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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. fify Ignatz was a fine assassine in my GD run. But then again I don't tend to play Three Houses ever again. Fun experience for 1-2 playthroughs, but then it gets repetitive and tedious.
  2. I think he's rather a good unit. He's pretty strong and fast. Though once he's recruited his stats fall behind the non recruited characters. Blue Lions is the only route I couldn't beat on maddening (ignoring church as route) thanks to the goddamn slow lord, but I think he's at best there.
  3. Xenoblade came home. Though I will only start it on thursday when my little vacation begins. No really time right now....... and if I had started it right now, I would have been obsessed by it likely.
  4. Shall I use this as Laura's sprite? (after cropping of course) I see. I will use him more often now unless he will die again. Keeping him alive in maddening was hard...... actually impossible. The support of Ingrid was the basics for the one I have written since Felix didn't care about learning from the tactical meeting. So I assumed it would be general reaction if someone asked him for some practice in whatever way.
  5. I mean it's up to you. On the one hand I'd like represent the characters as authentic as possible, but if you're ok with the one I have done, then I'll keep it. I assumed Felix would be douchebaggery to everyone. That he's not to women except Ingrid I could not know because she has been the only female support with him yet.
  6. Well, then I messed up the C support actually. Ingrid is the only female support of Felix I really know because I shipped them together. I might rewrite C then. Now that I think about I remember a few more last names than I mentioned before (also know Ferdinand, Hilda, Marianne and Ingrid). Also once I have done the submissions I will do Olivert x Hilda because this support could become... interesting.
  7. Oh nice! JP copy is definitely cool because of maniac mode. Western FE9 was too easy for me, so I had no real desire to replay it despite its story was nice. FE9 remake would be cool, but the JP exclusive parts should be higher priority.
  8. Hearing this in a battle has been the only good thing in World of Light so far.
  9. Time for teehee avatar again. If you had asked me two years ago, you'd have got it for 1/5 of this price.
  10. Oh whoops. Could have sworn Felix's last name was Arundel. Would have been a fitting name for a badass sword user. That said I could name the last name of only four Three Houses characters (Lysithea, Edelgard, Claude, Bernadetta) right now. I almost wanted to bring Lechter into game, but thankfully it has become devoid. Seriously I'm not very acknowledged about Felix higher than his C rank (because he pisses me off), so I have no idea what to write in higher levels. Though this is the ultimate chance to make myself Felix likable now. Anyways thanks for your feedback! @DragonFlames @twilitfalchion
  11. Felix x Laura S. Arseid C the typical Felix C support If you're curious how it'll turn out, then you will be as curious as I am because I have no idea what to do with B and A right now.
  12. Knows Musse is the definition of adorable.
  13. Ah, thanks! I should focus on the effects of the spirits from now on. Still it doesn't make these fights better.
  14. Thanks for this feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's up now. Kloe x Ashe was definitely a nice choice pick since Kloe has perfect understanding for people in need. In Trails in the Sky FC she also is involved in a thievery of a young boy, but I thought it would have gone beyons the scope, if I had brought this in.
  15. A I have been a bit under time pressure lately, so this might not have turned out that grately. Will fix a few details and errors on monday since I'm pretty busy right now.
  16. Of 36 pulls I got Anna, Kiria, the dancer (I always forgot her name) and three 4* Mustafas. Four new units and this time I pulled the correct unit in a shared colour. The free pull will go to Say'ri since I gladly take the 40 dragon flowers.
  17. You won't say this if you play the Sky games, teehee.
  18. I'm afraid that I won't be able to finish the A support today. Too many other things I have to do right now, and tomorrow I will be out. Guess I'll use the break at work on monday to finish it.
  19. Super Smash Bros x Project X Zone If Project X Zone gets a third part, I'm optimistic to see this happening.
  20. I have to admit I care less for the spirits than I did for the stickers in Brawl, so I can't really say if I make my life much harder than it could be. Nontheless these fights feel artificially to me, especially the ones you can't touch the ground without taking damage or having increased chance of flying off screen. This is a fight I have no idea how to beat:
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