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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. The half Nohr cast from Fire Emblem Fates but especially Camilla and Xander. Camilla for prioritizing her appearance more than her character and Xander for being responsible for Elise's death in Birthright. Of the Avatar rounds everything up. Though my most disliked character is Anise Tatlin from Tales of the Abyss because she's extremely annoying, dumb and responsible for Ion's death.
  2. Technically Charlotte is kinda like his pet. I spent over 300 orbs without getting one single Micaiah.
  3. Thanks! Sounds quite complicated. Hopefully it will work out later. As for least favorite characters, it's a tie between Anise from Tales of the Abyss and Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates, but since latter is good in the game I go with Anise Tatlin.
  4. Last post for today means also last gift. Flayn
  5. Fanart was in FE General since it only contained FE fanart.
  6. Reminds me what has happened to FE fanart thread!? I could post so much fanart...
  7. A gift to all Lysithea fans: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82489595
  8. I need help... Where and how to get these two chips for that time mission. I have the other two.
  9. Alright! I just said it because you hardly got to know anything about Tio's backstory in Cold Steel III and hearing it might... well... I won't say anything further. Tio x Lys is by far my favorite support conversation because both share so many traits and both are so adorable. They belong in my top ten videogame characters list for sure. Also a gift to "true" Hilda fans: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82488019
  10. @Yexin Tio x Lysithea C Fair warning: If you have not played Trails from Zero, I recommend not to read the further conversations unless you do not mind getting spoiled.
  11. Thanks for approving! Honestly I'd not recommend to read the upcoming levels if you haven't played Trails from Zero yet because you'd get spoiled (unless you don't mind spoilers).
  12. Uses avatar from a game I only played the remake which is my least favroite FE game.
  13. Free Annette in the weekly rerun, so she's +5 already. More than halfway done in only about three months. If legendary banner will feature Lysithea, I will hunt for her and Sothis.
  14. The dungeons could have been better honestly. Aside of the water shrine and final dungeons they're lacking on puzzles. And postgame is an actual mess. The battle gameplay, character cast and plot are superb for sure. Done with the "Metal Gear" boss I got stuck yesterday. I have to do a little forced break in Xenoblade from now on because playtime's over. My little vacation has come to an end. At least I can continue with my supports at work.
  15. Not gonna lie Zestiria is the Black Sheep in Tales for me as Awakening was in Fire Emblem when it came out. Armatization is as unbalanced as pair-up was. Seriously Zestiria's only good thing was Edna.
  16. Regarding that I wished it was possible to switch characters in battle and a fight only ends if every ally has been defeated.
  17. Not gonna lie Zestiria's and Berseria's combat can't be more different. Zestiria tried to be unique and failed with that totally by the introduction of armatization. The thing about armatization is that the enemies's stats are based on this. All enemies have doubled stats compared to all other Tales games which means you can't face a same leveled elite monster unarmatizied I usually don't do it except for debuffs or ones with !-icon. Btw I found it that the unit's order can be really important for several attacks. Like for toppling I figured out that 1. Fiona 2. Dunban 3. Shulk is the perfect order. Came back from visiting my cousin and his kids. First thing he had to do was to share his proud in showing me his 50000 €. Since I don't care for cars in the slightest, it was not really exciting what kind of (unnecessary) features this car offered. Then he made some anti foreign speeches that East Europeans brought the virus in our country. ... Well, at least the food and the playing with the kids was nice.
  18. Yeah, as mentioned a few characters could unlock level 12 skill already. The only problem I have with 1's battle system is there are too many icons to click. Clicking the one with the ! in time is really difficult.
  19. Many thanks! I assume intermediate art manuals refer to skill level 4-8. Kinda sad that I won't be able to continue this game today since I'll be out the entire day. And my little vacation ends today. So my gaming time will be heavily restricted from now on, just when the game becomes tense. :<
  20. Decided to make a new desktop backround (accordingly to my current gaming situation):
  21. Thanks for reminding me. I will do it. I'd appreciate a list, so yeah, please share. Generic question: How to increase the skill level? Game says that an adapt book is needed for unlocking skill level after 4. How to get it? By fulfilling certain quests? A few characters surpassed this level for a few skills, even could max out, but I couldn't see how they did it.
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