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Everything posted by MisterIceTeaPeach

  1. I ordered a Futuba Sakura figure... again. I hope this time the delivery will not fail...
  2. ^ If he wasn't, you would see a thread of him like everyday. That said I miss him too... He was one of the first people in the forum I noticed.
  3. I have a plan for the execution: My plan is to use the sleep sword on all kinghts with a portrait. The only place which comes in mind to do it, is the area where they are placed in the beginning. Since the sleep sword user will be trapped by having asleep enemies next to them, I think the only reliable way is to use rescue / warp on the sleep sword user, right? I have no one in the team with the required con to rescue the knights once they are green. Even the body ring from this chapter wouldn't be enough. The higest possible con would be 17 (Ralph and Dalsin), but the majority of the knights has >16 con.
  4. Mangs finished an ironman, and this has been by far the hardest one (FE11 in lunatic) of the ones he has done yet. He lost everyone except for Marth and Elise, but completed is completed! It has to be mentioned because it feels like a wonder of the world to me.
  5. ^ Oh, that's a splendid info! Still the execution will be problematic since I need someone with > 18 con for rescuing these knights to unblock the way.
  6. I want to try recruiting him without watching a guide, but I have one important question: Does the game tell me somewhere which civilian has to talk to which armor knight? Having the knowledge would make things a lot easier to the already messy recruitment.
  7. From CYL2 banner I freepulled an Owain, but since he's -spd, he'll be fodder. Second circle gave me a +spd Veronica, which is exactly the result I was looking for! Upcoming tickets will go for red to get maybe a Celica again, either for being used, or passing deathblow 4 and galeforce to someone else.
  8. It sounds like that maniac mode is more enemy phase focussed, since (dodge)tanking is more important. From the description I would not consider it as entirely hard, but just slows down the (already) slow gameplay. I don't know what to think about it. My definition would be a challenging but not entirely lenghtened run. My main issues with FE9's hard mode are, that promoted enemies share the same fate with FE8's by having lower stats than first tier enemies, and that most bosses are stationary. Seeing a movable Schaeffer and Norris would make things more interesting for being an actual threat. From what I read, the game is not entirely harder (tbf difficulty spike between normal and hard in FE10 is only marginal and only really affects a few characters like Edward), but it slows down things by having way more enemies and so longer enemy phases. FE10, whilst not really hard outside of the DB chapters, has a really good hard mode overall regarding enemies stats (letting gameplay aspects like no visible movement range aside). Since the amount of enemies is unchanged compared to normal mode and it has skippable battle animations, the game never really felt boring to me.
  9. I definitely will check anything related to my bronchia because they are very sensible (due to asthma and cigarette smoke and mold allergy). Since I have an actual life now, I have more reasons than ever to keep it safe and sound. Also wanted to do a cancer check-up, but it's not offered for men below 40. :< Even for being "only" a passive smoker, I have made my thoughts about this.
  10. I do not think these symptomes are in direct connection. Currently I'm suffering on a heavy cold, I guess. I think it's slightly better now since it becomes more and more wet. The appointment in March will be a stomach reflection since I have the feeling that too much gastric acid is produced that cause excessive gulps. It has been full moon, so maybe it could be a cause? Anyways current weather can easily causes them. The wind noise already goes on my nerves. I will not be able to sleep upoming night. The moment when you think at first you did everything right... ... but you're still forced to redo this chapter.
  11. Duke's Bing Bang can be canceled by an arte of Repede. As for this fight the sirup bottles have an actual sense because no one else spams as much with status ailments as him. Weakness is the ailment which halves all the starts including HP. In general the fellarm form might be the hardest regular final boss in the series, but it also was the most enjoyable one for me. The interesting thing is that the fight became easier (in harder difficulties) in the Definitive version since he uses Brave Vesperia always as his first mystic arte. He might not even be able to absorb all possible HP. On easy the fight is harder because it is very difficult to beat him without letting him use one single mystic arte which would be Brave Vesperia then.
  12. Yesterday and past night I have felt like I would have choked due to my cough. I was close to call the emergency doctor. I cannot think of ever having such horrible coughing. It is a bit better now since I even could sleep for a few hours against my expectations, but overall this week has been goddamn awful. I do not know if I will be able to get back to work tomorrow. The worse is that a big storm is coming today which will ruin upcoming night for me due to its noise.
  13. I can give you mine, you just have to bore holes in their feet to stick them into the stand.
  14. I made an..... interesting discovery in FE5: Karin took a crit by a jormungand in chapter 17a. I checked out the possibility because seeing Karin taking a crit seems quite odd due to her high luck. Checked out Karin's luck: 18 Checked out the critrate of all the mages: 18 at best ...... How on earth could they crit her!?
  15. That Celica I pulled yesterday is superfun to use. Gave her the brazen attack / speed refine and seal, and with that she even doubles the fastest people like Lethe. For now she has life and death 3 and desperation 3, but I would to give special spiral to her once I have pulled a Lewyn again. I gave Silque's C skill to her to give Alm a speed boost.
  16. GhastStation (that was his name when I was introduced) made puppies popular in Fire Emblem. Bloodlines was a very fun hack. To be honest I know him more on YouTube than on SerenesForest (aside of his hack), but anyways, I wish you best luck for the future!
  17. As far as I know the translation has been completed just a few months ago. I have no real issue with using a spreadsheet. Since I use two different devices (Pc and PSP), I do not have to use two windows. The only other way than using a spreadsheet, would be watching a LP what would have spoiled me. For Vesperia I used a spreadsheet too, and it worked. BTW when I heared the name Noel and saw her for the first time, I thought it would be a guy since she did not look female due to her hat, and Noel is a male name.
  18. No translation patch, it's a spreadsheet I'm using. Still I think the translation has been finished recently iirc. Still Crossbell games will be re-released on PS4 which I will get naturally.
  19. Is playing Class VII's third adventure atm.
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