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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Nice, my two favorite characters are at bottom. Ingrid x Sylvain is the most adorable pairing.
  2. Jeez, I woke up from a nightmare including Reisalin. I do not want to get into details. But it won't stop me from playing it further. I would like to make a tierlist about all Atelier protagonists in terms of appearance, but Ryza has not been added yet.
  3. Alright, I will make a list later today and add all reviews in my OP. This would save this thread from tons of posts.
  4. I will give my personal opinion about all units of part 1 with my ranking. After I have ranked them all, I put them together in a list. Since writing text walls requires some time, I will give a review for three characters per post. Note: This applies to hard mode. Micaiah Edward Leonardo Nolan Laura Sothe Ilyana Aran Meg Volug Jill Zihark Tauroneo Fiona Tormod Muarim Vika Nailah Rafiel Black Knight Ranking list Edit: In progress
  5. I love Ryza. I mean not only the character, but also the game. Collecting stuff and synthesizing is so much fun. Also the battle system is very fun......just needed some time to get used to it. For some reasons this gives me CSIII vibes. Sounds really like a Falcom theme.
  6. As soon as possible. Asbel should always promote first because he's the most essential unit in a casual run for being the bosskiller. Karin also would benefit because of movement gain to work better against ballistae.
  7. The overreaction against Corona Virus goes on my fricking nerves. Like each larger exhibition is cancelled. Cancelling sport events is following. I would not be surprised, if this year's Japan and Dokomi Festival (both taking place in May) will be cancelled. Yesterday boss gave us instructions for the case the university will be closed and we have to do home office. I have nothing to say here aside I would consider it as vacation days. Just saying the chance of dying of a with Corona infected Person is 0.4%, means each 250th person dies.
  8. Since this has potential but it was wasted in the OP, I will make a similar thread but with reasons and referring to a difficulty later.
  9. Torgioth's core crystal became less exciting than I hoped for. Still have to buy the DLC pack for Ryza. I do not know, if KT will come up with a similar sale for e-shop as it's going on for Steam right now, so I wait for now!
  10. That's why to give the angelic robe of 1-4 to her. She has 13 defense without transfer boosts which is more than Nolan and Aran usually have when she joins. Her base strength is the issue, but a forged axe and the energy drop can fix it. She has mobility, great speed and decent strength and defense to become great especially in part 3. Transfer boost Jill is the most valuable unit in FE10 in all difficulties. My tier list (hard mode)
  11. It's funny that two characters of Ryza have names of places I live nearby. Empel is the funniest name I have read for a while.
  12. Why not adding prime aside of that? It does not cost much and you have other extras than receiving things earlier.
  13. I had the same issue. I had to make some investments via gift cards till Amazon accepted direct debit.
  14. If you want to save 0,60 € and get the game tomorrow
  15. I would like to discuss, but OP doesn't give me any fodder to do this. Not even the difficulty is mentioned because some characters like Sothe and Volug become a lot more relevant on hard mode.
  16. 130 orbs and all tickets for Annette, Zelgius, Laevatein and 4* Ferdinand. Not great honestly, especially since all of them have poor IVs. And I only pulled Annette because I got neither red nor colourless. When it came to reds, this banner didn't give them to me. Seriously it has been the banner with the lowest amount of red orbs ever. Poor poor Lysithea...
  17. Though KT joined the Big in Japan sale and a few Atelier (Sophie and Dusk and Arland triology were offered in Christmas sale in PS Store) That's how I got Sophie. They are on sale as a whole, but it's not offered directly. If you click on one game of the series, the others are shown as a set: Arland triology costs 54 € and Dusk triology costs 76 €.
  18. Atelier games on sale on Steam Atelier originally came out for Sony consoles (PS2 and PS3), so no Nintendo consoles unfortunately. Atelier games have not the highest technical requirements, but I can't give an exact answer to a very old computer. Just click on the link on top of my post and check the requirements.
  19. Seriously the sale is lame overall, at least regarding Atelier games. I will wait for Easter sale for hopefully seeing the Dusk trilogy on sale. It's on sale on Steam too, but I do not consider 75 € as a great deal overall. I really regret to give away my 20 € copy for PS3 regardless their version is inferior to the DX version.
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