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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Omg, I'm so lucky. The money for the Switch was transferred back to my bank account for some reason. That means I can cancel the order since my current Switch works (even not perfectly because of the joycon drift thing) I was very unlucky........... as lucky at the same time in the past few days.
  2. First time I ever really pulled from a summer banner. For 150 orbs got Igrene (new), 5* Sylvain and Mareeta. Mixed feelings because the only focus unit has been the demote, but at least the two off focus pulls are excellent. Sylvain and Igrene are neutral (have no idea if will seriously use them) and Mareeta is +spd which means my current one will have a new base.
  3. 😘😘 Eleanor I wished a figure of her existed... Speaking of Eleanor, not gonna lie she was the hardest enemy in the game for me because Velvet's solo fights were the only ones I kinda struggled.
  4. Well, probably not, but he has a skill which gvies him brave effect, means he can easily capture every generic enemy.
  5. Emil's appearance daunt many people from what I read. Graces was not great either. Not as poor as Zestiria, but still my second least favorite completed game. Also Graces's main protagonist is easy to memorize. He has the same name as the best unit from Thracia 776.
  6. Not gonna lie, this is the worst intro by far and only one I dislike, even with lyrics. And actually it already gives a bad impression of this game. Zestiria was and is the black sheep of Tales for me. I know people consider "Dawn to the New World" as this, but I haven't played this one yet since I can't bring myself to play through Symphonia. Idk what you meant since I haven't played first game and don't know what Atelier time is suppossed to be. What I meant in postgame you have to walk through areas (including puzzles) and beat battles in given a limit timit. The farer the progress, the more you will be conflicted with this time limit. It will become extremely tedious and repetitive overall. Berseria is a great game, my favorite of this series. The character cast, plot and gameplay are amazing. Only the dungeons could have been a bit more creative.
  7. Mhm, it's Xenoblade Chronicles. It was easily by favorite game from 2020 which has not Trails in the title. Not as phenomenla as 2, but still an amazing game overall. Melia's story was not very long, but still enjoyable. Must replay it because I missed one quest noppon.
  8. Berseria is one of the darkest Tales games, if not the darkest. Velvet is "cringy" for very good reasons. It's indeed a rather easy game, even on higher difficulties. The music didn't impress me either overall, but it had some good themes. Berseria has one main weakness: uncreative dungeons If you want to see complicated built dungeons with hard puzzles, you'll be disappointed. There are two decently designed dungeons at best (final dungeon is one of the two). Also postgame is a mess (unless you like time pressure).
  9. First time I didn't wake up with a multiplier. Only could get one in total, but it's fine. Having 500 extra feathers for the win is still nice.
  10. Mixed opinion here. Duounit has a fantastic effect for galeforce team and great skills overall. Dorothea is definitely an interesting dancer. Not fond of her weapon, but her B skill looks interesting. Ingrid is in the most oversatured class and I can't really see the synergy effect of her skills with her weapon. If she had distant counter, it would work. Anyways Ashnard would love her B skill. Technically it could also be inherited with sturdy impact. Sylvain is the demote. Considering his skills he looks fine. Though I'm kinda worried he could have a similar statspread as Leo, so he would exist only for fodder. Everyone has something to offer, but as for the units theirselves only the duo and Dorothea convince me.
  11. I have Hilda who was used in former TT already. Now she can wreck even more with galeforce. Lorenz has literally nothing to offer. Mirror stance seal is great like my normal or legendary Julia. I'm not fond of these solo skills unless it's atk / spd solo because I prefer the synergy of having people nearby. I guess Sety can take it for having spd / res solo twice then.
  12. There are multiple sales every year (spring, summer, Black Friday). Though the price of Nintendo games isn't dropped as much (~1/3) as by other publishers. Unlike for 3DS there are actually lots of sales of Switch games by Nintendo.
  13. It's fine! In general if there's interest, then PM me. I don't have an use for two Nintendo Switch.
  14. I wasn't talking about Magical Alisa, but just the game. I mentioned in my original post that best Erebonian girl is playable in Tokyo Xanadu which is suppossed to be Alisa naturally. Also let the dead people rest in peace, please!
  15. I never read. Not even lectures in school which explains my traditional bad marks in languages. I'll leave this place for a bit since I should focus on my games and other stuff. The only thing I'll do for the next few weeks is to upload my Super Thracia LP and the Fire Emblem x Trials conversations.
  16. It's an optional minigame you can do during the school festival.
  17. Radiant Dawn made a become a serious videogamer when I got it in 2013. I played a few console and PC games when I was little, but nothing compared to now. I really started to play just with 24. This might explain my lack on skills and gaming knowledge. Have to catch up what I missed in the past.
  18. I'm still feeling and acting like a child and I'm honestly glad and proud of that.
  19. Well, I can't get into Ys, but it's rather because I'm not skilled in this kind of genre.
  20. This image is your answer. Nah joking aside, the mix of gameplay, character cast and especially soundtrack. Falcom makes the best videogame music imo, Monolith Soft being close behind.
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