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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I vaguely remembered it because I have been spotted all the time and so I could not really remember the enemy phase music, but yeah, for the fight advantage fights I had the first battle theme phase was played and I was confused too. But honestly better than the other way around because I'm sucker of Irregular Bonds. It's such a dirty catchy theme for me.
  2. Yessss, this is awesome, thanks! Kinda sad that these themes are only played for a rather short time of three dungeons. Wished they would have been played till the end, but I can see these are themes exclusive against mechonics.
  3. The enemy phase theme is better, favorite battle theme in the main game. It's been only topped by player phase theme in Future Connected.
  4. I seriously want an emoticon of the last Eleanor image - so hilarious.
  5. Even if Micaiah is a lord, other units need levels and stats more than her like Edward or Nolan. Micaiah is no frontline material anyways, so low HP doesn't really matter. As long her magic and resistance are good and she has leveled speed a little bit at least, she's on the ball. 1-5 is actually a rather poor chapter because you have to rely on the NPCs. Jill and Zihark can die easily if they act dumb as NPCs are in most cases. Though it's a pseudo defend map which is cool.
  6. Speaking of bonus experience on normal mode you can use it generously since the bonus experience gain is dramatically higher than on hard mode. Though I would keep some till the very end to max out everyone's level at the end.
  7. Do you know about the bonus experience system? Bonus experience gives three stats guaranteed unless more than three remaining stats are capped. The best way to use, is if someone has capped 2-3 stats. Edward usually caps HP, skill and speed in first tier before reaching level 20, so using bexp. on him is beneficial to raise his strength and defense. Micaiah caps magic and resistance before level 20, so she could get a few levels to fix her speed. Bonus experience can be really broken, if you know how to use it. If someone has capped their important stats early, you can use the master seal. Otherwise I recommend it to use at level 20 to skip an unnecessary level. Also Micaiah has a fixed promotion, so she can't use a master seal. If she's detransformed, she can die. It happened to me when I wanted to use her detransformed as bait not to ORKO all the enemies. Enemies can do two digit damage to her for sure.
  8. Also late happy birthday to @Leinex BTW interesting that Persona 5 Royal has an own theme for battle advantages. Can't tell right now ever noticing it any other RPGs before. Also this thread still exists? Wow, I participated about a half decade ago when I wrote my cats stories. Impressing it's still alive.
  9. Looks like that weather becomes really bad from the weekend till next week. Will cancel my vacation and return to work earlier then. Today or at latest tomorrow I will start with Claude x Olivier support since it's overdue. Though I have no idea about a topic since I am absolutely not familar with Claude at all. Have to check out some of his conversations to get a picture of him.
  10. Seeing Radiant Dawn talk reminds me that I haven't played this game for more than over a year. I'm really glad I was able to finally resist this game. I mean I loved it, but I was so obssessed that I didn't try out other series by that. Still I will replay this game sometime in this year again. Nothing can dethrone Radiant Dawn as my favorite videogame of all time.
  11. We all do mistakes, so please stop blaming yourself! The only person who has the right to say idiot is Tear Grants, and this only to Luke. When I was new in this forum I was the literally the same. Friends prayed series and made me curious with that. Of course I kinda felt like being foced to play these games to be talkative to the others (I hate using the word group pressure here, but it was definitely not the case since no one ever forced someone to play something, and still other topics could be discussed about). Since I was very green with RPGs . Fire Emblem was my first RPG series at age of 23. I wanted to dip in other series. Of course some series appealed me, but some didn't. It happened. Just discover with your mind the games and find out what could be interesting and what not. Relying on someone's praise or review won't open your mind to judge about your own interests. You must see it on yourself! You like Fire Emblem, so I recommend to try focussing on this first!
  12. @twilitfalchion Seriously don't try out any game what was brought up in this thread. Focus on series / games you are familar with and convinced they could match your interests. Don't do the same mistake I did. I trusted the rumors who said Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Ys are great series / games. I was naive and played them despite having no knowledge of these. The price is that I quitted all these games, means burnt my money. Since you completed FE9, you should focus on FE10. It's very a long game which has same and improved features compared to FE9. There's no real purpose of starting fanservice series like Fate if you're not familar with these characters and don't play games just for the fanservice. I liked the gacha (because of its gameplay), but most of the characters didn't appeal me to try out any of the real games.
  13. The last quest map was really hard till I noticed that it was the perfect training map for my brandnew Tsubasa. She could ORKO everything (aside of female Kris) with ease, even all the green beasts despite weapon disadvantage. She started at level 34 and ended with maxed level. At first I thought it's suppossed to be a classic defend map, but no, it's the entire opposite. Units with anti-horse weapons and galeforce ftw.
  14. Oh, then the title "expert" is confusing. As for my understanding expert mode would have been an increased difficulty, the opposite to "cozy mode". Then expert mode would have made things easier. This might explain the trouble I had in the first half of the game when I was underleveled despite doing all the unique monsters and experience gain quests.
  15. Valak was the hardest boss in the game, but I didn't consider everything past him really hard (excluding the one with that wall gimmick). Anyways where does Xenoblade 1 have bonus experience? Assuming it's an expert mode including thing since I haven't seen this.
