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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. She seems to be rather introvert and very kind and gentle. And she loves doing gymnastics, even on hottest days. That's all I know about her so far. As for kindness she has similarity to Haru, I would say.
  2. Unfortunately she is only playable very late for being new (unless they changed the character's joinment order for some reason). Though her supports have been adorable yet. Also the other new character has very nice supports although I'm fairly sure he's not playable.
  3. agreed in regular game I'm afraid this won't be the case in Royal anymore.
  4. Phoenixmaster for Heroes and FED for other LPs (mainly Three Houses). Forgot to mention TomFawkes who's not a main FE LPer, but he's one fun to watch for being a close friend of TheRunawayGuys.
  5. my favorite dungeon theme to my favorite dungeon A very calm and easy going song which doesn't distract me from doing the puzzles.
  6. Thanks! Don't forget Schera. Would be a dream come ture for him to be surrounded by two stable ladies. Does anyone know about a drunken Claude image?
  7. Claude x Olivier B Sorry, I know it's bad, but I don't know how to make people drunk, much less how they sound. Early game in Sky FC is definitely preferable because it includes less text but more gameplay.
  8. Same with me in terms of Crossbell. Least series became my favorite series. It's mainly the orbement system and main characters which make me to like Sky and Crossbell more than Erebonia.
  9. I just wanted to apologize for my wording from yesterday. Surely no one deserves to die. I was just mad because people react so careless that they take into account a death of uninvolved people. It kept me thinking so much that I hardly could close my eyes. Ended up with about two hours of sleep and that's how I'm feeling right now. Still the ignorance of some people in the world is worrying me.
  10. I think it will only happen if things go out of control. For now harder restrictions, punishment against breaking the rules and more presence of executive should do it for now. I just hope this protest has been an one timer and warning shot. Still whole Europe is in a critical situation right now due to current vacation phase. Hopefully things will turn out well. I also would be happy not to hear the word "Corona" in the news anymore, you may believe me!
  11. That's why it's in consideration to forbid them for a time period. People become impatient which is understandable, but they have to recognize that the pandemy won't be over in just a few months. It will take years, and even if successful a vaccine is out until that, it's by far not said that everyone will be prevented against it at once. It's good to hear that for this kind of protest the people cared for each other. I might overthink here, but I could imagine everyone wearing a mask is also an indirect sign against Trump's loose measures against the pandemy. Just until a few weeks ago Trump never cared for them and they were not forced for any of his hustings.
  12. unfortunately yeah I can see people can't deal with the restrictions since something like this has not happened yet, but they don't understand the consequences of their doing. They underrestimate the danger of the virus. The problem is that some presidents give a bad influence like US, UK and Brazil. A region lockdown like in Guetersloh can happen. But I think the most important thing is to prevent such an "event" as it happend in Berlin. A protest prohibition would be against the free speech, but the health has a higher priority, so I could see it happen.
  13. If the virus is spreading by a protest like this, it automatically increases the chance to infect uninvolved people. The US is the perfect example for it. But Germany showed today that people can do it too. It really pisses me off since our country has managed the pandemy among the best so far. As the federal president stated accurately we are going to risk everything. The economy is slowly recovering...... another lockdown would mean the loss of several jobs or sending to short time working. In general I would strictly forbid travel to foreign countries, unless it's job related, till the pandemy. And protests should only happen with heavy restrictions. And if the authority thinks they can't handle the controls, then they should be forbidden as well.
  14. Every person only lives one, so people should make the best use of it, unless they have no mind to see its value. Can't people stay in their own country for just one year? Can't people wear masks for a few months at least? Can't people even see the consequences of what they do? Sorry for sounding philosophical as harsh, but this picture can't get out of my head right now. I better should take these words into account and stop spreading negative energy here right now.
  15. I took a pill as often which did its job. I would like to have a life without taking medicine permanently, at least in my current age, but it can't be changed. It just pisses me off it was caused to such egoism and ignorance by others. When I saw these protests against the covid measures with breaking all the rules for the virus prevention today, I just said to myself these people deserve nothing else than to die. Such egoism has no place in the world!
  16. Yikes, again one of these days I can't breath properly due to my asthma. With the lack on oxygen the head started to pain which gave me some unpleasant time next to the toilet bowl. It's all thanks to my parents... f**k smoking.
  17. I remember you posting this, so I expected a comment. It's a chilly as catchy theme which is just relaxing and never goes on my nerves unlike something like Grancel. Honestly Liberl has the nicest town themes in Trails (Grancel aside).
  18. Smoking would be even a better one. At least alcohol doesn't damage other people aside of the smell maybe. Also made my thoughts about music... town theme field theme dungeon theme event theme regular boss theme optional boss theme final boss theme
  19. Tales of the Abyss was the introduction in Tales for me. I loved the combat system mainly for being that simple. The story was great too though the characterization of a certain someone was......at least questionable for me. Though the best part of its game are the dungeons which offer some (fun) puzzles.
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