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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I can't remember having the save option after each turn in FE4. I think I could only save after seizing a castle.
  2. I yet have to play Xenoblade, but I played the sequel, and it was fantastic! It's my favorite game for the Switch so far. And I can't really imagine that the first game will be much worse, if any.
  3. The King Burger is an actual consumable item in the Crossbell games. Heroic sagas about this burger made it to Fodlan. I don't want to spoiler anything about her, but she is a very important character in the Sky series storywise, characterwise described in one word: heartful And bedankt! Bedankt! If you're relating to their kindness, then yes. And this a good base to let them support each other. And bedankt! Also only a third has been done yet - actually less since B and especially A will be longer - so it's just a very little part of their conversation so far. I try to do the rest till upcoming weekend at latest.
  4. After resizing to 100x100, taken! Thank you very much! Now I just need sad Kloe. Only happy supports would be boring.
  5. It's alright, don't worry! Thanks for your help nontheless! I picked a generic sprite for all lines then. I could looked up for some conversations on Youtube and screencap them, but unfortunately I have not really the time for it right now.
  6. @twilitfalchion Ashe Durand (Fire Emblem Three Houses) x Kloe Rinz (Trails in the Sky series) C I wanted to add some varied sprites regarding their current mood to the content, but as for Kloe I can't find them. So I had to choose a generic sprite. I removed the "spoilery" part in C, but I am not even sure, if I'll add it in B or A support since I technically blocked the content for these levels already. I might add it to A, but then this conversation will become extremely long. I have to make my thoughts for the exact content.
  7. ... It seems I was too slow. Anyways please put such kind of feedbacks in a spoiler! The early reveal had a reason for the B support, but I'll rewrite it completly. I'll cut the spoilery part of C then.
  8. My department is mine today. I am all alone. I take this opportunity to start with the Ashe x Kloe support. I still consider it as "work" since I will increase by English skills and extend my literal creativity by that. Edit: A support is done and I already have the idea for B, but Idk about A yet. Some shitty small talk seems to be boring.
  9. Aweakening gets real. The backside: more chances on Micky At least Grangel will be the GHB as expected who's definitely one of the few more memorable and enjoyable characters in FE13 despite being a worse Ashnard clone.
  10. Wow, I have overslept. Can't think of when it ever happened to me... Couldn't even start homeoffice at exact 6 AM. At least it shows I still can sleep whilst daylight. Though it shouldn't happen again...
  11. I'm playing the story of mode of Smash Bros Ultimate World of Light, and I have to say I dislike it a lot. Most of these fights aside of the ones against the captured characters are handicup fights, and they are obnoxious in the majority. Fighting with reverved controls, mirrored screen and challenging a debuffed character against a buffed opponent who might even start with an item is a challenge I don't want and need. I don't mind playing with items, but this goes too far. These battles just have artificial difficulty, so unfair - depending on the conditions - that I can beat them at lowest difficulty. It's really REALLY not fun.
  12. Leif is a 3* spirit, nice! Thracia wasn't treated as dirty as I was afraid of.
  13. External influences make the fights hard like:: enemy is buffed / player is debuffed enemy starts with powerful items (healer trophies at worst) gameplay obstacles like reversed controls and mirrored screen Multiple points can even be combined. The easiest fights are the ones against the captured characters because they've been all classic so far.
  14. World of Light is one of the most unfair challenges I've played yet. Handicup battles which just exist to piss the player off, nothing else! At least it's the first game I actually like Bowser because he can speed up things a lot. Each Frisian was hit slightly. It's mainly the German-Dutch border which was spared. > No rain at all today.
  15. Why I do have to live in that 1% covered green area!? It doesn't have to be a supercell, a bit more action in the sky and some rain would be nice.
  16. Pretty much each region of my country got thunderstorm, but mine. 😞 Not only that I need rain, but I also would like to catch some lightning barrages. Seriously I can't think of when the last severe thunderstorm happened. The desertification becomes more and more real.
  17. The support was not only cute, but also made me clear that Edelgard suffers from the same fate as Lysithea. Originally I thought Edelgard's hair was hydrogen blond since for me her hair looked more yellow touched than Lysithea's.
  18. I skipped legendary banner despite colourless was really tempting. Got a +spd Larcei for four orbs which equals out my pain in last month's LB. I used the orbs for the Tellius brides instead. For 220 I got nine 5* units which is insanely good although seven were pitybrakers (among two Lewyns in a row). Though these pitybrakers were mainly great (Bernadetta, Eleanora, F!Byleth and mentioned Lewyn (all +atk)). I did not get Micky, but at least Nailah and some other new / improved stuff.
  19. Lyn x Florina is glasscanon, so of course it does suit.
  20. Female bow user with a younger brother sounds quite refreshing (referring to Fire Emblem lords).
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