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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. Purchasing, downloading, installing and patching this took me like three days and tons of support. My learned lesson: Just play games on consoles. Get well soon, @DragonFlames 2020 seems to be a year of plagues for most people year.
  2. Pulled a +spd Lysithea!!! Most wanted unit of this year with best possible nature! It took me almost 400 orbs, but it was it worth. Besides I pulled five Annettes who has funnily the highest attack of all my units without having a seal equipped, even more than +10 and double life and death Raven.
  3. I don't know exactly how... ... but I DID IT!!!
  4. Skyward Sword was my first Zelda game (just because I found it for a low price when it was released). ... It was definitely not the best way to get introduced into this series. The controls with the Wii mote were an absolute mess. It was not possible to swing the sword properly. For some reason it did not feature the classic controller. The only Zelda game I finished, was A Link Between Worlds which was fine.
  5. I need motivation to continue with Ocarina of Time. To be fair Zelda games were never my cup of tea. I'm not really good in 3D action adventures, though I like the puzzles.
  6. In my town people can't be tested on the virus anymore because the demand is too high. It's said my hometown has two cases, but the dark figure is much higher because of that. Some workmates are set in quarantine because they have contact persons who might have been infected. They have to wait multiple days because it takes that long to get. It shows how badly prepared the health system was against Corona. I hope they learned a lesson from this. To be fair it has been the first pandemy with a giant that extent in my lifetime so far. H5N1 and SARS were nothing against it.
  7. It will be a business trip by my employee. It's an exchange of people by a partner university there. I'll explain the structure of the university I'm working for and describe my work. In return they'll do the same us to take notes for improvement. It will be the first time I'm entering the African mainland and also my longest journey after more than 20 years (New York). The goal is to learn the culture and mainly the nature. I'm a bit scared about the climate conditions, but it's the one time chance to see animals wild I could only in zoos. Ghana is very well developed country in Africa in terms of economic and education overall. If you're talking about the first turn, the rout everyone! Kill the two swordmasters on the ground, the sniper on the upper platform and Muarim finishes off the weaken spear halberdier. It will give Tormod the air to survive.
  8. About which swordmasters are you exactly worried about? For the ones at bottom - as I said - block the ledge with one - and send Ike or Nailah the spot in front of the ledge to tank them. BTW I think I never ever used nosferatu in this game. In general I steal Oliver's silence staff - despite it's useless in this game - and kill him after that for the boss experience. Oliver is absolutely pointless.
  9. I am not gonna lie, for a casual run it's easier not to bring anyone. Ike and Nailah can solo (though restore staff user is recommended). The paladins and valkyrie Mist are total waste. Recommend to use Mist's promotion item not before this chapter.
  10. Block the ledge with two people who can survive a crossbow and send Ike and Nailah to the halberdier and sniper reinforcements / bottom platform.
  11. I see, I see. Sorry, the trip was cancelled, wherever it would have been. Being stuck at home is poor, especially since the weather is good right now. I will go to Ghana, but I think Corona should be settled at the end of the year, so it should work out. I am kinda glad that I haven't booked US yet. Originally I planned for April, lol. Well, since travel warning was given out worldwide, there would have not been any costs for cancelling. Might do it next year after Ghana. Anyways faced the first boss in Ryza. To be honest Lulua's boss theme was much better. Though I think Ryza looks a bit more serious regarding atmosphere and story, tends to be darker, although I have not played too much of Lulua yet.
  12. Fae is bonus unit against my expectations. My 4* +10 Fae is good to go.
  13. ... I wished I could play 20 h within a week... Well, I could play FE10 more than ten hours on a day in my best times, but today I don't have the endurance and freetime anymore. Even on weekends I can't play for five hours on a day, much less on a weekend. This explains my superlong backlog list. The Dark side of having work. Nah, better than the other way around.
  14. I try to patch Zero once I am done with Homeoffice. I hope it will not become as time intensive as purchasing the game.
  15. I hope regular Fae will become a bonus unit for TT because otherwise I would have none. Though I expect Fir, Batre and Est to be one. Maybe I will pull a Narcian for free. Otherwise the typical seasonal banner aka skip.
  16. They are not anymore. Maybe for Easter Sale it could happen again.
  17. Thanks for taking my fears! I am mainly worried because I have pre existing illness (Asthma). When I should get hit by the virus, it could hit hard, like really hard. I have been sick on more days in this year yet than in the past two years together. Working home prevents contacts, but then I still have to go shopping. And on wednesday I have to use public transport again.
  18. Ryza has been on sale for 40 $ recently for PS4 and PC just recently. That's when I bought it. I will mention once happens again.
  19. At the time I posted this, I kinda underrated the situation because I never experienced a pandemy in these dimensions yet. Of course these preventive measures are completly right. Seriously I am already scared to take busses and trains. I had to use them yesterday, and I have a really bad feeling about this. Still feeling ok, but the time of incubation takes 14 days.
  20. ... This is way..... too selfless of her. Jokes aside I am scared, but it would only suit if the first positive news of 2020 would be the sars-cov-4 test.
  21. Just have come from my little journey........with public transport. If I should not be here the next days, you know why.
  22. No, the brawler in this game is Jude Mathis. This is good avertisement to play this game. When I saw Mythra the first time I instantly called her Milla 2.0. Not only that she looks like her, she also has similar traits. As for a brawler protagonist, Tales of Graces kinda counts too because
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