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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Not gonna lie Ys8 has Trails in the Sky syndrome for me. Owning this game for about 1.5 years and still couldn't motivate myself to play it through after doing three attempts. I don't know why I can't get into this. It's probably mainly because I always get lost...
  2. I don't think this can be done by asking because several things just develop in the game itself. At least for RPGs just flat answers wouldn't help me because it can't be described in such a few words as much complexity these games have. Like Octopath Traveler: If I would ask about the gameplay, I don't think no one would give me a specific answer that you're fight a strong boss all alone in the beginning (I can't survive). If I would ask for platformer, I could definitely expect a more significant answers because they don't have much variation aside of being two or three dimensional or focussing more or less precision from the player.
  3. ^ Ooooooh, that Lys image is new, isn't it. It's coooooooood! I don't know how much money I have burnt in games I couldn't get into like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Bravely Defualt and other games. But how shall I know if a potential interesting game for me will turn good or not unless watching a review...
  4. I mean everyone has a free speech. If they (dis-(like) for some reason(s), then it's fine! Though it's something different if it's connected with wrong facts. An example is Xenoblade review by IGN which didn't give a high rating to this game. It didn't bother me at all until I noticed that the reviewers didn't figur out the battle style about the characters and gave wrong review about them as result.
  5. Seriously I'd use my time and energy more efficient than to bother with such trivialities. People can like and dislike whatever they want. Other people's opinions don't bother me in the slightest unless wrong facts are brought. Just let the people talk!
  6. Nice that you are enjoying it! Alchemy also was my favorite part of the game because it's easy to understand, so enjoyable. I'm honest I only play it because of the simulation part and the SMT gameplay. I could get along without the anime stuff. That said I'd like to play more classic SMT games, but only very few exist for consoles I own. At least Devil Survivor also exists which is even superior for being a round based strategy game. I would like to see a sequel, way more than one for Persona. I'm trying to do 8x in Super Thracia right now aka Leif against the entire world. The worst part is that I had to replay chapter 8 because I had to capture the boss to get access to 8x which was a pain in the ass to do.
  7. I'm glad this hadn't made it into Heroes, otherwise I would have been busted. Persona 4 had a boring cast overall aside of antagonist and a few side characters like Nanako and her dad.
  8. It's well executed in Persona 5 right, but all the scenes and dialogues like summer event or all the evening meals are tiring. I started the pyramid (not even the halfway dungeon), and my gameplay time is already over 30 h. Persona 4 disappeared out of my minds tbh. Can't remember on very most things. Also thanks! This picture is another proof why Lys is a mature woman. She is old enough to show her prettiness.
  9. It's caused by the armatization. The enemies have doubled stats because they take this into account. If you fight a same leveled elite monster as your party is without armatization, you have no chance. They will oneshot you. I made the experiment fighting the first elite monster with a same level team without armatization. I could do it....... at cost of a half dozen of group elixirs (all the ones I transferred from my completed run). I hate armatization because of this. The cast wasn't great, but I also could say this about other Tales games like Graces or Symphonia 2 (at least in person of the protagonist).
  10. I haven't played this series, but the music in this video sounds nice. Here's more relaxing music: BTW: I have to apologize for leaving the NEP theme already, but I had to do it for given occasion. My avatar has to fit to the current season, and Lysithea is the best videogame character anyways........ well maybe second after Tio.
  11. Tried to pull either Sothis or Ephraim to get a better boon evantually (having all of these units). For all the tickets and about 50 orbs I got a Forsyth. A new unit, so it could have been worse. He's even +atk, means a super boon. His skillset and weapon are not the best for his nature, so he'll eat a Cordelia to get Brave Lance+ and Galeforce.
  12. Originally I wanted to pull her to keep her because she was amazing on the day she came out regarding statspread and skills. I've pulled three copies of her yet, but none of them were +atk or +spd, so no need to keep since tons of better sword infantry units are out today.
  13. B!Celica offers great fodder though. Have to admit I haven't pulled FallenCelica either yet. The only shafted characters I'd love to pull are B!Celica, B!Veronica and Myrrh. Olwen, Reinhardt, Ishtar, Hinoka, Nino and Eirika would be tolerated. Don't need and want the others.
  14. I'm glad that I haven't pulled one single Siegbert and Shiro yet. Hopefully it will keep it. After CYL4 I'll keep pulling from the BraveCelica and Veronica rerun because getting more DB4, galeforce and more merges for Veronica are my goals. Myrrh with a better asset than HP would be also great. Though I also would like to get a merge for Ishtar to fix my +spd / -atk copy. Banner itself is an easy skip, will use my tickets for Tibarn or Veronica.
  15. I can't really post field music since it pretty much includes the entire soundrack of Xenoblade 2. Gormott, Uraya, Mor Aradin or Tantal were all phenomenal. As known I'm not a big fan of Zestiria, but hearing this theme was one of the few outstanding moments this game had for me. As for Trails my favorite field themes were both to Amorica Village in Zero. And of course Nord must not miss. Though the area is a bit boring I have to say, even if very pretty.
  16. Sky 3rd's final boss is too easy imo (if I don't include the three pre fights with the other groups). The pillars can be oneshotted by Joshua's s-craft in easy / normal. Aside of that the boss does not do much aside of casting its supernova attack at the end which takes so long and debuffs its physical / magical defense. Though the theme is simply fantastic. Zero's final boss can be speed down'd which is just sad. Again the theme is fantastic. Ao's final boss is the hardest to understand for sure. Not a fun boss for blind players, but if you have a certain strategy, it's a super enjoyable bossfight with an actual difficulty. Though only played on easy, so I can only assume the pain in harder diffuculties. Cold Steel II's final boss was actually hard for me because of the two groups. I had severe issues in the first fight with my non leveled Elliot and Machias. Second phase was a joke though. Laura could almost kill it all alone with just two s-crafts. Crossbell did many things right with their final bosses but not everything. Though I like the idea of Sky 3rd's most forcing to use everyone in the final dungeon. It was a perfect method to give spotlight to everyone.
  17. Trails final boss rating (considering design, difficulty, gameplay, music) Ao Cold Steel II Sky 3rd Sky SC Zero Cold Steel I Sky FC Cold Steel III (epic final dungeon and epilogue but a really pathetically weak final boss) As for Cold I and II I don't consider the post game boss as final boss.
  18. for the final phase Actually he could do a bit combat in the second phase where one of the minor nullifies arte damage. After all it didn't mattet ince the fight ended when the main boss was destroyed, so I could just have ignored this minor. In SC you have ressources to better artes though. I mean I overrestimated a bit, it's not longer than the two final bosses of the sequels, but by far longer than both each of.
  19. Sky FC's final boss took longer than SC's and 3rd's together. It's the only boss you have to play defensively. Also the first phase is by far the worst. For final phase caster Zin for the win. He spammed earth wall / guard over an over.
  20. Ok, loading savestate of the final of FC. Estelle can use white gehanna. Didn't even know it exists in this game already.
  21. Artes are way better in Sky because partner attacks after physical attacks as in Cold Steel don't exist. Don't worry, I understood. I just noticed it too late that I kinda addressed you.
  22. I just specialized in dragons in Fire Emblem, so don't feel wounded. Well, I must tell the true, I never really had big attachement to dragons in videogames. I like Spyro despite I never played this series and Landia were cute dragons in Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
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