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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. from the jungle into the snowworld This game doesn't care for geographical circumstances. I mean there's no elevation which would justify this change of nature and climate.
  2. I liked school. I barely had friends, but I was occupied unlike after graduation. Yes, of course French is more practical in daily life. Though what I meant is that Latin would have been easier for me since it was just translating, am I way better in grammar than in understanding textes.
  3. I'm honest I learned more English in the past half decade since I have joined SerenesForest than all the years at school since I can write and speak English in practical situations. That doesn't mean my English is good by any means... School subject tierlist based on enjoyment; not on mark A - geography, social sciences B - history, politics, biology, chemisty C - math, physics, music, Dutch, religion D - French, art E - sports F - German, English
  4. This was my grandma. She drilled me, but honestly it was only for the good. She eduacted me and made me become ambitious. Without her I'd not even passed lower secondary school likely. Till 6th was grade I was class's best by having A everywhere aside of German and sports. Then my parents took over my parenting...
  5. A Shakesperan poem was the bane of my existence. I remember my final test before delesction was to analyze it. I submitted an empty sheet just with the topic final class test with the appropriate score. Also can call me weird for picking French instead of Latin for three years. Actually French was cool and I was not even bad in writing. Just my pronounciation...... was a bit...... off from calling it French. I still can the grammar at least.
  6. I had good marks in social sciences, biology and chemistry. Languages and sports were my weak spots. Nice! I would have died, if I had picked this. I have to admit I live in an area where German seems to be a minor language. Dutch, Polish and some Arabian languages are at least as common as German.
  7. German is my first foreign language. German and English have been my worst subjects in my entire life and ever will be, mainly because I don't read. I deselected English and picked Dutch instead for graduation which was the only tolerable language because it dealt with aspects from current or close past history and society instead of fricking poems or any other lyrical texts I didn't understand.
  8. My gradutation result in math intensifed course: Exactly the number of points I needed to pass. 😄 I liked math - unlike languages - but geometry always ruined my mark. Analysis and especially stochastics were really fun. I barely had a choice for intensified courses. Not enough people picked geography as intensified course, so I had to pick math besides biology. I meant these.
  9. Thanks! Again I have learned something new today. That said I'm not acknowledged with gaming abbreviations at all. A.I. is literally the only one I know.
  10. Idk what UI means, I guess brightness? Turned it down, looks a bit better I'd say.
  11. Oh nice, thanks for the reminder! It truely looks even prettier.
  12. Made a comment I really appreciate and am thankful for........... but unintentionally also reminded me to continue with this.
  13. A proof of the beauty this game offers. This is definitely my favorite place so far in terms of aesthetics.
  14. Dipped into the double heroes banner for a bit since I need some more dragonflowers. Only have Selkie and Lethe so far, but I want to skip red at any regard. Pulled DuoMarth and 4* Conrad from the same circle (the only red I pulled in total) for about 80 orbs. DuoMarth is +spd who can reach 45 speed - WTF - hat's only one point behind Mareeta! Their class sucks, but being so fast and colourless should make them become really good in arena. Conrad has a weird set up. His weapon and B skill cancel his A skill and statspread out. He rather would like to have a weapon which grants him some stance since he is rather an enemy phase unit. I don't think to invest in him. He just shall get 40 dragonflowers.
  15. Don't you have pills against it? Mine usually help, the pain stops after one hour at the latest. Also taking a shower and drinking help too.
  16. Pulled the only summer unit I ever wanted: Leagjarn +def / -HP means neutral, so I'm more than 100% satisfied. She has an amazing skillset to go, nice! Today's banner gave me no colourless orbs, so I took a Soren and escaped.
  17. That's very important to know! I used some topple skills, but they hardly worked. Probably not used the correct combination. I hardly am a movie watcher, but all I watched all Indiana Jones and old Star Wars movies with my parents which were all enjoyable. Finally dizzy air has been washed out by the rain, so I can take a great again. But not too long because >30°C are going to happen next week. Sometime it has to happen...
  18. Yeah, it was the boss. And yeah, I figured it out it has the same mechanic as the boss in the cutscene with Alvis. That means it's almost unwinnable without Shulk and Melia in the team because toppling an enemy is pretty hard and doesn't last for long. Also cool feature that I can check the soundtrack of the original version too.
  19. Huh, the soundtrack of the Definitive Edition is different? Don't get me wrong, the soundtrack is still nice overall, but after playing the sequel I kinda miss the catchiness like guitar riffs for the bosses. The field and dungeon themes are still enjoyable to listen to after all. Ah, I see. The lack of equipment opportunities equals it out. Faced another boss I did not understand how to beat at first. All melee attacks by Shulk and Dunban were evaded. For the third time I used Melia, there it worked somehow. Also fanservice is a serious thing by giving clothless equipment which doesn't only serve for decoration. Naked Shulk already became a thing. @DragonFlames Apparently a cyber transfer happened by catching my migraine from yesterday. Get well soon!
  20. Why does Riki have almost 3x more HP than Melia!?
  21. Seriously at first moment I thought I saw her she'd wear earphones. latest party member: a volleyball As for the atmosphere after the very depressing beginning it has the first bright, even sorta funny, moments. This game has started to warm up. About the soundtrack, I'm honest only very few themes have caught my ears yet. It's not bad or mediocre in any way, but compared to Xenoblade 2 it has no real earworms so far aside of the all known field theme in the earlygame. The theme against Xord was unremarkable. Even the elite monster theme starts to become repetitive after a while. My opinion still stands that 2's elite monster theme is better than 1's and that even by a mile. The theme in the swamps before the segment inside the bionis had a nice very soft and quiet theme.
  22. I checked out, I also hosted a tag-team which collapsed. Anyways I faced best waifu..... likely. love at first sight
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