  16. One Tsubasa and Lysithea each from the moonbow banner for 170 orbs. Not a bad deal, considering not getting a pitybreaker. Though Tsuabsa is -atk and still no +atk Lysithea, so I will try at least for one more Tsubasa. With today's quests orbs I will try my luck again later. Edit: Got a second Tsubasa twelve orbs later - awesome! Also freepulled a 4* Lena from the Archanea banner, so 40 more dragonflowers. Will try to pull my namesake with the forging bond tickets then, but I will not spend any orbs in this banner, so very low chance to pull him here.
  17. Alright, back from my little expedition. Climbed a couple smaller mountains (- 500 m at max) which was very challenging since I haven't really trained my body in the past months and also asthma is an issue. Though I made it. Thankfully the weather was perfect for this - dry and bearable warm. Only the train travels could have been better. In one train one wagon was missing, so the train was overfilled consequently. Why should the railway organisation give a crap about social distances anyways!? I'm glad I got a seat, so I didn't have that "many" people close around me. Today will become a quiet day. Will play Persona 5 Royal a bit further, that's it! Tomorrow I will continue my landscape exploration. @twilitfalchion Hopefully you enjoy FE10. If you need help or have questions, just contact me. Btw I bought the next character in Smash Ultimate. Since I already have the first set, and I don't like half things, I bought the second pack too. I hope next characters will become more interesting (popular). Also I saw Atelier Ryza will get a sequel. I'm really looking forward to this. At the end a gift to all Lysithea fans.
  18. Congrats, you met the best character in the game! Anyways traveling time, so keep safe, everyone!
  19. Oh, my. When did I post the last time? Four and half days ago? Seriously I will follow this chat and post when it could become essential. But for the most time I will do nothing here aside of lurking. Tomorrow I will have a longer break, but I will take the time to go out for trips on every single day (if the weather lets me). This has been summer goddamn awful so far. It has nothing to do with summer in the slightest. It was so cold and wet that I even had to drink tea today. Feeling really week today. Was close to the moment to vomit, but a pill prevented it thankfully. It shall become better the next days at least, so I can see the one or other place. Bruxelles and Gent were on my to do list since I never have been there before. Hopefully it will turn out decently.
  20. Comparing FE9 with FE10 isn't easy at all. FE10 is different than an ordinary FE game because it has no real difficulty curve. You control three different parties which have a total different perfomance (including lord). The first party is the "weakest" because first the lord comes with low level and is a mage who isn't only fragile but also rather slow. It's not easy to keep her alive as some other units. As for most of the others, they barely match the enemies's level, so the chapters can be tough. A couple of units join totally underleveled, don't dare to use them in a blind run. On the other hand there are also some prepromoted units you should use in emergency cases. And here's another problem. This game has the most brutal Game Over conditions of all FE games. Not only the lords must not die at any time, but also a lot of (even unimportant party members). You have to read the defeat condtitions for each chapter. In the first four maps no one may die. The second and third party features a prepromoted / high level lord you shouldn't worry about. Overall the enemies's level is lower than the party's level. Easy mode is not only paragon mode, but it also features less enemies than in NM and HM. Also some early bosses have a different A.I. and equipment than in higher difficulties. Technically HM is NM just without displayed enemies's movement / attack range weapon triangle (dumb idea, ngl) quick battle save access to tutorial map affinity boost Seriously I recommend you to try this game on normal mode because you can learn easily about the game thanks to the quick battle save option. You can save at any time. That's definitely better than some pseudo aka casual mode. Also the support system is completly different. Everyone can support with everyone. The good thing is that you can make broken supports like earth x earth (>45% evasion), but the bad thing is that all the supports are generic as bland unless it's a support between characters who had an A support in FE9. If you have further questions, then feel free to PM me. I just bumped up here because I saw this. SInce Radiant Dawn is my most played game of all time, I can tell the one or another thing about this game.
  21. As I mentioned already, I will leave this place for a bit for serious since my post quality has been suffered in the past weeks and months. I can't think and write at the same time, especially with having language barriers. That's why most of my posts are full of spelling and content errors or missing words. And some of my gaming questions were needless anyways since I just could have watched a guide for that. Same goes for my superficial game statements. I just have played a little fraction of games to give me the right to make such a statement as I have given. I want to apologize to all for my low quality posts in the past time and will take time well to reflect myself!
  22. Somehow I got a dozen of notifications over night.....means I should reduce my activity here. Planned to do it actually, but then I have to come back here to pose questions because I got stuck in a game. All the typing becomes tiresome for me after the time not only because I have to stress my brain what to write because but also finding the right letter button needs focus. The pandemy doesn't make it better at all because even at work I have to use chat programs. Eye to Eye conversations don't exist anymore. All the typing makes me tired. I would have already ditched my Discard account, if I hadn't used it for streaming. Time to take Breath for a bit and leave this place. I shouldn't require any help in videogames right now.
  23. The enemies aren't shown in the map, if you haven't unlocked the corridor yet, but you still can see the shadows.
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