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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. best mage I've ever seen Why is the statspread of the enemies so idiotic? I know they have a huge gap, but seeing an enemy who has leveled a stat in sixteen levels he should favor is absolutely silly. Also Mareeta ORKO'ed chapter 21's boss who is a baron with 56 HP and capped defense.
  2. Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Party are rather fillers when I am burnt out by my JRPGs. Is Super Mario Odyssey recommendable for someone who only played SMB3, SMW and SM64 as Mario platformers? It is on sale right now, and I have heard good things about, so I'm not unimterested in this despite Rosalina is not in this game.
  3. Damn, this Aurora Rosalina is so adorable. Wished it had been added to regular Mario Kart since I do not like this gacha. I am wondering why this game does not have DLCs anyways. But then again it would have been offered only as a Pass, and I would not have paid about 50% of the full game's price just for a costume. Please make a figure or doll of it, please!
  4. I do not know either..... but honestly I do not want to know. It sounds creepy. For everyone who is going to celebrate Carnival, it will become a wet and windy matter... Worst possible weather right now for this....... BUT best possible weather to lie in the bed and continue my games.
  5. It's like Trails then. Levels had less priority than Master quartz and orbment. I do not know why I said edgy, meant tsun, lol. Tries to hide his emotions and weaknesses, but cannot, and this makes him upset.
  6. Synthesizing is super fun. I could do it all the time. BTW I find the experience gain ridiculous. 2-3 regular enemies give a level up. Even overleveled units gain a ton of experience. I am just in chapter 2, and my team already got more than ten levels.
  7. I found Jusis a brat in the beginning, but seriously he was way more tolerable than tsun Machias. Overall I like Jusis. His conversations with Millium are amusing.
  8. I remember Blue Destination is played in CSIII. Not many tracks from the prequels made it in - technically almost none - the more I am happy my favorite theme of Erebonia made it in. Anyways Lulua tends to be more a collecting game. Grabbable stuff literally EVERYWHERE! Anyways started with chapter 2. Game is really enjoyable despite the game does not quite tell me where to go next. At least I can see it on the world map.
  9. Does anyone know - for chapter 19 - which selected unit's slot in the battle preparation matches with which starting position? I would like to set it up that cavaliers, especially Olwen and Nanna, start next to the enemies whilst every other foot unit who's not Sleuf shall start next to the castle (exit). Otherwise I would waste too many resources in form of warp, rescue staves etc...
  10. I really have not played enough to be able giving a qualitative sufficient answer, but I share what I have figured our on my own. First of all each game of the series features a female protagonist who's an alchemist. Alchemy is a major part of the game. You have to synthesize drinks which give status boosts or inflict status ailemts or other things have to be made constantly by gathering items or fulfilling quests. Synthesizing has a level system. The more synthesizes, the better the drinks will become. The atmosphere of this series is very bright. The design and the personality of the protagonists is really natural. I consider to describe them as "cute" without being sexualized in any regard. Ryza is the only exception from what I know and have seen. It can understand if people might consider the atmosphere and Backround as too happy, but I do not mind. I expect it will change during the game because there cannot be a character in a JRPG without character development. Gameplaywise it is a standard round based static JRPG, so not comparable to Xenoblade. The outstanding things of this series are the character design and the Alchemy mechanic. It also features a day and night shedule system, but I cannot explain it accurately enough yet. Some Atelier games are connected and also exist as a set like the Artland triology. I guess @DragonFlames can give a much better answer than I have done. Btw some Atelier parts are on sale in the PS Store worldwide right now.
  11. Some Atelier games are on sale on PS4 store because of this Not as much as I wished in case of Ryza (45 €), so I guess to wait for a sale on e-shop. I know it will happen sooner or later.
  12. Yes, this one. Then I was very far away of solving this riddle. Just look at her face.
  13. Lulua looks fun. This character seems to be more emotional than Sophie from what I've seen yet. Though I do not get these ancient quests. Already got stuck in the first one with that Artland guy. Pretty much each picture of her is likable.
  14. I think to like Lulua a bit more, but I just have played both for an hour yet.
  15. But how to encounter them? If even the Verfassungsschutz cannot anything, who or what else? Germany needs a stable government, but the big parties tear to pieces each other. If this doesn't stop soon, it will become only worse. I think the situation has become better in Netherlands (remember Wildeers got a massive defeat in the last election) and Austria the past years, but we are so far away to getting rid of right extreme parties, it's disgraceful!
  16. I would have my little issues to call as AFD a nazi party as a whole since it was suppossed to be a protest party, but people like Gauland or especially Hoecke with their polemic and "outside activites" drag this party in a right-extreme spotlight, so I can't really deny that either. They made the party what it is right now. The most worrisome is that the AFD is most (right) extreme and also the most succesful in the economically "weakest" states aka the states which belonged to the DDR. I am certain this party will only vanish - besides being forbidden by the Verfassungsschutz (if ever) - if this party takes the government in a state (which will never ever happen). Then all protest voters realize what scum these people really are. As long it does not happen, some states will share the same fate as Thueringen has right now: no political majorites for the wished coalitions. Besides of that I grew up less than 1000 m away of one of the worst places in Germany regarding crime and failed multi-culti-society (it is exactly where I had been attacked), so I might sound a bit prejudiced, but whenever I come to this place, I hardly can see Germany in this place, not gonna lie! It's like an own world with their own rules and laws. I never could walk through ever again...... for whatever reasons........ if gang wars or right-extreme terror.
  17. Now we have the same scenario as the US had after the Charlotte and Christchurch massacre. Exploiting it to damn the right parties. It's not that something like this has not happened before (-> NSU). The parties rather shall take their shit together instead of making the AFD for everything responsible! The big parties are responsible on their very own with their failed integration politics in the past years that AFD grew more and more and the big parties are going to die. When I go through so called no-go-areas and get attacked by an east-european as it happened last Sunday, then literally no one has to wonder anymore, why people wish (more) national safety and a better integration of immigrants. PS: I hope no one understands me that I am right or endorse these attacks, but it is undoubtful that something must be done to stabilize the society to take people (including me) the fear of feeling unsafe. This would also lower the right-thoughts of the world's society.
  18. Was not the first person who revived this thread in the new decade.
  19. I like generic names everyone here could have because it feels easier to identify with them. Mia, Rolf or Hilda are simple examples. But also more nostalgic names like Ferdinand, Marianne or Oscar are nice. Travant and Mercedes are names I love because they are named after a vehicle / a company which creates vehicles. Renault fulfills the same criteria, but being a last name im this case.
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