against the hordes of wyverns the game throws at you. Yes the early bow users Wolt and Dorothy are trash and Sue is meh , but Shin, Klein, and Igrene are all great by virtue of their bases alone meaning they can start murdering wyverns from the moment they join and provide accurate damage from 2 range, something most of your other units can't do.
  8. Made me lol [spoiler=roy's our boy] http://knightofmodernday.deviantart.com/art/ROY-S-OUR-BOY-138928664
  9. Why is there such a huge gap between Dr. Mario and regular Mario? All the other clone characters are right next to their originals so it's a little weird seeing how far apart they are.
  10. Atelier Shallie Fire Emblem if Tales of Zestiria Persona 5
  11. Hottest: Mia or Nephenne Cutest: Mist or Leanne Prettiest: Jill or Titanina
  12. I find all the early cavilers to be interchangeable so I'm just gonna with the one I like the most, Sain.
  13. Lyn's mode is worthless to Serra because she'll get barely any levels there and she needs 8 levels to match Priscilla's magic base. That alone is enough reason to consider Priscilla better but Priscilla also has more movement meaning she can reach wounded units faster than Serra can and she also uses a weapon type that isn't shit.
  14. Saul and Dorothy's support http://serenesforest.net/binding-blade/scripts/supports/saul-dorothy/
  15. If we're talking in game I'd say Brady or Inigo. They both join way too late, are completely redundant, and have poor stats thanks to their moms. Although Donnel is pretty bad at least he joins early enough that you can train him if you want to and he passes down aptitude.
  16. He made a video about it He has some serious issues
  17. ....wat. All you have to do is go the top of the page and click the serenes forest tab to get literally everything you want to know about Awakening. http://serenesforest.net/awakening/
  18. I consider RD Ike better simply because he's one of your best combat units in a significantly harder game. His speed isn't even an issue since he caps skill and strength right away making him one of the best candidates for BEXP and res isn't an issue either because enemy mages suck and he has earth affinity plus leadership stars. PoR Ike on the other hand starts out and stays mediocre for a while and he's locked to one range for almost the entire game.
  19. Karla can't be recruited on Eliwood mode. To actually answer your question though Fiora, Rath, and Dart
  20. Flo gets a delphi sheild if you have her talk to Lyn
  21. Found an adorable Gawain and Elena comic. Unfortunately I can't find the original source.
  22. Got a shiny Camperl while I was looking for Relicanth
  23. 1)Talk to him in the center of mauville. He's in front of the statue 2)Talk to him in his apartment. It's one of the bottom central rooms. 3)Go to new mauville and check the computer 4)Return to his apartment and talk to him again
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