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Everything posted by Colino

  1. Have 3 more Verdant Plains for everyone 🙂 629L2DW 3M27JTC 657240C
  2. Have a few new ones, all in Verdant Plains: 5500K5T 8RBNG8Y P5J3T7
  3. I have a few to share, thanks everyone! 1PDWH6W 2PNNW89 3XVRMJF
  4. I'm in the same boat. I'm a bit of an older fan now, so in terms of gameplay I'm really pleased so far. So much so that I quite my Hard/Classic run after 8 chapters just to re-start on Maddening/Classic. It's the most fun I've had on FE for years. The character design however... well to put it politely it makes me sick. That's about as nice as I can be about it.
  5. I'm closing in on Chapter 8, Hard Mode with Black Eagles and to be honest I'm stunned at how easy it's been. A part from a few units who were under-levelled early on, everyone can easily survive just about anything. I'd have to go out of my way to get anyone killed. I'm mostly just enjoying things until I can NG+ into Lunatic mode which is hopefully coming in the not too distant future.
  6. This is my main team at the moment, I feel like healers really help in the arena, but I often swap Elise out for another 5 star if I feel like I won't need it.
  7. I see what you mean. Personally I plan on trying out streaming first, I'm probably going to do a marathon on the launch weekend, and try to play as much as I can for a couple of days. From there if it seems enjoyable and worth doing I'll stick with it. If not I'll happily watch other's streams or youtube stuff.
  8. I think for the purpose of the thread linking is fine to be honest! In fact it would be helpful if we all link to our own things here now or on launch day. Wow that sounds awesome!
  9. Yeah themed teams sounds like a great idea. "Low level" challenges might be a thing too, like beating tough maps with just common units or stuff like that.
  10. Sorry for the meta-topic. Personally I plan on streaming this game (even if it requires spending money and stamina) and possibly doing youtube content. As we're all part of the SF community I think it'd be great if we gathered together and helped each other out. :) If so, what sort of content do you plan on doing?
  11. Monster Hunter or Zelda events would be really cool
  12. I'm sorry but as others have said, "I'm drunk" just doesn't cut it. I've been literally shitfaced on alcohol hundreds of times but that doesn't make me completely lose memory or act like that, drunk or sober what he did is just as bad and people have been forced out of communities for much less. It would be in his best interest to stay quiet and disappear from anything Smash related.
  13. I think it's great you're interacting with us fans like this Rena. I remember listening to Azura's (or Aqua as she was called) song in the original Japanese trailer and thinking: "This is stunning, I wonder how the English version is going to sound?". And I have to admit your performance really surprised me, it's really great and just as beautiful as the original which is quite a feat when it comes to localized videogames. Especially when it's "smaller" games like the ones from this series we all love so much.
  14. Nintendo have already stated multiple times it is an actual game, not a companion app or anything of the sort.
  15. I really hope so. Ideally this game will be like Record Keeper which is a celebration of all games across the entire franchise. I'd love to have events based on the different games where we can recruit characters that aren't Marth and Lucina.
  16. We already know it's DeNA developing this. It's part of the 4 games deal Nintendo signed with them last year, the first of them being Miitomo.
  17. I'm in the same boat if you couldn't tell. I'm really excited because they will most definitely count on the nostalgia factor and give us characters from all across the series. This is not a main series game, they would have announced it as such. Fates is selling well by all accounts so they have no reason to move away from the 3DS.
  18. Thank you for stepping in, as someone who's lurked SF for a very long time I was quite surprised at all these bad reactions. In terms of microtransactions, again I would say look at Final Fantasy Record Keeper. In that game, you can recruit characters from all games in the Final Fantasy series, making a party of 5 (so you could have Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, Terra and Rinoa all in one party, just for example). Microtransactions are in the form of mythril, which are given away for free in BIG quantities during events and holidays which happen frequently. You can then use this mythril in a virtual gacha machine to get random gear for your characters, some of them being legendary weapons from the game series. Of course buying lots of mythril is an advantage, but gear takes a second seat to team composition and strategy, so the game is by no means pay-to-win. Combat is a simplified version of the classic Final Fantasy turn based fights. It's entertaining and deep but also quick enough to play on the go, although the harder bosses can be seriously difficult and require some luck and lots of strategy. DeNA have little to no reason to stray away from this formula, it's worked well for them and it's being adopted by pretty much every new Japanese mobile game that comes out. Nintendo only announced their partnership with DeNA about a year ago. If you consider the tight schedule, it would make a lot of sense for them to make this Fire Emblem game in a very similar fashion. A lot of what I said above would work just fine if you replaced the words "Final Fantasy" with "Fire Emblem". In fact, the first time I played Record Keeper I immediately thought: "Man I wish they made a Fire Emblem version of this". I don't know if that has changed anyone's mind but I'm genuinely excited for this. I think some people here have shown not only serious ignorance towards FE itself but also the mobile market as a whole. Not every mobile game out there is Angry Birds, there have been some absolutely top-notch fun games for mobile coming out of Japan and elsewhere over the past few years. tl:dr Not every mobile game is garbage, the developers for this are really competent and this could be really great, especially for the older fans like myself
  19. I'm very surprised by all the negativity here. The game is being developed by DeNA, who have a fantastic track record when it comes to their mobile games. There is a reason Nintendo chose them as partners when entering the mobile games market. If you have a look at "Final Fantasy Record Keeper" you'll get a very good idea of what this FE game will be like. Record Keeper started slow but has built up a huge and passionate community, it's great for fans of the series and very nostalgic and fun. This could have a really positive impact as a whole since it's likely to be free-to-play and could bring in lots of new fans, while also educating them on the older games and characters we know and love. EDIT: To those hoping it's cipher related, I wouldn't count on that too much.
  20. I've built up a sizeable collection of FE stuff over the years, I have a dedicated cabinet for the games and main franchise stuff, plus more space for other things like the TCG cards and strategy guides (I have about 30 from all of the games). I have lots, lots more stuff than shown here but never really bothered to take pics. If anyone is interested I could go take some more I guess.
  21. Hi guys! After a few booster boxes I'm putting up the following Rs and SRs for trade: Have: Want (I can BUY or TRADE, I'm happy to give multiple cards for one of yours): I'm definitely very interested in those! I've got my "Haves" up here and I'm happy to buy those from you too.
  22. I've also been searching for singles, especially the promos as I don't have any other way to obtain them.
  23. Just don't let Tharja read any of that nonsense about not buying her merchandise.
  24. If it helps at all, I went through 2 booster boxes and am missing a total of 18 cards (including the + variations of which you find only one per box) I'd say that with 2 boxes you will comfortably find every N and HN card, you might even manage that with just one box if you're lucky.
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